Committees of the Board of Trustees

There are two committees, advisory to the Board of Trustees, on which Faculty Serve.

a. The Advisory Committee to the Committee on Trusteeship. The Board of Trustees has declared its intent to elect as Term Trustees only those who have been considered by an Advisory Committee consisting of two members of the Faculty and two students. At its meeting of October 10, 1972, the Faculty established a procedure to elect its representatives to the Advisory Committee.

Two faculty members are elected for two-year terms. The election procedure follows that of the Committee of Six, requiring that a person to be elected must receive a majority of the votes cast. All regular tenured and tenure-track members of the Faculty except those on leave during the spring semester of the academic year, in which the election takes place and/or those on leave during one or both semesters of the academic year following the election, and those newly appointed during their first year at Amherst, are eligible to serve on the Advisory Committee. Although part-time faculty may choose not to be included on the ballot, Faculty whose terms expire are again eligible in the following year.

b. The Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees. The two faculty members elected to the Advisory Committee to the Committee on Trusteeship serve also as the faculty members on the Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees. This committee, which also includes three students elected by the senior class, meets with the Honorary Degrees Committee of the Board of Trustees to discuss candidates for honorary degrees and to make recommendations to the Board. The Board has indicated that not candidate will be voted an honorary degree whose candidacy has not been discussed with the Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees.