Amherst College: Changing the World en Changing the World at Home and Abroad: Class of 1987 Reformers <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Changing the World at Home and Abroad: Class of 1987 Reformers</span> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><a title="View user profile." href="/user/5773" class="username">Willa W. Jarnagin</a></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2012-05-31T13:15:00-04:00" title="Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 1:15 PM" class="datetime">Thursday, 5/31/2012, at 1:15 PM</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p class="fine-print">Reunion Weekend 2012</p> <p><div class="video-filter video-wowza vf-weekend20122fchangingtheworldmp4"><div style="position: relative; display: block;"> <div id="media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8" class="jwplayer-video">Loading the player...</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { var settings = '{"file_mime":"video/mp4","height":"384","width":"640","caption":"","androidhls":"true","autostart":"false","primary":"html5","playlist":[{"sources":[{"file":""},{"file":"rtmps://"}],"image":"https"}],"title":"Amherst Video on Demand","autoplay":false,"controlbar":"bottom","logo":{"hide":true},"abouttext":"Amherst College Multimedia","aboutlink":""}', settings_t; if (settings.indexOf('#token#') !== -1) { $.ajax({ url: '', async: false, success: function (data) { settings_t = settings.replace(/#token#/gi, data); } }); } else { settings_t = settings; } var p_settings = JSON.parse(settings_t); jwplayer.key = "W6dMPFgnQ/VXqz3MObTZhFPjC8oyk8OOm6JEd5/Za8s="; var state = 0; jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').setup(p_settings); jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('error', function () { state = 1; }); jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('idle', function () { if (state === 1) { $('.jwtext').html('Error loading media:<br />Your browser cannot play this file or you do not have permission to view it.'); } }); jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('setupError', function () { var message = $('#media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8 p'); message.html('Error playing video:<br />This video requires Flash to play.'); }); jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('play', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaPlay', position: jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').getPosition() }); }); jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('complete', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaComplete' }); }); /****jwplayer('media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8').on('ready', function () { $('.jwplay button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwplay'); $(this).before('<label for="media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwplay" class="visually_hidden">Play</label>'); }); $('.jwprev button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwprev'); $(this).before('<label for="media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwprev" class="visually_hidden">Previous</label>'); }); $('.jwnext button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwnext'); $(this).before('<label for="media-dd0516e01bd6576ce3d4b0df3d32d8f8-jwnext" class="visually_hidden">Next</label>'); }); });****/ })(jQuery); </script> </div> </p> <p><span class="drop-cap2">S</span>even Amherst 1987 graduates who are at the forefront of international and domestic reform movements will frame issues they are currently working on, including reducing environmental degradation in Third World countries; addressing economic development and basic needs in African communities; remedying unfair corporate business practices in the U.S. and abroad; providing HIV/AIDS medical, prevention and advocacy services locally and internationally; increasing accessibility of affordable housing in New York and preventing foreclosures; and reducing family instability and substance abuse in poor communities in major U.S. cities. Panelists are Eva Neubauer Alligood ’87, urban planning and community development consultant; James Fahn ’87, executive director of the Earth Journalism Network at Internews; Chris Jochnick ’87, director of the private sector department at Oxfam; Tom Myers ’87, general counsel and chief of public affairs at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation; Wanda Mial ’87, principal at Mialstones Consulting; Jeffrey Wright ’87, actor, vice chairman of Taia Lion Resources and chairman of Taia Peace Foundation; and Josh Zinner ’87, co-director of the Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project. Presented by the Class of 1987.</p></div> Thu, 31 May 2012 17:15:00 +0000 wwjarnagin 398558 at