Index to the Amherst Graduates' Quarterly

Volumes 1-38, 1911-1948
This index was compiled annually by Clarence E. Sherman, Robert S. Fletcher, Mark Kiley, E. K. Morsman, and Helen E. Kempkis.
(Index entries are followed by: volume number (in roman numerals), page number)

Please note: This index was compiled by multiple people at various times and later converted to digital format using text recognition software, please assume typographical and conversion errors.

(19) ‘02 Table, The.  (P. Stryker.)  XXIII, 111.

Abbott, Donald B.  XXXVIII, 49.

Abbott, Jacob.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 214.

Abbott, Lawrence F.  Direction and Impetus. XXI, 31.
      XX, 275.
      A Commencement Reminiscence. XVI, 10.
      James Furman Kemp, with portrait. XVI, 187.

Academic Procession (1946).  Plate. XXXVI, 9.

Academic Reciprocity. (W. H. P. Faunce.) II, 92.

Ackerman, James F.  XXVI, 48.

Acropolis, The.  Plate.  XXXI, 189.

Adams, Charles B. portrait. XVI, 191.

Adams, Charles Francis.  Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 268.

Adams, Frank Wayland.  With portrait. XXIII, 209.
      XXVIII, 41.
      Sabrina in 1858.  XXV, 135.
      XXVI, 204.

Adams, Herbert B. Jeffery Amherst, Conqueror of Canada. With plates. XIII, 181.

Adams, Joseph Quincy.  XXI, 256.
      XXVIII, 234.
      XX, 272.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 288.

Addison Brown Scholarship. XVI, 129.

Administrator, Teacher, Philosopher. (Sterling P. Lamprecht.)  XXVIII, 319.

Admission to Amherst.  (Eugene S. Wilson.)  XXXVIII, 5.

Admission to College, The Problem of.  (Eugene S. Wilson, Jr.)  XXXVII, 10.

Admissions, Preview of.  XXIV, 313.

Admissions.  XXI, 176.

Adventure in Usefulness, An. (E. B. Robinson.) With plate. XII, 152.

Adventurers All. (W. J. Newlin.) XIII, 267.

Aeschylus Died at Gela.  (Emery Pottle.)  Poem.  XXXIV, 100.

After Reading “Recognition of Robert Frost.”  Poem.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXVIII, 36.

After the Campus was Cleared.  Plate.  XXVIII, 93.

After Twenty Years. (John Erskine.) XIII,5.

Aftermath of the President's Speech. (A. W. Marsh.) XI, 174.

Agard, Walter R. A School of the Soldier. VII, 275.
      Roy Sheldon, Sculptor. With plate. XVIII, 154.

            Agard: Medical Greek and Latin at a Glance.  XXIV, 279.

Aims of a Liberal College, The. (A. S. Pease.) Inaugural Address. XVII, 71.

Air Meet, Intercollegiate.  XXIV, 315.

“Alaska Association.” (Editorial Comment).  XXXVIII, 18.

Albree, John.  XXVII, 275.

Alden, Ebenezer.  XXIII, 309.

Alden, Edmund K.  Harry Field: A Personal Tribute.  XXVII, 123.
      XXVIII, 47.

Alias Dunn Browne.  (Margaret R. Hitchcock.)  XXVIII, 115.

All-Amherst Football Team. An. (P. C. Phillips.) VI, 25.

Allen, Adele. The Boltwood House. With plates.  XXVI, 297.
      The First President’s House – A Reminiscence. With plate.  XXVI, 93.

Allen, Charles Herbert.  With portrait.  XXIII, 305.
      XXIII, 325.

Allen, Jesse H.  XXXV, 426.

Allis, Fred, and the Alumni Council.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXVIII, 1.

Allis, Frederick S.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 1.
      Thomas Cushing Esty.  XXX, 279.
      XXX, 295, 317.
      Amherst’s Readiness for Service. VI, 164.
      Charles Dyer Norton. With portrait. XII, 242.
      Report on the Centennial Gift. XII, 97.
      Opening of the College Year (1915-16). V, 41.
      Opening of the College Year (l916 19l7). VI, 51.
      The Alumni Council. III, 121.

Allis, Jean.  (Book review by.)  XXXIV, 213.

Alma Mater. Portrait opposite. X, 217.

Alpha Delta Phi Anniversary.  XXVI, 27.

Alpha Delta Phi Centennial.  XXV, 327.

Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Annex Destroyed by Fire. XXII, 229.

Alpha Delta Phi House, The. (M. L. Farrell.) With plate. XVII, 101.

Alumni Associations. VII, 46, 122, 219, 308; VIII, 93, 131; IX, 34, 106, 183, 270.

Alumni Attitude on Amherst Changes.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 244.

Alumni Can Learn Something, Too.  XXVI, 33.

Alumni Committee on Post War Amherst. (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 27.
      Report of.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 130.

Alumni Council Meeting, 1921. XI, 133.
      1923. XIII, 103.
      1925. Plates. XV, 69, 93.
      1926. XVI, 33, 126.

Alumni Council Secretary, New.  XXVIII, 349.

Alumni Council, 25th Annual Meeting of.  XXVII, 365.

Alumni Council, The. (F. S. Allis.) III, 121.
      First Annual Meeting. III, 272.

Alumni Council, The. IV. 66, 146, 185, 219, 305; V, 44, 117, 191, 270; VI, 119, 191, 257. VII, 45, 120, 215, 306; VIII, 89, 92, 128; IX, 33, 105, 267. XIV, 130.

Alumni Fund. Report. 1923. XIII, 167.

Alumni Meeting, November, 1920. With plates. X, 92.

Alumni Reading and Study. XI, 189; XII, 72.
      Four Letters On. XI, 109.
      XV, 217, 312.
      (W. J. Newlin.) XIV, 114.

Alumni Reading.  XXVI, 33, 130, 225.

Alumni Secretary, New.  XXIX, 26.

Alumni Singing on Senior Night. Plate. XVIII, 249.

Alumni Trustees. (Editorial.)  XXV, 232.

Alumni, News of the. XIII, 50, 145. 237, 325.

ALUMNI, The. I, 70, 174, 263, 342; II, 97, 167, 256, 345; III, 59, 135, 207; IV, 71, 148, 227, 306; V, 46, 120, 198, 277; VI, 56, 124, 197, 269.

Amazing Career of Orson Fowler, The.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXXIV, 1.

Ambulance Unit, Return of. VIII, 90.
      Story of. (S. D. Shipman.) VIII, 81.

American Alumni Council Meeting. XIX, 264.

American Chemical Society Meeting.  XXVIII, 33.

American Men of Science.  (Editorial.)  XXXVII, 201.

American Philosophical Association, Meets in Amherst.  XXIII, 128.

American Tragedy in China.  (Cornelius Bodine, Jr.)  XXXVII, 85.

Ames, Charles B.  XXXI, 373.

Ames, Sir Herbert. With portrait. IX, 19.

Amherst (Home of Many Poets.)  (David Morton.)  Poem. XXXIV, 17.

Amherst “Plattsburgers.” Plate. VII, 261.

Amherst 1821-1946.  (Merrill Bishop.)  Poem.  XXXV, 248.

Amherst Abroad.  (James T. Cleland.)  XXIX, 99.

Amherst Academy, Old.  Plate. XXXV, 237.

Amherst Academy. With plate. XIX, 151.

Amherst Airman, An. (W. K. Belknap.) With plate. XVIII, 13.

Amherst Alumni as Leaders. (W. F. Wilcox.) XI, 18.

Amherst Alumni Go Spanish.  XXV, 325.

Amherst Alumni in College, Sons of.  XXV, 77.

Amherst Alumni in the National Service. VI, 298.

Amherst Alumni in the Washington War Effort.  (Albert W. Atwood.)  XXXI, 202.

Amherst Alumni Interest.  (Editorial).  XXXVI, 29.

Amherst Alumni Publications.  XXXVIII, 100.

Amherst Alumni Receive Honorary Degrees.  XXIX, 351.

Amherst Alumni Receive Honorary Degrees.  XXVIII, 355.

Amherst and the Fraternities. (R. C. Nowe.)  XXV, 305.

Amherst and the New Education. (A. E. Stearns.) VII, 171.

Amherst and the War.  (George F. Whicher.)  XXXIII, 111.

Amherst and the War. (G. F. Whicher.) VII, 84.

Amherst and the Yale Divinity School. (E. B. Robinson.) XVII, 172.

Amherst and Williston Good Neighbors.  With illustrations.  (Herbert B. Howe.)  XXXI, 103.

Amherst Ascendens.  (George H. Driver.)  Poem.  XXXV, 380.

Amherst at Camp Dudley.  (L M. Horton.)  With plates.  XXIV, 7.

Amherst at Oberlin.  XXIV, 81.

Amherst at the Border. Plate. VI, 77.

Amherst at the Inauguration. (C. T. Burnett.) XIV, 165.

Amherst at West Point.  (Donald N. Bigelow.)  XXXV, 353.

Amherst Athletics. IV, 192.

Amherst beyond the Seas.  (Ferdinand Q. Blanchard.)  XXVIII, 11.

Amherst Birth-Rate, The. XVII, 39.

Amherst Books, The. IX, 160.

Amherst Building at the Doshisha, The. (T. A. Greene.) XXI, 116.

Amherst Campus of To-morrow, The. With plates.  XX, 259.

Amherst Campus, A New.  With Plates.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXVIII, 93.

Amherst Campus, Aerial View of.  Plate.  XXVI, 85.

Amherst Club of New York.  XVII, 185; XIX, 187; XXIII, 45, 136, 226, 324.

Amherst Collector, An. (G. F. Whicher.) with plates. XVI, 189.

Amherst College and Hopkins Academy.  (W. Orr.)  XXIII, 293.

Amherst College and the Flood.  XXV, 221.

Amherst College Campus about 1875.  Plate.  XXVIII, 321.

Amherst College Education Aims.  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 125, 233.

Amherst College for the Duration.  XXXI, 113.

Amherst College Health Service. (E. J. Manwell.)  With plates.  XXVI, 185.

Amherst College in 1821, 1830 and 1921. Plates opposite. X, 151.

Amherst College in 1824.  Plate.  XXVIII, 207.

Amherst College in Massachusetts, Origin of.  (Noah Webster.)  Part I.  With plate.  XXXV, 237.  Part II.  XXXV, 391.

Amherst College in the ’Eighties.  (James Hayden Tufts.)  XXXII, 209.

Amherst College. (Amherst Academy.) XIX, 151.

Amherst Continuation School.  XXV, 336.

Amherst Day School, The.  XXIX, 121.

Amherst Day School.  XXVIII, 32.

Amherst Debating Leagues. (Burges Johnson.) VI, 47.

Amherst Dickinsons and the College, The. (W. I. Fletcher.) With portraits. VI, 179.

Amherst Examiners.  XXXI, 221.

Amherst Freshman in 1861, An.  (Charles E. Bolton.)  XXIX, 218.

Amherst Gentleman, An. (J. T. Stocking.) XXI, 105.

Amherst Gift Record, The.  (C. A. Andrews.)  XXIV, 281.

Amherst Graduates in “Who's Who.”  XXIX, 113.

Amherst Graduates' Quarterly. XXI, 276.
      Changes in.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 27.
      History of.  XXV, 329, 337.
      XXXVI, 357.  XXXVIII, 104.

Amherst Historical Society. (M. L. Todd.) With plates. VII,175.

Amherst House Fire, The. With plate. XVI, 132.

Amherst Ideals in Politics. (Joseph Warner.)  XXVI, 16.

Amherst Illustrious, The.  XIII, 91, 199, 274; XIV, 29, 191; XV. 173, 293; XVI, 22, 187; XVII, 27, 103, 175, 239; XVIII, 23, 163; XIX, 167; XX, 178, 264; XXI, 259; XXII, 25, 124, 209, 310; XXIII, 26, 113, 209, 303; XXIV, 22, 110, 210, 304; XXV, 28, 110, 211, 312; XXVI, 16, 112, 199, 310; XXVII, 123, 230, 343; XXVIII, 21, 226, 341; XXIX, 22; XXX, 16, 111, 277; XXXI, 17, 208; XXXII, 366; XXXIV, 23, 239, 343;  XXXV, 143, 269, 403; XXXVI, 23;  XXXVII, 107

“Amherst in Portrait.”  XXX, 27.

Amherst in “Who’s Who” Again.  XX, 103.

Amherst in “Who's Who,” More About.  (William J. Newlin.)  XXIX, 221.

Amherst in 1861. VI. 235.

Amherst in 1956. (K. L. Butterfield.) VI, 10.

Amherst in Commercial Pursuits. (A. D. Noyes.) X, 279.

Amherst in Corinth. With plates.  XXVI, 6.

Amherst in Education. (F. J. E. Woodbridge.) X, 253.

Amherst in Holyoke.  (W. W. Clark.)  XXIII, 104.

Amherst in Holyoke.  XXIV, 315; XXV, 34; XXVI,  27

Amherst in Japan.  XXV, 126.
      (F. A. Lombard and W. S. Clark.) With plate. XI, 95.

Amherst in Massachusetts, Origin of.  Part III.  (Noah Webster.)  XXXVI, 12.

Amherst in Missions, Old and New. (R. A. Woods.) X,299.

Amherst in Public Affairs. (Calvin Coolidge.) X. 232.

Amherst in Public Service. VIII, 48, 88.

Amherst in Retrospect.  (Wallace H. Griffith, . Frank C. Boerger, Milton J. Chamberlain.)  With portrait. XXXV, 376.

Amherst in Science. (J. F. Kemp.) X, 264.

Amherst in Syria. (L. H. Seelye.) With plates. XIV, 170.

Amherst in the Law. (A. P. Rugg.) X, 238.

Amherst in the Magazines. XVI, 64.

Amherst in the Ministry. (Nehemiah Boynton.) X, 288.

Amherst in the Near East. (W. Orr). XVI, 14.

Amherst in the White House. (C. A. Andrews.) With portrait. XII, 215.

Amherst in Two Wars.  XXXIII, 109.

Amherst in Wartime. (W. J. Newlin.) VII, 182.

Amherst in Wartime: A Contrast: 1865-1945.  (Donald N. Bigelow.) XXXV, 1.

Amherst Jabberwock, The. (P. D. Bartlett.) XVIII, 67.

Amherst Librarians. (N. L. Goodrich.) XVIII, 94.

Amherst Masquers Storm Vienna, The.  (G. F. Whicher.) With plate. XXIII, 16.

Amherst Memorabilia Collection and its Needs, The. (C. E. Sherman.) VI, 92.

Amherst Memorial Fellowship, Award of. XII, 166.
      IX, 93.
      Award of. IX, 246.
      1920-1946.  (Alfred F. Havighurst.)  XXXVII, 96.
      XXVII, 128.
      XXV, 228.

Amherst Memories.  (Preserved Smith.)  XXVII, 15.

Amherst Men at Plattsburg. Plate. VI, 246.

Amherst Men at Second Plattsburg Camp. Plate. VII, 83.

Amherst Men Called to Manage a City.  (Richard H. Custer.)  XXXI, 310.

Amherst Men in “Fortune.” (L Barnes.) XXII, 25.

Amherst Men in Finance. (A. W. Atwood). VIII, 37, 48.

Amherst Men in Medical Schools.  XXIX, 224.

Amherst Men in Robert College. (A. D. F. Hamlin.) With plate. XII, 189.

Amherst Men in The National Service. VII, 39, 93, 196, 362; VIII, 9, 52, 151.

Amherst Milestones, Centennial Pageant. X, 378. Plates. X. 217. 289, 299, 309, 327. 361,369.

Amherst Militant: a Note from Plattsburg. (Alfred Roelker, Jr.) V, 92.

Amherst Mural, Another.  XXIX, 27.

Amherst Neesima Memorial Building in Doshisha, The. (E. S. Cobb.) With plate. XXII, 13.

Amherst Outing Club, The. XVII, 111,231.

Amherst Painter, An.  XXVII, 337.

Amherst Painter, Another.  XXIX, 211.

Amherst Patriarch, An.  XXIX, 22.

Amherst Patriarchs, Two.  XXVI, 204.

Amherst Patriarchs.  XXX, 19.

Amherst Patriarchs.  XXXII, 122.

Amherst Philanthropists, Two.  XXVIII, 344.

Amherst Phonograph Album, An.  XXIX, 224.

Amherst Pioneer, An. (F. B. Loomis.) XVIII, 223.

Amherst Pioneers in Wisconsin.  (John B. O’Brien.)  XXXVII, 188.

Amherst Plates, The. XXII, 324; XXIII, 24

Amherst Political Union, The.  (Norman W. Colquhoun.)  XXX, 199.

Amherst Presidential Possibilities. XXV, 39.

Amherst Quiz, An.  XXXII, 113.

Amherst Saga, An.  XXVI, 105.

Amherst Scholar in Rome, An. (R. U. Johnson.) XXII, 28.

Amherst Seniors of Fifty Years Ago. Plate. V, 277.

Amherst Spectator, The. XXII, 134.

Amherst Star Rises in Washington, Another.  (Albert L. Warner.)  XXVII, 352.

Amherst Student of the 1840’s, An.  (C. M. Fuess.)  XXIII, 1.

Amherst Students Visit Washington.  XXVI, 208.

Amherst Summer Colony, An.  (C. S. Mills.) With portraits. XXIV, 298.

Amherst Survey of Unemployment in Holyoke, The.  (W. L. Thorp.) XX, 151.

“Amherst Tomorrow,” Report of.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 243.

Amherst Undergraduate Scientific Society.  XXV, 39.

Amherst Victory, Launching of S. S.  Plate.  XXXIV, 342.

Amherst Worthies I Have Painted.  (E. B. Child.)  XXVII, 101.

Amherst, An Eagle’s Aerie.  Poem.  XXXV, 41.

Amherst, Jeffery John Archer. Address. X,393.

Amherst, Jeffery, Conqueror of Canada. (H. B. Adams.) With plates. XIII, 181.

Amherst, Lord Jeffery, as an Epic Hero. (F. P. Powers.) XII, 22.
      Impersonation of. X, 185.
      Presentation of Portrait of. (C. A. Andrews.) X, 364.
      XXIII, 89.
       (List of Portraits in Amherst.)  XX, 279.
      Proper Title of. XXII, 325.
      XVII, 182.
      a new Portrait of. With portrait facing page 3. IX, 15.

Amherst, Lord, by Gainsborough.  XXX, 23.

Amherst, Memories of.  (Joseph R. Kingman, Henry S. Kingman.)  XXXVI, 109.

Amherst, the Story of a New England College. (C. M. Fuess.) XXII, 35.

Amherst’s “New Curriculum.”  (Editorial.)  XXXVII, 25.

Amherst’s Cats and Dogs.  (F. B. Loomis.) With Plate.  XXIII, 11.

Amherst’s Educational Ideal.  (D. Arthur Straight.)  XXVII, 374.

Amherst’s Educational Theory.  (Editorial.)  XXX, 29.

Amherst’s First Baseball Game. VI, 101.

Amherst’s Mystery Box.  XXIII, 301.

Amherst’s New President.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 354.

Amherst’s Sir Isaac Newton.  (George S. Bryan.)  XXX, 267.

Amherst’s Wartime Program.  XXXI, 213.

Amherst’s Work at Doshisha. (S. B. Nichols.) With plates. XIII 279.

Amherst's Audubon Collections. (H. H. Plough.) With plates. XXII, 1.

Amherst's Botanical Heritage. (A. S. Goodale.) With plate. XVIII, 145.

Amherst's Excellent Choice. (Rush Rhees.) II, 132.

Amherst's First Sacrifice to War. With portrait of R. C. Perkins. VII, 187.

Amherst's Readiness for Service. (F. S. Allis.) VI, 164.

Amherst-Williams Hockey at Lake Placid. Plate. XVIII, 157.

Among the Nhambiquara Indians. (A. F. Tylee.) XVII, 167.

And Now It Is Your Turn, My Son.  Poem.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXII, 222.

“And There Were Women Too.” (Margaret R. Hitchcock. ) With plates.  XXVI, 191.

“And When They Got Through, Were They Hungry?”  Plate.  XXXII, 6.

Anderson, John Garfield. XXII, 356.

Andrews, Charles Amos.  XXX, 142.  (Editorial.)  125.  Portrait.  93.
       (Book review by.)  XXIX, 307.
      Coolidge that I Knew, The. XXII, 198.
      The Amherst Gift Record.  XXIV, 281.
      Amherst in the White House. With portrait. XII 215.
      Letter on Alumni Reading and Study. XI, 114.
      Presentation of Portrait of Lord Jeffery Amherst. X. 364.
      Why We Come Back. XV,23.

Andrews, E. N.  Acrostic. William Shakespeare. Poem. III, 257.

Angell, James R. Modern Movements in Psychology During the Last Two Decades. XVIII, 73.

Anniversary, Photographs of 125th.  XXXV, 402.

Anthony, George.  XXVIII, 379.

Aplington, H. T.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 96.

Apologies to Bryn Mawr. (Robert L. Grant.)  XXVI, 35.

Appleton, Edward.  XXXVII, 217.

Armament Maker’s Nightmare, The.  (C. M. Roberts.)  With portrait. XXIV, 24 .

Army “Area and Language” Program, The.  (Frederick K. Turgeon.)  XXXIII, 221.

Army Information and Education.  (Talcott W. Seelye.) XXXV, 138.

Army Shuffled The Cards, The.  (Sgt. Walter C. Meyer.)  XXXV, 117.

Arnold, Matthew, Visit of.  XXVII, 119.

Arnold, Newton E.  XXV, 370.

Arnold, Stuart.  Plate.  XXXIII, 129.

Arnold’s Letters.  Poem.  (G. S. Bryan.)  XXVII, 122.

Arrival By Night.  Poem.  (John W. Atherton.)  XXXI, 24.

Art Exhibitions. XVI, 130, 200; XXIII, 128, 216, 314; XXI, 269; XXII, 129, 227; XXV, 128, 230; XXVI, 123; XXVII, 133, 248; XXX, 120.

Artist Who Works with Fossil Bones, An.  (Alfred S. Romer.)  XXVII, 338.

As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  (Stuart B. Damon, A. T. Foster, Norman R. Lemcke, James W. Park, H. O. Smith, Donnell B. Young.)  XXXIV, 233.

Ashley Memorial Trophy. XVI, 129.

Ashley Trophy. XXI, 120.

Ashley, John P.  Believes in Eating Together.  XXVII, 255.

Ashley, John P.  That Iron Crown.  XXV, l37.

Associations, The. XIII, 146, 237, 325; XIV, 48, 136, 209, 308; XV. 133, 221, 323. XVI, 35, 134, 206, 288. XVII, 41, 113, 185, 256. XVIII, 39, 111, 174, 249. XIX, 33, 112, 187, 269. XX, 43, 113, 195, 282. XXI, 46, 125, 206, 280. XXII, 43, 141, 237, 328. XXIII, 45, 136, 225, 323. XXIV, 47, 132, 230, 322. XXV, 42, 137. 243, 342. XXVI, 37, 136, 230, 340. XXVII, 46, 150, 259, 378. XXVIII, 39, 136, 255, 362. XXIX, 36, 133, 242, 355. XXX, 36, 129, 209, 297. XXXI, 30, 123, 225, 327. XXXII, 35, 135, 249, 378. XXXIII, 29, 137, 254, 369. XXXIV, 34, 136, 246, 363.  XXXV, 38, 155, 277, 414. XXXVI, 36, 147, 236, 361.  XXXVII, 33, 120, 209, 300.  XXXVIII, 23, 110.

Assyrian Bas Reliefs.  XXIX, 229.

At the Siege of Urfa. (C. F. Weeden, Jr.) X, 14.

At the Sign of the Big, Red Apple, (W. A. Dyer.) III, 22.

At The West Window.  (Edwin Leonard.)  Poem.  XXXVIII, 7.

Atherton, John W.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 317.
      Poem.  Arrival By Night.  XXXI, 24.
      The Watchmaker.  Poem.  XXX, 115. 
      Landfall at Dawn.  Poem. 275.

Athletic Budget – Student Tax. XXII, 227.

Athletic Disarmament. (Alexander Meiklejohn.) XI, 171.

Athletic Schedule, Fall.  XXXVII, 286.

Athletic Schedules.  XXIV, 217. XXV, 123, 323. XXVI, 25, 117, 321. XXVII, 361. XXVIII, 30, 120, 353.

Athletics at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXV, 131.

Athletics, Fall Schedules of.  XXVII, 129. XXVIII, 118. XXIX, 342.

Athletics, Freshman. IX, 26.

Athletics, Meeting of Presidents Considering. XI, 262.

Athletics, Review of 1921-22 in. XI, 267.

Athletics, Revised Control of.  XXIII, 214.

Athletics, Spring Record of.  XXIX, 340.

Athletics, Summary of Winter.  XXVIII, 238.

Athletics, Winter Summary of.  XXIX, 225.

Athletics.  Conference of Association of College Presidents.  XXXII, 28.

Athletics.  VII, 277; VIII, 46, 89, 127; IX, 27; IX, 91, 175, 244. XIII, 139, 225, 314; XIV. 120, 202; XV, 39, 125, 130, 215, 309. XVI, 130, 200, 281. XIX, 103, 108, 177, 263. XX, 105, 181, 274. XXI, 119, 271. XXII, 131, 225, 317, 319. XXIII, 125, 213, 311, 315. XXIV, 117, 215, 306, 310. XXV, 122, 222. XXVI, 115, 210, 319. XXVII, 26, 241, 359.

Athletics. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 125.

Atkinson, Geoffroy.  I Know a Place.  XXX, 183.
      XXIII, 223.
      Portrait. XVIII, 107.
      Winter Color.  XXXI, 101.

Atomic Peace.  (Harold C. Goddard.)  XXXVIII, 81.

Atoms and People.  (Frederick J. E. Woodbridge.)  XXXV, 269.

Atwater, William O.  XXIX, 258.

Atwood, Albert W.  “We Shall Not See His Like Again.”  XXVII, 230.
      Amherst Alumni in the Washington War Effort.  XXXI, 202.
      Chief Justice Stone As a Man.  XXX, 277. 
      Gilbert Grosvenor, Pioneering Editor.  XXX, 16.
      Joseph Bartlett Eastman.  XXXIII, 227.
      Rugg, Coolidge, and Garman.  XXVII, 374.
      The Two Drapers.  With portraits.  XXXV, 269.
      Amherst Men in Finance. VIII, 37.
      Classmate's View of Stanley King, A. With plates. XXI, 251.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 412.

Audubon Collections. (H. H. Plough.) With plates. XXII, 1.

Austin, Albert E.  XXXI, 248.

Austrian Refugee.  XXVIII, 33.

Automobile Ban.  XXXI, 21.

Automobile Privileges. XXII, 37.

Automobiles, Withdrawal of Student Privilege. XVII, 251.

“Autumn Scenery, View in Amherst.”  Plate.  XXVI, 192.

Ave Atque Vale. (J. T. Stocking.) VI, 232.

Avenue of Maples, The.  (T. Valentine Parker.)  XXVIII, 133.

Avery, Nathan P.  XXXVI, 370.

Aviation Training for Young Alumni.  XXX, 174.

Aviators at Amherst.  (Harold I. Ewen.)  XXXIV, 18.

Avirett, William G. (Book review by.) XXI, 73.

Awards and Prizes.  XXXI, 21.

Babb, Rev. Thomas E.  XXVI, 204. Portrait. 203.

Babb, Thomas E.  XXX, 19.
      Portrait.  XXIX, 22.

Babbitt, Irving. Humanism and Religion. XIX, 157.

Babbott and Hitchcock Rooms.  XXIV, 311.

Babbott Memorial Room, The Frank L.  XXIV, 35, 220.  Plate.  281.

Babbott, Frank L.  With portrait.  XXIII, 113.
      XXIII, 139, 180.

