Leave Policy, Fellowships, Research and Professional Support

1. Sabbatic Leaves and Leaves of Absence

Amherst College gives great weight to the continuing scholarly growth of faculty members in support of its mission to expand the realm of knowledge and to maintain the highest standards of instruction in the liberal arts. Research, publication, and creative work are considered important indications of such growth. The college's sabbatic leave program is designed to provide time for research, study, writing, or other creative work contributing to the professional growth and effectiveness of the faculty member as a scholar and teacher. The college recognizes that the continued scholarly growth of our faculty plays a vital part in the educational offerings of the college and the ultimate success of its students.

Faculty with regular appointments will normally be eligible for sabbatic leaves or unpaid leaves of absence after having completed three continuous years (i.e., six continuous semesters) of teaching. After six semesters, a tenured faculty member is eligible for one of the following during the same academic or calendar year: (1) one semester of unpaid leave of absence; or (2) two semesters of unpaid leave; or (3) one semester of leave at 80 percent of a semester's salary in combination or not, as wished, with one semester's unpaid leave of absence. Alternatively, regular faculty are eligible for one year of sabbatic leave at 80 percent of salary or one semester of sabbatic leave at full salary after six years of teaching uninterrupted by a sabbatic leave. They are also eligible if the six years of teaching are interrupted by a leave of absence without pay providing the last three years have been continuous. Amherst College will award Senior Sabbatical Fellowships to tenured members of the faculty upon approval by the provost and dean of the faculty in consultation with the Faculty Executive Committee of a proposal for a program of research, study, writing, or other creative work to advance his or her professional growth and effectiveness as a scholar and teacher. (Guidelines for Senior Sabbatical Fellowships.)  Following reappointment, untenured faculty members are eligible for two semesters of sabbatic leave at 100 percent of salary, upon approval by the provost and dean of the faculty in consultation with the Faculty Executive Committee of a proposal of research, study, writing, or other creative work to advance his or her professional growth and effectiveness as a scholar and teacher. (Guidelines for Tenure-Track Sabbatical Fellowships.) Visiting faculty and faculty on non-tenure track contract appointments will not normally be eligible for sabbatic leaves or unpaid leaves of absence.

By November 1 of the year preceding the academic year during which leave is to be taken, a faculty member should give notice to the provost and dean of the faculty and the department chair of the intention to apply for either a sabbatic leave or a leave of absence. All leave requests require approval of the Board of Trustees. A faculty member is expected to return to the college for at least one year's teaching after a sabbatic leave or leave of absence.

A leave may be delayed, but only those delayed for institutional reasons will allow for subsequent adjustment of the three-year teaching requirement. The provost and dean of the faculty will consider cases of postponement deemed necessary for the maintenance of the department's offering of courses necessary for the major, or for the performance of pressing extra-departmental teaching or other duties, as eligible for such scheduling compensation, provided that the rescheduling fits with the department's longer range schedule of leave rotation, and that it does not entail a replacement appointment.

Sabbatic leaves and one- or two-semester leaves of absence without pay will be counted as years in rank toward promotion. (However, a leave of absence without pay will not be counted toward eligibility for future sabbaticals.)

Leave policy is generally the same for tenure-track as for tenured faculty. However, an untenured faculty member who takes a one or two semester leave (at 100 percent  salary) after three years of teaching will still be eligible for a full year sabbatical (at 80 percent salary) after three more years of continuous teaching and after a positive tenure decision, i.e., in his or her eighth year. Leaves (sabbatic and leaves of absence) taken by untenured faculty in their fourth, fifth, or sixth year will count as service toward tenure. Untenured faculty are eligible for only one sabbatic leave.

During sabbatic leaves, a department may seek a replacement for the teaching of one or more courses on a Five-College borrowing basis, and during a leave of absence without pay of a year or more, a department may request a replacement on a terminal contract, but such replacements will not be automatic.

Extended leaves of absence for not more than three years may be granted at the discretion of the president after consultation with the department concerned and the Faculty Executive Committee. The purpose of granting such extended leaves of absence without pay is to allow for research or public service and also to give faculty the opportunity to explore a new career or change in their professional field while keeping open the possibility of a return to a position at Amherst College. Faculty who return after extended leaves of absence must teach for three continuous years before being eligible for sabbatic leave or additional leave of absence. Extended leaves of absence do not count as years in rank toward promotion.

Changes and cancellations in all leaves require formal approval and may not be possible where the college is already committed to alternative arrangements.

2. Fringe Benefits during Sabbatic Leave and Leaves of Absence without Pay

Providing the faculty member agrees to contribute the share of benefit costs normally met by a faculty member, the college will, during a sabbatic leave, continue payment of all fringe benefits ordinarily payable. If requested to do so, the college will also pay such benefits during a leave of absence without pay of one or two semesters with discretion left to the president, in consultation with the faculty member, to arrange otherwise. During extended leaves without pay, if the temporary employer does not provide fringe benefits similar to the Amherst College program, all, or a portion, of the benefits may, at the discretion of the president, be continued by the college, provided the faculty member agrees to contribute the share of benefits normally met by a faculty member. The faculty member, if he or she rents a college house or apartment, may be required to relinquish it at the beginning of an extended leave. Upon return to Amherst, the faculty member will be eligible to make application for housing under the regular point system. Similarly, office and library space may be reassigned in the case of extended leaves of absence.

