Unless otherwise noted, all physics seminars and colloquia are held on Tuesdays from 4:45 to 6:00, in lecture room 3 of Merrill Science Center. Tea and snacks will be served before seminars at 4:15 in 204 Merrill. If you would like to be mailed seminar announcements, please send an email to Ellen Feld.

Contact colloquium organizer Jonathan Friedman with any questions about colloquia.

Click on "Read More..." to see the full schedule.

Click here for the spring semester schedule

Fall 2014

Sept. 9 - Prof. Gabriel Finkelstein '85 - Department of History, University of Colorado Denver

The Limits of Physics: A View from the Greatest Forgotten Intellectual of the Nineteenth Century

The late nineteenth-century controversy over the limits of knowledge has generally been described as a crisis from which science has never escaped. My research supports the opposite interpretation. The initiator of the controversy, Emil du Bois-Reymond, was a physiologist who worked his whole life against the forces of obscurantism, whether they came from the Catholic and Conservative Right or from the scientistic and millenarian Left. Du Bois-Reymond’s agnosticism toward the ultimate nature of mind and matter must therefore be seen as an endorsement, and not a rejection, of his faith in reason.

Sept. 11 (Thurs.) -  Welcome Back Pizza Party. Student lounge - Merrill 114-116, 4:30PM

Sept. 16 - Prof. Will Williams - Smith College


Sept. 23 - Prof. David Schuster - University of Chicago


Sept. 30 - Prof. Hal Haggard - Bard College


Oct. 7 - Dr. Michael Baker - City College of New York and New York University


Oct. 14 - Fall Break

Oct. 21 - Dr. Michael Foss-Feig '07 - Joint Quantum Institute (NIST/UMD)


Oct. 28 - Dr. Eliot Young '84, P'17 - Southwest Reserach Institute


Nov. 4 - Prof. Marla Geha - Yale University


Nov. 11 - Dr. Joey Neilsen - Institute for Astrophysical Research, Boston University


Nov. 18 - Dr. Zachory Berta-Thompson - MIT Kavli Institute


Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2 - student thesis talks

Dec. 4 (Thurs.) - student thesis talks

Dec. 9 - student thesis talks


Spring 2015

Jan. 27 - Prof. Chris Landee, Clark University


Feb. 3 - Prof. Stephon Alexander, Dartmouth College


Feb. 10 - Prof. Nadya Mason - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Feb. 17 - Prof. Dipankar Maitra - Wheaton College


Feb. 24 - Prof. Catherine C. Espaillat, Boston University


March 3 -

March 10 - Dr. Aiko Voigt - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University


March 17 - Spring Break

March 24 - Prof. Kevin Wright, Dartmouth College


March 31 - Prof. Paul Oxley, College of the Holy Cross

April 7 - Melissa Moulton '09


April 14 - Adam Kaufman '09


April 21 - student thesis talks

April 23 (Thurs.) - student thesis talks

April 28 - student thesis talks

May 5 - no seminar

May 6 - Last Day of Classes