Audio and Video of Family Weekend 2014

Dear Parents: How Amherst's Diversity Affects You

Five seniors will speak from personal experience about the relationship between parents and diversity at Amherst, how diversity influences students' relationships with parents, and lastly, what they wish their parents had known earlier about college and the experience of being an underrepresented Amherst parent.

Attachment Size
Dear Parent Panel.MP3 36.35 MB

Conversation with President Biddy Martin

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President Martin will be introduced by Oluwatomi Williams '16, president of the Association of Amherst Students.

Changes in the American Health Care System

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Dr. Paul Rothman P'15
Dean and CEO of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

October 24, 2014

Dr. Paul Rothman P'15, dean and CEO of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, will discuss the current state of our nation's health care and the changes  in the health care industry with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  He will project how these changes may affect the both the delivery of care in the future and the careers of future health care providers. Finally, he will describe the training of physicians and how changes in health care may affect this training and careers.

NASA's Balloon Program: Cost-Effective Observations from the Edge of Space

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NASA's High-Altitude Balloon Program provides game-changing access to near space. Balloons as large as a cubic football field can carry heavy payloads to altitudes of 125,000 feet, above 99.5 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, for less than 5 percent of the cost of a traditional orbiting spacecraft. One recent balloon mission was BRRISON (Balloon Rapid Response for Comet ISON), a $12 million mission to study the composition of the sungrazing comet ISON. Dr. Eliot Young '84 P'17 was the principal investigator of the ultraviolet and visible instruments on the BRRISON payload. He will talk about what went right and what went wrong with the BRRISON mission, and share new results from the September 2014 BOPPS flight (Balloon Observation Platform for Planetary Science, a successor to BRRISON).