Babbott, Frank Lusk, Jr. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXII, 315.

Background of Eighty-Three, The. (W. Orr.) XXII, 304.

Backstage in the Kirby Memorial Theater. With Plates.  (Ralph C. McGoun.)  XXVIII, 8.

Backus, Grosvenor H.  XXXVIII, 120.
      Harlan Fiske Stone. With portrait. XIII,274.
      William Rutherford Mead. With portrait. XVIII, 23.

Baily, Harold J.  An Extra-Territorial Commencement.  With portrait.  XXXV, 29.

Bain, George W.  The Story Of The Valley.  XXXVIII, 13.
       (Book review by.)  XXVI, 80.

Baird, Theodore.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 174.
       (Book review by.) XXIII, 84
      A Young American Poet At Amherst.  XXXVIII, 8.
      English 1 C.  XXVIII, 326.
       (Book review by.)  XXVI, 401.
      Masquers Present “Richard III,” The. With plate. XXI, 194.

Baker, Asa George.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.
      Hoppy Solves A Problem. XXV, 233.
      XXX, 48.
       “Fess” Hyde, Smilin’ Through.  XXV, 313.

Baker, Newton D.  Honorary Degree Conferred. XXII, 315.

Baker, Ray Stannard. (Book review by.)  XX, 334.

Baker, William B.  XXVI, 16.  Portrait.  21.

Baldwin, Fritz W. (L. T. Reed.) XVII, 241.
      XVII, 184.

Ball, Albert H.  XXVII, 154.

Ball, Walter S.  XXVIII, 161.

Ballad of Lord Jeff, A.  Poem.  (Bryant Morey French.)  XXX, 198.

Ballou, Henry L.  XXXIV, 266.

Ballou, William J.  XXXII, 272.

Bancroft, Edward E.  Rugg, Like Coolidge, Was Inconspicuous in College.  XXVIII, 26.

Bancroft, Frederic. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 267.

Band.  Plate.  XXIII, 102.

Banta, J. Edward. XVII, 184.

Bard, Albert S.  Fraternities.  3 XXXIII, 52.
      Sophomore Rushing.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXVI, 82. 
      Surprise Party for.  XXXVI, 368.
      Some Recollections of Clyde Fitch in College. IV, 37.
      The New Chi Psi Lodge. With plate. XIII,99.

Bardwell, Conrad M. XXII, 338.

Bardwell, Darwin L. XXII, 338.

Barker, Ernest. The Examination System in England. IX, 149.
      IX, 180.

Barnes, Lakenan. Amherst Men in “Fortune.” XXII, 25.

Barnes, Luther Emerson.  Portrait.  XXX, 112.

Barnes, Squire, O. L. A.  (William Cary Duncan.)  XXX, 111.

Barnum, Harry H.  XXVIII, 396.

Barrett Gymnasium. (P. C. Phillips.) With plate. XXI, 37.

Barrett Hall. Plate. III, 119.

Barrett, Rev. Thomas V.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 21.

Bartlett, Draper.  XXIX, 281

Bartlett, George M.  XXVI, 58.

Bartlett, Paul D. Amherst Jabberwock, The. XVIII, 67.
      Mountain Trails and the Amherst Outing Club. With plate. XVII, 231.

Barton, Bruce. Graduate and Man. IV, 269.

Barton, Fred B.  A War Correspondent Reports.  XXXIV, 123.

Barton, Fred T. Suspended Life on the Border. VI, 96.

Barton, Hubert C.  Louis Jay Heath, Ambassador Without Portfolio.  XXX, 186.
      Barton: How to Sell in Chain Stores.  XXVII, 207.
      Barton: Let Yourself Go.  XXVII, 208.

Baseball and Curve Pitching in the ’Seventies.  (Frank W. Blair).  XXXVII,13.

Baseball Game, The First Intercollegiate.  XXVIII, 219.

Baseball Schedule.  XXVIII, 120; XXX, 119

Baseball Trophies. Plate.  XXVIII, 220.

Baseball.  XVI, 282. XIX, 263. XX, 274. XXI, 271. XXII, 317.XXIII, 312. XXV, 320. XXXII, 238.

Basketball Schedule.  XXIX, 26. XXX, 24.

Basketball.  XIX, 177. XX, 181. XXII, 225. XXIII, 213. XXIV, 215. XXV, 223. XXVII, 26. XXVIII, 30.

Bassett, Edward M.  XXXVIII, 114.

Bassett, Preston R.  Portrait.  XXXIV, 101.
      Bassett: Model Laws for Planning Cities, Counties and States.  XXIV, 274.
      Bassett: The Master Plan.  XXVII, 443.

Baxter, Arthur H. A Lost City of the Etruscans. Illustrated. II, 141.
      St. Paul's Watch. VI, 158.

Beaman, Philip A.  XXXIV, 433.

Becker Sahib in Mohammedan Garb.  Portrait.  XXXII, 231.

Becker, Ernest A., Jr.  India Is Not Far, Part I.  With illustrations.  XXXII, 105. 
      Part II  With illustrations.  XXXII, 223.

Beebe, Ralph A.  Portrait.  XXXIV, 238.

Beecher Pulpit Furniture.  XXIII, 123.

Beecher, Henry Ward, Presentation of Mementoes of. (Talcott Williams.) X. 368.
      With portrait.  XXIII, 181.
      (S. P. Cadman.) With portrait. II, 327.
      Letters, Some Beecher. With portrait. II, 341.

Begging Bowl in the 1840’s, The.  (Margaret R. Emerson.)  XXXI, 89.

Beginning of the New Movement in Amherst. (G. D. Olds.) VI, 185.

Behind and Beyond Our Biological Program.  (Otto Glaser.)  XXX, 93.

Beier, Ernst G.  A European Sees American College Life.  XXIX, 10.

Belcher, Richard.  XXXVI, 257.

Belknap, Walter K.  Robert Palfrey Utter.  XXV, 242.
       (Book review by.)  XXV, 188.
      Amherst Airman, An. With plate. XVIII, 13.

Bell on the Cover, The. (E. Porter Jewett, Jr.)  XXVI, 308.

Bell, More about That Old.  (S. R. Williams.) XXVII, 44.

Bennett, Charles E.  A Professor Retools for War.  XXXII, 361.
      XXXV, 62.  Portrait. 11.

Bequest, McKibben.  XXIV, 314.

Bequests and Gifts.  XXV, 324.

Bequests.  XXIV,  221.XXV, 228, 240. XXVI, 124. XXVII, 155, 248.

Bernardite and Humphries: And Spain Sings; Fifty Loyalist Ballads.  XXVII, 444.

Berry, Kenneth K.  XXXIV, 415.

Best, William.  XXVI, 375.

Bianchi, Martha G. D.  XX, 273.

Bible and Religion, The. (J. T. Cleland.)  XXV, 336.

Bible in Amherst, The.  (J. T. Cleland.)  XXIV, 105.

Bible Study Made Easy. (A. G. Rolfe.)  XXV, 297.

Biblical Idiom, Relation of the, to the Idiom of Evolution. (J. F. Genung) I, 207.

Bidwell, Howard F.  XXXIV, 161.

Bigelow, Donald N.  Amherst at West Point.  XXXV, 353. 
      Amherst in Wartime, A Contrast: 1865-1945.  XXXV, 1.
      Fraternities.  XXXIII, 248.
      The Twelfth President.  XXXVI, 214.

Bigelow, Mason H.  Portrait. XXXIV, 120.

Bigelow, William P.  Portrait. XXV, 1.
      XXV, 28.
      XXX, 222.
      Shifting Emphasis. 1, 308.

“Biggy,” Two Tributes to.  (F. Regal.)  XXV, 9. (J. Erskine.) XXV, 10.

Bike, That High-Wheel.  XXXI, 307.

Billings, Richard.  Noah Webster, His Faith. IV, 124.

Bingham, Millicent Todd.  Biography in Preparation.  XXIV, 44.
       XXIV, 388.

Biographical Material Wanted.  XXIV, 228.

Biographical Record, The New.  XXVIII, 123.

Biographical Record.  XXVII, 366.

Biography in Preparation.  (M. T. Bingham.)  XXIV, 44.

Biology Department Grant.  XXIX, 230.

Biology Department, Rockefeller Recognition of.  XXX, 92.

Biology Laboratories.  Plates.  XXX, 100.

Biology.  XX, 164.

Biram, James H.  XXXVIII, 129.

Birdseye, Clarence F. The Development of the Fraternity System. V, 246.

Birdseye, Kellogg.  XXVI, 375.

Birdseye, Roger.  XXXII, 293.

Births.XIII,55, 145, 242, 330; XIV, 51, 136,215,309; XV, 40, 136,225,326.

Biscoe, William S. Intramural Athletics at Amherst. XXI, 190.

Bishop, Merrill.  A Tribute.  Poem. XXVII, 23.
      Amherst 1821-1946.   Poem.  XXXV, 248.
      And Now It Is Your Turn, My Son.  Poem.  XXXII, 222.
      Poem.  Time Never Stays, It Moves.  XXX, 11.
      After Reading “Recognition of Robert Frost.”  Poem.  XXVIII, 37.
      Eternal Christmas.  Poem.  28.
      Foster Mother.  XXV, 310.
      Mathematical Rhythm.  XXXI, 28.
      Poem.  Time.  XXXI, 102.

Bissell, William F.  XXXV, 293.

Bixler, James W.  XXXIII, 35.

Bixler, Julius Seelye. The Year’s Work of the Christian Association. IX, 229.

Blair, Frank W.  Baseball and Curve Pitching in the ’Seventies.  XXXVII, 13.

Blake Field.  XXVI, 212. XXVII, 247.

Blake, Lucien Ira. (J. B. Seabury.) With portrait. VI, 35.

Blake, Prof. Lucien I.  XXVI, 310. Portrait. 314.

Blakesley, Robert I.  (Book review by.)  XXXIII, 323.

Blanchard, Ferdinand Q.  Amherst beyond the Seas.  XXVIII, 11.
      Religion on Campus.  XXXI, 222.
      College Church, The.  XXV, 135.
      He Knew Garman.  XXVII, 145.
      (Book review by.)  XXVII, 324.
      “This is to Die Young.”  XXV, 213.
      (Book review by.) XXII, 188.

Blanton, Alexander.  XXXVI, 77.

Bliss, Charles L.  XXVIII, 273.

Bliss, Daniel. VI, 41.
      Portrait. VI, 3.

Bliss, Frederick Jones.  XXVI, 353.

Bliss, Howard Sweetser. (C. S. Mills.) With portrait. IX, 236.

Blood Bank.  XXXII, 239.

Blossom, Harold Hill. XXV, 162.

Boarding Houses. XXII, 137.

Boardman, Richard. Dartmouth Man on Garman, A. XVII, 14.

Boardman, William J.  XXXVIII, 35.
      Pathway Out, The. XIX, 12.

Bodine, Cornelius, Jr.  American Tragedy in China.  XXXVII, 85.

Boerger, Frank C., Chamberlain, Milton J., Griffith, Wallace H.  Amherst in Retrospect.  With portrait.  XXXV, 376 .

Bole, Lt. David C.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXIV, 30.

Bolton, Autobiography of Charles E.  XXIX, 218, 330.

Bolton, Charles E.  Building the Holyoke Dam.  XXX, 105.
      Love in the ’Sixties.  XXX, 276.
      Student War Service in 1864.  XXXI, 15.

Boltwood House, The.  (Adele Allen.)  XXVI, 297.

Boltwood Mansion, The.  Plate.  XXVI, 300.

Boltwood, Hon. Lucius Manlius.  Portrait.  XXVI, 300.

Boltwood, Mrs. Lucius.  Portrait.  XXVI, 300.

Boltwoods, The. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 332.

Bond Fifteen, 1928. XVII, 184.

Book Page, A.  (George F. Whicher.)  XXVI, 334.
       (George F. Whicher.)  XXVII, 38, 142.

Book Reviewing in Liberal Verse. (Burges Johnson.) VI, 23.

