This is a past event

Margaret Mills, professor emerita of the Department of Near East Languages and Cultures at The Ohio State University, will speak on "The Best of Stories: Joseph the Prophet from Bible to Qur'an to Sufi Romance," Monday, March 21, at 4:30 p.m. in 101 Chapin Hall. Dr. Mills specializes in the popular culture of the Persian-speaking world. She has also conducted research in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan on a variety of topics, including education and culture. Her book "Rhetorics and Politics in Afghan Traditional Storytelling" won the 1993 Chicago Folklore Prize for best academic work in folklore. She is the author or co-editor of four additional books with two others in preparation, as well as numerous other publications. The lecture is sponsored by the Department of Religion and the Willis D. Wood Fund and is free and open to the public.

Contact Info

Diane L. Dix
(413) 542-2181
Please call the college operator at 413-542-2000 or e-mail if you require contact info