Bookmarks by the Student Advisory Committee,
Friends of the Amherst College Library

Since 1995, one of the special projects undertaken by the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Friends of the Amherst College Library has been to create a series of attractive bookmarks intended as a keepsake to enhance the general awareness of the Friends and the role the SAC plays for the Library. These keepsakes bring books and readers together: each bookmark presents a book recommendation by an Amherst professor, staff member or student.

The bookmark project begins each fall with nominations and individual canvassing to get ideas for that year's book recommendations. SAC members collaborate to choose books they will feature and then individual students prepare a bookmark design for one or two of the selected books. The bookmarks, which are produced by the Harcourt Bindery through the good offices of Sam Ellenport '65, Chairman of the Friends of the Library, are introduced and distributed at the annual spring meeting of the Council of the Friends in April.

The present exhibition features the 44 bookmarks created between 1995 and 2002 and offers 44 inviting book recommendations that we hope will inspire a trip to the library stacks.

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Hadley Arkes Political Science 1996 Howard Odd Girl Out
David Armacost Mathematics & Computer Science 2002 Boethius Consolation of Philosophy
Dan Barbezat Economics 2000 Quammen Song of the Dodo
Antonio Benítez-Rojo Spanish 1995 Marquez 100 Years of Solitude
Roger Berkowitz LJST 2002 Delany Tales of Nevèrÿon
Anston Bosman English 2001 Carroll Alice in Wonderland
Dave Cetto Dining Services 1996 Bellow Humboldt's Gift
Mallorie Chernin Choral Director 1998 Landon Mozart's Last Year
Howell Chickering English 2000 Frost North of Boston
Carol Clark Fine Arts 1998 Benfey Degas in New Orleans
Nicola Courtright Fine Arts 2001 Nabokov Ada or Ardor
Lawrence Douglas LJST 1999 Friedman A Mother's Kisses
Jeffrey Ferguson Black Studies 2002 Adler How to Read a Book
Hermenia Gardner Affirmative Action Office 1995 Angelou Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now
Tom Gerety President 1995 Doyle Paddy Clarke, ha-ha-ha
Deborah Gewertz Anthropology 1996 Süskind Perfume: the Story of a Murderer
Heidi Gilpin German 2001 van Swaaj
& Klare
The Atlas of Experience
Mitzi Goheen Anthropology 2000 Banks Cloudsplitter
Richard Goldsby Biology 1998 Updike Toward the End of Time
Rick Griffiths Classics/WAGS 1996 Barker Regeneration
Janet Gyatso Religion 2000 Thomas The Hidden Life of Dogs
David Hansen Chemistry 1999 Murdoch The Sea, the Sea
Alec Irwin Religion 2000 Foucault History of Sexuality, Volume 1
Kannan Jagannathan Physics 1995 Ehrenreich The Snarling Citizen
Stephen Jungbluth Swim Coach 1995 Junger The Perfect Storm
Michael Kasper Library 1996 Kolar Newsreel 1968
Gordon Levin American Studies 2001 Oz In the Land of Israel
Pavel Machala Political Science 2000 Kundera The Joke
Lanfranco Marcelletti Music 1998 Rilke Letters to a Young Poet
Don Martin Physics 1996 Rich Skunk Works
Cathy McGeoch Computer Science 1998 Ulrich The Midwife's Tale
Cathy Miller Curricular Computing 1998 Ullman Close to the Machine
E. J. Mills Athletics (Football Coach) 1999 Lee To Kill a Mockingbird
Jean Moss Assoc. Dean of Students 1995 Madison Woman That I Am
Adam Nagorski Class of 2002 2002 Heller Catch-22
Walter Nicholson Economics 2001 Rybczynski A Clearing in the Distance
Pat O'Hara Biology 1996 Levi-Montalcini In Praise of Imperfection
Stanley Rabinowitz Russian 1999 Pavel How I Came to Know Fish
Lisa Raskin Dean of Faculty 1996 Ishigura An Artist of the Floating World
Ron Rosbottom French & European Studies 2001 Stendhal The Red and the Black
Steve Ruckman Class of 2001 2001 Denby Great Books
Nancy Ruggles Post Office 1996 Salinger Catcher in the Rye
Austin Sarat LJST 1996 Nussbaum Poetic Justice
Catherine Sanderson Psychology 2000 Bohjalian Midwives
Tito Grandonico Dining Services 1995 Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front