Amherst College: General Information en [] <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span>Carol A. Allman-Morton (inactive)</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2016-12-22T13:57:37-05:00" title="Thursday, December 22, 2016, at 1:57 PM" class="datetime">Thursday, 12/22/2016, at 1:57 PM</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h5>REGISTRATION</h5> <p>There is no registration fee for students or alumni, <a href="">but we appreciate pre-registration to plan for meals and seating</a>.&nbsp;If you prefer not to register online, please call our office at (413) 542-2313.&nbsp;</p> <h5>CHECKING IN</h5> <p>Check in will be in the McCaffrey Room of the Keefe Campus Center beginning at 11 a.m. on Friday, March 24.&nbsp;</p> <h5>GETTING TO AMHERST</h5> <p>Please see the college's&nbsp;<a href=""><strong>Public Transportation</strong></a>&nbsp;page for information about getting to Amherst by air, bus or train (including information about shuttle and limousine services). If traveling by car, see our&nbsp;<a href="" title="Driving Directions"><strong>Driving Directions</strong>.</a></p> <h5>PARKING</h5> <p>You may park in any legal space on campus and do not need a permit.&nbsp;All handicapped parking placards will be honored by the Amherst College Campus Police.</p> <h5>LODGING INFORMATION</h5> <p>General hotel information is available on our&nbsp;<strong><a href="">local lodgings page</a></strong>.</p> <h5>COMPUTER ACCESS WHILE ON CAMPUS</h5> <p>You may use one of the public computers on campus at the following locations (log on with the username&nbsp;<em>acguest</em>).</p> <ul> <li>Frost Library Lobby and A Level</li> <li>Seeley Mudd Computer Center</li> <li>Keefe Campus Center</li> <li>Valentine Hall Lobby</li> <li>Alumni Gym (balcony outside Wolff Fitness Center)</li> </ul> <p>There is wireless network access in the Library, Keefe Campus Center, the Science and Music Libraries, Webster Technology Classroom, Seeley Mudd and almost all academic buildings. Please be aware that due to the nature of wireless signals you may not receive any wireless reception in some areas of certain buildings.<br><br>In order to access both the wireless and Ethernet networks, alumni must first&nbsp;<strong><a href="">register their computers</a>&nbsp;</strong>on the Amherst network. When your device is on the Amherst network, you will need to open a Web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Chrome). You should automatically be taken to the NetReg page. (If you are not automatically sent to the NetReg page, type in the address field of your browser.) Once you arrive at the NetReg page, follow the instructions for Visitors and Guests on the right side of the page.</p> <h5>EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER</h5> <p>If you wish to provide family or friends with an emergency phone number while you are in Amherst, please use (413) 542-2000 (our main switchboard). The campus operator will assist in relaying a message.</p> <hr> <p><strong>Questions about Black Alumni Weekend?</strong>&nbsp;Contact Alumni and Parent Programs at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or 413-542-2313.</p></div> Thu, 22 Dec 2016 18:57:37 +0000 callmanmorton 669863 at