The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL) helps students to live their faith, explore spiritual practices, and make meaning within themselves and the world. We strive to meet each student where they are—whether continuing within a religious or humanist tradition, seeking among them, or exploring outside of them. We work to support personal wholeness, interfaith understanding, and collective wellbeing.

The Mission of Amherst College includes preparing students to go on from the College to "lead principled lives of consequence." RSL understands such a life to comprise a balance of many factors. We must clarify and work to enact our values, and we also need time for rest and joy. We cherish the wisdom and purpose of the individual, and we also embrace the benefits of decentering our smaller selves to feel and be a part of something larger. We celebrate the learning mind, and seek to equally foster the empathic heart.

 RSL Priorities

  1. RSL serves and supports the religious, spiritual, and value-based lives of the Amherst community.
  2. RSL works to cultivate understanding and appreciation across diversities of belief and identity, and mobilizes these connections toward bettering our world.
  3. RSL achieves its aims by being visible, relevant, and integrated into the Amherst community.

For detailed programming info, please refer to our RSL calendar.

Useful Links

Drop-in Hours

Rhe Center for Religious and Spiritual Life is located in room 017 of the Keefe Campus Center. Chaplains and student staff work out of that space on a rotating schedule, and would love to chat and connect with you!