Amherst College: Botched Executions in 20th-Century America en Botched Executions in 20th-Century America <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Botched Executions in 20th-Century America</span> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><a title="View user profile." href="/user/5773" class="username">Willa W. Jarnagin</a></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2012-05-31T13:46:00-04:00" title="Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 1:46 PM" class="datetime">Thursday, 5/31/2012, at 1:46 PM</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h5>Building Faculty-Student Research Collaborations: The Project on the History of Botched Executions in 20th-Century America</h5> <p class="fine-print">Reunion Weekend 2012</p> <p><div class="video-filter video-wowza vf-weekend20122fsaratbotchedexecutionsmp4"><div style="position: relative; display: block;"> <div id="media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0" class="jwplayer-video">Loading the player...</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { var settings = '{"file_mime":"video/mp4","height":"384","width":"640","caption":"","androidhls":"true","autostart":"false","primary":"html5","playlist":[{"sources":[{"file":""},{"file":"rtmps://"}],"image":"https"}],"title":"Amherst Video on Demand","autoplay":false,"controlbar":"bottom","logo":{"hide":true},"abouttext":"Amherst College Multimedia","aboutlink":""}', settings_t; if (settings.indexOf('#token#') !== -1) { $.ajax({ url: '', async: false, success: function (data) { settings_t = settings.replace(/#token#/gi, data); } }); } else { settings_t = settings; } var p_settings = JSON.parse(settings_t); jwplayer.key = "W6dMPFgnQ/VXqz3MObTZhFPjC8oyk8OOm6JEd5/Za8s="; var state = 0; jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').setup(p_settings); jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('error', function () { state = 1; }); jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('idle', function () { if (state === 1) { $('.jwtext').html('Error loading media:<br />Your browser cannot play this file or you do not have permission to view it.'); } }); jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('setupError', function () { var message = $('#media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0 p'); message.html('Error playing video:<br />This video requires Flash to play.'); }); jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('play', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaPlay', position: jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').getPosition() }); }); jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('complete', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaComplete' }); }); /****jwplayer('media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0').on('ready', function () { $('.jwplay button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwplay'); $(this).before('<label for="media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwplay" class="visually_hidden">Play</label>'); }); $('.jwprev button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwprev'); $(this).before('<label for="media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwprev" class="visually_hidden">Previous</label>'); }); $('.jwnext button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwnext'); $(this).before('<label for="media-52663ceec5555f7464e029322fdc0bb0-jwnext" class="visually_hidden">Next</label>'); }); });****/ })(jQuery); </script> </div> </p> <p><span class="drop-cap2">W</span>ith the support of the Mellon Foundation, Amherst is undertaking a three-year experiment to develop new ways to equip students to collaborate with faculty in carrying out research in the humanities and social sciences. The object is to help change the way students think of themselves and their place at the college, moving them from being only receivers of knowledge to being creators of new knowledge. Austin Sarat, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science, will discuss this effort. With student collaborators Heather Richard ’13 and Henry Weaver ’13, he will describe their project, a study of the history of botched executions in 20th-century America. What impact do these gruesome spectacles have on the way Americans think about capital punishment? Do they undermine its legitimacy, or are they merely unforeseeable and regrettable accidents with no larger meaning? Professor Sarat and his student collaborators hope to provide a behind-the-scenes look at an exciting new venture at the college and also a look back at a century of botched executions. <a href="/news/news_releases/2012/05.2012/node/398298">Read more about the project</a>.</p> <p><span class="views-field views-field-body"><br></span></p></div> Thu, 31 May 2012 17:46:00 +0000 wwjarnagin 398643 at