Book Table, The.
      “Amherst Spectator,” Vol. I, No.1; December, 1932.  XXII, 192.
      “Heritage,” Vol. I, No.1; May-June, 1932. XXI, 332.
      Abbot. Little Gentleman Across the Road. VI, 142.
      Agard. The Greek Tradition in Sculpture. XIX, 225.
      Agard: The New Architectural Sculpture. XXV, 190.
      Agard: What Democracy Meant to the Greeks.  XXXI, 412.
      Allen and Day: Hot Springs of the Yellowstone National Park.  XXVI, 80.
      Allen: Around a Village Green.  XXIX, 201.
      Ames, Tufts & Others: James Hayden Tufts.  XXXII, 204.
      Anderson, Dark Laughter. XV, 170.
      Andrews and Andrews: Shaker Furniture: The Craftsmanship of an American Communal Sect.  XXVI, 406.
      Atkinson, The Works of François Villon. XIX, 313.
      Atkinson: Les Nouveaux Horizons de la Renaissance Francaise. XXV, 292.
      Atwood, How to Get Ahead. VII, 32.
      Atwood. Mind of the Millionaire. XVI, 62.
      Atwood: The Great Stewardship. XXXV, 348.
      Bain and Meyerhoff: The Flow of Time in the Connecticut Valley.  XXXI, 411.
      Baird, The First Years. XX, 242.
      Baker and Haller, A First Book for College Students. XIX, 60.
      Baker, The Universe Unfolding. XXI, 327.
      Bancroft, Slave Trading in the Old South. XX, 332.
      Barber. Everyday Algebra. XV, 167.
      Barton, He Upset the World.  XXII, 83.
      Barton, Man Nobody Knows. XV, 63.
      Barton, More Power to You. VII, 38.
      Barton, Young Man's Jesus. IV, 61.
      Barton: It's Fun to Keep Fit.  XXIX, 425.
      Barton: Music as a Hobby.  XXXI, 186.
      Barton: Photography as a Hobby.  XXVIII, 448.
      Bassett: Zoning: The Laws, Administration, and Court Decisions During the First Twenty Years.  XXVI, 180.
      Bell: Religion Through The Ages.  XXXVII, 203.
      Bennet, Across the Years. VII, 36.
      Bianchi, Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson. XIV, 206.
      Bigelow, Amherst College Songs. XVI, 243 .
      Bigelow, ed., Amherst College Songs.  XXII, 283.
      Bishop and Allen: They Also Serve.  XXVIII, 90.
      Bishop: Sonnets in a Hospital.  XXVI, 286.
      Bixler, Immortality and the Present Mood. XXI, 161.
      Bixler, Religion in the Philosophy of William James. XVI, 62.
      Bixler: Conversations with an Unrepentant Liberal.  XXXV, 493.
      Bixler: Religion for Free Minds.  XXIX, 427.
      Blanchard, How One Man Changed the World. XVIII, 140.
      Bliss, Religions of Modern Syria and Palestine. I, 337.
      Bliss, Reminiscences of Daniel Bliss. X, 101.
      Boynton, Annals of American Bookselling, 1638-1850.  XXII, 284.
      Boynton, H. W., James Fenimore Cooper. XXI, 73.
      Boynton, H. W., World's Leading Poets. II, 162.
      Boynton, More Contemporary Americans. XVII, 151.
       Boynton, P. H., London in English Literature. III, 53.
      Boynton, P. H., The Rediscovery of the Frontier. XXI, 76.
      Boynton, Some Contemporary Americans. XIII, 323.
      Boynton: America in Contemporary Fiction.  XXX, 170.
      Boynton: Literature and American Life.  XXV, 412.
      Brace: The Garretson Chronicle.  XXXVII, 30.
      Brace: The Islands.  XXV, 415.
      Brace: The Wayward Pilgrim. XXVIII, 90.
      Bradley: Can We Stay Out of War?  XXV, 406.
      Brewster, Madness of War. XVIII, 217.
      Brewster: Distraint under Federal Revenue Laws.  XXVIII, 447.
      Bridgman, First Book of World Law. I, 337.
      Brink, Down the River. XII. 42.
      Bristol: Salute Me!  The Dilemmas of a Second Lieutenant.  XXXII, 443.
      Brownell, Genius of Style. XIV, 126.
      Brownell, William Cary Brownell: An Anthology of His Writings.  XXIII, 176.
      Brownell. Criticism. IV, 141.
      Bryan, “Sam Houston.” VII, 195.
      Bryan, Edison : The Man and His Work. XVI, 164.
      Bryan, Ghost in the Attic and other Verses. XVI, 165.
      Bryan. Yankee Notions. XII, 175.
      Bryan: Mystery Ship: The “Mary Celeste” in Fancy and in Fact.  XXXI, 290.
      Bryan: The Great American Myth.  XXX, 171.
      Bryan: The Spy in America.  XXXII, 442.
      Buchanan, Poetry and Mathematics. XIX, 146.
      Burgess, Reminiscences of an American Scholar.  XXIII, 175.
      Burgess, The Sanctity of Law. XVII, 149.
      Burnett, Hyde of Bowdoin. XXI, 75.
      Bursk, Lugmir. XXI, 162.
      Burt: American Advertising Agencies.  XXX, 262.
      Burt: Successful Advertisements and How To Write Them.  XXX, 262.
      Canfield, Plays of the Irish Renaissance. XIX, 147.
      Canfield: Plays of Changing Ireland.  XXVI, 83.
      Capen, Sociological Progress in Mission Lands. IV, 218.
      Carpenter and Morehouse: In the Wake of the Hurricane.  XXVIII, 92.
      Cather, The Professor's House. XV, 170.
      Chancellor, Class Teaching and Management. I, 67.
      Chancellor, Our Presidents and Their Office. III, 54.
      Chandler: An Introduction to Monetary Theory.  XXX, 89.
      Chandler: The Economics of Money and Banking.  XXXVII, 298.
      Christy and McLean: The Transfer of Stock.  XXIX, 300.
      Churchill, Tragedy of Richard the Third. II, 253.
      Churchill. The Country Wife and the Plain Dealer. XIII, 322.
      Clancy, Thought and Its Expression. XVII, 294.
      Clancy, Understanding and Writing.  XXIII, 84
      Clapp and Kane, How to Talk. XVIII, 68.
      Clapp and Nugent, How to Write. XIX, 222.
      Clark, Control of the Trusts. II, 251.
      Clark, E., Boycotts and Peace. XXII,  84.
      Clark, E., Financing the Consumer. XXI, 78.
      Clark, E., How to Budget Health-Guilds for Doctors and Patients. XXII, 285.
      Clark, History of Connecticut. IV, 138.
      Clark, J. M., The Costs of the World War to the American People. XXI, 330.
      Clark, John B.  XXVIII, 320.
      Clark, Silas Deane; A Connecticut Leader in the American Revolution. III, 196.
      Clark, Strategic Factors in Business Cycles.  XXIII, 279.
      Clark, The Challenging Christ. XVIII, 217.
      Clark. India on the March. XII, 41. 
      Clark: Alternative to Serfdom.  XXXVII, 295.
      Clough and Cole: Economic History of Europe.  XXX, 373.
      Cody, The New Art of Writing and Speaking the English Language.  XXII, 378.
      Cody: Passing Stranger.  XXVI, 183.
      Coe, A Map of Amherst. XXI, 331.
      Cole: Colbert and a Century of French Mercantilism.  XXVIII, 450.
      Coleman and Raushenbush: Red Neck.  XXV, 414.
      Collester: Style Procedure for Engineering Reports.  XXVI, 82.
      Conn: Gibraltar in British Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century.  XXXI, 410.
      Cooledge, The Religious Life of Goethe as illustrated in the Tragedy of Faust. XXII, 378.
      Coolidge. Have Faith in Massachusetts. IX, 97.
      Cox, Robert Frost. XVIII, 288.
      Cross: Thunder Over Jerusalem. XXVI, 181.
      Dewey and Tufts, Ethics. XXII, 187.
      Dickinson, Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. XIV, 206.
      Dickinson, Education of a Music Lover. I. 64.
      Dickinson, Spirit of Music. XV, 359.
      Douglas: The Liberal Tradition.  XXV, 83.
      Douglas: There is One Way Out.  XXV, 293.
      Ducker, Monson. XIV, 207.
      Duncan: Dog Training Made Easy.  XXX, 170.
      Dwight, Constantinople Old and New. V, 179.
      Dwight, Stamboul Nights. V, 180.
      Dyer and Fraser, The Rocking Chair. XVII, 294.
      Dyer, All Around Robin Hood's Bam. XV, 359.
      Dyer, Country Cousins. XVII, 67.
      Dyer, Early American Craftsmen. V, 181.
      Dyer, Five Babbits at Bonnyacres. VII, 33.
      Dyer, Lure of the Antique. 1,67.
      Dyer, Richer Life. I, 164.
      Dyer, Sprigs of Hemlock. XXI, 77.
      Dyer, The Breakwater. XVI, 244 .
      Dyer,Gulliver the Great and Other Dog Stories. VI, 115.
      Eastman: Goethe’s Poems.  XXXI, 85.
      Edith Wharton and Others, W. C. Brownell. XVIII, 290.
      Ellinwood, Behind the German Lines. IX, 251.
      Elliott, David Thompson, Pathfinder. I, 339.
      Elliott, The Cycle of Modern Poetry. XVIII, 217.
      Elliott: Humanism and Imagination.  XXVIII, 200.
      Erskine, Private Life of Helen of Troy. XV, 170.
      Erskine: My Life As A Teacher.  XXXVII, 206.
      Esty, The Proud House. XXI, 234.
      Farwell, Village Improvement. III, 27l.
      Farwell, Village Improvement. VII, 271.
      Favour: Old Bill Williams: Mountain Man.  XXV, 412.
      Fay: Assembly Plays for Special Days.  XXXI, 293.
      Fenton: Soldiers and Strangers.  (Poems.)  XXXIV, 444.
      Ferguson and Sheldon: Fun with Flowers.  XXIX, 309.
      Field, A Guide to Literature for Children. XVIII, 68.
      Field, Fingerposts to Children's Reading. I, 338.
      Field, Literary Readers. V, 182.
      Field, Rome. III, 53.
      Field: Finding the New World.  XXV, 184.
      Field: Psalms of the Modern Life.  XXVI, 402.
      Fiske, A Study of Jesus’ Own Religion. XXII, 188.
      Fiske, Boy Life and Self-Government. I, 256.
      Fiske, In a College Chapel. XXI, 326.
      Fiske, Purpose in Teaching Religion. XVII, 66.
      Fiske, Studies in Spiritual Energy for Teachers of Religion. XXII, 379.
      Fiske, The Changing Family. XIX, 222.
      Fiske, The Recovery of Worship. XX, 333.
      Fiske,Challenge of the Country. II, 164.
      Folger Library: Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus.  XXVI, 401.
      Forbes, O Genteel Lady. XVI, 65.
      Ford: Dictatorship in the Modern World.  XXVIII, 444.
      French, The Lost Cricket and Other Stories. XIX, 313.
      Friedmann, The Cowbirds. XVIII, 289.
      Friendly: The Guys on the Ground.  XXXIV, 91.
      Frizzell: The Chapel Prayer Book.  XXIX, 423.
      Frost, A Way Out. XVIII, 288.
      Frost: A Further Range.  XXV, 407.
      Frost: Bibliographies and Exhibits of the Work of Robert Frost.  XXVI, 79.
      Frost: From Snow to Snow.  XXV, 287.
      Frost: From Snow to Snow.  XXVI, 180.
      Frost: Robert Frost: a Bibliography.  XXVI, 283.
      Frost: The Gold Hesperidee.  XXV, 77.
      Fuess and Bashford: Unseen Harvests.  A Treasury of Teaching.  XXXVII, 113.
      Fuess, Amherst Memorial Volume. XVI, 165.
      Fuess, An old New England School. VII, 34.
      Fuess, Byron as a Satirist in Verse. II, 164.
      Fuess, Carl Schurz, Reformer. XXI, 328.
      Fuess, Daniel Webster. XX, 334.
      Fuess, Men of Andover. XVII, 294.
      Fuess, Phillips Academy, Andover in the Great War. IX, 99.
      Fuess, Rufus Choate, Wizard of the Law. XVII, 226.
      Fuess: Calvin Coolidge, the Man from Vermont.  XXIX, 307.
      Fuess: Creed of a Schoolmaster.  XXVIII, 318.
      Gallinger and Smith, Conversations with Luther. V, 183.
      Gaus, Great Britain: A Study of Civic Loyalty. XIX, 146.
      Gaus, White, and Dimock: The Frontiers of Public Administration.  XXVI, 287.
      Gay and Rod, Bulletin and Review of the Keats-Shelley Memorial No.2. I, 343.
      Gilfillan, Sheep. XIX, 225.
      Gilfond, The Rise of Saint Calvin. XXII, 191.
      Goddard, Transcendentalism, a chapter in The Cambridge History of American Literature. VII, 193.
      Goddard, W. H. Hudson: Bird-Man. XVIII, 140.
      Goldberg: Amherst As Poetry.  XXX, 264.
      Goodrich, The Miner's Freedom. XV, 168.
      Graves: Manitou and the Animals: an Indian Legend.  XXV, 81.
      Greene, Fries and Wriston: Liberal Education Re-examined: its Role in a Democracy.  XXXIII, 107.
      Greene: The Arts and the Art of Criticism.  XXX, 174.
      Grosvenor: Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine, 1899 to 1934 inclusive.  XXV, 79.
      Hall: Radar Aids to Navigation.  XXVII, 115.
      Haller and Davis: The Leveller Tracts.  XXXIV, 89.
      Haller, Early Life of Hobert Southey. IX, 99.
      Haller: The Rise of Puritanism.  XXVIII, 202.
      Hallock, An Angler's Reminiscences. VI, 114.
      Hallock, Hawaii Under King Kalakaua. I, 258.
      Hallock, Why Our Flag Floats Over Oregon. I, 258.
      Hamilton and Johnson: The Art of Fiction.  XXVIII, 447.
      Hamilton and May, Control of Wages. XIII, 235.
      Hamilton, Current Economic Problems. VI, 117.
      Hamilton, Exercises in Current Economics. VI. 117.
      Hamilton: A Second Constitution for the United States of America.  XXVIII, 204.
      Hamlin and Turner, Chemical Resistance of Engineering Materials. XIII, 234.
      Hamlin, American Spirit in Architecture. XV, 360.
      Hamlin, The Enjoyment of Architecture. VI, 116.
      Hamlin: Architecture through the Ages.  XXIX, 424.
      Hamlin: Architecture, an Art for All Men.  XXXVII, 29.
      Hamlin: Some European Architectural Libraries.  XXVIII, 319.
      Harris, Century's Change in Religion. IV, 139.
      Hartshorne, Character in Human Relations.  XXIII, 85.
      Hartshorne, Worship in the Sunday School. III, 129.
      Hartshorne: From School to College.  XXIX, 197.
      Haydn: By Nature Free.  XXXII, 443.
      Haydn: The Time Is Noon.  XXXVII, 206.
      Haynes: The Senate of the United States.  XXVIII, 315.
      Hazelton: The Root and Flower of Prayer.  XXXIII, 108.
      Hendricks, Double Dealer. XXI, 162.
      Hendricks, Flames and Fireflies. XV, 264.
      Hibben, Henry Ward Beecher. XVII, 148.
      Higginbottom: What Does Jesus Expect of His Church?  XXX, 372.
      Holland, To the River Plate and Back. III, 269.
      Holland, To the River Plate and Back. VII, 269.
      Holmes and Kingman, Procedure and Practice before the U. S. Court of Appeals. XV, 168.
      Hooper: Life along the Connecticut River.  XXIX, 92.
      Houghton, Cicero's Defense of Old Age. I, 166.
      Humphries, Europa, and Other Poems and Sonnets. XIX, 146.
      Humphries: Forbid Thy Ravens.  XXXVII, 29.
      Humphries: Out of the Jewel.  XXXI, 412.
      Hunger and History.  XXIX, 89.
      Hunt: Coral Comes High.  XXXV, 350.
      Johnson: As Much As I Dare.  XXXIV, 213.
      Johnson: Campus Versus Classroom.  XXXV, 350.
      Johnson: Ladder to the Moon.  XXIX, 90.
      Johnson: Professor at Bay.  XXVI, 285.
      Johnson: Sonnets from the Pekinese and Other Doggerel.  XXV, 187.
      Johnson: The Lost Art of Profanity.  XXXVIII, 20.
      Johnson: The Rubaiyat of Oma Ki-Yi, and Other Waggish Rhymes.  XXVIII, 90.
      Kane, Picturesque America. XIV, 264.
      Kane: War or Peace? A Forecast.  XXV, 290.
      Kates, Woven Wind. XXI, 78.
      Kates: Morning, Noon and Night.  XXXVII, 117.
      Kates: Woven Wind.  XXVII, 327.
      Keep, Library in Colonial New York. I, 339.
      Kenngott, Record of a City; Social Survey of Lowell, Mass. I, 334.
      Kimball, A. L., College Text-Book of Physics. I, 254.
      Kimball, E., Public Life of Joseph Dudley. I, 165.
      Kimball, Vibration Prevention in Engineering.  XXII, 284.
      Konefsky: Chief Justice Stone And The Supreme Court.  XXXV, 233.
      Krikorian: Islam and Christianity Face to Face.  XXVI, 284.
      Ladd, The Victorian Morality of Art: An Analysis of Ruskin's Esthetic. XXII, 380.
      Langland: The Vision of Piers Plowman.  XXV, 294.
      Lansing: War Memoirs of Robert Lansing. XXV, 185.
      Law, The Stream of English Poetry. XXI, 161.
      Law: Civilization Builders.  XXVIII, 447.
      Lee. Life of. (Was it Worth While?) V. 184.
      Leiper: Christ’s Way and The World’s, in Church, State and Society.  XXVI, 287.
      Leiper: Pilgrimage to Amsterdam.  XXXVII, 115.
      Leiper: World Chaos or World Christianity – A Popular Interpretation of Oxford and Edinburgh.  XXVII, 326.
      Lewis and Williams: Private Charity in England.  XXVIII, 205.
      Loewenstein: Hitler’s Germany, the Nazi Background to War.  XXIX, 194.
      Long, Bryan, the Great Commoner. XVIII, 69.
      Long, Lord Jeffery Amherst, A Soldier of the King.  XXII, 286.
      Long: Mr. Pitt and America’s Birthright.  XXIX, 425.
      Long: The Liberal Presidents.  XXXVIII, 107.
      Loomis, Deseado Formation of Patagonia. IV, 60.
      Loomis, Evolution of the horse. XVI, 163.
      Loomis, Field Book of Common Rocks and Minerals. XIII, 233.
      Loomis, Hunting Extinct Animals in the Patagonian Pampas. II, 2.54.
      Loomis: Physiography of the United States.  XXVI, 404.
      Loos, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. XVI, 65.
      Lorca and Humphries: The Poet in New York and Other Poems.  XXIX, 426.
      Lovell, The Flower and the Bee. IX, 251.
      Luther: The Hadley Chest.  XXV, 186.
      Lyman, Theology and Human Problems. I, 65.
      Lyman: Religion and the Issues of Life.  XXXIII, 323.
      Macintosh, ed., Religious Realism. XXI, 158.
      MacIver, ed., Economic Reconstruction.  XXIII, 381.
      Macy, American Writers on American Literature. XXI, 234.
      Manly and Rickert, Contemporary American Literature. XIX, 224.
      March, Fifteen Lyrics. XIX, 225.
      March, The Set-Up. XVIII, 219.
      March, The Wild Party. XVIII, 219.
      Mason, Outlines of Missionary History. II, 252.
      McFarland, Sea Panther. XVII, 226.
      McFarland: Notable Short Stories.  XXVI, 405.
      McFarland: Sea Adventure.  XXVIII, 317.
      McFarland: The Masts of Gloucester.  XXVI, 404.
      McMackin, Marsh, Baten: The Arithmetic of Business.  XXV, 81.
      McManaway, Dawson, and Willoughby: Joseph Quincy Adams: Memorial Studies.  XXVIII, 20.
      Meiklejohn: Education Between Two Worlds.  XXXII, 203.
      Merriam, Church Worship Book. XXI, 327.
      Merriam, More Precious than Fine Gold.  XXII, 82.
      Miller and Fletcher, The Church and Industry. XX, 146.
      Miller: What the International Labor Organization Means to America. 413.
      Millett and Bentley: The Art of the Drama.  XXV, 82.
      Millett: Contemporary American Authors.  XXIX, 308.
      Millett: Contemporary British Literature. A Critical Survey.  XXV, 188.
      Millett: The Rebirth of Liberal Education.  XXXIV, 321.
      Mills, Vacation for Industrial Workers. XVI, 315.
      Mizwa: Great Men and Women of Poland.  XXXI, 188.
      Morley, Thunder on the Left. XV, 170.
      Morse, Civilization and the World War. IX, 95.
      Morse, Peach Bloom. III, 127.
      Morse, Winter Garden. XX, 147.
      Morton, A Man of Earth. XX, 145.
      Morton, Amherst Undergraduate Verse, 1927. XVI, 316.
      Morton, Amherst Undergraduate Verse, 1928. XVII, 295.
      Morton, Amherst Undergraduate Verse, 1929. XVIII, 288.
      Morton, Amherst Undergraduate Verse, 19S0. XIX, 314.
      Morton, Amherst Undergraduate Verse. XV, 62, 166.
      Morton, comp., Amherst Undergraduate Verse, 1931. XXI, 235.
      Morton, comp., Shorter Modern Poems, 1900-1931. XXI, 326.
      Morton, Earth's Processional.  XXII, 82.
      Morton, On the Way.  XXIII, 383.
      Morton, The Renaissance of Irish Poetry. XIX, 147.
      Morton, The Sonnet Today and Yesterday. XV, 263.
      Morton: A Letter to Youth.  XXXI, 289.
      Morton: All in One Breath.  XXVIII, 314.
      Morton: Angle of Earth and sky.  2 XXX, 61.
      Morton: Poems. XXXV, 234.
      Morton: Spell against Time. XXVI, 79.
      Moses and Gerson, Clyde Fitch and His Letters. XIV, 127.
      Mudge: The Social Philosophy of John Taylor of Caroline.  XXIX, 310.
      Mueller and Hartshorne: Ethical Dilemmas of Ministers. XXVII, 324.
      Neal, Newspaper Desk Work.  XXII, 381.
      Nevius: Religion as Experience and Truth.  An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.  XXXII, 206.
      Nichols, Preparation of Stewart Burton Nichols. XVIII, 69.
      Nicolson: Athletics at Wesleyan.  XXVIII, 92.
      Nicolson: Dwight Morrow.  XXV, 85.
      Niemöller: From U-Boat to Pulpit.  XXVII, 209.
      Norton, Call of the Heights. I, 67.
      Noyes. Financial Chapters of the War. VI. 115.
      Noyes: The Market Place: Reminiscences of a Financial Editor.  XXVII, 321.
      Nugent: Consumer Credit and Economic Stability.  XXIX, 200.
      Odegard and Helms: American Politics.  XXVIII, 87.
      Orr: The History of the Classical High School, Springfield, Mass.  XXV, 410.
      Pabst: Butter and Oleomargarine.  XXVII, 96.
      Palmer, Mahlon Norris Gilbert. III, 128.
      Palmer: Tested Sales Letters.  XXV, 188.
      Parker: Which Shall I Believe?  XXXI, 85.
      Parks, Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages. XVIII, 218.
      Parks, The Travels of Marco Polo. XVIII, 218.
      Parrish, The Perennial Bachelor. XV, 170.
      Parry, Betsy Ross, Quaker Rebel. XX, 243.
      Parsons: The Structure of Social Action.  XXVII, 446.
      Patton and Field, Eight O’Clock Chapel. XVII, 65.
      Patton, God's World. XXI, 236.
      Patton, The Rosary. XVII, 66.
      Patton: The Amherst Wordsworth Collection: a Descriptive Bibliography.  XXV, 408.
      Patton: The Rediscovery of Wordsworth.  XXV, 183.
      Paul and Mertens: The Law of Federal Income Taxation.  XXV, 290.
      Paul: Federal Estate and Gift Taxation.  XXXI, 291.
      Pease: Sequestered Vales of Life.  XXXV, 495.
      Peter Skene Ogdell, Fur Trader. I, 339.
      Pilat and Ransom: Sodom by the Sea: An Affectionate History of Coney Island.  XXX, 372.
      Pilat: Sea-Mary.  XXV, 294.
      Pilat: The Mate Takes Her Home.  XXIX, 93.
      Plimpton, In Personam. XIV, 65.
      Plimpton, The Education of Shakespeare.  XXIII, 84.
      Plimpton: The Education of Chaucer.  XXV, 288.
      Plumb, When Mayflowers Blossom. IV. 62.
      Pohl: Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major. XXXIV, 212.
      Pottle, Poems. 1,67.
      Power: Jules Ferry and the Renaissance of French Imperialism.  XXXIV, 90.
      Prentice, Padre: A Red Cross Chaplain in France. IX, 251.
      Prentice: American Dairy Cattle, Their Past and Future.  XXXII, 205.
      Prentice: The Heritage of the Cathedral.  XXV, 411.
      Prentice: The Voices of the Cathedral.  XXVIII, 88.
      Pseudoman (Northrup): Zero to Eighty.  XXVIII, 445.
      Rand, Yesterdays at the Massachusetts State College, 1863-1933.  XXIII, 177.
      Rand: Heart O’Town.  XXXV, 116.
      Raushenbush: The Final Choice.  XXVII, 327.
      Raushenbush, The Power Fight.  XXII, 86.
      Rawson, 1776. XVII, 150.
      Rebert, Virgil and Those Others. XX, 242.
      Richards: Hudibras in the Burlesque Tradition.  XXVII, 94.
      Richards: Time Strikes. XXIX, 91.
      Riefler, Money Rates and Money Markets in the United States. XX, 336.
      Rockwood: Joy on the Way.  XXIX, 89.
      Rogers, Life Goes On. XX, 335.
      Rogers: When This You See Remember Me: Gertrude Stein in Person.  XXXVII, 296.
      Rolfe: A Little Book of Charades.  XXVII, 93.
      Rolfe: Songs of Saints and Sinners.  XXV, 289.
      Romer, Man and the Vertebrates.  XXIII, 178.
      Romer, Vertebrate Palaeontology.  XXIII, 87.
      Romer: Man and the Vertebrates.  XXXI, 186.
      Root, Bow of Burning Gold. XIX, 147.
      Root: Dawn is Forever.  XXVII, 445.
      Root, Lost Eden. XVI, 315.
      Root: Before the Swallow Dares.  XXXVII, 205.
      Root: Frank Harris, A Biography.  XXXVII, 30.
      Rossiter, Days and Ways in Old Boston. IV, 140.
      Ruckmick, The Brevity Book on Psychology. IX, 249.
      Rudlin: The Growth of Fascism in Great Britain.  XXV, 287.
      Rugg: A Memorial.  XXIX, 196.
      Russell: Man Proposes.  XXIX, 307.
      Rylee: St. George of Weldon.  XXVI, 407.
      Rylee: The Ring and the Cross.  XXXVII, 31.
      Sadler: “Just Going To” and Other Stories for Juniors.  XXV, 80.
      Sadler: Out of Doors with God.  XXX, 172.
      Salmon, Imperial Spain. XXI, 73.
      Samuelson: Economics: An Introductory Analysis.  XXXVII, 299.
      Sawyer, History of Williston Seminary. VII, 34.
      Scandrett: Divided They Fall.  XXXI, 87.
      Scandrett: The Nazi Disease.  XXVIII, 448.
      Scenna: The Treatment of Ancient Legend and History in Bodmer.  XXVI, 289.
      Schwab: Tribes of the Liberian Hinterland.  XXXVIII, 21.
      Scott: The Validity of the Gospel Record.  XXVIII, 201.
      Seelye, Early History of Smith College. XIII, 232.
      Seven Amherst Poets.  XXVII, 98.
      Sharp and Fox: Business Ethics.  XXVI, 403.
      Sharp and Gregory: Social Change and Labor Law.  XXX, 91.
      Sharp, Education for Character. IX, 96.
      Sharp, Ethics. XX, 243.
      Smith and Gallinger. Conversations with Luther. V, 183.
      Smith, Key to the Colloquies of Erasmus. XVII, 226.
      Smith, Life and Letters of Martin Luther. I, 62.
      Smith,Luther's Correspondence. III, 127.
      Smith. Heretic’s Defense. XVI, 243.
      Smith: Masters of French Literature.  XXVI, 406.
      Smith: The Spanish Guild Merchant: A History of the Consulado.  XXX, 263.
      Snider: Credit Unions in Massachusetts.  XXIX, 199.
      Spafford and Esty, Ask Me Another. XVI, 245.
      Spear, Beyond the Streets. XVII, 295.
      Spinney: The Amherst Diary of William Otis Carr.  XXX, 169.
      St. John. Jerusalem the Golden. XVI, 244.
      St. John: The Coat of Many Colors.  XXXIII, 106.
      Stanford, Invitation to Danger. XIX, 61.
      Stanford, Men, Fish and Boats.  XXIII, 382.
      Stanford, Navigator. XVII, 67.
      Stearns: To Him That Overcometh.  XXV, 289.
      Stebbins: The Kingdom That Is Being Built.  XXVII, 322.
      Stein and Davis: Labor Problems in America.  XXX, 169.
      Stiles, The World’s Work and the Calendar.  XXIII, 278.
      Stilwell: Migration from Vermont.  XXVII, 324.
      Stocking, City That Never Was Reached. I, 167.
      Stoddard, Introduction to General Chemistry. I, 163.
      Stone, Recruiting For Christ. I, 68.
      Stone: The Life of Henry Clay Ide.  XXV, 77.
      Stryker: Arms and the Aftermath.  XXXI, 414.
      Sweeney: Stabilized Accounting.  XXVII, 210.
      Swift, Learning and Doing. IV, 60.
      Swift, Psychology and the Day's Work. IX, 249.
      Swift, The Jungle of the Mind. XXI, 160.
      Swift, The Psychology of Childhood. XX, 145.
      Swift, Youth and the Race. II,161.
      Sypher: Guinea’s Captive Kings: British Anti-Slavery Literature of the XVIIIth Century.  XXXI, 291.
      Taylor, Burtis, and Waugh: Barriers to Internal Trade in Farm Products.  XXVIII, 443.
      Tead and Metcalf, Labor Relations under the Recovery Act.  XXIII, 86.
      Tead, Human Nature and Management. XIX, 60.
      Tead: The Case for Democracy.  XXVII, 206.
      Tead: Creative Management.  XXV, 290.
      Tead: New Adventures in Democracy: Practical Applications of the Democratic Idea.  XXIX, 198.
      Thayer, What is Your Life?  XXIII, 277.
      Theobald: The Earthquake and Other Poems.  XXXVIII, 108.
      Thompson, Shakespeare's Macbeth. VII, 32.
      Thompson. British Verse for Boys. VI, 114.
      Thompson: English for Technical Men.  XXVI, 286.
      Thornton: Recognition of Robert Frost.  XXVII, 202.
      Thorp: Sixty Story Sermons for Boys and Girls.  XXVIII, 89.
      Tilley: Basie English for College Freshmen.  XXXI, 88.
      Todd, Letters of Emily Dickinson. XXI, 158.
      Tower: A Glance at Amherst Athletics.  XXV, 78.
      Trott, Monkey Boat. XXI, 235. 
      Tufts, America’s Social Morality.  XXIII, 277.
      Turgeon and Gilligan: The Principal Comedies of Moliere.  XXV, 183.
      Tyler, Coming of Man. XIII, 231.
      Tyler, Place of the Church in Evolution. III, 269.
      Tyler, Recollections of the Civil War. II, 250.
      Tyler, The Place of the Church in Evolution. VII, 269.
      Underhill, The Rhymes of Goochy Goggles. XV, 264.
      Utter and Needham: Pamela’s Daughters.  XXVI, 283.
      Van Deusen, Sieyes: His Life and His Nationalism.  XXII, 191.
      Van Doren: Liberal Education.  XXXIII, 211.
      Van Nostrand: Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia.  XXVII, 443.
      Ward, Commentary on Habakkuk. I, 337.
      Warfel: Noah Webster, Schoolmaster to America.  XXVI, 84.
      Warfel: Poems by Noah Webster. XXVI, 184.
      Washburn: The Massachusetts General Hospital, Its Development 1900-1935.  XXIX, 196.
      Waterman, Utter and Utter: Nicholas Utter of Westerly, Rhode Island, and a Few of His Descendants.  XXXII, 207.
      Webb, Love They Must.  XXII, 381.
      Webb: No Match for Murder.  XXXI, 292.
      Webster: Rabies.  XXXI, 413.
      Wells, With Caesar's Legions. On Land and Sea with Caesar. XVI, 62.
      Wells: The Elizabethan and Jacobean Playwrights.  XXIX, 90.
      Whicher, Early Essayists, a chapter in The Cambridge History of American Literature. VII, 193.
      Whicher, Life and Romance of Mrs. Eliza Haywood. V, 181.
      Whicher, On the Tibur Road. I, 260.
      Whicher: “This was a Poet,” a Critical Biography of Emily Dickinson.  XXVIII, 203.
      Whicher: Selceted Poems of Horace, With an Introduction by George F. Whicher.  XXVII, 115.
      Whicher: Walden and Selected Essays.  Henry D. Thoreau.  Introduction by George F. Whicher.  XXXVII, 113.
      Whicher: Walden Revisited.  XXXV, 116.
      Wickenden: The Running of the Deer.  XXVII, 97.
      Wickenden: The Wayfarers.  XXXIV, 446.
      Wickenden: Tobias Brandywine.  XXXVII, 297.
      Wickenden: Walk Like a Mortal.  XXIX, 312.
      Wilbur: The Beautiful Changes and Other Poems.  XXXVII, 117.
      Wilder, The Early Years of a Zoologist. XX, 146.
      Wilkins and Altrocchi, Italian short stories. II, 255.
      Wilkins and Rand, Dantis Algherii Operum Latinorum Concordantiae. II, 254.
      Wilkins, A Platform for Life.  XXIII, 177.
      Wilkins, Above Pompeii. XX, 72.
      Wilkins, The Changing College. XVII, 152.
      Wilkins, The College and Society. XXII, 189.
      Wilkins: Democracy Is Different.  XXXI, 86.
      Wilkins: From Peace to War.  XXXII, 207
      Wilkins: Living in Crisis.  XXVII, 206.
      Willcox: Studies in American Demography.  XXXI, 289.
      Williams: Experimental Physics.  XXVII, 203.
      Williams: Foundations of College Physics.  XXVII, 203.
      Williams, Magnetic Phenomena. XX, 332.
      Williams: Hardness and Hardness Measurements.  XXXII, 103.
      Williams: Selected Writings and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln.  XXXII, 442.
      Wilson: Selected Papers and Addresses of Joseph B. Eastman.  XXXVII, 204.
      Woodbridge, The Son of Apollo. XIX, 145.
      Woodbridge: An Essay on Nature.  XXX, 261.
      Woodbridge: Nature and Mind.  XXVI, 284.
      Woods, Preparation of Calvin Coolidge. XIV,208.
      Wood: The Presence of Everett Marsh.  XXVII, 92.
      Woods, Robert A. Woods. XVIII, 291.
      Woodworth: Psychology: Fourth Edition.  XXX, 90.
      Wylie, All Together Now.  XXII, 191.
      Ziegler: The International Law of John Marshall.  XXIX, 194.
      Zuch and Lewis: The Piano Teacher.  XXX, 92.

Bookseller in Amherst.  (Paul C. French.)  XXXII, 15.

Bosco, the Man-Eating Gorilla.  XXVII, 221.

Botanical Survey. The. XIX, 27.

Botsford, E. Herbert.  XXIV, 318.

Bottomly, Robert J.  XXXVIII, 131.

Bowdoin, A Visitor from. (E. P. Mitchell.) With plates. XV, 190.

Boyd, Robert O.  Requiescat in Pace.  XXVI, 337.

Boyden, Frank Learoyd.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.

Boyden, Ralph H.  XXXI, 152.

Boyden, Wallace Clarke.  XXVII, 55.

Boynton of the Booming Voice.  (A. L. Hardy.)  XXIII, 118.

Boynton, George H.  XXVIII, 402.

Boynton, H. W. Postscript. III, 265.

Boynton, Henry W.  XXXVI, 369.

Boynton, Nehemiah.  Portrait.  XXIII, 114. XXIII, 118, 140.

Boynton, Percy H.  Note on Lord Jeffrey Amherst in Colonial Verse. V, 165.
      Poem.  Hurricanes.  XXXII, 8.
      Portrait.  XXVIII, 135.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 203.
      XXXVI, 50.

Boys of 1877.  Portrait.  XXXI, 313.

Brace, Gerald Warner. Portrait.  XXVII, 231.

Bradley, John E.  XXVII, 386.

Bradley, Phillips.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 274.
      (Book review by.) XXIII, 382.
      (Book review by.)  XXII, 84.
      (Book review by.)  XXIX, 194.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 444.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVI, 180, 287, 404.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVII, 206, 327, 443.
      Mr. Justice Stone, Amherst’s New Trustee.  XXII, 124.
      Portrait. XV, 209.

Bragg, Charles F., II.  More About Teaching Methods.  XXX, 206.

Brainerd, George W.  XXX, 216.

Bravo, Robert B.  Portrait.  XXXII, 190.

Breck, Charles A.  XXXVI, 153.

Breck, Walter W.  XXXI, 43.

Brewster, Harold.  XXXVII, 322.

Bridgeman, E. C.  XXIV, 83, 201.  Portrait. 83.

Bridges, Gordon B.  Valentine Hall Goes G. I.  XXXIII, 344.

Bridgman, Harold A. Portrait. XVIII, 163.

Bridgman, Herbert L.  George Harris: Presentation Address. With portrait. III, 46.
       (H. F. Gunnison.) With portrait. XIV, 191.
      Portrait. V, 276.

Bridgman, Howard A.  XXII, 336.
      Thirty-five Years from Alma Mater. VII,271.

Brief Addenda.  XXVIII, 125.

Briefer Mention.  XXIX, 123.

British Educational Mission Visits Amherst. VIII, 8.

Broder, Edward W.  XXXII, 282.

Bronze Star.  Award to Lt. Col. George B. Chapman, III.  Portrait, XXXV, 28.

Brooklyn’s New Borough President.  (W. H. Gilpatric.)  XXIII, 120.

Brooks, Benjamin.  XXXVII, 216.

Brooks, Dr. Raymond C.  Portrait.  XXXVI, 140.

Brooks, Richard S.  Croc Thompson.  XXV, 110.
      Lewis of the Gridiron and the Bar. With portrait.  XXVI, 199.
      World’s Foremost Echinodermist, The.  With portraits. XXIII, 26.

Brough, Alexander.  XXIX, 264.

Broughton, Leslie Nathan.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 409.

Brower, Reuben A.  (Book reviews by.)  XXXIV, 444.  XXXV, 495.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXXVI, 31. XXXVII, 117. 
      The Sequence in the Humanities.  XXXVI, 8.

Brown, Alexander M.  XXX, 140.

Brown, Bailey. Track Situation, The. XVIII, 157.

Brown, Edmund, Jr. (Book review by.)  XXVII, 208.

Brown, George W.  XXVI, 137.

Brown, Robert McAfee.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII,117.

Brown, W. B. Our Undergraduate Imperialism. XIV, 24.

Brown, Warren D.  XXXVI, 374.
      Brown: Determinants of Investment Practice.  XXIV, 82.

Brownell, Joseph D.  (E. B. Robinson.) With portrait. XXI, 111.

Brownell, W. C. Education and Democratic Distinction. XVI, 169.
      portrait. XVI, 168.

Brownell, William C. A Critic's Retrospect. V, 234.

Brown's Gift to Amherst. (W. G. Everett.) II, 148.

Bryan, G. S.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 92.

Bryan, G. S.  Voices.  Poem.  XXVI, 198.

Bryan, George S.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 445.
      “Nungy.”  XXV, 297.
      “School of Peace.”  Poem.  XXVII, 356.
      Amherst’s Sir Isaac Newton.  XXX, 267.
      Arnold’s Letters.  Poem.  XXVII, 122.
      Unfamiliar Glimpses of Noah Webster.  XXVII, 211.
      XXXIII, 160.
      Genung and Rhetoric. With portrait. IX, 78.
      The Lustrum of Jacob Abbott.  XXVIII, 207.
      Long Vacation.  Poem.  XXVI, 296.

Bryce, Viscount. The Late Dr. George Washburn. IV, 299.

Buchanan, ’16, a Rhodes Scholar.  XXV, 135.

Buchanan, Scott.  A Crisis in Liberal Education.  XXVII, 106.

Buck, Charles Wentworth.  XXII, 243.

Buck, George H.  XXXIII, 38.

Budget.  XXIII, 37.

Buffum, Charles A.  XXXI, 32.

Buffum, Edwin C.  XXXVII, 319.

Building Alterations.  XXV, 31.

Building Program, The.  XXII, 316. XXIII, 35.

Building The Holyoke Dam.  (Charles E. Bolton.)  XXX, 105.

Building, Much New.  XXVII, 24.

Buildings and Grounds. XIII, 48; XIV, 45; XV, 307. XVI, 32.

Bulgaria, American Influence In. (George Washburn.) II. 203.

Bulkley, Barry.  XXIX, 150.

Bullock, Harry A. Portrait. VII, 295.

Burdick, Henry L.  XXXII, 55.

Burg, William H.  XXXI, 365.

Burgess, John W. How I Found Amherst College and What I Found. With plates. XVII, 3.
      Portrait. XX, 150.
      XX, 178.

Burgess, Mrs. Ruth Payne.  XXIII, 219.

Buried Talent, The. (C. L. Powell.) III, 175.

Burnett, Charles T.  XXXV, 290.
      Amherst at the Inauguration. XIV, 165.
      Career in Its Preparations and Beginnings, A. With plate. XXI, 83.

Burnett, G. Brinton. New Phi Gamma Delta House, The. With plates. XVIII, 237.

Burnett, George.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 411.

Burnett, In Memory of Charles T., ’95. (Robert P. Tristram Coffin.)  With portrait.  Poem. XXXV, 259.

Burnham, Frederick H.  XXXVI, 265.

Burr, Hanford M.  XXXI, 131.

Burrage, Prof. Dwight G.  With portrait.  XXXII, 20.

Burrill, Edgar W. The Passing of the Old in Drama. II, 223.

Burton, Richard.  XXIX, 366.

Business Historical Society. XIX, 110.

Butler, Charles H.  XXVIII, 145.

Butler, E. Dudley.  XXXII, 65.

Butler, Frank E.  XXXVIII, 27.

Butler, John E.  XXXIV, 259.

Butler, Nicholas Murray.  Government, Liberty, and the Economic War.  XXV, 103.
      Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXV, 121.
      Portrait.  XXV, 114.

Butler, Pierce. XX, 273.

Butter Hill.  Plate.  XXX, 183.

Butterfield. Kenyon L.  Amherst in 1956. VI, 10.

Butterfly Collection.  XXIX, 345.

Byington, Edwin H.  XXII, 338.
      XXXIII, 263.

Byrd, Rear Admiral Richard E. XX, 273.

Cable, George W.  XXXIV, 264.

Cadigan, Charles H.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 289.
      Portrait.  XXVIII, 135.

Cadman, S. Parkes. Henry Ward Beecher. With portrait. II, 327.

Cadwell, Louis G. The Housing of Phi Beta Kappa. II, 189.

Caldwell, Eleanor E. Garman Through Colored Glasses. XVIII, 242.

