Amherst College: The Future of the Book (and Print Media) in the Digital Age en The Future of the Book (and Print Media) in the Digital Age <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">The Future of the Book (and Print Media) in the Digital Age</span> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><a title="View user profile." href="/user/5773" class="username">Willa W. Jarnagin</a></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden"><time datetime="2012-05-31T13:51:34-04:00" title="Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 1:51 PM" class="datetime">Thursday, 5/31/2012, at 1:51 PM</time> </span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p class="fine-print">Reunion Weekend 2012</p> <p><div class="video-filter video-wowza vf-weekend20122ffutureofthebookmp4"><div style="position: relative; display: block;"> <div id="media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04" class="jwplayer-video">Loading the player...</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { var settings = '{"file_mime":"video/mp4","height":"384","width":"640","caption":"","androidhls":"true","autostart":"false","primary":"html5","playlist":[{"sources":[{"file":""},{"file":"rtmps://"}],"image":"https"}],"title":"Amherst Video on Demand","autoplay":false,"controlbar":"bottom","logo":{"hide":true},"abouttext":"Amherst College Multimedia","aboutlink":""}', settings_t; if (settings.indexOf('#token#') !== -1) { $.ajax({ url: '', async: false, success: function (data) { settings_t = settings.replace(/#token#/gi, data); } }); } else { settings_t = settings; } var p_settings = JSON.parse(settings_t); jwplayer.key = "W6dMPFgnQ/VXqz3MObTZhFPjC8oyk8OOm6JEd5/Za8s="; var state = 0; jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').setup(p_settings); jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('error', function () { state = 1; }); jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('idle', function () { if (state === 1) { $('.jwtext').html('Error loading media:<br />Your browser cannot play this file or you do not have permission to view it.'); } }); jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('setupError', function () { var message = $('#media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04 p'); message.html('Error playing video:<br />This video requires Flash to play.'); }); jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('play', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaPlay', position: jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').getPosition() }); }); jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('complete', function () { typeof dataLayer !== "undefined" && dataLayer.push({ mediaFile: '', event: 'onMediaComplete' }); }); /****jwplayer('media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04').on('ready', function () { $('.jwplay button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwplay'); $(this).before('<label for="media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwplay" class="visually_hidden">Play</label>'); }); $('.jwprev button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwprev'); $(this).before('<label for="media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwprev" class="visually_hidden">Previous</label>'); }); $('.jwnext button').each(function () { $(this).attr('id', 'media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwnext'); $(this).before('<label for="media-bf1ceda5c62eec49ed875f1b4c243e04-jwnext" class="visually_hidden">Next</label>'); }); });****/ })(jQuery); </script> </div> </p> <p><span class="drop-cap2">K</span>indles, e-books, iPads, Amazon, Slate—they’re all on the menu of an increasingly digital world of publishing. Yet many of us feel anxious that the e-world will fundamentally transform the book as we know it: Would Ulysses be Ulysses, or would Pride and Prejudice have succeeded, if they were first published as e-books on Amazon? Will great new works of literature be lost in a sea of amateur self-published e-books? How can e-sales profits support not only authors but also the all-important editors, designers and illustrators? Will all books and magazines one day be available only digitally? What of the crisp turn of a page, the heft of a book? Come join a discussion about the future with Rafael Campo ’87, poet and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School; Darcy Jacobs ’87, executive editor of Family Circle magazine; Andrew Parker, professor of English at Amherst; and Niko Pfund ’87, president of Oxford University Press USA. Presented by the Class of 1987.</p></div> Thu, 31 May 2012 17:51:34 +0000 wwjarnagin 398647 at