Amherst College: Syllabus en Syllabus - Fall 2009 - FYS 15 - Secrets & Lies <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Syllabus - Fall 2009 - FYS 15 - Secrets &amp; Lies </span> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><a title="View user profile." href="/user/8788" class="username">Theresa A. Laizer</a></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2009-06-02T10:27:39-04:00" title="Tuesday, June 2, 2009, at 10:27 AM" class="datetime">Tuesday, 6/2/2009, at 10:27 AM</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item">Please click on the icon above for a PDF copy of the syllabus for FYS 15.</div> <div class="field field--name-upload field--type-file field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"> <span class="file file--mime-application-pdf file--application-pdf"> <a href="/system/files/media/1125/2009%20SYLLABUS%20SECRETS%20and%20LIES.pdf" type="application/pdf">2009 SYLLABUS SECRETS and LIES.pdf</a></span> </div> </div> Tue, 02 Jun 2009 14:27:39 +0000 talaizer 116063 at