For purposes of seniority and housing eligibility, sabbatic leaves or leaves of absence without pay will be counted as years of service.

3. Leaves of Absence

Full-time or part-time members of the faculty are eligible for the following paid leaves of absence. (Medical and parenting leaves may also be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act, ("FMLA") and the Massachusetts Maternity Leave Act ("MMLA"). Paid leaves under this section will run concurrently with leave to which the faculty member may be entitled under the FMLA or MMLA. See V.C.II.)

a. Medical. A full-or part-time member of the faculty with an appointment to the faculty of at least a one-year term will be eligible for up to six months of paid leave to recuperate from illness or recover from short-term disability. Paid leaves for illness or short-term disability generally are occasioned by absences of eight weeks or more; loss of time due to illness for shorter periods is usually worked out without formal leave by the department and the administration. The college will require a physician's letter to support a request for medical leave and may require a physician's certification of fitness to return to work. The terms of the leave will be confirmed in writing by the provost and dean of the faculty's office, as are all other leaves of absence. Insofar as the relevant details are known, a stated intention about returning to work and the timing of the return should be given when a leave is requested.

The college recognizes that extended medical leave can interfere substantially with a faculty member's research, scholarship, and/or administrative responsibilities. To address this concern, the college offers faculty members on medical leave of a least eight weeks but less than a full semester the option of taking a one semester leave from their teaching responsibilities, with full compensation, so that they may use the additional time to accomplish their research, scholarship, and/or administrative goals, assuming they are medically able to do so. A request for a semester teaching leave should be made to the provost and dean of the faculty as early as possible. The provost will consult with the department to arrange appropriate coverage for the faculty member's teaching and/or administrative responsibilities during the semester affected by the leave, and the faculty member will work with the provost to identify the research, scholarship, and/or administrative goals to be accomplished during the leave. If the medical leave begins during an academic semester, then the teaching leave may be taken during that same semester. If the medical leave begins during the periods between semesters, then the teaching leave may be taken during the immediately following semester. This semester teaching leave will not affect calculations for sabbaticals or other leave of absence. Tenure-track faculty members may also choose, at the time this leave is requested, to have the year in which the leave is taken not count toward service for tenure.

To illustrate, if an eligible faculty member is disabled for eight weeks because of pregnancy or childbirth, then the faculty member may request a one semester leave from teaching in accordance with this policy. If the disability begins during a regular academic semester, then the leave is available during that same semester. If the disability begins between semesters, then the leave is available during the following semester. During the semester leave from teaching, the faculty member is expected to perform, as medically permissible, the research, scholarly, and/or administrative duties agreed upon with the provost and dean of faculty. The leave will not affect the faculty member's compensation or eligibility for sabbaticals or other leaves of absence. Tenure-track faculty members may also choose, at the time this leave is requested, to have the year in which the leave is taken not count toward service for tenure.

Long-term disability benefits, as defined by the college's insurance coverage begin for full-time and part-time faculty after six months of disability, as determined by the insurance carrier. If the disability may exceed six months, an application for long-term disability benefits should be made after three months of disability leave. A person receiving long-term disability benefits goes off the college payroll when disability benefits begin; reinstatement to active status depends upon individual circumstances.

b. Parenting. A request for a leave due to birth or adoption should be made to the provost and dean of the faculty as early as possible. The provost will work with the department to arrange appropriate coverage for the faculty member's teaching and/or administrative responsibilities during the semester affected by the leave. Parenting leaves are available only for faculty members who hold a tenure-track appointment, a tenured appointment, or a continuing appointment of at least two years.  Parenting leaves are available only for the child's primary care giver and must be completed within twelve months of birth or arrival of the child for adoption. If both parents are employed at Amherst College, only one is eligible for a parenting leave. Given the natures and purposes of the leaves, a faculty member who takes a paid medical leave for pregnancy or the birth of a child may not also take a paid parenting leave for that same child. The terms of the leave will be confirmed in writing by the provost and dean of the faculty's office, as are all other leaves of absence. A stated intention about returning to work and the timing of the return should be given when a leave is requested.

Several options are available for parenting leave:

  1. The faculty member may elect to continue working according to the terms of his or her appointment and receive his or her regular compensation. In return for this arrangement, it is expected that, under normal circumstances, he or she will return to his or her full-time teaching duties within a reasonable period of time. No special leave is necessary in this case and no adjustments are made to compensation.
  2. The faculty member may elect to teach one less course for the semester of leave and receive his or her full compensation.
  3. The faculty member may elect to take a leave from teaching for a whole semester during or immediately following birth or adoption, in which case the college will pay 72 percent of that semester's salary. The college will pay its share of the fringe benefits, as it does for a leave of absence, provided the faculty member pays his or her share.

