Deceased August 21, 2013

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In Memory

Tom came to Amherst from a high school in Brookline, Mass. He joined Theta Delta Chi and graduated Jan. 31, 1943, with honors in economics. He was an outstanding member of the class of ’43—manager of the football team, president of the Student Council, head waiter of Valentine and assistant to manager Gordon Bridges. He was elected to Sphinx and Scarab and found the time to tend bar at Barselotti’s.

Upon graduation he entered the Marine Corps, became an officer, survived the war in the Pacific and in 1946 was offered a permanent commission in the regular corps.

He turned this down, as he had been accepted at Harvard Law School. He remained active in the Marine Corps reserves, retiring as a lieutenant colonel and commander of the 25th Marine battalion.

He passed the Massachusetts bar exam before he graduated and was okayed by the bar before his graduation in 1946.

He practiced law for 10 years in the Boston area and then moved to Longmeadow, Mass., and had his own firm in Springfield, where he practiced until a couple of years ago. His Amherst experience must have meant a lot to him, as he was a consistent and very generous supporter of the Amherst alumni fund.

Monty Hankin ’43