Hi. I'm increasingly concerned with the coronavirus and with staying hygienic. Can you provide more information about hygiene in Val and maybe have a hand-washing station before meals?

Thank you


Thank you for your question.  Amherst College has a Strategic Emergency Preparedness taks force working on all of the related issues that concern the Coronavirus.  Amherst College Dining is prepared to scale the our dining servcies as is neccessry to protect our community.  Additionally we already use a santizer that is effective against viruses on all surfaces.  This part is routine.  Our plates, bowls, etc are sanitized to protect students against cross contamination.  There will be more commuication coming out from the College to explain the measures we are taking to protect Students and the Amherst College Community.  

We strongly encourage frequent handwashing.  Restrooms are located in the Valentine Lobby and on the lower level of Valentine.


Joe Flueckiger

Direcetor of Dining Servcies