Caldwell, Louis G.  At Sunset. Poem. VI, 100.
      The Case of the Malay Club Caretaker.  XXXV, 12.

Call, The.  Poem.  (William L. Corbin.)  XXXIII, 121.

Callan, Rosalie D. Historian Looks at Business. The. XIX, 164.

Calvin Coolidge, Amherst '95. With portrait. XIII, 77.

Camp, Edward C.  XXXII, 389.

Campus Comment. (James I. Merrill.)  XXXIII, 24.

Campus in 1873, The Back.  XXVIII, 325.

Campus Model. With plates. XX, 259, 277.

Campus Rehabilitation.  XXVIII, 350.

Campus Topics.  XXIII, 34, 123, 213, 309. XXIV, 33, 113, 215, 307.XXV, 29, 120, 221, 318. XXVI, 24, 113, 206, 316. XXVII, 24, 127, 238, 357.XXVIII, 28, 118, 234, 346. XXIX, 24, 116, 224, 335. XXX, 21, 116, 199, 285. XXXI, 19, 113, 213, 314. XXXII, 23, 123, 232, 369.

Campus Trees, The.  XXVIII, 238.

Campus, The New.  XXVIII, 94, 237. Plates.  XXVIII, 322.

Canby, Henry Seidel.  “Alma Mater, the Gothic Age of the American College.” (Editorial.)  XXV, 233.

Canfield, F. Curtis.  Farewell to College Hall.  XXVI, 291.
      Terras Irradiavit.  XXXVII, 279.
      The Masquers’ Peer Gynt.  XXIX, 332.
      Plimpton Collection of Plays, The. XXI, 198.

Cap-Burning and Its Consequences, The. XIX, 173

Capen, Edward W.  XXXVII, 131.

Capen, Edward Warren.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.

Carducci. The Poetry Of. (E. H. Wilkins.) II,317.

Career in Its Preparations and Beginnings, A. (C. T. Burnett.) With plate. XXI, 83.

Carlin, George.  XXXV, 195.

Carnegie Corporation, Music.  XXIII, Gift.  127.

Carpenter, James M.  XXV, 39.

Cartotto Portraits.  XXVI, 214.

Cary, Frank.  Now It Can’t Be Told.  XXXIV, 335.

Cary, Otis. (C. H. Patton.) With portrait. XXII, 30.
      Cary: Side Excursions in History, and Only Forty Years Ago.  XXIV, 385.

Case of the Malay Club Caretaker, The.  (Louis G. Caldwell.)  XXXV, 12.

Cenotaph.  XXXII, 369.

Census of Extinct Birds, A.  XXI, 200.

Chairs in President King’s Office.  With plates.  XXIV, 123.

Chandler, Lester V.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 199.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 443.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 414.
      (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 299.

Changing College, The.  1943.  XXXII, 123, 233.

Chapel Address, September 20, 1917. (Alexander Meiklejohn.) VII,8.

Chapel Row Mural.  Plate.  XXIX, 27.

Chapel Service, Angel’s-eye View of Opening.  Plate.  XXX, 27.

Chapel Service. XVII, 251.

Chapel Well, Removal of.  XXII, 323.

Chapel, New East Façade of.  Plate.  XXIII, 1.

Chapel, Renovation of.  XXII, 316. XXIII, 35.

Chapel. XIX, 105. XX, 17.

Chapin, Arthur B.  XXXII, 262.

Chapin, Edward W.  On College Hill in ‘61. VI, 237.

Chapin, Robert M.  XXX, 227.

Chapman, Charles W. Portrait. VII, 294.

Chapman, Lt. Col. George B., III, Receives Bronze Star Medal.  Portrait.  XXXV, 28.

Charge to Alumni, A.  (Heman Humphrey.)  XXXIV, 12.

Charity. (J. M. March.) XIX, 163.

Charles.  (In Memory of Charles T. Burnett, '95).  (Robert P. Tristram Coffin.)  Poem. XXXV, 259.

“Charter for a College.”  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 233.

Chase, Charles A.  XXVI, 245.

Chase, Heman.  XXVII, 182.

Chase, John.  He Knew Garman. XXVII, 144.

Chase, W. B. Clyde Fitch; Playboy, Playwright, and Man of the World. VI, 31.

Checks and Balances in the Amherst Fraternities. (L. D. Stilwell.) V, 250.

Chemistry in Amherst. (A. J. Hopkins.) XIX, 3

Chemistry. XIX, 3, 7, 10, 65.

Cheney, Herman S.  XXXVIII, 120.

Cheyney, Edward P. History Among the Sciences. XVI, 96.

Chi Phi House. VII, 189. Plate opposite p. 163.

Chi Phi, Founding of the Phi Chapter of. (A. C. Powell.) XIII, 95.

Chi Psi Lodge, The New. (A. S. Bard.) With plate. XIII,99.

Chief Justice Stone as a Man.  (Albert W. Atwood.)  XXX, 277.

Chief Marshals.  XXXII, 134.

Child, Edwin B.  Amherst Worthies I Have Painted.  XXVII, 101.
      XXVI, 248.

Child, Sargent.  XXIII, 169.
      Finding the Source of the Orinoco. With plates.  XXI, 34.

Child’s Note On His Portrait of Crowell.  XXVII, 233.

Childs, James H.  XXXIII, 33.

Childs, Rev. James H.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 344.

China, The Great Wall of.  Plate.  XXXII, 111.

Chips of Doane, Mr.  (David Eddy.)  XXXII, 20.

Choir.  XXVIII, 125.

Christian Association Embassy.  XXVII, 247.

Christian Association.  XXXII, 238.
      IX, 27.
      The Year's Work of. (J. S. Bixler.) IX, 229.

Christian Effort and Expectation at Amherst. (T. A. Greene.) III, 200.

Christian Work in the College. (L. H. Seelye.) I, 155.

Christie, Francis A.  XXVIII, 49.

Church. Required Attendance. XVI, 33, 194, 271.

Churchill, George B. (C. L. Powell.) With portrait. XV, 173.
      Is the College Making Good? III. 95.
      Memorial to. With plate. XVI, 278.

Civil Protection School.  XXXII, 239.

Civil War Time.  (Joseph H. Sawyer.)  XXXIII, 109.
      Amherst in. (J. H. Sawyer.) III, 118.

Civilian Defense School.  XXXI, 215.

Civilian Pilot Training School.  XXXII, 26.

“Civilization” Course at St. Lawrence University.  (Editorial)  XXIX, 32.

Claflin, James F.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 220.

Clancy, George C.  Reminiscences of an English Professor.  XXXIV, 215.

Clancy, Rev. William P.  XXX, 20, 131.

Clark, Alden H. Larger Amherst, The. With plates. XIX, 88

Clark, Benjamin P.  XXVIII, 267.

Clark, Edward Tracy.  XXV, 119, 159, 160.

Clark, Hubert L.  XXXVII, 40.
      The Quest of the Vital Force. II, 294.

Clark, Hubert Lyman.  XXIII, 26.

Clark, J. D.  Size of the College.  XXVI, 133.

Clark, John A.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 446.

Clark, John Bates.  XXVII, 236, 266.
      XXXIV, 147.
      Service of Amherst to Columbia, A. XX, 178.

Clark, John Maurice.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.

Clark, Osman D.  XXXI, 33.

Clark, William Bullock. Johns Hopkins in Account with Amherst. IV. 215.
      With portrait. VII, 26.

Clark, William S.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 94.
      Baron Naibu Kanda. With portrait. XIII, 199.

Clark, William Smith. XIX, 245. Portrait. XIX, 6.

Clark, William W. Amherst in Holyoke.  XXIII, 104

Clark.  Bequest of Jefferson.  XXV, 228.

Clarke, John Mason. (Charles Schuchert and Rudolf Ruedemann.) With portrait XV, 15.

Clarke, L. Mason. XXXIV, 140.

Class Day in 1857.  XXX, 266.

Class Notes.  (Editorial.)  XXVI, 333.

Class of 1880. XIX, 266.

Class of 1933, Statistics of the. XIX, 94.

Class of 1951, Sons of Amherst Men in the.  XXXVII, 24.

Class Reunions. XIX, 261.

Class Spirit.  (Editorial.)  XXV, 37. XXVIII, 36. XXXI, 322.

Classes, The.  I, 71, 176, 265, 345; II, 99, 171, 262, 347; III, 61, 138, 209, 284. VII, 49, 125, 224, 317; VIII, 12,52, 95, 135; IX, 35, 109, 189, 275. XIII, 55, 147, 242, 331 ; XIV, 41, 138, 216, 310; XV, 41, 137,225,326. XVI, 35, 135, 211, 289. XVII, 42, 114, 190, 257. XVIII, 40, 113, 176, 250. XIX, 34, 112, 190, 272. XX, 44, 115, 198, 283. XXI, 46, 126, 208, 282. XXII, 45, 143, 243, 330. XXIII, 46, 137, 231, 325. XXIV, 49, 135, 233, 324. XXV, 43, 139, 249, 345. XXVI,  39, 137, 238, 343. XXVII, 47, 154, 266, 381. XXVIII, 41, 140, 261, 365. XXIX, 40, 137, 250, 358. XXX, 38,130, 214, 302. XXXI, 31, 126, 230, 329. XXXII, 36, 139, 253, 379. XXXIII, 33, 138, 258, 370. XXXIV, 34, 138, 253, 366.  XXXV, 39, 157, 282, 417. XXXVI, 39, 148, 248, 364.  XXXVII, 35, 124, 213, 303.  XXXVIII, 26, 113.

Classical Club. (Address by W. J. Boardman.) XIX, 12.

Classics, The.  XXIII, 320.
      (T. V. Parker.) XXII, 20.
      XXII, 223, 231.

Classmate’s View of Stanley King, A. (A. W. Atwood.) With plates. XXI, 251.

Clauson, James Earl.  XXVI, 369.

Cleland, James T.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 289.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVII, 93, 326.
      Amherst Abroad.  XXIX, 99.  (Book reviews by.)  423, 427.
      Bible and Religion, The.  XXV, 336.
      The Bible in Amherst. XXIV, 105.
      (Book review by.) XXII, 379.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVI, 181, 287.

Clews, Henry, Jr.  XXVII, 63.

Cloak, G. W. To Amherst College. Poem. V, 163.

Club, Pre-Law.  XXIV, 125.

Clubs and Seminars, Among the. (G. B. Parks.) I, 151.

Clutia, Harry L.  XXVIII, 168.

Clyde Fitch Lectures. XIX, 157.

Clyde Fitch's Apprenticeship. (C. L. Powell.) With plate. XVII, 157.

Clyne, Lt. Col. Charles T.  Portrait.  XXXIV, 101.

Coadjutor of Four Colleges, A. (A. J. Hopkins.) I, 245.

Coates, Hallam F. The Honor System in Rudimental Conditions. I, 107.

Cobb Pentathlon Cup. XVI, 283.

Cobb, Charles W.  Portrait.  XXX, 208.

Cobb, Edward Scribner.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 85.
      Doshisha Today.  XXIX, 108.
      Amherst Neesima Memorial Building in Doshisha, The. With plate. XXII, 13.

Cobb, Sumner W. XXIV, 258.

Cobb, William H. At Sea. Poem. II, 25.
      Cody: This Must Be the Place.  XXVII, 95.

Coe, Arthur C.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 98.

Coe, Henry D.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 80.

Coffin, Robert P. Tristram.  Charles.  (In memory of Charles T. Burnett, ’95.)  Poem.  XXXV, 259.

Coffran, Frank H.  XXX, 132.

Coit, Stanton.  XXXIII, 261.

Cole, Charles Woolsey.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 413.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 205.
      (Book review by.)  XXXIV, 321.
      (Book review by.)  XXVII, 204.

Cole, Conant, King, Presidents.  Portrait.  XXXVI, 8.

Cole, K. S.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 97.

Cole, President and Chairman Stearns.  Portrait.  XXXVI, 9.

College and the Common Life, The. (E. M. Hopkins.) XXII, 114.

College and the Man. (G. W. Thompson.) II, 306.

College Art Collection, The.  (Charles H. Morgan.)  XXXVIII, 94.

College as of October, 1942, The.  XXXII, 23.

College Chapel at Amherst. (S. P. Lamprecht.) XX, 17.

College Church, The.  (A. L. Crowell.) With plate.  XXV, 25.
      (F. Q. Blanchard.)  XXV, 135.
      (Editorial.)  XXV, 36.

College Conceit and College Spirit. (K. O. Thompson.) VII, 18.

College Enrollments.  (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 247.

College Hall.  Plate.  XXVII, 29.

College Health and the New Infirmary.  XXVI, 113, 185.

College is Solvent, The.  XXVII, 129.

College Notes. XIII, 44, 134, 222, 311; XIV, 41, 119, 200, 283; XV, 30, 125, 211, 305. XVI,  29, 126, 198, 277. XVII, 32. XXI, 42.

College Opening. XIII, 44; XIV, 41; XV, 30. XVI, 31. XVII, 32.

College President, Nineteenth.  (E. S. Parsons.)  40.

College President's Job, The. (W.DeW. Hyde.) II, 86.

College Presidents, List of Living.  XXIV, 306.

“College Program in Action, A.”  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 410.

College Range, Finding the Modern. (L. H. Seelye.) III, 106.

College Row Painting, Loan of.  XXV, 127.
      Plate.  XXIV, 181.
      Plate.  XXV, 193.

College Topics. XIX, 94,173,259. XX, 33, 100, 180, 272. XXI, 116, 197, 267.

College Well, The Old.  (George H. Driver).  Poem.  XXXVII, 276.

College Well.  XXIII, 36.

COLLEGE WINDOW, The.  Arranged in order of publication:
      The Editor's Job. IV, 1.
      Being a Contemporaneous Posterity. IV, 7.
      What Really Becomes of Amherst Men. IV, 10.
      Beyond the University. IV, 97.
      Culture and Kultur. IV, 100.
      A Cultural and Aesthetic Barometer. IV, 106.
      Our Court of Appeal. IV, 171.
      The Call of the Job. IV, 257.
      College, –  or Chautauqua. IV, 261.
      When Trained Science Won Out. IV, 266.
      Virtues of a Certain Gold Watch Key. V, 3.
      The Plight of Uncommon Sense. V, 73.
      The Grim Art of Optimism. V, 149.
      Culture and College in Young America. V, 223.
      A Quarter Century's Dream and the Waking. V, 230.
      Trying Out the Superman. VI, 3.
      In the Beginning was the Word. VI, 77.
      On Being a Back Number. VI, 149.
      As Between Teacher and Taught. VI, 223.
      Ideals Overhead and Underground. VII, 1.
      What is in that Word Scholarship. VII, 163.
      An Amherst Dozen. VII, 261.
      Our Uncle Sam Spits on his Hands. IX, 3.

COLLEGE WINDOW, THE. See Editorial Notes.

College Year, The. VII, 297; VIII, 45, 87, 127.

Colleges Convert For War.  (William F. Peirce.)  XXXII, 218.

Collegiate Piety in 1856.  XXIII, 202.

Collester, C. H.  A Tribute to Grosvie.  XXVI, 227.

Collester, Frank W.  XXVI, 139.

Collins, Halsey M. Ninety-Six Quartet, The. With plate. XVIII, 15.

Colquhoun, Norman W.  The Amherst Political Union.  XXX, 199.

Commencement Address, 1945. (Stanley King.)  XXXIV, 323.

Commencement Awards.  3 XXXIII, 66.

Commencement Photographs.  XXXVII, 276.

Commencement Pro Patria, A. (C. H. Patton.) VI, 250.

Commencement Reminiscence, A. (L. F. Abbott.) XVI, 10.

Commencement, An Extra-Territorial.  (Harold J. Baily.)  XXXV, 29.

Commencement, The ninetieth, 1911. I, 44.
      The ninety-first, 1912. II, 26.
      The ninety-second, 1913. III, 40.
      The Ninety-fourth, 1915. V, 259.
      of 1918. VII, 300.
      1919. (G. F. Whicher.) VIII, 121.
      1920. IX, 24:2.
      1924. With plates. XIII, 267, 298.
      1925. XIV,290.
      The 114th.  1926. With plates. XV, 274.
      1927. XVI, 277.
      1928. XVII, 253.
      XXII, 314.
      XXIII, 309.
      XXIV, 307.
      the 115th.  XXV, 318.
      The 116th.  XXVI, 316.
      The 117th.  XXVII, 357.  Plate.  329.
      The 118th.  XXVIII, 346.
      The 119th.  XXIX, 335.
      The 120th.  2 XXX, 85.
      The 121st.  XXXI, 314.
      XXXII, 126.
      XXXVI, 347. 
      1947.  Photographs. XXXVI, 350.
      XXXVII, 287.

Commencements, Two.  XXXII, 235.

Commissioner of Church Architecture. (F. J. Woodbridge.) With plates. 240.

Commons Club. XXII, 134.

Composition of a Freshman Class, The. XIX, 94.

Compulsory Chapel.  (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 356.

Conant Convocation.  XXIV, 122.

Conant, George A.  XXV, 46.

Conant, James Bryant.  Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 122.

Concerts. XVI, 129, 200, 281.

Conferences, Religious.  XXIV, 125.

Congregational Teacher, A. (E. S. Parsons.) XVIII, 165.

Congressional Leaders-Rainey, ‘83, and Snell, ‘94, The. (A. T. Treadway.) With portraits. XXII, 209.

Conn, Stetson.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 425.

Conn, Stetson.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 171.

Connecticut River, The. (H. L. Wells.) XIII,211.

Control or Chaos? – A Design for Peace.  J. F. Kane.  XXVI, 34.

Converse Library Notes.  XXVI, 118. XXVII, 132.

Converse Memorial Library. Addition.  XXVIII, 32.
      Addition to.  Plate. XXVIII, 112.
      Donations to.  XXV, 227.
      New Reading Room of.  Plate.  XXVIII, 112.
      (J. F. Genung.) With plates. VII, 75.

Converse, Edmund Cogswell. Portrait. VII, 82.

Converse, James Blanchard. Portrait. VII, 82.

Convocation, November.  XXV, 121.

Convocation.  Poem.  Grant N. Nickerson.  XXIX, 324.

Convocation. XXII, 315.

Cook, George Lewis.  XXV, 265.
     Cook: Le Noir.  Morceaux choisis di vingtneuf Francais celebres.  XXIV, 280.

Cooke, Charles H.  XXXV, 178.

Coolidge and Loomis Libraries. XXVIII, 31.

Coolidge Memorial Library, XXVII, 363. Interior of.  Plate.  XXVIII, 121.

Coolidge, A Tribute to Calvin.  XXIX, 33.

Coolidge, Calvin and Stanley King.  Portrait.  XXXV, 252.

Coolidge, Calvin. (A. P. Rugg.) XXII, 202.
      (C. A. Andrews.) XXII, 198.
      (H. F. Stone.) With portrait. XXII, 193.
      (W. R. Stone.) With portrait. IX, 84.
      Portrait. III, 159.
      Postscript, A. XXI, 17.
      The Legislation of Sound Sense. III, 171.
      With portrait. XIII, 77.
      XXII, 128, 261.

“Coolidge, Calvin, The Story of.”  XXVIII, 131.

Coolidge’s Secretary of Commerce. (Edwin Bradford Robinson.)  XXVI, 21.

Coombs, Philip H.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 295.

Coombs, Zelotes W.  XXXV, 421.

Copeland, Elmer H.  XXXVII, 127.

Corbin, William L.  In Memoriam. (O. A. B., Amherst. 1896.) Poem. VI, 196.
      Instrument of God, The. Poem. IV, 119.
      John Shakespeare's Little Lad. Poem. V, 245.
      Kings. Poem. VI, 163.
      O Country Mine. Poem. IV. 119.
      Poems. IV, 275.
      Tomorrow. Poem. V, 78.
      Peace.  Poem.  XXXV, 31.
      The Call.  Poem.  XXXIII, 121.
      I Heard Him. Poem. IX, 83.
      To Liberty. Poem. VII, 284.
      To Robert Lansing. Poem. IX, 159.
      Keats. Poem. II, 316.
      Poems. II, 147.
      Poems. III, 174.
      Two Poems. I, 114.

Corinth, Recent Excavations at.  Plate.  XXVI, 6.

Corinth, Roman Council House at.  Plate.  XXVI, 6.

Cornwallis, Marquis.  Portrait.  XXIX, 95 .

Corsa, John.  XXXIII, 388.

Corttis, Elmer J.  XXXI, 237.

Council Meeting, Echoes from the.  XXVI, 118.

Cowan, Lt. Fairman.  Global Mail.  (France and Belgium).  XXXIV, 101.

Cowles, William L. (J . M. Tyler.) With portrait. XVI, 3.
      Arthur Lalanne Kimball. XII, 158.

Cradle of Amherst College, The. With plate. XIX, 151.

Craig, Donald W.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 180.

Craig, G. Armour.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 88.
      (Book review by.)  XXXIV, 89.
      (Book review by.) XXXVII, 298.

Crawford, F. Stuart, Jr.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 279.

Creative Writing in the Amherst Curriculum. (G. F. Whicher.) XII, 8.

Creed for Amherst College.  (Editorials.)  XXIX, 125, 233.

Crisis in Liberal Education, A.  (Scott Buchanan.)  XXVII, 106.

Critic's Retrospect. A. (W. C. Brownell.) V, 234.

Critique, A.  (Sterling P. Lamprecht.)  XXXIV, 226.

Crittenden, Walter H.  XXXVII, 124.

Crocker, Benton.  XXVIII, 382.

Crocker, H. Clinton.  XXVI, 152.

Crook, James Walter. XXIII, 88.

Crosby House, The Joshua.  XXVII, 10.
      Plates.  XXVII, 14.

Crosby, Rev. Joshua.  Portrait.  XXVII, 10.

Cross, Allen E.  XXXII, 384.

Cross-Country Running. XVI, 131. XIX, 103.

Crowell, Annie L.  College Church, The.  XXV, 25.

Crowell, Edward P.  Letter re Jenny Lind’s Concert.  XXXII, 133.

Crowell, Edward Payson. (A. D. Morse.) With portrait. I, 31.
      Presentation address. (J. F. Genung.) Portrait.  III,49.

Crowell, Jane C. Tout ce que Nous Avons est a Vous. Poem. VIII, 44.

Crowell, Joseph D.  XXVII, 183.

Culture and the Classics.  (T. V. Parker.)  XXIII, 320.

Cunningham, Ralph P.  XXIX, 281.

Curriculum Changes.  XXVI, 318. XXVIII, 236.

Curriculum policy discussed. VIII, 87.
      proposed for a liberal College.  VII, 280. 
      War Emergency Course.  VIII, 45. 
      A New System of Majors.  IX, 174. 

Curriculum, Yesterday and Today in the. (J. M. Tyler.) I, 39.

Curriculum.  XXII, 223, 231, 232. XXIII, 41, 218.

Curve Ball Pitching.  (William W. Leete.)  XXXVI, 132.

Cushing, John P.  XXX, 216.

Cushman, Robert H.  XXVII, 167.

Cusick, James F.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 386.

Custer, Richard H.  Amherst Men Called to Manage a City.  XXXI, 310.

Cut Allowances.  XXV, 229.

Cutler, Henry F.  XXXV, 164.
      XX, 273.

Cutler, Sanford L.  XXXV, 163.

Cutton, Capt George.  XXXV, 199.

Dakin, Arthur Hazard.  XXVI, 145.

Damon, Edward O.  XXXVIII, 40.

Damon, Stuart B.  As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.

Dana, Samuel W. Letter. With portrait. VI, 176.

Danforth, James R.  XXIX, 371.

Dangers of Historical Teaching. (R. Muir.) XVI, 80.

“Daphie,” An Early Texan, Introducing.  (Fred B. Phleger, Jr.)  XXIX, 325.

Dartmouth Man on Garman, A. (R. Boardman.) XVII, 14.

Dartmouth Returns to Amherst Football Schedule.  XXV, 134.

Dartmouth Returns to Football Schedule.  XXVI, 212.

Darwinian Controversy at Amherst, The. (P. Smith.)  XXV, 86.

Davenport Memorial Building.  XXIII, 35.
      XXIV, 38.  Dedication of.  121.  Plate.  104.

Davenport Squash Courts. XXII, 316.

Davenport, Arthur.  Fraternities and the House Management Committee.  XXXVI, 319.
      Fraternity Business Management – 1943 Edition.  XXXIII, 116.
      The Problems of the Fraternities.  XXXII, 24. 
      Fraternity Problems, Continued.  XXXII, 125. 
      The Fraternity Situation.  XXXII, 234.

Davenport, John.  XXIII, 35.

Davenport, Russell L.  Dr. Edwin Bradford Robinson.  XXXV, 143.

Davidson, William E.  XXXVII, 305.

Davis, Arthur V.  XXXVI, 350.

Davis, Rev. Albert P., and Pilgrim Place.  (Edward D. Gaylord.)  With portrait.  XXXVI, 140.

Davis, Tenney L.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 175.

Dawson, Giles E.  A View of Henry Clay Folger.  XXXVI, 220.

Day after the Storm, The.  Plate.  XXVIII, 33.

Day, William H.  XXXI, 239.

Day, William Horace.  Count Ayske Kabayama.  XXV, 211.

Dayton, Charles H.  Tug Wilson – Further Reflections.  XXVII, 233.

Deacon Stebbins and Education.  (Burges Johnson.)  XXXIII, 339.

Dean of Freshmen. XVII, 250.

Dean, Edwin B.  XXXVIII, 116.

Dean’s Report, The.  XXVIII, 33.

Dear Firemen.  (Gordon H. Hall.)  XXXIV, 14.  XXXV, 26.

Dearly Beloved Grandparent. (W. A. Dyer.) XVIII, 151.

Debates. IX, 181. X, 34, XII, 103. XIII, 228; XIV, 204. XIX, 178. XXI, 271. XXII, 321. XXIII, 129, 316. XXIV, 125, 218. XXV, 127, 328. XXVI, 124, 206, 217, 327. XXVII, 131, 243, 366. XXVIII, 125, 244. XXIX, 231.

deCastro, Allen J.  Portrait.  XXXII, 190.
      XXXVI, 287.

Dedicating the Folger Library. With plate. XXI, 255.

Deering, John P.  XXXVI, 264.
      DeForest: William Henry Moore and His Ancestry.  XXIV, 273.

Degrees. XIX, 30.

“Degrees with Distinction.”  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 237.

Delabarre, Edmund B.  XXXIV, 372.

Delabarre, Frank A.  Portrait.  XXXI, 307.

Delano, H. G.  Selling The College in 1855.  XXXIV, 237.

Delta Kappa Epsilon House Library.  XXV, 30, 327.

Delta Tau Delta House. With plate. XXI, 197.

Democracy and Culture. (H. P. Swett.) III, 86.

Democracy and Learning. (R. P. Utter.) I, 304.

Democracy at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 25.

Dennett, Tyler.  Political Liberty and International Policy.  XXIV, 91.

Denny, Charles R.  (J. Alfred Guest).  XXXVII, 107.

Derbyshire, Arthur J.  XXXII, 408.

Derge, Gerhard.  (Book review by.)  XXXII, 103.

Development of the Fraternity System, The. (C. F. Birdseye.) V, 246.

Dick, Richard G. XX, 104.

Dickerman, Horace W.  XXXIV, 375.

Dickerman, Josiah P.  XXXIV, 373.

Dickinson, Another Glimpse of Emily.  XXIV, 44.

Dickinson, Charles Henry.  XXVII, 385.

Dickinson, E. Porter.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 113.

Dickinson, Emily. (G. F. Whicher.) XX, 94.

Dickinson, Emily. XX, 192.

Dickinson, Henry N.  Reversion. Poem. II, 316.
      XXVII, 166.

Dickinson, Porter.  (Book review by.)  XXXV, 116.

