
Due to the fragility of many items in the Emily Dickinson Collection, researchers are required to use the digital surrogates that are publicly available online. The majority of the collection is available through Amherst College Digital Collections and additional description is available through the collection finding aid.

Archives and Special Collections maintains a small display of Dickinson material to coincide with the Dickinson Museum operating season (March-December).

A request for permission to consult original manuscripts or letters in person must meet the criteria that follows and must be submitted through the Google Form linked below. Requests will be reviewed by the Head of Archives and Special Collections. Any approved researchers must make an appointment well in advance of their visit. Contact archives@amherst.edu for more information.

Application Process

When applying for permission to work with original material in the Emily Dickinson Collection, please include the following information. Applications that do not address the following points will not be considered.

  • Describe the entire scope of the project and how working with the physical material fits into the process.
  • How does the digitized collection not meet research needs?
  • How does the physical material inform the research process?
  • Please indicate the specific items needed for research (please use box and folder information from the finding aid, not only Johnson/Franklin/Amherst numbers).
  • Preferred dates for a research appointment.

Applications should be sent via this Google form.

Class Visits

Archives & Special Collections staff members may be able to show Dickinson material to classes and other groups as schedules allow. Please contact Archives & Special Collections (archives@amherst.edu) as early as possible to schedule a visit.