January 3, 2013

Present were Sarah Barr, Director of Academic Engagement Programs, Center for Community Engagement; Professor Jack Cheney, Associate Dean of the Faculty; Suzanne Coffey, Director of Athletics and Title IX Coordinator; Professor Margaret Hunt (chair); Marian Matheson, Director of Institutional Research and Planning (of counsel to the committee); Dianne Piermattei, Assistant to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees (staff liaison to the committee); Susan Pikor, Chief of Staff, President’s Office, and Secretary of the Board of Trustees; and Janet Tobin, Assistant Dean of the Faculty (recorder). Professor Marisa Parham; attorneys Leslie Gomez and Gina Smith of the Philadelphia-based firm Ballard Spahr; and Trustee Paula Rauch ’77 participated by speaker phone. Absent were Trustee Andrew Nussbaum ’85, Liya Rechtman ’14, and Robert Wasielewski ’14. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. and ended at 7:00 p.m.

The committee discussed the areas of focus that are emerging as its report takes shape and ways of presenting and structuring the material that will be conveyed. It was agreed that the members would review draft content as it is completed, and that they would devote the SMOC’s final meeting to clarifying remaining issues and recommendations and reviewing together the sections of the report that would have been drafted over the course of the week.