Any semester in which a faculty member teaches at least one course will count as regular teaching time for purposes of sabbatical or leaves of absence eligibility. Parenting leaves under option (3) above will not affect calculations of eligibility for sabbatical or leaves of absence. Tenure-track faculty members may also choose, at the time a parenting leave is requested, to have the year in which the leave is taken not count toward service for tenure.

Summary of the Basic Provisions of the Faculty Medical Leave and Parenting Leave Policies

4. Leaves of Absence for Family or Pressing Personal Reasons
A leave of absence granted for extraordinary family or pressing personal reasons, not otherwise provided for in paragraph 3, is at the discretion of the President. Such leaves are usually for one semester and are without pay. Arrangements to cover teaching responsibilities should be discussed with the provost. Benefit coverage during such leaves is similar to that of sabbatical leaves. Leaves for longer periods, if granted, are similar to those for a faculty member exploring a new career or a change in a professional field. To the extent applicable, a leave under this paragraph will run concurrently with leave to which the faculty member may be entitled under the FMLA. (See V.C.II.)

5. Tenure-Track Fellowships
Following reappointment, tenure-track faculty members, provided they have taught for six semesters, are eligible for two semesters of sabbatic leave at 100 percent of salary, upon approval by the provost and dean of the faculty, in consultation with the Tenure and Promotion Committee, of a proposal of research, study, writing, or other creative work to advance the faculty member’s professional growth and as a scholar and teacher.  See tenure-track sabbatical fellowship guidelines.
6. Senior Sabbatical Fellowships for Tenured Faculty
Amherst College  awards Senior Sabbatical Fellowships to tenured members of the faculty upon approval by the provost and dean of the faculty, in consultation with the Faculty Executive Committee, of a proposal for a program of research, study, writing, or other creative work to advance their professional growth and effectiveness as scholars and teachers. The fellowship consists of the sum necessary to raise sabbatical salary support from 80 percent to 100 percent for one semester of leave after six semesters of service or two semesters of leave after twelve semesters of service. See the Guidelines for submission and Previous Senior Sabbatical Fellowship Awards.

7. External Fellowships and Grants
The Amherst College Office of Sponsored Research and Foundation Relations (OSRFR) helps faculty members find external funding to advance their research and teaching. It also pursues foundation and government grants to support college programs and priorities. In both roles, the office works closely with the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty and Research Administration in the Office of the Controller.

8. Institutional Support for Faculty Research
Amherst College Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP). The board of trustees and the administration of Amherst College recognize the importance of encouraging research activities of Amherst College faculty members. A college committee on research awards is responsible for the administration of the award program. Funds for research are available to all full- and part-time members of the faculty, either tenured or tenure-track, not on visiting appointments. Faculty members on sabbatic leave or leaves of absence for research reasons may apply for and receive awards. Members of the research awards committee may not apply for awards during their term of service, but do retain their entitlement to funds previously awarded. Information about FRAP, including guidelines for applying and the online application itself, are posted online.

Annual Allocation for Research and Travel
On July 1 of each academic year, $3,000 is allocated for each faculty member’s travel and research activities. The allowance is for travel to professional meetings or for research purposes. It is administered as flexibly as possible. Submit invoices or receipts directly in Workday for payment or reimbursement. All expenditures must be submitted no later than early in July for the prior year’s allocation, with the exact deadline to be communicated by email from the Office of the Controller each June.  Please note that funds may not carry over from one fiscal year to the next.  Please note that prepaid expenses for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1 annually, will post to the subsequent fiscal year allocation.

Modest Requests for Support
Contact the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty with modest requests for funding for research and travel. For funding for field trips, please complete this form.

Faculty, staff, and students traveling one hundred miles from home or more on a college-sponsored trip have an emergency medical assistance benefit through Five Colleges, Inc. with AIG Travel Assist.  A college-sponsored trip is any trip related to a faculty member’s research, courses, or official college business. Examples include professional/academic conference attendance, research, or official college visits.  The benefit covers the Amherst College employee only; dependents and spouses are not covered, but coverage can be purchased through AIG Travel Assist by the employee. For more information, visit Health and Emergency Medical Assistance. For more information see the Travel Policy.

Student Research Assistants
Support for student research assistants is available through the Gregory S. Call Academic Internships Program. Faculty may also make use of their own research funds to support student assistants. Faculty who are supervising student research assistants should be aware of college employment policies. All students who are to be paid through the college payroll should obtain Student Employment Authorization Forms from the Office of Financial Aid, and rates must conform to college schedules.

Library Support for Research
If faculty members notice gaps in their fields in the library’s collections and want to have books purchased, they should contact the research and instruction librarian for their department.

Research Support Funds Spending Policy
This policy outlines how college research funds can be spent—i.e., which expenses may be charged against faculty research accounts—to ensure that expenses are recorded in an accurate and timely manner and that the college complies with tax regulations under the Internal Revenue Code.  Please note: this policy does not address research expenses that are being supported through external funding, such as grants (as specified by the college and federal guidelines). 

Definition: Amherst College Faculty Research Funds 
The college allocates research funds to individual faculty and to departments to support the Amherst faculty’s research and other scholarly activities.  This funding includes “start-up funds,” Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP) funds, Special Faculty Research funds, the provost's annual allocation for faculty travel and research, and department funds.