Dickinsons, Two Amherst. (A. B. Keep.) With portraits. IX, 164.

Dillingham, James D.  XXIX, 49.

Dingley, Bret Harte.  XXVI, 152.

Dining-Rooms. XXII, 137.

Dinosaur Comes to Amherst, A.  XXVI, 325.

Dinosaur Skeleton. Plate.  XXVI, 322.

Direction and Impetus. (L. F. Abbott.) XXI, 81.

Discimus Non Scolae Sed Vitae. (W. J. Newlin.) V, 7.

Discovering America.  (Frederick J. E. Woodbridge.)  XXXI, 295.

Dissenting Opinions.  (Sterling P. Lamprecht.)  XXX, 33.  (William D. Stiger.)  XXX, 33.

Disston: Equestionnaire.  XXVII, 96.

Distinguished Service Medals.  XXIII, 216.

Distribution in College Education, The Problem of. (H. C. Goddard.) III, 243.

Dix Plan of Class Reunions. XIX, 267.

Doctor Walker and President Stearns.  (Annette Esty.)  XXXIII, 325.

Dodgett, Laurence Locke.  Degree Conferred.  XXV, 319.

Doherty, Robert H. XXXIV, 423.

Donations.  XXV, 227

Dormitory Libraries.  XXIII, 34, 126, 218, 314.

Doshisha Campus.  Plates.  XXIX, 108.

Doshisha Today.  (Edward S. Cobb.)  XXIX, 108.

Doshisha University, King Dormitory at.  Plate.  XXIV, 298.
      Typhoon at.  XXIV, 124.
       (Editorial)  XXXVII, 291.
       (F. A. Lombard.) With plate. XI, 95.
      Amherst Neesima Memorial Building. With plates. XXII, 13.
      Amherst Neesima Memorial Building. XXI, 116.
      Plates. XIII, 279.
      XXII, 224.

Doshisha, A Word for.  (S. R. Williams.)  XXIX, 130.
      An Amherst Mural for. Plate. XXII, 299.
      An Official Visit to the.  (G. A. Plimpton.)  XXV, 193.
      Relationship with.  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 150.
      (Editorial.)  XXIX, 30.
      With plates. XIX, 88.

Doughty, Howard W.  “Hoppie”: An Appreciation. With portrait.  XXIII, 303.

Doughty, Howard W.  Portrait.  XXX, 208.

Douglas, Lewis W.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 36.
       (Honorary degree conferred.)  XXVII, 422.
      XXIII, 32.
      XXVII, 74.
      Amherst Man for a Big Job, An. XXII, 218.
      Honorary Degree Conferred. XXII, 315.
      Portrait. XXII, 311.
      XXII, 276.
      Installation of.  XXVII, 191.

Dow, Fayette B. Joe Eastman, Industrial Explorer. With portrait. XXII, 310.

Downey, James E.  XXXVII, 45.
      (Retirement of.)  “Orchids to

Drafting of College Students.  (Editorials.)  XXX, 30, 202.

Drama, The Passing of the Old in. (E. W. Burrill.) II, 223.

Dramatics - and the Spirit of '76. (G. L. Fowler.) with plate. XII, 20.
      1921-22. XI, 245.
      1922-23. With plates. XII, 249.
      1923, XII, 167.

Dramatics.  IX, 177. XIII, 227; XIV, 289; XV, 128. XVI, 202.XIX, 105, 178, 259. XX, 107, 185. XXI, 194, 271. XXII, 37, 133, 228, 319, 323. XXIII, 16, 38, 129, 217, 314. XXIV, 37, 124, 217, 223, 314. XXV, 33, 128, 326. XXVI, 26, 122, 217, 327. XXVII, 30, 134, 245. XXVIII, 30, 125, 244. XXIX, 25, 232, 346. XXX, 25, 120.

Draper, Ernest Gallaudet.  Degree Conferred.  320
      (Book review by.)  XXIV, 278.
      Portrait.  XXXV, 268.
      XXVII, 351.  Portrait.  352.
      Pleasures of an Amateur Print Collector. III, 29.

Draper, Major General Warren F.  Portrait.  XXXV, 269.

Drapers, The Two.  (Albert W. Atwood.)  With portraits.  XXXV, 269.

Driver, George H.  Amherst Ascendens.  Poem.  XXXV, 380.

Driver, George Hibbert.  Farewell.  Poem.  XXXVIII, 103. 
      The Old College Well.  Poem.  XXXVII, 276.

Dudley, Henry A.  XXIX, 64.

Duffey, Edwin. Charles Seymour Whitman. IV, 131.
      With portrait. XVIII, 100.

Duffey, Mrs. Edwin.  XXIII, 35.

Dugan, Raymond S. (Book review by.) XXI, 327.

Duncan, William Cary.  Squire Barnes, O. L. A.  XXX, 111.
      XXXV, 175.

Dunham, Tyron G.  Portrait.  XXXI, 307.

Dyer, E. Porter.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 336.

Dyer, Walter A.  (Book review by.)  XXIII, 177.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXIV, 171, 273, 385.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXV, 77, 79, 81, 186, 187, 410.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVI, 82, 180, 184, 283, 285, 286, 405, 406.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVII, 205, 206.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVIII, 90, 318, 320, 447.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXX, 169, 171.
      A New Amherst Campus.  XXVIII, 93.
      At the Sign of the Big, Red Apple. III, 22.
      The World on Trial. III.
      Eighty Years Ago.  XXVIII, 219.
      Fred Allis and the Alumni Council.  XXVIII, 1.
      Grosvie.  XXV, 87.
      Henry Ward Beecher in College. With portrait. XXIII, 181.
      Pease Administration, The. XXI, 247.
      Plain Living and High Thinking in Amherst.  XXVII, 119.
      Sabrina, Symbol of Chastity.  XXIV, 191.
      Sculpture of Sabrina, The.  XXV, 13.
      The Amazing Career of Orson Fowler.  XXXIV, 1.
      Ultima Thule and S. Gunn.  Part I.  XXVIII, 335.
      Ultima Thule and S. Gunn.  XXIX, 15.  (Book reviews by.)  92, 307.
      Wilkins of Oberlin.  XXVII, 349.
      XXXII, 403.  (Book review by.)  204.  (Editorial.)  373.  Portrait.  345.
      (Book review by.) XX, 243.
      (Book reviews by.) XXII, 189, 191, 192, 381.
      A Pulpit Poet. With plate. XVII, 22.
      Dearly Beloved Grandparent. XVIII, 151.
      Garman Through Colored Glasses. XVIII, 242.
      The New Phi Kappa Psi House. With plate. XI, 176.
      Reunion Hymn. Poem. X, 151.
      Victorian Ribaldry. With plates. XX, 161.
      What Are We Fighting For? VII, 184.
      XXI, 204.
      Countryman.  (Harold C. Goddard.)  With portrait.  XXXII, 345.
      Ask Dad: He Knows. Poem. VI, 175.
      The Fraternities at Amherst College. V, 79.

Early American Sinologue, An. (S. R. Stifler.)  Part I, XXIV, 83.  With portrait.  Part II, XXIV, 201.

Early Man in Florida. (An Interview with Prof. Loomis.) With plates. XV, 11.

Eastman Brothers at the Centennial. With plate. XI, 120.

Eastman Brothers, The Seven.  Portrait.  XXVI, 110.

Eastman Hope Chests.  (C. F. Luther.)  XXVI, 227.

Eastman House, The John.  Plate.  XXVI, 104.

Eastman, Alexander C.  XXVII, 177.

Eastman, Clarence W.  Portrait.  XXXII, 316.

Eastman, George P.  Amherst, An Eagle’s Aerie.  Poem.  XXXV, 41.
      Old Chapel Row.  Poem.  XXXVI, 22.
      The Eastmans of Amherst College. XXVI, 109.

Eastman, Joseph Bartlett. (C. P. Warren.) With portrait. XII, 238.
      Portrait.  XXXV, 142.
      XXIII, 32.
       (F. B. Dow.) With portrait. XXII, 310.
      XXII, 356.
      A Symbol.  (Felix Frankfurter.)  XXXIII, 229.
      XXXIII, 284. 
      (Albert W. Atwood.)  XXXIII, 227. 
      (Stanley King.)  With portrait.  XXXIII, 226.
      Portrait.  XXVI, 110.

Eastman, Lucius Root.  (Howard D. French.)  XXXII, 366.
      XXXII, 270.  (Editorial.)  242.  Portrait.  214.
      Letter on Alumni Reading and Study. XI, 117.

Eastman, Osgood T.  XXV, 356.
      (Editorial)  XXVI, 32.

Eastman, Retirement of Professor.  XXXII, 376.

Eastman, Rev. Lucius Root.  Portrait.  XXVI, 110.

Eastmans of Amherst College, The. (George P. Eastman.)  XXVI, 109.

“Eating Problem.”  XXIII, 127.

“Eating Problem.” XXII, 136.

Eating Together.  (John P. Ashley.)  XXVII, 255.

Eaton, Edward J.  XXXVI, 390.

Eaton, George.  XXVI, 239.

Echoes from the Council Meeting. XXVI, 118.

Economics Courses.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 249.

Economics. One Hundred Years of Economics at Amherst. XXII, 300.

Edaphosaurus. Plate.  XXIX, 326.

Eddy, David.  Mr. Chips of Doane.  XXXII, 20.

Edgell, Frank D.  George Dupont Pratt.  XXIV, 210.

Editorial Comment.  XXIII, 39, 130, 220, 317; XXIV, 39, 127, 222, 316; XXV, 35, 129, 231, 329; XXVI, 29, 125, 219, 327; XXVII, 32, 135, 249, 367; XXVIII, 34, 127, 246, 356; XXIX, 30, 125, 233, 347; XXX, 28, 122, 202, 293; XXXI, 25, 119, 218, 321; XXXII, 29, 129, 240, 373; XXXIII, 26, 135, 245, 349; XXXIV, 26, 130, 243, 354.  XXXV, 32, 151, 272, 408; XXXVI, 29, 145, 231, 357.  XXXVII, 25, 110, 201, 291.  XXXVIII, 16, 104.

EDITORIAL NOTES. List in order of publication:
      Between Ourselves. I, 1.
      Put it in Writing. I, 3.
      A Note from the Beginning. 1, 6.
      The Meeting of the Ways. I, 8.
      An Institution of Learning. I, 95.
      The Everlasting No. I, 98.
      The Place for Men of Vision. I, 101.
      How it Feels to be an Alumnus. I, 104.
      We are Overheard. I, 197.
      The Educational Pulse-Beat. I, 200.
      Being a Cynosure. I, 204.
      College Life and Chaucer. I, 279.
      The Cry for Efficiency. I, 283.
      That Piece of White Nephrite. I, 286.
      The Grace of Imputation. II, 1.
      The Call of the Subject. II, 4.
      Marks and Remarks. II, 7.
      Our Mid-October Event. II, 9.
      Such Large Discourse. II, 119.
      Efficiency and Deficiency. II, 123.
      These Here Professors. II, 126.
      A Young Graduate Echo. II, 130.
      The College Atmosphere. II, 283.
      Product or Person? II, 287.
      Der Zweck dieses Spiels. II, 289.
      Our Centenary Memorial. II, 293.
      When Greek meets Greek. II, 193.
      The Student Nature. II, 198.
      Amherst's Reflected Lustre. II, 202.
      To What Purpose Then? III, 1.
      A Nursery of Ignorance. III,5.
      From Our Item Editor. III, 9.
      Getting the Transition Made. III, 77.
      Learning as News. III, 81.
      From Our Treasurer's Desk, III, 84.
      Of College Fenestration. III, 159.
      A Passing and a Return. III, 163.
      Offensive College Loyalty. III, 168.
      In the Graduate Consciousness. III, 233.
      On Speaking Over People's Heads. III, 236.
      The Retort Apodictical. III, 240.

EDITORIAL NOTES. V, 32, 111, 185, 255; VI, 43, 111, 186, 254; VII, 29, 90, 189,291; IX, 29, 101, 179, 253; X, 35, 97, 182; XI, 36, 126, 188, 272; XII, 34, 108, 171, 253; XIII, 37, 124, 213, 304; XIV, 34, 117, 197, 281; XV,28,121,209, 303; XVI, 27, 124, 196, 274; XVII, 30, 108, 179, 250; XVIII, 34, 107, 171, 246; XIX, 30, 108, 185, 266; XX, 40, 109, 190, 276; XXI, 44, 122, 203, 274.

Edman, Irwin.  As Columbia Saw Him.  XXIX, 316.
       Edman: Four Ways of Philosophy.  XXVII, 446.

Educating the Alumni.  XXV, 236.

Educating the Graduate.  XXV, 133.

Education and Art in Central Europe. (Otto Manthey-Zorn.) X, 152.

Education and Democratic Distinction. (W. C. Brownell.) XVI, 169.

Education at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 349.

Education by Poetry. (R. Frost.) With portrait. XX, 75.

Education for Leadership.  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 36.

Education in Wartime.  (Caspar R. Ordal.)  XXXIII, 130.

Education is Defense.  (Ernest H. Wilkins.)  XXXI, 100.

Education, For a More Eclectic.  (Robert Lyman Grant.)  XXX, 207.

Educational Guidance.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 367.

Educational Methods in Canadian Universities. (R. A. Falconer.) XV, 69.

Educational Pioneer, An.  With Portrait. XXIII, 308.

Educational Traditions at Amherst. (C. L. Powell.) XIII, 10.

Edwin Duffey: Perfect Alumnus. (F. L. Thompson.) With portrait. XVIII, 100.

Eggleston, Julius W.  XXXV, 53.

Eighteen-Eighty, Class of. XIX, 266.

Eighty Four Class Cup, The.  Plate.  XXXII, 119.

Eighty Years Ago.  Amherst 73, Williams 32.  Walter A. Dyer.  XXVIII, 219.

Eighty-four Expedition. With plates. IX, 12.

Eighty-Four Reunion.  Plate.  XXXIII, 346.

Eighty-Four Reunions.  (Editorial)  XXXVIII, 16.

“Eighty-Three,” Class of. XXII, 304, 308, 333.

Elections.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 27.

Eligibility. XIX, 262.

Elizabethan Theatre Model, An. With plate. XX, 100.

Elliott, G. R. Portrait. XV, 209.

Elliott, George R.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 184.

Elliott, Professor.  Portrait. XXXIII, 346.

Elliott, Thompson C.  XXXII, 383.

Ellis, George W.  XXVI, 252. XXVII, 182.

Elmer, John V.  Portrait.  XXXIV, 16.

Elwell, Levi Henry. (J. M. Tyler.) With portrait. VI, 108.

Ely, Joseph B. Governor's Remarks, The. XXII, 120.

Ely, Robert E.  Portrait.  XXVII, 351.
      XXXVIII, 28.

Ely, Robert, and New York’s Town Hall.  (Perrin Stryker.)  XXVII, 343.

Emergencies, Ready for.  XXXI, 116.

Emerson Library, The. (F. B. Loomis.) XXII, 34.

Emerson, Benjamin Kendall XXI, 204.
      The Geological and Mineralogical Collections of Amherst College. V, 17, 97.
      A Personal Appreciation. (J. T. Stocking.) With portrait.  VI, 232.
      Portrait. IV, 257.
      Portrait.  XXVII, 101.
       (H. Smith.) With portrait. XXI, 259.

Emerson, Charles P.  XXVIII, 56.

Emerson, Charles Phillips.  Honorary Degree Conferred. XXIII, 310.

Emerson, Margaret R.  High upon Her Living Throne.  XXXVII, 198.
      The Begging Bowl in the 1840’s.  XXXI, 89.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.  XXIII, 281.

Emery, Gilbert.  The Tea-Party.  XXXI, 304.  Portrait.  303.

Emery, William H. Jr. (An Amherst Airman.) With plate. XVIII, 13.

Eminent Service Medal.  XXVIII, 348. XXX, 286. XXXI, 316. XXXIII, 366.

Engineering Library.  XXV, 34.

Engineering Magazines Wanted.  (S. R. Williams.)  XXIV, 227.

Engle, Edward L.  XXIX, 382.

English 1 C. (Theodore Baird.)  XXVIII, 326.

English Impressions. (Alexander Meiklejohn.) IX, 7.

English, Teaching of.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 252.

Enlistment of the Class of '61, The. (W. A. Lawrence.) VI, 235.

Enrollment for 1940-41.  XXX, 24.

Enrollment for 1941-42.  XXXI, 20.

Enrollment Record Broken.  XXVIII, 29.

Enrollment Statistics.  XXII, 34. XXIII, 34. XXIV, 33. XXV, 32.

Enrollment, 1936.  XXVI, 24.

Enrollment, Increasing.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 120.

Enrollment, September, 1918. VIII, 7.
      September, 1919. IX, 94.

Enrollment.  XIII, 44; XIV, 41 ; XV, 35. XVI, 30. XVII, 30. XXI, 176. XXIII, 319. XXVII, 26. XXIX, 24.

Entering Class, Size of.  XXV, 240.

Enterprise of Learning, The. (F. J. E. Woodbridge). I, 12.
      Comment on. I, 115.

Entrance Applications.  XXIV, 221.

Entrance Requirements. XXII, 223, 231, 232.

Epitaph for a Scholar.  XXXII, 245.

Erskine, John.  Tribute to “Biggy.”  XXV, 10.
      After Twenty Years. XIII, 5.
      Cherry-blossom. Poem. I, 223.
      Wildwood: In Memory of Edward Hitchcock. Poem. I, 24.
      Our Sense of Democracy. XIV, 5.
      President Harris. XI, 165.
      The Scholar Whom We Knew-John F. Genung. IX, 71.

Esty, Annette.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 415.
      Doctor Walker and President Stearns.  XXXIII, 325.
      Of a Departed Brother.  XXX, 1.
      “Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Williston.”  XXX, 175.

Esty, Edward T.  Jurist, Scholar, Gentleman.  XXVIII, 21.
      XXVIII, 126.
      XXXI, 350.  (Editorial.)  322.

Esty, Lucien C. Portrait. XVIII, 163.
      XVIII, 169.

Esty, Thomas Cushing.  (Frederick S. Allis.)  XXX, 279.  Portraits.  208, 280.
      Teacher, Dean, and President. XX, 255.

Esty, Tom.  (Editorial.)  XXX, 295.

Esty, William Cole. (G. D. Olds.) With portrait. VI, 39.
      Portrait. XVII, 6.

Esty, William.  XVIII, 169.  Portrait.  XVIII, 163. 

Eternal Christmas.  (Merrill Bishop.)  Poem.  XXXVII, 28.

European Sees American College Life, A.  (Ernst G. Beier.)  XXIX, 10.

Eveleth, Samuel.  XXVII, 413.

Everett, Walter G. Brown's Gift to Amherst. II, 148.

Everett, Willard W.  Elmer W. Wiggins, ’01.  XXXIV, 343.
      XXXVII, 137.

Evolution Idiom. See Biblical Idiom.

Ewen, Harold I.  Aviators at Amherst.  XXXIV, 18.

Ewer, Edward H.  XXXIV, 295.

Ewing, Addison Alvord. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXI, 267.

Ewing, James.  XXX, 310.
      XXXII, 386.

Ewing, Thomas.  XXXIII, 41.

Examination System in England, The. (Ernest Barker.) IX, 149.

Extension Lectures, An Innovation.  XXVIII, 30.

Extra-curricular Activities.  XXXII, 128.

Extra-Territorial Commencement, An.  (Harold J. Baily.)  With portrait.  XXXV, 29.

Faculty “All American". Plate. XII, 107.

Faculty Appointments. XX, 37, 187. XXI, 42, 271.

Faculty Changes.  XXXII, 376.

Faculty Club at Home Again, The.  XXXI, 217.  Plates.  216.

Faculty Club.  New Home for the.  XXX, 288.  Plates.  286.

Faculty in 1866. With plates. XX, 161.

Faculty, The.  I, 171, 341; III, 58, 134, 283. VI, 54. VII, 283; VIII, 47; IX, 24, 273. XIII, 45, 137, 222, 311; XIV, 42, 283; XV, 31, 273. XVII, 255. XXI, 279. XXII, 43, 140, 236, 327. XXIII, 45, 135, 223, 321. XXIV, 46, 131, 229, 321. XXV, 41, 136, 241, 340. XXVI, 37, 135, 229, 338. XXVII, 45, 148, 258, 376. XXVIII, 38, 134, 253, 360. XXIX, 85, 132, 241, 353. XXX, 35, 127, 208, 296. XXXI, 29, 122, 224, 325. XXXII, 34, 135, 247, 376.
      List of Publications Since January, 1912. V, 273.

Faculty. Appointments Made by President Olds. XVI, 255.
      Items. 127.

Faculty-Student Relations.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 27.

Fageant, Leonard W.  Reminiscences of an Auditor.  XXXVI, 225.

Fair Amherst.  (Frederick Raymond.)  Poem.  XXXV, 54.

Fairbank, Edward.  XXVIII, 11.

Fairbank, Henry. XXII, 339.

Fairbanks, Joseph W.  Portrait.  XXXI, 106.

Fairley, Edwin.  XXX, 309.
      (Book review by.) XX, 145.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 160.

Fairley, William E.  Two More College Presidents.  With portraits.  XXIV, 304.

Fairman, Charles G.  XXXI, 143.

Fairy Tale, A.  (Nathaniel L. Goodrich.)  XXXV,  381.

Faith of Col. Graves, The. X, 71.

Falconer, R. A. Educational Methods in Canadian Universities. XV, 69.

Fales, Frederick Sayward.  Eminent service medal awarded.  XXV, 320.
      Herbert Lee Pratt.  With portrait.  XXXIV, 231.
      Skipper and His Ship, The. XXII, 107.

Fall Varsity Schedules.  XXVIII, 353.

Fallows, Edward H.  XXIX, 261.

Fancher, Paul A. The Teacher. Poem. VII, 274.

Farewell to College Hall.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 36.
       (F. Curtis Canfield.)  XXVI, 291.

Farewell.  (George H. Driver.)  Poem.  XXXVIII, 103.

“Farmers Found the Boys Not So Puny.”  Plate.  XXXII, 6.

Farrar, Alexander P.  (E. S. Wilson, Jr.)  With plates.  XXXIV, 346.

Farrell, Maurice L.  XXIX, 162.
      New Amherst Alpha Delta Phi House, The. With plate. XVII, 101.

Farwell, Robert L.  Valentine Hall.  XXXI, 19.

Father and Son. (G. F. Whicher.) XVIII, 169.

Faunce, William H. P. Academic Reciprocity. II, 92.

Favour, Alpheus H.  XXIX, 282.

Fayerweather Laboratory. Plate. XIX, 7.

Fellowships Awarded.  XXIII, 215.

Fellowships, The John Woodruff Simpson.  XXV, 327.

Fellowships.  XXIV, 219.  Award of.  313. XXVI, 217. XXVII, 247. XXVIII, 354. XXIX, 344.

Fernald, M. A. Arthur Stanley Pease, Botanist, Explorer, and Mountaineer. XVI, 267.

“Fess” Hyde, Smilin’ Through. (A. G. Baker.)  XXV, 313.

Field Fellowship, The Henry P.  XXVIII, 121.

Field, Edwin F.  XXXVI, 273.

Field, Frederick A.  XXV, 372.

Field, Harry: A Personal Tribute.  (Edmund K. Alden.)  XXVII, 123.

Field, Henry P.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 32.
      Will of.  XXVII, 133.
      XXVII, 30, 51.  Portrait.  123.

Field, Leonard H., Jr.  XXXIV, 41.

Field, Walter Taylor.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 321.
      Speaker Rainey.  With Portrait.  XXIV, 22.
      H. A. Hammond Smith. With portrait. XVII, 27.
      Another Glimpse of Emily Dickinson.  XXIV, 44.
      He Knew Garman.  XXVII, 144.
      XXIX, 46.  Portrait. 22.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 284.
      Noon. XXII, 308.

Finding the Source of the Orinoco. (S. Child.) With plates. XXI, 34.

Fine Art, Instructor in. XVII, 251.

Fine Arts. XIX, 174.

Fire at Phi Gam.  XXXII, 239.

Fire Brigade, The.  XXXII, 236.

Fire Truck No. 2.  A. C. F. D.  Plate.  XXXII, 236.

First Amherst Man, The.  A Retrospect.  (John B. O’Brien.)  XXXV, 260.

First Baseball Game.  XXVIII, 219.

First Hundred Years of Amherst College, The. (J. M. Tyler.) X, 217.

First Letter Home, My.  (Edward Hitchcock, Jr.)  XXXVI, 120.

First-Rate Scholar, The. (W. Lippmann.) XXII, 112.

Fisher, Samuel H. Judge Woodruff's Portrait. With portrait. XXII, 32.

Fisher, Willard J.  XXIV, 58.

Fiske, George F.  XXXIII, 139.

Fiske, George Walter. XXXV, 173.

Fiske, John.  XXIII, 309.

Fiske, Pliny Broad.  XXV, 255.

Fitch Room, What We Memorialize in the. (Virginia Gerson.) VII, 80.

Fitch, Albert Parker. Baccalaureate Sermon, 1921. X, 355.
      Williston Walker. With portrait. XI, 184.

Fitch, Clyde; Playboy, Playwright, and Man of the World. (W. B. Chase.) IV, 31.
      Some Recollections of, in College. (Albert S. Bard.) IV, 37.
      Portrait. V, 198.

Flag Rush, 1926. XVI, 132.

Flaherty, Thomas G.  XXXII, 400.

Fletcher Memorial Tablet.  XXVII, 363.

Fletcher, Resignation of Professor Robert S.  XXIV, 348.

Fletcher, Robert S. Library Notes. XXII, 36.

Fletcher, William I. The Amherst Dickinsons and the College. With portrait.  VI, 179.

Fletcher, William Isaac, M. A. With portrait. VII, 24.

Flitner, Stanwood E.  XXXIV, 160.

Folger Bequest, The. XIX, 261.

Folger Bequest.  XXV, 228.

Folger Library Director. XXIV, 124.

Folger Library to Get Harmsworth Collection.  XXVII, 239.

Folger Library, Dedication of the.  XXI, 118. With plate. XXI, 255.

Folger, Emily C. J.  XXV, 252.

Folger, Emily Clara Jordan. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 268.

Folger, Henry Clay.  A View of.  (Giles E. Dawson.)  XXXVI, 220.
      With portrait. XX, 3.

Football at Amherst College. (Raymond G. Gette11.) IV, 120.

Football Team of 1920. Plate. X, 33.

Football Team. 1925. Plate. XV, 39.

Football, Review of 1920 Season. X, 94.
      Review of 1921 Season. XI, 34.
      Review of 1922 Season. With portraits. XII, 100.
      Review of 1923 Season. XIII, 139.
      Review of 1924 Season. XIV, 121.
      Review of 1925 Season. XV, 125.
      Review of 1926 Season. XVI, 131.

Football.  XIX, 103. XX, 105. XXI, 119, 273. XXII, 131. XXIII, 125, 315. XXIV, 125. XXV, 122.

For Strength and Endurance.  XXXII, 25.

Forbes, W. T. M. In South America for Butterflies. XIII, 287.

Forbes, William T. Chief Justice Rugg. I, 37.

Foreign Exchange Students for 1933-34. XXII, 321.

Foreign Exchange Students. Plate. XXIII, 102.

Foreign Exchange Students. XX, 274.

Foreign Students.  XXIV, 38.

Fort, Leslie R.  XXXV, 185.

Forward Amherst. (G. D. Olds.) With portrait. XIII, 1.

Fosdick, Frederick W.  XXXII, 273.

Foster Mother. (M. Bishop.)  XXV, 310.

Foster, A. T.  As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.

Foster, George B.  XXXI, 130.

Fowler, Edwin.  XXXI, 128.

Fowler, George L. Amherst Dramatics and the Spirit of '76. With plate. XII, 20.

