First Year Seminar

Fall 2021

FYSE-101 Progress?

Lawrence R. Douglas (Section 01)
Alexander George (Section 02)
Richard P. Hutchins (Section 04)
Nishiten Shah (Section 03)

FYSE-102 Growing Up in America

Elizabeth J. Aries (Section 01)

FYSE-103 Global Cities and Global Slums:  Environment, Racism, and Coloniality

Utku B. Balaban (Section 01)

FYSE-104 New Women in America

Wendy H. Bergoffen (Section 01)

FYSE-105 Ring of Fire: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Devastation

Rachel E. Bernard (Section 01)

FYSE-106 Making Place in Kwenitekw, the Connecticut River Valley

Lisa Brooks (Section 01)

FYSE-107 Secrets and Lies

Austin D. Sarat (Section 01)

FYSE-108 The Crowd

Nusrat S. Chowdhury (Section 01)

FYSE-109 Drugs in History

Francis G. Couvares (Section 01)

FYSE-110 Encounters with Nature

Nicola Courtright (Section 01)

FYSE-111 Investigating Objects

Douglas Culhane (Section 01)

FYSE-112 Beginnings

Catherine V. Infante (Section 02)
Yael R. Rice (Section 03)

FYSE-113 Christianity and Evolution

Andrew C. Dole (Section 01)

FYSE-114 Inequality in the "New World"

Thomas L. Dumm (Section 01)

FYSE-115 Goya and His World

Sura Levine (Section 01)

FYSE-116 The Anatomy of Pictures

Lorne Falk (Section 01)

FYSE-117 Animals and the Law

Jennifer A. Hamilton (Section 01)

FYSE-118 Race and Gender in Biomedicine

Jennifer A. Hamilton (Section 01)

FYSE-119 Transformative Ideas

Thomas L. Dumm (Section 01)

FYSE-120 Looking at the World Through Jazz-Colored Lenses

Darryl Harper (Section 01)

FYSE-121 Asia in the European Mind: Modern European Discourse on History and Identity

Trent E. Maxey (Section 01)

FYSE-122 Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Latin American Arts

FYSE-123 Thinking Body, Dancing Mind

Jenna M. Riegel (Section 01)

FYSE-124 Telling Stories

Molly Mead (Sections 01 and 02)

FYSE-125 Space and Place

FYSE-126 Utopias

Karen R. Koehler (Section 01)

FYSE-127 The Tragic Condition

Richard P. Hutchins (Section 01)