December 13, 2012

Present were Sarah Barr, Director of Academic Engagement Programs, Center for Community Engagement; Professor Jack Cheney, Associate Dean of the Faculty; Suzanne Coffey, Director of Athletics and Title IX Coordinator; Professor Margaret Hunt (Chair); Marian Matheson, Director of Institutional Research and Planning (of counsel to the committee); Professor Marisa Parham; Dianne Piermattei, Assistant to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees (staff liaison to the committee); Susan Pikor, Chief of Staff, President’s Office, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees; Liya Rechtman ’14; Janet Tobin, Assistant Dean of the Faculty (recorder); and Robert Wasielewski ’14. Attorney Leslie Gomez of the Philadelphia-based firm Ballard Spahr and trustees Andrew Nussbaum ’85 and Paula Rauch ’77 participated by speaker phone. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. and ended at 7:00 p.m.

Topics discussed at the December 12 meeting of the SMOC included patterns of sexual misconduct and assault at Amherst; how these patterns compare with those present within the college and university context overall, and in the wider world; and issues relating to fraternities, women at Amherst, the integration of first-year students into the Amherst College community, race and multiculturalism, student groups and social activities, and social networks at the college.