Fowler, The Amazing Career of Orson.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXXIV, 1.

Fraker, Charles F.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 426.

Francis, Robert.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 202.

Frank, Lee.  XXIII, 315.

Frankfurter, Felix.  Joseph B. Eastman a Symbol.  XXXIII, 229.

Franklin, Albert Barnes. XXV, 158.

Fraser, Harold L. Dr. Murray in the Class Room. With portrait. I, 326.

Fraternities and the House Management Committee.  (Arthur Davenport.)  XXXVI, 319.

Fraternities at Amherst College, The. (W. A. Dyer.) V, 79.

Fraternities at Amherst. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 330.

Fraternities Seek Tax Exemption.  XXVIII, 243.

Fraternities Take It? Can the.   XXXI, 117.

Fraternities, Cost of National.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 218.

Fraternities, Safeguarding the.  XXXI, 214.

Fraternities, The Problem of the.  XXXII, 24. 
      Fraternity Problems, Continued.  XXXII, 125. 
      Fraternity Situation, The.  (Arthur Davenport.)  XXXII, 234.

Fraternities.  (Albert S. Bard.)  XXXIII, 352.  (Donald N. Bigelow.)  248.  (Editorial.)  135.

Fraternities.  (Editorial.)  XXV, 332. XXVII, 371. XXXIV, 26, 131.

Fraternity and the College, The. (C. S. Mills.) XVIII, 3.

Fraternity Arrangements, Explaining.  XXXI, 318.

Fraternity Business Management Report.  XXX, 121.

Fraternity Business Management.  XXIX, 119.

Fraternity Business Management. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 219.

Fraternity Business Manager, A.  XXVI, 206, 319.

Fraternity Business Manager, New.  XXIX, 26.

Fraternity Business Manager, New.  XXVIII, 350.

Fraternity Business Management – 1943 Edition.  (Arthur Davenport.)  XXXIII, 116.

Fraternity Dining Rooms. XX, 180.

Fraternity Emphasis at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 349.

Fraternity Houses. (Dining Rooms.) XIX, 100, 179.

      Beta Theta Pi. V, 78.
      Delta Kappa Epsilon. V, 73.
      Delta Upsilon. V, 90,
      Phi Delta Theta V ,90.
      Psi Upsilon. V, 78.

Fraternity Initiations. VIII, 7.
      Life after the S. A. T. C. VIII, 45.

Fraternity Issue, The.  (Walter Orr Roberts.)  XXVII, 256.

Fraternity Management’s First Year.  XXVII, 362.

Fraternity National Organizations.  (Editorials.)  XXVII, 138, 250, 371.

Fraternity Regulations.  XXIII, 43.

Fraternity Rules.  XXV, 129.

Fraternity Rushing Rules. XXVI, 124.

Fraternity Scholarship Rule. XXX,  26.

Freedom.  Poem.  (Robert B. Osgood.)  XXXIII, 122.

Freedom. (Editorial.)  XXXI, 321.

Freeman, Ralph.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXV, 37.

Freeman, Robert B. The Liberal College and Christian Citizenship. XIII, 22.

French and Indian War Material. XXIV, 1, 37, 179.

French, Bryant Morey.  A Ballad of Lord Jeff.  Poem.  XXX, 198.

French, Charles B.  XXXV, 166.

French, Howard D.  Lucius Root Eastman.  XXXII, 366.
      Music at Amherst.  XXV, l.

French, Paul C.  Bookseller in Amherst.  XXXII, 15.

French, Stuart.  XXXVI, 42.

Frescoes, The Giotto.  XXV, 125.

Fresh Laurels for the Masquers. (A. Scott.) With plates. XVIII, 18.

Freshman Cap-Burning. XIX, 173.

Freshman Class. XXI, 43.

Freshman Reading Room, New.  XXV, 125. Plate.

Freshman Teacher in Bondsville, A.  (Charles E. Bolton.)  XXIX, 330.

Freshmen Hold the Hill, The. Plate. XIV, 41.

Freshmen in Pea Greens.  Plate.  XXXIII, 220.

Freshmen Must Learn English.  XXVII, 238.

Friendly, Alfred. The “Interpreting Economist” of the New Deal. With portrait.  XXIV, 28.

Friends Among The Enemy.  (Jesse M. Trotter.)  XXXV, 133.

From Our Nonagenarian Alumnus. (S. W. Dana.) With portrait. VI, 176.

From the Kamerun – a Letter. (George Schwab.) VI, 31.

Frost, Robert.  Speaking of Loyalty.  XXXVII, 271.
      XXIII, 135.
      Education by Poetry. With portrait. XX, 75.
      Returns to Amherst. With portrait. XV, 271.
      Selected Poems.  XXVII, 92.

Fuess, Claude M.  Charles Seymour Whitman.  With portrait.  XXXVI, 351. 
      The Independent Schools in the Postwar World.  XXXVI, 122.
      President Stearns After Fifty Years. XV, 282.
      The History of Amherst College.  XXIV, 35, 277.  Portrait. 213.
      Appointed Head of Phillips Andover Academy. XXII, 268.
      Edmund Munroe Smith. With portrait. XVI, 22.
      History Nearing Completion. XXII, 35.
      XXII, 356.
      Amherst Student of the 1840's, An.  XXIII, 1.
      Honorary Degree Conferred by Yale.  XXIII, 354.
      With portrait. XX, 190.
      Amherst: The Story of a New England College.  XXIV, 277.

Fuller, Charles H.  XXVIII, 143.

Fullerton, Bradford.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 336.

Funnell, George B.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 280.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 183.
      (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 113.
      “Honors” with a New Meaning.  XXIX, 214.
      Portrait.  XXXIV, 343.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 406.

Furbish, Samuel Benson. XXVI, 156.

Future of the College, The.  (Editorial.)  XXXII, 29.

G.,S.E.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 292.

Gallinger, Herbert P.  XXXVI, 261.
      Career of Allen Johnson, The. With portrait. XX, 264.

Galloway, Tod.  XXV, 147.

Gamage, William Torrey.  XXV, 267.

Ganey, Jeremiah F.  XXXVIII, 125.

Gardiner, H. Norman. A. D. F. Hamlin. With portrait. XV, 295.

Gardiner, H. Norman. XVII, 184.

Gardner, Henry.  XXXIV, 414.

Gardner, John L.  XXXVIII, 50.

Garfield, Henry A. Reaction and Progress. II, 82.

Garman at Yale. (C. H. Ricketts.) XVII, 18.

Garman Through Colored Glasses. (E. E. Caldwell and W. A. Dyer.) XVIII, 242.

Garman, Charles E.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 36.

Garman, Charles E. XIX, 16.

Garman, He Knew.  (Walter T. Field, John Chase, Ralph J. Ricker.)  XXVII, 144.  (Ferdinand Q. Blanchard.)  XXVII, 145.  (Willard B. Thorp, Stephen Rushmore.)  XXVII, 254.

Garvin, Lucius F. C. (W. B. Greenough.) With portrait. XII,154.

Gates, Merrill Edwards. With portrait. XII, 3.

Gates, Milo H.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 411.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 88.
      XXIX, 147.  Portrait.  141.

Gates, Rev. Milo Hudson. With portrait. XIX, 240.

Gaunt, Merrill S. Portrait. VII, 295.

Gaus, John M. The Course in Social and Economic Institutions for Freshmen at Amherst. XII, 146.

Gay, Harry Nelson. (R. U. Johnson.) XXII, 28.

Gaylord, Edward D.  Rev. Albert P. Davis and Pilgrim Place.  XXXVI, 140.

Gellhorn, Walter.  (Book review by.)  XXXV, 233.

Gems from the Memorabilia.  (Margaret R. Hitchcock.)  XXIX, 34.

General Amherst and the College.  (J. C. Long.)  With Plate.  XXIII, 89.

General Amherst, The Humanity of.  Plate. XXIV, 1.

Gentleman or Success? (I. S. Posner.) XIX,253.

Genung and Rhetoric. With portrait. (G. S. Bryan.) IX, 78.

Genung, George Frederick. To J. F. G., a Sonnet. IX, 77.

Genung, John Franklin. Portrait.  XXV, 297.
      XXIII, 95.
      A Hero of Half a Century. With portrait. III, 49.
      Memory Song to Amherst. II,74.
      The Significance of Pratt Memorial. Illustrated. III, 155.
      Relation of the Biblical Idiom to the Idiom of Evolution. I, 207.
      Talcott Williams. I, 231.
      Noah Webster in Person and in Memorial. IV, 125.
      Some Notes on Amherst College Architecture. VI, 13.
      Soul of Old Amherst. Song. IV, 42.
      Vexillum Gloriosum. Poem. VI, 253.
      A Personal Appreciation. (J. T. Stocking.) With portrait.  VI, 232.
      XIX, 16.
      The Converse Memorial Library. VII,75.
      The QUARTERLY'S War Pronto VIII,1.
      (John Erskine.) IX, 71.
      (R. W. Neal.) IX, 81.
      (J. M. Tyler.) With portrait. IX, 65.
      Memories and Tributes. With portrait. IX, 78.
      Poem. (W. L. Corbin.) IX, 83.
      Poem. (G. F. Genung.)
      His Death. IX, 29.
      His First Class at Amherst. (P. L. Palmer.) IX, 82.
      XXI, 276.

Genung, Motto of Professor.  XXXII, 371.

Geological and Mineralogical Collections of Amherst College, The. (B. K. Emerson.) V, 17, 97.

Geological Expedition, The. X, 29. XVII, 37. XIX, 28.

Geological Lecture Rooms – Old and New. Plates. IV, 276.

George, Robert H.  Thompson the Teacher. XXV, 112.

German Department, Gift of Two Carved Oak Plaques. XX, 104.

German Influences at Amherst.  (Thomas H. LeDuc.)  XXIX, 205.

Gerson, Virginia. What We Memorialize in the Clyde Fitch Room. VII, 80.

Gettell, Raymond G.  Football at Amherst College. IV, 120.

Gibney, S. de R. The Spirit of the College. Poem. XIII, 9.

Gibney, Sheridan.  XXVIII, 234.

Gibson, James E.  XXVII, 159.

Gibson, William W.  (Book review by.)  XXXVI, 30. 
      Voyage.  Poem.  XXXVII, 102.

Giese, Henry W.  XXIX, 59.

Gift, 1877.  XXV, 347.

Gift.  XXV, 127, 324, 347.

Gifts and Grants.  XXIV, 113.

Gifts of Poetry Manuscripts.  XXVII, 27.

Gifts of Portraits.  XXVII, 366.

Gifts to College. VIII, 47, 129.

Gifts.  XXIV, 38, 281. XXVI, 216. XXXII, 27.

Gillett, Arthur L.  XXVIII, 48.

Gillett, Death of Senator.  XXIV, 384.

Gillett, Frederick Huntington. Presentation of Portrait of Frederick Day Huntington. X, 380.
      George Frisbie Hoar.  XXIV, 173.
      (H. B. Russell) With portrait. XXI, 3.
      Student Life in the Seventies – A Fragment.  XXVII, 22.
      XXV, 29, 44.

Gillies, Harold Lusk. With portrait. X, 66.

Gilmore, Allen A.  (Book reviews by.)  XXXIV, 90, 212.

Gilpatric, Walter H.  Brooklyn’s New Borough President.  XXIII, 120.

Gilson, Edwin H.  XXXII, 331.

Glaser, Otto.  Behind and Beyond Our Biological Program.  XXX, 93.

Glasgow, William. Portrait. XVIII, 243.

Glee Club Contest.  XXIV, 124.

Glee Club Records.  XXIX, 346.

Glee Club.  XXIII, 129, 217, 314. XXIV, 217. XXV, 33, 128, 228. XXVI, 216. XXVII, 245. XXVIII, 125, 244. XXIX, 231. Plates.  224. XX, 185. XXII, 228.

Glen at Leyden, The.  Plate.  XXVI, 194.

Global Mail.  (France and Belgium.)  (Lt. Fairman Cowan.)  XXXIV, 101. 
      (Italy.)  Norman F. Hansen.  XXXIV, 33. 
      (A. D. Yan Nostrand.)  XXXIV, 349.

Global Mail.  XXXIII, 123, 242.

Goal and the Game, The: Baccalaureate Address. (President Alexander Meiklejohn.) III, 11.

Goblet, That Rosy.  XXXI, 205.  (Editorial.)  324.

Goddard College Plan, The.  (James H. Hayford.)  XXIX, 105.

Goddard, Harold C.  Atomic Peace.  XXXVIII, 81.
      The Problem of Distribution in College Education. III, 243.
      Walter Alden Dyer, Countryman.  XXXII, 345.

Goin' to the Shinty? (D. V. Thompson.) III, 258.

Golder, Arthur.  XXXII, 150.

Golf Club at the White House, The. Plate. XVI, 199.

Golf, 1927. XVI, 282.

Golf.  XXI, 272. XXII, 318. XXIII, 312. XXV, 321.

Gomph, Charles L. Wilford L. Robbins. .With portrait. XVII, 103.

Goodale, Alfred S.  Portrait.  XXX, 208.
      Amherst's Botanical Heritage. With plate. XVIII, 145.

Goodell, Henry Hill. (J. M. Tyler.) With portrait. I, 235.

Goodnow, Frank J.  XXIX, 139.  Portrait. 141.

Goodnow, Frank Johnson. Professional Life of. (Munroe Smith.) IV, 206.
      Portrait. IV, 171.

Goodrich, Joseph A.  XXIX, 269.

Goodrich, Nathaniel L.  A Fairy Tale.  XXXV, 381.
      Amherst Librarians. XVIII, 94.

Goodwin, Arthur P.  XXXVII, 338.

Goodwin, William D.  XXXVII, 39.

Gorge between Holyoke and Tom.  Plate.  XXVI, 194.

Government, Liberty, and the Economic War.  (N. M. Butler.) XXV, 103.

Government.  (H. J. Laski.)  XXIV, 181.

Governor's Remarks, The. (J. B. Ely.) XXII, 120.

Grace Church in Holyoke.  XXIII, 104.

Graduate and Man. (Bruce Barton.) IV, 269.

Graduate Manager and Undergraduate Leisure. IX, 101.

Graduate Study. XIX, 30.

Grand Old Man of the Alumni, The. With portrait.  XXIII, 209.

Grant of National Research Council of Washington.  XXIV, 312.

Grant, Robert L.  Apologies to Bryn Mawr.  XXVI, 35.

Grant, Robert Lyman.  For a More Eclectic Education.  XXX, 207.

Grant, Stephen W.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXIV, 359.

Grants.  XXV, 126, 236. XXVI, l24. XXVIII, 123, 254.

Graves, The Faith of Col. Rufus. X, 71.
      Graves: Bubblin’s an’ B’ilin’s at the Center.  XXIV, 177.

Graveside Manor.  Plate.  XXX, 273.

Gray, Clifton D.  XXIII, 319.

Gray, Harry G.  XXXV, 302.

Greece, Before the War, Happy Easter in.  Plate.  XXXI, 200.

Greek, Class of 1880 Professorship of. XIX, 266.

Green, Charles R. (Book review by.)  XXVI, 84.
      Jones Library in Amherst, The. With plates. XVIII, 87.

Green, George B., Jr.  XXXII, 57.

Green, Warren K.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 115.
      (Book review by.)  XXIII, 278.

Greene, Theodore A.  An Indispensable College.  XXIV, 320.
      Amherst Building at the Doshisha. XXI, 116.
      Christian Effort and Expectation at Amherst. III, 200.

Greenough, Thomas O.  Slipping Through Nazi Fingers. XXXI, 1.

Greenough, William B., Lucius F. C. Garvin. With portrait. XII, 154.

Gregg, W. W.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXIV, 360.

Gregory, Raymond J.  XXXII, 153.

Griffin, Martin L.  XXXII, 40.

Griffin, Walter H.  XXXVI, 267.
      Portrait. XXI,  206.

Griswold, Lyman W.  XXXIII, 273.

Griswold, Merton L.  XXXIV, 378.

Grosvenor and Wetmore, editors: The Book of Birds.  XXVII, 205

Grosvenor House.  XXVI, 323.

Grosvenor, Asa Waters.  XXXII, 397.

Grosvenor, Birthday message to Professor.  XXV, 139.

Grosvenor, Edwin A.  (Editorial.)  XXVI, 29, 39.
      Hon. Charles Herbert Allen, LL.D.  With Portrait.  XXIII, 305.
      Plate. V, 3.
      XXV, 28.  Portrait. 87.
      Review of the Peace Negotiations, by Robert Lansing. With portrait. X, 143.

Grosvenor, Edwin P. With portrait. XIX, 167.

Grosvenor, Gilbert H., Pioneering Editor.  (Albert W. Atwood.)  With portrait.  XXX, 16.

Grosvenor, Mr. and Mrs.  Portrait. XXV, 93 .

Grosvie in Constantinople.  Portrait.  XXV, 93.

Grosvie in his Garden.  Portrait.  XXV, 99.

Grosvie on his 90th Birthday.  Portrait. XXV, 99.

Grosvie, A Tribute to. ( C. H. Collester.) XXVI, 227.

Grosvie.  (W. A. Dyer.)  With portraits.  XXV, 87.

“Grosvie’s” Bride.  Portrait.  XXV, 93.

Group Singing at Amherst. (C. E. Kelsey.) XIII, 204.

Grover, Harry Greenwood. Prayer of a Violin. Poem. VII, 23.
      Hackensack Meadows. Poem. III, 2.52.
      Memory. Poem III, 105.
      A Prayer for the Hungry. Poem. II, 22:2.

Guest, J. Alfred.  Charles R. Denny.  XXXVII, 107.

Guidance, Educational.  (Editorial.)  XXX, 294.

Guide to Amherst College, A.  XXIII, 315.

Guiterman, Arthur. (Book review by.) XX, 145.

Gunn, S.  Plates.  XXIX, 15.

Gunnison, Herbert F. Herbert L. Bridgman. With portrait. XIV, 191.

Guptil, Walter C.  XXXVIII, 137.

Gustafson, Danny D.  A Freshman Looks at the New Curriculum.  XXXVIII, 1.

Gym, The New.  31, 127.

Gymnasium (new.) Student Tax.  XXIII, 318.

Gymnasium and Infirmary, New.  XXVI, 24.

Gymnasium, Barrett. (P. C. Phillips.) With plate. XXI, 37.

Hacker, Modley, and Taylor: The United States: A Graphic History.  XXVII, 204.

Hager, Charles S.  XXXIV, 157.

Hale, William.  XXXVI, 277.
      With portrait. VII, 87.

Halford, Albert L.  XXXVI,57.

Hall, Gordon R.  XXXV, 313.  Dear Firemen.  XXXIV, 14.  XXXV, 26.

Hall, Henry Clay.  XXVI, 142.
      (E. S. Parsons.) III, 266.
      Portrait. III, 266.

Hall, William H.  XXIII, 232.

Haller, William.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 201.
      What Besides the Landscape? II, 211.
      Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-1647.  XXIV, 176.

Ham, Roswell Gray.  Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 319.

Hamilton, Charles W.  XXXVIII, 114.

Hamilton, James Shelley.  Eminent service medal awarded.  XXV, 320.
      Youth Singing. Poem. V, 244.

Hamlin, A. D. F. (H. N. Gardiner.) With portrait. XV, 295.
      Amherst Men in Robert College. With plate. XIII, 189.

Hamlin, Frederick W.  XXVI, 44.

Hamlin, M. L.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXV, 412.

Hammond, John C. (H. M. Tyler.) With portrait. XV, 293.

Hammond, Thomas J.  XXXVI, 56.

Hanford, Saxe H.  XXVIII, 280.

Hankins, F. H. Reason Versus Authority. XIV, 265.

Hansen, Norman F.  Global Mail. (Italy.)  XXXIV, 33.

Hard Water.  Poem.  (James Hayford.)  XXXIII, 25.

Hardy, Audubon L.  Boynton of the Booming Voice.  XXIII, 118.
      XXXIII, 138.

Hardy, Edwin N.  XXXII, 259.

Hardy, George E.  XXXIII, 288.

Harlow, John.  Plates.  XXVII, 340.

Harmsworth Collection Acquired.  XXVIII, 32.
      Additions to the.  (J. G. McManaway.)  XXVIII, 102.
      Amherst College to Get.  XXVII, 239.
      Survey of the.  (James G. McManaway.)  XXVII, 329.

Harrington, Charles L. (S. Miller.) XVII, 244.

Harris, Edward P.  XXXV, 284.

Harris, Elijah Paddock.  Portrait.  XXVII, 105.
      (G. G. Pond.) With portrait. I, 125.
      Portrait. XIX, 7.
      With portrait. X, 87.

Harris, George, Jr. My College. Poem. II, 302.
      Poems. I, 302.

Harris, George. As Administrator. (J. M. Tyler.) XI, 161.
      (H. C. Lancaster.) XI, 169
      (John Erskine.) XI, 165.
      Portraits. XI, 161, 165.
      (W. A. Nitze.) XI, 168.
      Portrait. V, 276.

Harris, President George. Administration of. (Williston Walker.) I, 291.
      Memorial Address on Dr. Hitchcock. With portrait. I, 22.
      A Personal Appreciation. (W. J. Tucker.) I, 296.
      Portrait. I, 279
      Presentation Address, (H. L. Bridgman.) With portrait.  III, 46.

Hartwell, Edward M. The Springfield Regatta of 1873. IV, 288.

Hartwell, Shattuck.  XXXVI, 153.

Haskell, Nelson C. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 267.

Hastie, William H. (Oliver Pilat.)  With portrait.  XXXV, 403.

Hatch, William S.  XXXIV, 385.

Hatred (Editorial).  XXXII, 240.

Haven, Sherman W. (Book review by.) XX, 333.

“Haven on the Starry Hill.”  (Red Valens.)  XXX, 273.

Havighurst, Alfred F.  The Amherst Memorial Fellowships 1920-1946.  XXXVII, 96.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 291.
      (Book review by.) XXII, 286.
      (Book review by.) XXIV, 179.

Hawkes, H. E. The Liberal Arts College in the University. XV, 79.

Hayford, James H.  The Goddard College Plan.  XXIX, 105.
      Hard Water.  Poem.  XXXIII, 25.
      Inscription for a House.  Poem.  XXVII, 220.

Haynes, George Henry. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXII, 314.

Haynes, George.  XXXVII, 126.

He Crowed for Amherst. (C. F. Luther.)  XXV, 40.

Headmaster Downey.”  XXXIV, 381.

Headmaster Looks at Teaching, A. (A. E. Stearns.) XXI, 165.

Health Tax.  XXVI, 216.

Heard, Arthur M.  XXVIII, 150.

Heath, Louis Jay, Ambassador Without Portfolio.  (Hubert C. Barton.)  XXX, 186.  Portrait. 193.

Heathers, Glen L.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 90.

Heavens, Francis J.  XXXII, 42.

Hemenway, Richard M.  Who Knows of Other Replicas of Sabrina?  XXVI, 133.

Hendricks, Walter.  Marlboro College.  XXXVII, 181.

Henley, William E., Bronze Bust of.  Plate.  XXXI, 295.

Henofer, Elmer W.  XXXV, 194.

Henry Clay Folger and the Shakespeare Library. (G. F. Whicher.) With portrait. Plate. XX, 3.

Henry Ward Beecher in College.  (W. A. Dyer.)  With portrait.  XXIII, 181.

Henshaw, Marshall.  Portrait.  XXXI, 106.

“Heritage.”  XXI, 273.

Herlihy, Thomas.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 293.

Herrick, Frederick C.  XXXII, 269.

Herrick, John Rutherford.  XXVII, 408.

Hewlett, Horace W.  (Book review by.)  XXXVI, 30.

Hickey, Thomas R. XXII, 361.

Higginbottom, Sam.  XXVIII, 16, 67.

High Upon Her Living Throne.  (Margaret R. Emerson.)  XXXVII, 198.

“Higher Learning in America.”  (Editorial.)  XXVI, 222.

Hiking to Amherst.  (Arden M. Rockwood.)  XXVI, 8.

Hildreth, Charles E.  XXVII, 170.

Hiscox, Morton.  XXIX, 269.

Historian Looks at Business, The. (R. D. Callan.) XIX, 164.

History Among the Sciences. (E. P. Cheyney.) XVI, 96.

History Nearing Completion. (C. M. Fuess.) XXII, 35.

History, For Reading in.  XXV, 133, 236.

History, The Amherst. XXIV, 35, 125, 222, 277.

Hitchcock and Babbott Rooms, The. XXIV, 311.

Hitchcock Field. Plate. V, 149.

Hitchcock Memorial Room – Exhibits.  XXX, 26.
      XXIV, 38.  Curator of.  123.
      Plate.  XXV, 326.

Hitchcock Room, The.  XXV, 30, 323.

Hitchcock, “Old Doc.”  XIX, 16, 20.
      XXII, 225.

Hitchcock, Dr. Edward. (President George Harris.) With portrait. I, 22.

Hitchcock, Dr., and the Amherst Indian Collection. (F. B. Loomis.) IV, 276.

Hitchcock, Edward, Jr.  My First Letter Home.  XXXVI, 120.

Hitchcock, Edward.  XXIII, 33.

Hitchcock, Edward. Portrait. XIX, 6.

Hitchcock, Margaret R.  “And There Were Women Too.”  With plates.  191.
      Alias Dunn Browne.  XXVIII, 115.
      Gems from the Memorabilia.  XXIX, 34.
      What Amherst Sang in 1847.  XXVII, 448.
      XXIV, 123.

Hitchcock, Orra White.  XXVI, 191. Portrait. 192.

Hitchcock, Pres. His Play. (G. F. Whicher.) V, 240.

Hitchcock, President Edward. (Frederick Tuckerman.) With portrait. X, 3.

Hitchcock, President, and His Family.  Plates.  XXIX, 203.

Hitchcock, Thomas B.  XXVIII, 388.

Hobbs, John H.  XXXVIII, 113.

Hockey. XIX, 177. XX, 183. XXII, 226, 319.

Hodgdon, Clarence R.  XXXII, 265.

Holland, William J.  XXII, 128, 143.
      Presentation of Moore-Humphrey Letters. X,370.

Hollister, Clay H.  XXIX, 260.

Holton, Charles S.  XXVIII, 154.

Home-Thoughts From the New Hebrides.  Poem.  (John F. Whicher.)  XXXIII, 220.

Honor System in Rudimental Conditions, The. (H. F. Coates.) I, 107.

Honor System. XVII, 181, 251.

“Honors” with a New Meaning.  (George B. Funnell.)  XXIX, 214.

Honorary Degree Policy.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 373.

Honorary Degrees Awarded.  XXVIII, 235, 347.

Honorary Degrees Conferred. XX, 272.

Honorary Degrees Pamphlet.  XXVIII, 81.

Honorary Degrees, 1921. X, 381.

Honorary Degrees, 1927. XVI, 277.

Honorary Degrees, 1928. XVII, 255.

Honorary Degrees.  XIII, 300; XIV, 294; XV, 279. XXI, 267. XXIII, 309. XXIV, 34, 307. XXV, 121, 318. XXVI, 317. XXVII, 358. XXIX, 336, 361. XXX, 286. XXXI, 315. XXXIII, 366. XXXVI, 347.  XXXVII, 288.

Hooker, George E.  XXII, 340.
      XXVIII, 269.

Hopkins Academy.  XXIII, 293.

Hopkins, Arthur J.  Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIII, 311.
      With portrait.  XXIII, 303.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 77.
      A Coadjutor of Four Colleges. I, 245.
      Chemistry in Amherst. XIX, 3.
      New Chemistry Laboratory, The. With plate. XVII, 237.

Hopkins, Centenary of Mark. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 29.

Hopkins, Ernest M.  College and the Common Life, The. XXII, 114.
      Problem of Education at Dartmouth College. XV, 93.

Hopkins, Margaret Briscoe. (Book review by.)  XXIII, 383.

