
Frost Library employs a video security camera to ensure the physical security of the Library facility, staff, and users. A sign is posted at the library entrance informing the public that a security camera is in use and provides a link to this policy.

The purpose of this policy is to communicate guidelines for the placement and use of video security cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded digital video images at Frost Library. This policy was developed to conform with the protocols of the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD), which has ultimate control over all video security cameras on campus.

Security Camera Locations

Reasonable efforts are made to safeguard the privacy of library users and employees. The video security camera is positioned in the library lobby and will complement other measures to maintain a safe and secure environment in compliance with Library policies. Camera locations shall not be changed or added without permission of the Library Leadership Team.

Cameras will not be installed in areas where staff and public have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms; nor are they positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing or listening activities in the library.

Access to Digital Images

Cameras are not monitored in real time.  Access to the recorded digital video images is generally limited to the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD), with access granted to other college administrators when warranted by an investigation.

Use/Disclosure of Video Records

Video records and still photographs may be used by authorized individuals to identify those responsible for criminal activity on library property, or actions considered disruptive to normal library operations.

Video records and still photographs may be shared with authorized college employees upon approval by the chief of ACPD to identify those suspended from college property, to request law enforcement review for assessing the security risk of a specific individual, for investigating a crime on library property, or to maintain a safe, secure and policy-compliant environment.

Law Enforcement Requesting Access to Security Camera Footage

Library staff and volunteers are required to refer any law enforcement request for security camera footage or still photographs to the chief of ACPD. We do not make security camera footage or still photographs available to any agency, of federal, state, or local government unless a subpoena, warrant, or court order is issued pursuant to law. Before complying with any such requests, legal counsel is consulted to determine the proper response.

Retention of Digital Images

In accordance with ACPD policy, recordings are not retained for more than 30 days unless required to be preserved as evidence as part of an ongoing investigation or litigation.

Notification and Questions

This policy shall be posted on the library’s website.  Questions about the policy should be referred to the library director.

If you have feedback on this policy, please fill out this form and include the policy name in your comments.