Hopkins: Alchemy, Child of Greek Philosophy.  XXIV, 175.

Hopkius, Arthur J.  XXIX, 144.  (Book review by.)  89.  Portrait.  141.

Hoppy Solves a Problem.  (A. G. Baker.)  XXV, 237.

“Hoppie”: An Appreciation. (H. W. Doughty.)  With portrait. XXIII, 303.

Horse Age at Amherst, The. (W. S. Rossiter.) With plate. XIV, 14.

Horton, Lawrence M.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 372.
      Religion on Campus.  XXXI, 223.
      Amherst at Camp Dudley. With plates.  XXIV, 7.

Hosmer, Frank Alvan. (E. A. Thompson.) With portrait. VII, 289.

Houghton, Augustus S.  XXXVIII, 29.

House for Georgie Olds, A. (J. T. Stocking.) XVI, 259.

House Libraries. XXIII, 34, 126, 218, 314.

Housing and Eating.  XXVIII, 120 .

How Amherst Students Became Dirt Farmers. (William H. Wright.) With illustrations. XXXII, 1.

How I Found Amherst College and What I Found. (J. W. Burgess.) With plates. XVII, 3.

How Legends Grow.  XXXII, 7.

How the Amherst Spirit Works “Somewhere in France.” (Emery Pottle.) V, 172.

How War Came to Shanghai.  Part I. (Frederick B. Opper.)  XXXII, 350.
      Part II.  (Frederick B. Opper.)  XXXIII, 13.

Howard, Robert J.  Undergraduate Comment.  XXXIII, 347.

Howard, Samuel A.  XXXV, 418.

Howe, Herbert B.  Amherst and Williston Good Neighbors. With illustrations. XXXI, 103.

Howland, John.  XXVIII, 261.

Hubbard, Hugh.  XXVIII, 18.

Hubbard, Leroy W.  XXVIII, 45.

Hubbard, Ray Spencer.  XXXV, 434.

Hughes, Address of Charles Evans. (Editorial.)  XXVI, 329.

Hughes, Joseph H.  XXXVII, 240.

Hughitt, Frederic E.  XXIX, 255

Human Element in Industrial Problems, The.  Labor Relations from a Union Man’s View.  (Howard P. Smith, IV.)  XXXVII, 191.

Humanism and Religion. (I. Babbitt.) XIX, 157.

Humphrey, Heman.  A Charge to Alumni.  XXXIV, 12.

Humphries, Rolfe.  (Book review by.)  XXXV, 234.

Hunt, Albert W.  (Loren H. Rockwell.)  With portrait.  XXXIV, 239.

Hunting Camels in Wyoming. (F. B. Loomis.) XII, 25.

Huntington, Ellery C.  XXXV, 46.

Huntington, Frederick Day, Presentation of Portrait of. (F. H. Gillett.) X, 380.

Hurricane Wreckage.  Plates.  XXVIII, 28.

Hurricane, The.  XXVIII, 28. (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 34.

Hurricanes.  Poem.  (Percy H. Boynton.)  XXXII, 8.

Hutcheson, Harold R.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 91.

Hutchins, Augustus S.  XXXVII, 214.

Hyde, Clarence R.  XXIX, 267.

Hyde, Henry D.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 220.

Hyde, Prof. Frederick S.  Portrait.  XXV, 317.

Hyde, William DeWitt. The College President’s ,Job. II, 86.

I Know a Place.  (Geoffroy Atkinson.)  XXX, 183.

Ide, Herbert C.  Public School Opportunities.  XXVIII, 252.

Idea of a College, The. (S. P. Lamprecht.) XXI, 18.

Ideals Overhead and Underground. VII, 1.

Illustrious of 1883, The.  XXIX, 23.

In Defense of a Smattering.  (Wilbert A. Stevens.)  XXX, 126.

In South America for Butterflies. (W. T. M. Forbes.) XIII, 287.

In the Book the Man; a tribute to J. F. Genung. (R. W. Neal.) IX, 81.

Inaugural Address.  (S. King.)  With plate. XXII, 87.

Inaugural Address. (G. D. Olds.) With portrait. XIV, 87.

Inaugural Luncheon, The. With plates. XIV, 102.

Inauguration of President Meiklejohn, The. Illustrated. II, 37.

Inauguration of President Olds. With plate. XIV, 83.

Inauguration of President Pease, The. XVII, 88.

Inauguration Week-End.  With plates.  XXII, 98.

Independent Schools in the Postwar World, The.  (Claude M. Fuess.)  XXXVI, 122.

India Is Not Far.  Part I.  (Ernest A. Becker, Jr.)  XXXII, 105.  Part II.  XXXII, 223.

Indian Elephant and Mahout.  Plate.  XXXII, 231.

Indispensable College, An. (T. A. Greene.)  XXIV, 320.

Indoor Athletic Field, The. With plates. XIV, 255.

Infirmary, Bed-room of.  Plate.  XXVII, 246.
      Lounge of.  Plate. XXVII, 246.
      New.  XXV, 331.
      Opening of.  XXVII, 246.
      Sketch of New.  Plate.  XXVI, 185.
      The New.  XXVII, 127.
      XXVI, 24, 113.

Influence of Chemistry in World Affairs, The. (J. F. Norris.) XIX, 65.

Influenza Epidemic. VIII, 7.

Ingersoll, Raymond V. Portrait. XXIII, 114.
      XXIII, 120.

Inscription for a House.  (James Hayford.)  Poem.  XXVII, 220.

Integer of Amherst, An. (J. T. Stocking.) XVI, 6.

Intellectual Honesty. (H. C. Lodge.)  II, 10.

Intelligence Tests for Amherst Freshmen. (C. H. Toll.) XIII, 28.

Interclass Sing.  XXIX, 346.
      XXIII, 316.

Interclass Swimming. XVI, 132.

Intercollegiate Discussions. XXIV, 221.

Interfraternity Cup, The. XVII, 252.

Interfraternity Sing, The.  XIX, 105. XX, 108. XXII, 230, 321. XXIII, 218. XXIV, 315. XXVI, 328.

Interfraternity Singing. XVII, 111.

Internal Development of Amherst's Athletic Resources, The. (R. F. Nelligan.)  V, 25.

“Interpreting Economist” of the New Deal, The.  (A. Friendly.)  With portrait.  XXIV, 28.

Intramural Athletics at Amherst. (W. S. Biscoe.) XXI, 190.

Intramural Contests.  XXX, 119.

Intramural Sports at Amherst. (P. C. Phillips.) V, 156.

Intramural Sports.  XVI, 283. XIX, 178. XX, 184.  XXI, 119, 273. XXII, 227, 318. XXIII, 126, 214, 313. XXIV, 118, 216, 311. XXV, 123, 224, 322. XXVI, 116, 211, 321. XXVII, 31, 130, 243, 361. XXVIII, 119, 240, 353. XXIX, 227, 342.

Is the College Making Good? (G. B. Churchill.) III, 95.

Ise, John.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 289.

It May Be News to You.  XXV, 228.

It Takes An Avalanche to Stop Prexy.  (Stanley King.)  XXVI, 195.

Items in Brief.  XXVIII, 31.

Jackson, William T. S.  XXXIII, 150.

James Portrait, The.  XXXII, 237 .

James, Arthur Curtiss.  Portrait.  XXXII, 209.
      XXX, 295, 311.

Jameson, J. Franklin.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 32.
      XXVII, 50, 230.  Portrait.  231.

Jameson, John F. A Possible Enrichment of the Teaching of History. XVI, 67.
      Portrait, XVI, 66

Jeffery Amherst Scholarships.  XXIII, 315. XXVIII, 353. XXIX, 344.

Jeffery, Lord Amherst. Proper Title of.  XXII, 325.

Jenny Lind and Conic Sections in 1851.  XXXII, 133.

Jerome, William Travers. XXIII, 212, 243.

Jewett, E. Porter, Jr.  The Bell on the Cover.  XXVI, 308.

Joe Eastman, Industrial Explorer. (F. B. Dow.) With portrait.  XXII, 310.

John Tyler as I Knew Him. (G. D. Olds.) XVIII, 231.

Johns Hopkins in Account with Amherst. (W. B. Clark.) IV, 215.

Johnson Chapel Centennial. XVI, 203.

Johnson Chapel, New East Facade of. Plate.  XXIII, 1.
      New Seats in.  XXV, 229.
      Renovation of.  XXII, 316.
      Renovation of.  XXIII, 35.
      Dedication after Remodeling. XXIII, 313.
      Plate. XIV, 165.

Johnson, Allen. (H. P. Gallinger.) With portrait. XX, 264.

Johnson, Burges.  Deacon Stebbins and Education.  XXXIII, 339.
      Was Union Godfather to Amherst?  XXVI, 336.
      Amherst Debating Leagues. VI, 47.
      Book Reviewing in Liberal Verse. VI, 23.
      Deacon Stebbins – His Valedictory. Poem. VI, 168.
      Deacon Stebbins On the Alumni. Poem. IV, 188.
      Deacon Stebbins at the Rally -November 20, 1920. Poem. X, 90.
      Deacon Stebbins Pleads for the Ghosts.  Poem. III, 184.
      XXIII, 40.

Johnson, Davis G.  The New Theta Xi House.  XXX, 12.

Johnson, Herbert G.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 210.
      Major Frank R. Otte.  XXXIV, 241.
      Comptroller of the College.  XXII, 328.

Johnson, Robert Underwood. Amherst Scholar in Rome, An.  XXII,28.

Johnston Trophy, The.  XXIV, 216,310. XXV, 224, 322. XXVI, 211, 320. XXVII, 242, 360. XXVIII, 119, 240, 352. XXIX, 118, 227, 341. XXXI, 23.

Jones Library in Amherst, The. (C. R. Green.) With plates. XVIII, 87.

Jones: Flying Vistas.  XXVII, 323.

Jordan, Lloyd. XXI, 271.

Joseph R. Eastman a Symbol.  (Felix Frankfurter.)  XXXIII, 229.

Judge Woodruff's Portrait.  (S. H. Fisher.)  With portrait.  XXII, 32.

Judson, Lucius E.  XXVIII, 274.

Jump, Herbert A. Vignettes of the 'Nineties. XXI, 183.

Jurist, Scholar, Gentleman.  (Edward T. Esty.)  XXVIII, 21.

Jusserand, Jules. Address. X, 386.

Just Sixty Years Ago.  XXVI, 213.

Kabayama, Count Ayske.  (W. H. Day.) With portrait.  XXV, 211.
      XXV, 39.

Kambour, Theodore.  XXXII, 67.

Kanda, Baron Naibu. (W. S. Clark.) With portrait. XIII, 199.
      Address. X,390.

Kane, J. Frank.  Personnel Work and the Liberal College.  XXVIII, 133.
      Control or Chaos – A Design for Peace.  XXVI, 34.

Kauffman, B. Frank.  XXXVIII, 36.

Keating, Charles H.  XXXVIII, 119.

Keedy, David H.  XXVIII, 65.

Keep, Austin Baxter. Two Amherst Dickinsons. With portraits. IX, 164.

Keezer, Dexter M.  XXIV, 304, 369.  Portrait.  305.

Keith, Eldon Bradford -Memorial to. With plates. XI, 122.

Keith, Warren B.  XXVII, 155.

Kelly, Matthew A.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 293.

Kelsey, C. E. Group Singing at Amherst. XIII, 204.

Kemmerer, John L.  XXXIII, 274.

Kemp, James F. (L. F. Abbott.) With portrait. XVI, 187.
      Amherst in Science. X, 264.

Kendall, Henry P. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIII, 310.
      Leavener of an Old Industry. With portrait. XX, 86.

Kennedy, David.  XXXVII, 225.

Kennedy, Gail.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 261.
      (Book review by.)  XXXIII, 211.
      (Book review by.)  XXIII, 277.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 161.

Kennedy, Gilbert F.  XXXII, 47.

Kent, Daniel.  XXV, 250.

Kern, M. V. (Book review by.)  XXVI, 289.

Kidder, Edward W.  Scholarships for Latin Americans.  XXX, 206.

Kidder, Harry W.  XXII, 232, 263.
      A Quarter Century of Oratorio. XV, 196.

Kidder, Pancoast. A New Amherst Congressman. (B. H. Snell.) V, 103.

Kilgore, John E., Jr.  Portrait.  XXXII, 190.

Kimball, Arthur L.  XXXII, 285.
      As a Scientist. (G. D. Olds.) XII, 163.
      (W. L. Cowles.) XII, 158.

Kimball, Bradford F.  (The Open Forum.)  Representation on Board of Trustees.  XXXVI, 234.

Kimball, Everett.  XXXVIII, 37.

Kimball, Harry G.  XXXIV, 267.

King Administration.  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 272.

King Library in North College. Plate. XXIII, 126.

King Library. XXIII, 35.

King, Henry A.  XXII, 146.
      (H. B. Russell.)  XXII, 126.
      XXIII, 35.
      Bequest of.  XXII, 229.

King, Margaret Pinckney.  The President’s House.  XXXVII, 1.

King, President and Mrs.  Portrait.  XXXV, 248.

King, Richard. XXIII, 35.

King, S. Bowles. Seventy-Two Years an Alumnus. XVIII, 163.

King, Samuel B.  XXXIII, 162.

King, Stanley and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.  Portrait.  XXXV, 253.

King, Stanley.  Commencement Address 1945.  XXXIV, 323.
      Frank G. Nelson.  XXXVI, 355.
      Frederick J. E. Woodbridge, Trustee of Amherst College.  XXIX, 315.
      Joseph Bartlett Eastman.  With portrait.  XXXIII, 226.
      Passing of George Plimpton, The.  XXV, 312.
      (A. W. Atwood.) XXI, 251.
      Honorary Degree Conferred by Columbia.  XXII, 327.
      Inaugural Address.  With plate.  XXII, 87.
      It Takes An Avalanche to Stop Prexy.  XXVI, 195.
      Portrait. XXI, 164.
      Presidential Doctrine.  XXII, 12.
      Trustee of Amherst College, A. With plate. XXI, 101.
      XXI, 274.
      XXIII, 35, 40, 45, 127, 135, 218, 220.

King, William A.  XXVII, 49.

Kingman, Joseph R.  Memories of Amherst.  With portrait.  XXXVI, 109.
      XXXV, 160.

Kinsolving, Arthur Lee. (G. D. Olds.) With portrait. XX, 23.
      That Disciple Whom Jesus Loved. XVIII, 225.
      XX, 273.

Kirby Bequest.  XXVII, 248.

Kirby Memorial Theatre.  XXVI, 207, 218.  Plate.  291.
      XXVII, 362.
      Dedicated.  XXVIII, 284.
      Plates.  XXVIII, 8.

Knight, Harry W.  Portrait.  XXXI, 313.

Knowlton, Stephen B.  XXVIII, 55.

Koomey, Levon H.  XXII, 360.

Krikorian, Hohannes K.  XXXII, 142.

Krug, Adolph N.  XXXI, 358.

Kyoto, At the Imperial Palace of.  XXXII, 111.

Ladd, Charles T.  XXXVIII, 142.

Ladd, Lawrence F.  XXXI, 353.

Lamb, William G.  XXVII, 163.

Lamprecht, Sterling P.  (Book review by.)  XXII, 187.
      (Book review by.)  XXXII, 203.
      (Book review by.)  XXXIII, 107.
      (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 206.
      A Critique.  XXXIV, 225. 
      (Book review by.)  XXXV, 493. 
      (The Open Forum.)  XXXIV, 361.
      Administrator, Teacher, Philosopher.  XXIX, 319.
      Dissenting Opinions.  XXX, 33.
      (Book List.)  XXVI, 225.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 284.
      (Book Review by.) XIX, 145.
      College Chapel at Amherst. XX, 17.
      Idea of a College, The. XXI, 18.
      Weight of Tradition, The.  XXV, 18.
      XXIII, 218.

Lamson, Richard.  XXXV, 52.

Lancaster, Ellsworth Gage.  XXIV, 146.

Lancaster, H. Carrington. President Harris. XI, 169.

Lancaster, John H.  They’re in the Navy Now.  XXX, 107.
      XXXVII, 257.

Lanckton, Arthur L.  Racing the Germans Across Greece. With illustrations.  XXXI, 189. 
      For the Starving Greeks.  XXXI, 222.

Landfall at Dawn.  Poem.  (John W. Atherton.)  XXX, 275.

Lane, Charles S.  XXVII, 272.

Lane, Stoddard.  XXXII, 414.
      Honorary Degree Conferred. XXIII, 310.

Language and Literature Club. XVII, 181.

Lansing Portrait, The. With portrait. XXIV, 111.

Lansing, Robert, Poem to. (W. L. Corbin.) IX, 159.
      Secretary of State. Plate. V, 3.
      Portrait. V, 198.
      Sketch of. From The Outlook. III, 268.
      Portrait. III, 268.
      Portrait. XXIV, 111.

Larger Amherst, The. (A. H. Clark.) With plates. XIX, 88.

Larkin, Edward P.  XXXIV, 283.

Larkin, Herbert Knowlton.  XXV, 160.

Laski, Harold J.  Government. XXIV, 181.

Late News Flashes.  XXV, 236, 240.

Lathrop, Joseph.  Winter Life in Springfield 1826-1827.  XXXV, 147.

Latin No Longer Required.  XXII, 223.

Law, Frederick Houk.  What is Amherst?  Poem.  XXXIV, 225.
      (Book review by.)  XXIX, 90.
      "Old Greek." Poem. VI, 91.
      Sunrise at Amherst. Poem. IV, 184.
      In Amherst town. Poem. III, 21.
      The Purple Hills of Amherst. Poem. II, 209.
      They Passed Us on the Campus. XIX, 16.

Lawrence, William A. The Enlistment of the Class of '61. VI, 235.

Lawrie, Alvah K.  Bequest of.  XXVII, 155.

Lawson, Donald. Orient Springs. XIII, 209.

Lawson, James S.  XXVIII, 158.

Lay, Edward P.  XXXIII, 415.

Lay, Harold M.  XXXIV, 63.

Leaders in Pioneer Education. (E. B. Robinson.) With portraits. XXI, 111.

League of Nations, Intercollegiate Assembly. XVII, 179.

Leavener of an Old Industry. (H. P. Kendall.) With portrait. XX, 86.

Leavitt, Robert W.  XXXVI, 81.

Lecture Courses. VII, 276.

Lectures and Concerts.  XXIX, 230.

Lectures and Music.  XXVI, 326. XXVII, 244. XXVIII, 124.

Lectures and Talks. XXV, 225, 327.

Lectures.  XIII, 137, 312; XIV, 120, 200, 283; XV, 128, 306. XVI, 129, 199, 280. XX, 107, 186. XXI, 121, 270. XXIII, 216, 315. XXIV, 124, 218, 315. XXVI, 121, 215. XXVII, 29, 132, 364. XXVIII, 33. XXIX, 345.

LeDuc, Thomas H.  German Influences at Amherst.  XXIX, 205.

Lee Wood, Fighting Journalist. With portrait.  XXIII, 115.

Leete, William W.  Curve Ball Pitching.  XXXVI, 132.
      XXXV, 417.

Legal View of Gifts and Taxes, A.  (R. E. Paul, W. S. Orr.)  XXV, 217.

Legion of Merit Award to Lt. Col. E. Dwight Salmon.  Portrait. XXXV, 28.

Legislation of Sound Sense, The. (Calvin Coolidge.) III, 171.

Leiper, Henry S.  Honorary Degree Conferred. XXIII, 310.

Leland, George A. (P. C. Phillips.) With portrait. XIV, 29.

Lemcke, Norman R.  As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.

Lentz, John B.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 413.

Leonard, Edwin.  At The West Window.  Poem.  XXXVIII, 7.

Leonard, Wallace Minot.  XXVII, 58.

Letter to a Former Student.  (David Morton.)  XXXIV, 121.

Letter to Georgie, A. (J. T. Stocking.) XX, 252.

Letters from a Freshman in the 'Forties. (F. Stearns.) XIX, 245.

Levy-Despas, Guy.  Portrait.  XXXII, 369.

Lewis of the Gridiron and the Bar.  (R. S. Brooks.)  With portrait.  XXVI, 199.

Lewis, Willard I.  XXV, 251.

Lewis, William E.  XXXI, 250.

Lewis, William H.  Portrait.  XXVI, 203.

Lewis, William H.  XXXVIII, 118.

Liberal Arts at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXXII, 129.

Liberal Arts College in the University, The. (H. E. Hawkes.) XV, 79.

Liberal College and Christian Citizenship, The. (R. B. Freeman.) XIII, 22.

Liberal Colleges After the War.  (Editorial.)  XXXII, 374.

Liberal Colleges.  (Editorial.)  XXXII, 243.

Liberty Loan, Fourth. VIII, 8.

Libraries, Dormitory.  XXIII, 34, 126, 218, 314. XXIV, 38.

Libraries, More House.  XXV, 30.

Libraries, Two Memorial.  XXVIII, 121.

Library Expansion.  XXVI, 328. XXVII, 24.

Library Notes.  (R. S. Fletcher.)  XXII, 36.

Library Notes.  XXII, 230. XXIV, 36.

Library Report, The.  XXXII, 238.

Library, Morris Pratt House.  XXV, 30.

Library, The Addition to the.  (N. F. McKeon, Jr.)  With Plates.  XXVIII, 112.

Library, The New. Plate. V, 223.
      With floor plans. V, 266.

Like Father – Like Son.  XXXVIII, 15.

Limning of Professors, The.  XXVI, 214.

Lincoln, Rufus Pratt. (J. M. Tyler.) With portrait. VII, 285.

Linnell, J. E.  My Dear Sir.  XXXV, 10.

Linton, M. Albert.  (Book review by.)  XXXV, 348.

Lippmann, Walter.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 309.
      First-Rate Scholar, The. XXII, 112.
      Our Foreign and Domestic Policy, as of November 1, 1933.  XXIII, 96.

Little Red Schoolhouse, The.  With plate.  XXVI, 322.

Little Theatre, A.  XXVI, 207, 218.

Little Three, The.  XXVI, 321. XXVII, 361.

Livingston, Albert A.  XXXIII, 285.

Livingstone, A Touch With. (M. L. Todd.) II, 221.

Lobdell Bas-Reliefs. With plates.  XXIII, 195.

Lobdell, Rev. Henry.  Portrait.  XXX, 1.

Lodge, Henry Cabot. Intellectual Honesty. II, 10.

Loewenstein, Karl.  South American Impressions of a Political Scientist. With illustrations. XXXI, 91.

Lombard, Frank A. Doshisha University. With plate. XI, 95.

Long Vacation.  Poem. (G. S. Bryan.)  XXVI, 296.

Long, J. C.  The Plimpton Collection.  XXIV, l.
      General Amherst and the College. With plate.  XXIII, 89.
      Jeffery, Lord Amherst.  XXII, 325.

Long: The Plimpton Collection of French and Indian War Items Presented to Amherst College and Exhibited at the Lord Jeffery Inn, Amherst, Massachusetts.  XXIV, 179.

Longfellow, A Gift from.  XXVIII, 240.

Look Bequest.  XXV, 324, 347.

Loomis Memorial Library, XXVII, 363. Fireplace of.  Plate.  XXVIII, 121.

Loomis, Death of Frederic B.  XXVI, 408.

Loomis, F. B. Early Man in Florida. (An Interview.) With plates. XV, 11.

Loomis, Fred: Scientist and Teacher in The Great Tradition.  (H. H. Plough.)  XXVII, 1.

Loomis, Frederic Brewster.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 33.
      An Undergraduate Impression.  (R. H. Parker.)  XXVII, 8.
      Dr. Hitchcock and the Amherst Indian Collection. IV, 276.
      Emerson Library, The.  XXII, 34.
      XXVII, 30, 62.  Portrait.  1.
      (Book review by.)  XXIII, 87.
      Amherst Pioneer, An. XVIII, 223.
      Amherst’s Cats and Dogs. With plate.  XXIII, 11.
      Harris Hawthorne Wilder. With portrait. XVII, 175.
      A Front-Rank Paleontologist.  (A. S. Romer.)  XXVII, 6.
      Hunting Camels in Wyoming. XII, 25.
      The Amherst '96 Patagonian Expedition. I, 239.

Loomis, New Course of Professor.  XXIV, 123.

Loomis, Samuel Lane.  XXVII, 269.

Lord Jeff Night, 1921. X, 106.

Lord Jeff. (Magazine.) Plate. XIX, 110.

Lord Jeffery Amherst Club Room.  Plate.  XXV, 228.

Lord Jeffery Amherst Club.  XXV, 29, 35.

Lord Jeffery Amherst Scholarships. XXV, 326.

Lord Jeffery Club.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 26.

Lord Jeffery Inn, The. With plate. XV, 1.

Lord, Robert H.  XXXV, 48.

Lost City of the Etruscans, A. (A. H. Baxter.) Illustrated. II, 141.

Loud, Joseph Herbert.  XXVI, 255.

Love in the ’Sixties.  (Charles E. Bolton.)  XXX, 276.

Lovelee, Albert J.  XXXVII, 329.

Lovell, John H.  XXIX, 43.

Lowell, A. Lawrence. The Duty of Scholarship. II, 79,

Loyalty, Speaking of.  (Robert Frost.)  XXXVII, 271.

Lustrum of Jacob Abbott, The.  (George S. Bryan.)  With Plates.  XXVIII, 207.

Luther, Clair F.  Further Glimpses of Noah Webster.  XXVII, 375.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 327.
       “Tongues that Slander.”  XXII, 325.
      He Crowed for Amherst.  XXV, 40.
      XXVIII, 53.
      Eastman Hope Chests.  XXVI, 227.

Lyall, Herbert J.  XXXI, 137.

Lyman, Eugene W.  XXXVII, 223.

Lyman, Harrison F.  XXXIII, 385.

Lyman, Joseph M.  XXVII, 76.

Magazine Award.  XXVII, 248.

Mainzer, Robert Henry.  XXVI, 53.

Mallet, John William. Portrait. XIX, 6.

Mallon, Alfred E.  XXXVII, 151.

Mallon, George B. XVII, 184.

Man and His Environment. New Course for Freshmen. XXIV, 123.

Mansfield, George.  XXXVII, 44.

Manta Hanging on Anchor of S. S. Amherst Victory.  Plate.  XXXV, 10.

Manthey-Zorn, Otto.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 87.
       “This Is Your Heritage.”  XXXV, 249.
      Education and Art in Central Europe. X, 152.

Manuscripts of John M. Synge. With plates. XIX, 259.

Manuscripts, Amherst Acquires New.  XXVII, 27.

Manwell, Edward J.  The Amherst College Health Service. With plates.  XXVI, 185.

Maples, Avenue of. Plate.  XXVIII, 93.

Marble Barge in Peiping, The.  XXXII, 105.

Marble, Charles F.  XXXVI, 252.

March, Francis A. (F. W. Stearns.) With portraits. I, 129.

March, Joseph Moncure. Charity. XIX, 168.

Marks Brothers.  XXIV, 32.

Marlboro College.  (Walter Hendricks.)  XXXVII, 181.

Marriages. VII,48, 123, 222, 316; IX, 35, 108, 189, 274. X, 41, 114, 187; XI, 56, 136, 201, 281; XII, 46, 112, 180, 261. XIII, 54, 145, 242, 330; XIV, 50, 136, 215, 309; XV, 40, 136, 224, 325.

Marsh, Allison W.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 425.
      Physical Education and the War.  XXXIII, 231.
      The New Gymnasium and the Physical Education Program.  XXVI, 85.
      The Play of Amherst Men.  XXVIII, 106.
      Physical Education at Amherst. With plates. XIX, 18.
      The Aftermath of the President's Speech. XI, 174.

Marsh, Edward L.  XXXII, 148.

Marsh, Harry B.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 81.

Marsh, Stephen.  Beyond.  Poem. IV, 130.
      Memories.  Poem. V, 245.
      A Memory of Seneca Lake. Poem. V,  l2.
      Patience.  Poem. IV, 287.
      Thy September. (To J. F. G.) Poem. VI, 231.
      To H. G. G.  Poem. IV, 30.
      The Poet to the Reader. Poem. VII, 7.

Marshall, Charles W.  XXXV, 168.

Marshall, Secretary.  Portrait.  XXXVI, 350.

Martin, James A. Jr.  (Book reviews by.) XXXVII, 115, 203.

Marvin, Lt. Col. Walter.  XXXIV, 367.

Masquers in Vienna.  XXII, 319, 323. XXIII, 16.

Masquers Present “Richard III,” The. (T. Baird.) With plate. XXI, 194.

Masquers, A Year with the. (E. A. Richards.) With plate. XI, 245.

Masquers, The.  XVIII, 18, 37, 161. XIX, 105, 178, 259. XXII, 37, 133, 228, 319, 323. XXIII, 16, 38, 129, 217, 314. XXIV, 37, 124, 217, 223, 314. XXV, 33, 128, 230, 326. XXVI, 122, 217, 327. XXVII, 30, 134, 248, 365. XXVIII, 30, 125, 244. XXIX, 25, 232, 346. XXX, 25. Plates.  XXX, 120, 121. XXXI, 118. XXXII, 27.

Masquers’ Peer Gynt, The.  (F. Curtis Canfield.)  XXIX, 332.

Masten, Richard L.  XXXI, 62.

Mathematical Rhythm.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXI, 28.

Mather Art Collection, The. (Editorial) XXV, 131.

Mather, William Tyler.  XXVI, 357.

Matter of Ratio, A.  (S. Rushmore.) XXV, 338.

May, F. Stacy. Two Years of Workers' Classes. XII, 139.

Maynard, Herbert B.  XXXIII, 140.

McAllister, Frank B.  XXIX, 273.

McArthur, William J.  XXXVI, 264.

McCloy, John J. Thompson the Teacher.  XXV, 112.

McConaughy, James Lukens.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 34.
      XXIII, 221, 318.

McCormick, Charles G.  Religion on Campus in 1942.  XXXI, 108.

McCurdy, Allen W.  XXIV, 151.

McEvoy, Thomas J.  XXXII, 155.

McFarland, Raymond.  XXXIV, 42.

McGoun, Ralph C.  Backstage in the Kirby Memorial Theater. With Plates.  XXVIII, 8.

McGregory, Joseph Frank. XXIV, 51, 140.

McIntosh, Kenneth C., Letter from. VIII, 9.

McKeon, Newton F., Jr. (Book review by.)  XXIII, 84.
      (Book review by.)  XXX, 372.
      (Book review by.)  XXXVIII, 20.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXIX, 94, 312.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVII, 95, 328.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 407.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVIII, 90, 319.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 294.
      The Addition to the Library.  With Plates.  XXVIII, 112.

McLauthlin, Herbert W.  XXVIII, 367.

McManaway, James G.  Additions to the Harmsworth Collection.  XXVIII, 102.
      Survey of the Harmsworth Collection.  XXVII, 329.

Mead Bequest.  XXV, 240, 324.

Mead, William Rutherford. (G. H. Backus.) With portrait. XVIII, 23.
      Portrait. VII, 82.
      XIX, 175.

Measure of a College, The. (Alexander Meiklejohn.) XII, 85.

Medal, Distinguished Service.  XXIX, 337.

Medals, Eminent Service. XXIV, 309. XXV, 320. XXVI, 318. XXVII, 358. XXXVI, 347.  XXXVII, 288.

Medical Schools, Amherst Men in.  XXIX, 224.

Medieval Literature, A Book List on. (G. F. Whicher.) XV, 217.

Meiklejohn, Alexander.  XXII, 123.
      XXIII, 103.
      Baccalaureate Sermon. XII, 224.
      For Athletic Disarmament. XI, 171.
      John Woodruff Simpson, the Trustee. X,24.
      The Measure of a College. XII, 85.
      Resignation. XII, 219.
      What does the College hope to be during the Next Hundred Years? X,327.
      Chapel Address, September 20, 1917. VII,8.
      English Impressions. IX, 7.
      Portrait. XXV, 128.
      (W. G. Everett.) II,48.
      (Talcott Williams.) With portrait. I, 321.
      Goal and the Game, The: Baccalaureate Address.  III, II.
      Inaugural Address. II, 56.
      Portraits. I, 321. II, 1, 48, 94.
      Place of Student Activities in the College. IV, 110.

Meiklejohn, King, Pease and Coolidge.  Portrait.  XXXV, 253.

MeLaughry, De Ormond. Portrait. XV, 125.

Memorabilia Wanted.  XXV, 237.

Memorabilia. XXV, 339.

Memorial Field, Giant Earth Scraper Working On.  Plate.  XXXV, 10.

Memorial Libraries, Two.  XXVIII, 121.

Memorial Rooms, Booklet on.  XXV, 326.

Memories of Amherst.  (Joseph R. Kingman, Henry S. Kingman.)  XXXVI, 109.

Mendell, Clarence W.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 114.

Meredith, B.  A Postscript. XXIV, 296.

Meredith, Burgess.  The Stepchildren of Society.  XXVIII, 216.
      One Year Plus at Amherst. With portraits. XXIV, 287.

Meriam, R. S. Portrait. XV, 209.

Merrill, Charles Edward.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 307.

Merrill, Edward.  XXVI, 354.

Merrill, Hamilton G.  XXXIII, 279.

Merrill, James I.  Campus Comment.  XXXIII, 24.  Undergraduate Comment.  128.

Merrill, Oliver B.  XXXIII, 272.  Portrait.  XXXIII, 230.

Message from ’Eighty-Four, A.  (Walter F. Willcox.)  XXXII, 114.

Message to the Class of ’99, A.  (Emery Pottle.)  XXXII, 360.

Mever, Sgt. Walter C.  The Army Shuffled The Cards.  XXXV, 117.

Mighill, Thomas A.  XXXIII, 41.

Mike Smith and the Freshman River.  (Frederick J. E. Woodbridge.)  XXIX, 7.

Mike the Teacher.  (James A. Notopoulos.)  XXIX, 1.

Milan, Michael B.  XXXV, 284.

Military Honors. VII, 83, 363; VIII, 12, 51, 91, 152.

Military Training at Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 347.

Military Training. (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 28.

Miller, Jr., Spencer.  Was Action Undemocratic?  XXIX, 352.

Miller, Samuel F.  XXIX, 47.

Miller, Spencer. A Quarter Century of the People's Institute Founded by Charles Sprague-Smith. With portrait. XIII, 91.
      Charles Loammi Harrington. XVII, 244.

Miller, Taulman A.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 89.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 403.

Millett, Fred B.  A Decade at Wesleyan.  XXXVII, 103.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 79.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 234.

Milliken Bequest. XXV, 228.

Milliken Gift.  XXV, 127.

Milliken, Arthur Norris. Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIV, 309.
      Gift of $10,000.  XXIV, 38.
      XXV, 253.

Mills, Charles S.  XXXI, 234.
      An Amherst Summer Colony.  XXIV, 298.
      Fraternity and the College, The. XVIII, 3.
      Howard Sweetser Bliss. With portrait. IX, 236.

Mills, Frank Smith.  XXV, 149.

Miscellany.  XXIX, 28.

“Mitch.”  XXXII, 239.

Mitchell, Edward R. A Visitor from Bowdoin. With plates. XV, 190.

Model League of Nations at Williamstown.  XXV, 229.

Modern Crusader in Palestine, The. (E. St. J. Ward.) V, 169.

Modern Movements in Psychology During the Last Two Decades. (J. R. Angell.) XVIII, 73.

Montreal Mansion.  Plate.  XXV, 202.

Montreal Park, England.  XXV, 327.

Montreal, Garden Front at. Plate.  XXV, 202.

Montreal, Lord Jeffery Amherst’s Kentish Estate.  (W. Orr.)  With plates.  XXV, 202.

Moody, Ambert.  XXXV, 170.

Moon, Ward C.  XXXVII, 142.

Moore Laboratory of Chemistry. XVII, 180.
      With plate. XVII, 237.

Moore, Harriot V. D.  XXVI, 259.

Moore, Laboratory, The. With plates. XIX, 3, 7, 10.

Moore, William Henry. Biographical Note on William Henry Moore, A. With portrait. XIX, 10.

Moore, Zephaniah S. Inaugural. With portrait. XI,231.

Moore-Humphrey Letters, Presentation of. (W. J. Holland.) X, 370.

Morale in College.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 120.

Morgan Library, Renovation of.  XXII, 317.

Morgan, Charles H., II.  George D. Pratt Collection of American Art, The. With plates. XXII, 205.
       (Book review by.)  XXXVI, 29. 
      The College Art Collection.  XXXVIII, 94.
      The Turner Mezzotints.  XXIX, 95.
      XXII, 236.
      Portrait. XIX, 173.
      XXVI, 6.

Morgan, Vincent.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 92.

Morison, Samuel Eliot.  Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 319.

Morley, Herbert Small. Amherst’ First Game of Intercollegiate League Baseball. VI, 171.

Morris Pratt Memorial Dormitory, Inscriptions in the. II, 154.
      Plans and Elevation I, 143.
      Plate. II, 119; III, 77.
      The Significance of. (J. F. Genung.) II, 155.

Morris, Bruce R.  A Visit to A Coal Mine.  XXXVII, 277.

Morris, Froome.  XXVIII, 278.

Morrow Cafeteria.  XXII, 137.

Morrow Dormitory, New House Library in. Plate.  XXIV, 104.
      Plate. XIV, 29.
      XVI, 32.

Morrow Library, Dedication of.  XXIV, 121.
      XXIII, 126, 314.

Morrow, Dwight Whitney. (C. T. Burnett.) With plate. XXI, 83.
      XXIII, 39, 315.
      With portrait. XX, 272.
      Professorship.  XXX, 117.
      (J. T. Stocking.) XXI, 105.
      (S. King.) With plate. XXI, 101.
      XXI, 44,122.
      John Woodruff Simpson, the Lawyer, X, 25.
      Presentation of Portrait of John W. Simpson. X, 362.

Morrow, Elizabeth Cutter.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXII, 315.

Morse, Anson Daniel. With portrait. V, 175.
      In Memoriam: Edward Payson Crowell. With portrait. I, 31.

Morse, Chandler.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII,  298.

Morse, William N. Sunset Hills of Hampshire. Poem. X, 78.

Morseman Cup. XVI, 283.

Morsman, E. K. (Book review by.)  XXII, 82.

Morton, David.  (Book List.)  XXVI, 130.
      (Book review by.)  XXIX, 90.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 286.
      (Book review by.)  XXVII, 92.
      Amherst (Home of Many Poets.)  Poem.  XXXIV, 17.
      Letter to a Former Student.  XXXIV, 121.
      These Are Things of the Spirit.  Poem.  XXVI, 92.
      (Book review by.)  XXIII, 277.
      (Book Review by.) XIX, 146.
      Beyond the Golden Story. Poem. XV, 9.
      Meadows. Poem. XV, 10.
      New Horizons. Poem. XV, 9.
      Representative Modern Lyrics. XV, 312.

Moseley, Harold W.  (The Open Forum.)  XXXV, 275.

Mossman Cup. XIX, 263.

Mossman, Walter B. XVII, 184.

“Mother of Mighty Men.” (J. B. O'Brien.) V, 107.

Moulton, Warren J.  XXXVI, 366.

Mountain Day Abolished.  XXII, 229.

Mountain Trails and the Amherst Outing Club. (P. D. Bartlett.) With plate. XVII, 231.

Mr. Hoover's Successor. (E. B. Robinson.) XVIII, 10.

Mt. Pleasant Burns. XVI, 204.

Muir, Ramsey. Dangers of Historical Teaching. XVI, 80.
      Portrait. XVI, 66.

Mural, Another Amherst.  XXIX, 27.

Mural, Students Paint a.  Plate.  XXIX, 340.

Murals, Fraternity House.  XXVII, 29.

Murray, Gilbert. (H. L. Fraser.) With portrait. I, 326.

Murray, James David. XXXVI, 41.

Music at Amherst.  (H. D. French.)  XXV, 1.

Music Gift Presented by Carnegie Corporation.  XXIII, 127.

Music Gift.  XXIV, 315.

Music.  XX, 107. XXI, 270. XXVII, 246.

Musical Clubs. XIII, 226; XIV, 201, 287; XV, 128. XVII, 182. XXII, 37, 228.

My Dear Sir.  (J. E. Linnell.)  XXXV, 10.

Nash, Alexander S.  XXXI, 256.

Nash, George H.  XXV, 263.

Nash, Henry C.  XXVII, 161.

National Collegiate Athletic Association Trophy. VIII, 127.

National Geographic Flag.  Gift.  XXV, 128.

National Research Council Grant.  XXV, 236.

Natural History Museum Collections.  Appraisal of.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 137.

Natural History of the Assyrian Bas-Reliefs, The.  (H. H. Plough.)  With plates. XXIII, 195.

Navajo Orator. The. Plate. VI, 49.

Navy Cadet Inspects Motor.  Plate.  XXXIII, 347.

Navy Cadets.  Plates.  XXXIII, 24.

Neal, Robert W., Tribute to John F. Genung. IX, 82.

Necrology. VII, 47, 123, 222, 316; IX, 81, 107, 188, 273. X, 41,114,186; XI, 56, 136, 201, 280; XII, 45,112,179,261.

Neesima, Joseph H. His Sword. XI, 265.
      Roughness and Politeness.  XXXV, 149. 
      (Editorial.)  XXXV, 150.
      Amherst Neesima Memorial Building. With plates.  XXII, 13.
      XXI, 116.

Neil, Heman Humphrey. (A. R. N.) With portrait. X, 163.
      XIX, 16.

Nelligan, Dick.  XXXI, 308.

Nelligan, Richard F.  As I Remember Him.  With portrait.  XXXIV, 233.
      Portrait.  XXXI, 307.
      America in Stockholm. II, 19.
      Retirement of. XVII, 180.
      The Internal Development of Amherst's Athletic Resources.  V, 25.

Nelson, Frank G.  (Stanley King.)  XXXVI, 355.
      Portrait.  XXXIV, 232.

Nelson, James A.  XXXI, 253.

Neustadt, Richard M.  XXIII, 32.

New Amherst Congressman, A.  (Pancoast Kidder.) V, 103.

New Buildings.  XXVII, 24.

New Chemistry Laboratory, The. (A. J. Hopkins.) With plate. XVII, 237.

New Curriculum, A Freshman Looks At the.  (Danny D. Gustafson).  XXXVII,1 .

New England College in Leadership, The. (W. F. Wilcox.) I, 224.

New Gymnasium and the Physical Education Program, The.  (A. W. Marsh.)  XXVI, 85.

New Phi Gamma Delta House, The. (G. B. Burnett.) With plates. XVIII, 237.

Newdick, Robert S.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 288.
      (Book review by.)  XXVII, 92.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 79.

Newell, Henry C. (E. B. Robinson.) With portrait. XXI, 111.

Newell, Horatio B.  XXXIII, 36.

Newlin, William J.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 208.
      More About Amherst in “Who’s Who.”  XXIX, 221.
      (Book List.)  XXVI, 33.
      (Book review by.)  XXIII, 85.
      (Book review by.) XX, 243.
      Adventurers All. XIII, 267.
      Alumni Reading and Study. XIV, 114.
      Discimus Non Scolae Sed Vitae. V, 7.
      Standing Room Only. XXI, 176.
      Amherst in Wartime. VII, 182.

Newport, Dwight. With portrait.  XXVI, 314.

News Brevities.  XXX, 26. XXXI, 22.

Nichols, George L.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 186.

Nichols, Ransom P.  XXVIII, 387.

Nichols, Stewart B. Amherst's Work at Doshisha. With plates. XIII,279.

Nichols, Stewart Burton. XXI, 118.

Nickerson, Grant N.  Convocation.  Poem.  XXIX, 324.

Nicolson, Frank Walter. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 267.

'Nineteen five Reunion. Plate. IX, 263.

Nineteen Thirty-Three, Statistics of the Class of. XIX, 94.

'Nineties, The. (H. A. Jump.) XXI, 183.

Ninety-Four Reunion.  Plate.  XXXIII, 332.

'Ninety-four, Reunion of. Plate. IX, 49.

Ninety-Nine Reunion.  Plate.  XXXIII, 333.

Ninety-Six Quartet, The. (H. M. Collins.) With plate. XVIII, 15.

Nineveh Slabs.  XXIII, 195.

Nitchie is the Word for Friend.  (A. W. Peck.)  With portrait.  XXV, 114.

Nitchie, Edward B.  Portrait.  XXV, 114.

Nitze, William A. President Harris. XI, 168.

Noah Webster and Amherst College. (E. E. Thompson.) With portrait. XXII, 289.

Noah Webster as a Gold Digger.  XXV, 191.

Noah Webster House, The.  XXIX, 344.

Noble, Alfred F.  XXXIV, 167.

Noble, Everett S.  XXVIII, 188.

Noble, Frederic Perry.  XXXV, 43.

Noon. (W. T. Field.)  XXII, 308.

Norris, James Flack. Influence of Chemistry in World Affairs, The. XIX, 65.

North, Alan M.  XXXIII, 140.

Northland College Choir.  XXV, 226.

Northrup, Edwin F.  XXIX, 375.

Norton, Charles N. (F. S. Allis.) With portrait. XII, 242.

Norton, Edwin Clarence.  Charles Millard Pratt.  XXV, 118.
      XXXI, 331.

Norton, Fred L.  XXVII, 165.

Note on Lord Jeffrey Amherst in Colonial Verse. A.  (P. H. Boynton.) V, l65.

Notes to the Buildings and Grounds Force.  XXXIII, 114.

Notopoulos, James A.  Mike the Teacher.  XXIX, 1.

Nourse, Ernest M.  XXXIII, 378.

Now It Can’t Be Told.  (Frank Cary.)  XXXIV, 335.

Nowe, Robert C.  Amherst and the Fraternities.  XXV, 305.

Noyes, Alexander D.  XXII, 335.
      XXXIV, 368.
      Amherst in Commercial Pursuits. X, 279.
      Portrait.  XXVII, 231.

Noyes, Charles S.  XXVI, 44.

Noyes, Henry Radcliffe.  XXVI, 54.

Noyes, Henry T.  XXIX, 238, 270.
      Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIII, 311.

Nugent, Rolf.  XXXVI, 80.

“Nungy.”  (G. S. Bryan.)  XXV, 297.

O., R. B.  Poem.  The Unforgiven Sin.  XXXII, 121.

O’Brien, John B.  Amherst Pioneers in Wisconsin.  XXXVII, 188.
      The First Amherst Man.  A Retrospect.  XXXV, 260.
       “Mother of Mighty Men.” V, 107.
      Walter W. Palmer. With portrait. XI, 125.

O’Brien, Richard A.  XXXVIII, 56.

Oatley, Ralph H.  (Book review by.) XXII, 283.
      XXII, 37.

Oberlin, Amherst at.  XXIV, 81.

Obstacle Course.  Plate.  XXXIII, 231.
      Plates.  XXXII, 26.

Occupational Guidance.  XXIX, 228.

Occupations of Fathers of Present Day Amherst Students. XVII, 183.

Octagon, The Old.  Plate. V, 24.

Odds and Ends.  XXXII, 26.

Odegard, Peter H.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 262.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVIII, 205, 315.

Odegard, Peter.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 311.

Of A Departed Brother.  (Annette Esty.)  XXX, 1.

Official and Personal.  XIV, 130, 209, 296; XV, 133, 221, 314. XVI, 35, 134, 284. XVII, 41, 113, 185, 253. XVIII, 39, 111, 174, 249. XIX, 33, 112, 187, 269. XX, 43, 113, 195, 282. XXI, 46, 125, 206, 279. XXII, 43, 140, 236, 327. XXIII, 45, 135, 223, 321. XXIV, 46, 131, 229, 321. XXV, 41, 136, 241, 340. XXVI, 37, 135, 229, 338. XXVII, 45, 148, 258, 376. XXVIII, 38, 134, 258, 360. XXIX, 35, 132, 241, 353. XXX, 35, 127, 208, 296. XXXI, 29, 122, 224, 325. XXXII, 34, 135, 247, 376. XXXIII, 29, 137, 254, 369. XXXIV, 34, 136, 246, 363.  XXXV, 38, 155, 277, 414. XXXVI, 36, 147, 236, 361.  XXXVII, 33, 120, 209, 300.  XXXVIII, 23, 110.

Oh – For a Formula!  (Laurence B. Packard.)  XXXIII, 215.

Old Chapel Row.  (George P. Eastman.)  Poem.  XXXVI, 22.

OldFather, W. A. Arthur Stanley Pease as a Classical Scholar. XVI, 264.

Olds Administration, The. (F. J. E. Woodbridge.) With portrait. XVI, 249.

Olds Library.  XXIII, 314.

Olds Memorial Library. Plate.  XXV, 326.

Olds, George D.  XXIII, 129.
      (.J. T. Stocking.) XX, 252.
      (Sketch from 1895 Olio.) With portrait. XIV, 1.
      (T. C. Esty.) XX, 255.
      Arthur Lee Kinsolving. With portrait. XX, 23.
      Beginning of the New Movement in Amherst. IV, 185.
      William Cole Esty. With portrait. VI, 39.
      Forward Amherst. With portrait. XIII,1.
      Inaugural Address. With portrait. XIV,87.
      Inauguration of. With plate. XIV, 83.
      John Tyler as I Knew Him. XVIII, 231.
      Portrait.  XXIII, 281.
      Portrait. XVI, 249.
      Professor Kimball as a Scientist. XII, 163.
      With portrait. XX, 247.
      XIX, 106.

Olds, George D., and Pease, Arthur Stanley. Plate. XVII, 71.

Olds, George Daniels, a Portrait of. (J. T. Stocking.) With portrait. IX, 225.

Olds, Leland.  (Oliver Pilat.)  With portrait.  XXXIV, 23.

Olio.  XXV, 38.

Omens and Auguries.  (F. J. E. Woodbridge.) XXII, 103.

On College Hill in '61. (E. W. Chapin.) VI, 237.

One Hundred Years of Biology in Amherst College. (H. H. Plough.) With plate. XX, 164.

One Hundred Years of Economics at Amherst College.  (G. R. Taylor.) XXII, 300.

One Year Plus at Amherst.  (B. Meredith.)  With portraits.  XXIV, 287.

Open Forum, The.  XXII, 325. XXIII, 44, 223, 320. XXIV, 44, 227, 320. XXV, 40, 135, 237, 337. XXVI, 34, 132, 227, 336. XXVII, 42, 144, 254, 374. XXVIII, 133, 252. XXIX, 130, 239, 352. XXX, 33, 126, 206. XXXI, 28, 222. XXXIII, 248, 352. XXXIV, 30, 133, 359.  XXXV, 37, 153, 275, 412. XXXVI, 32, 234.

Opening of the College Year 1918-19. VIII, 4.

Opening of the College Year, The. (1916-17.) (F. S. Allis.) VI, 51.

Opening of the College, Change in date of.  XXIV, 313.

Opper, Frederick B.  How Ward Came To Shanghai.  Part II.  XXXIII, 13.
      How Ward Came to Shanghai.  Part I.  XXXII, 350.

Oratorio. A Quarter Century of. (H. W. Kidder.) XV. 196.

Orchestra in 1860-61.  Plate.  XXIII, 292.

Orchestra in 1873.  Plate. XXIII, 292.

Ordal, Caspar R.  Education in Wartime.  XXXIII, 130.

Orient Springs. (Donald Lawson.) XIII,209.

Origin of Amherst College in Massachusetts.  (Noah Webster.)  Part I, With plate.  XXXV, 237.  Part II, XXXV, 391.
      Part III.  (Noah Webster.)  XXXVI, 12.

Orlady, Lewis T.  XXXVII, 246.

Ornithology. XXI, 200.

Orr, Walter S.  Legal View of Gifts and Taxes. A.  XXV, 217.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 291.

Orr, William.  XXIX, 43.  Portrait.  22.
      (Book review by.)  XXV, 185.
      Amherst College and Hopkins Academy.  XXIII,  293.
      Amherst in the Near East. XVI, 14.
      Background of Eighty-Three, The.  XXII, 304.
      Julius H. Seelye – Administrator and Teacher. With portrait. III, 188.
      Montreal, Lord Jeffrey Amherst Estate.  XXV, 202.
      XXII, 337.

Osgood, Herbert Levi. With portrait. IX, 21.

Osgood, R. B.  Purpose.  XXXIV, 238.  Reconversion.  Poems.  XXXV, 11.

Osgood, Robert Bayley.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 307.

Osgood, Robert H.  Freedom.  Poem.  XXXIII, 122.

Other Items.  XXVIII, 244.

Other News Notes.  XXVI, 123.

Otis Cary-Missionary Statesman.  (C. H. Patton.)  With portrait. XXII, 30.

Otte, Major Frank R.  (Herbert G. Johnson.)  XXXIV, 241.  Portrait. 230.

Our Exceptional Commencement Season. (June, 1917.) VI, 246 .

Our Foreign and Domestic Policy, as of November 1, 1983. (W. Lippmann.) XXIII, 96.

Our Sense of Democracy. (John Erskine.) XIV. 5.

Our Undergraduate Imperialism. (W. B. Brown.) XIV,24.

Overton, Richard C.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 324.

Pabst, William R., Jr.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 207.

Pacific Was at Peace, While the.  Plate.  XXXII, 111.

Packard, Laurence B.  (Book review by.)  XXIV, 275.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 410.
      Oh – For a Formula!  XXXIII, 215.  Portrait. 128.
       (Book reviews by.)  XXV, 186, 290.
      Portrait. XV, 209.
      Salvation by History. XVI, 111.

Page, Maurice E.  XXVI, 146.

Pageant, Centennial, see Amherst Milestones.

Paige's Horse, Who Drove. (Reprint from Springfield Union.) XIV,20.

Paine, Lyman M.  XXVIII, 365.

Paintings Exhibited at Morgan Library.  XXIV, 124.

Paleontological Expedition.  XXVI, 26.

Palmer, Albert R.  XXX, 43.

Palmer, Charles Skeele.  Philology An Engineer’s Hobby.  With Portrait.  XXIV, 110.
      XXIX, 141.

Palmer, Francis L. Reminiscences of President Seelye. XVIII, 104.
      Professor Genung's First Class at Amherst. IX, 82.

Palmer, Frank Herbert. XXVI, 138.

Palmer, Walter W.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 196.
      (J. B. O'Brien.) With portrait. XI, 25.

Park, James W, As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.
      President William Frederick Slocum. With portrait. II, 239.

Parker, Robert H.  An Undergraduate Impression of Frederic B. Loomis.  XXVII, 8.

Parker, T. Valentine.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 89.
      The Avenue of Maples.  XXVIII, 133.
      Culture and the Classics. XXIII, 320.
      Passing of the Classics, The.  XXII, 20.

Parker, Theodore Edson.  XXVII, 272.

Parkhurst the Crusader. XXIII, 31.

Parkhurst, Charles H.  Portrait. V, 276.
      XXIII, 31, 46.

Parks, George B. Among the Clubs and Seminars. I, 151.

Parmelee Gift.  XXV, 127.

Parry, Edwin Satterthwaite.  XXVI, 159.

Parsons, Edward S.  Legal Adviser to Nine Million People.  XXII, 219.
      Nineteenth College President.  XXV, 40.
      The “Fairy-Story” of Rush Rhees.  XXVIII, 226.
      XXII, 336.
      XXXII, 381.
      Congregational Teacher, A. XVIII, 165.
      Henry Clay Hall. III, 266.

Parsons, Frank H.  XXVII, 158.  Portrait.  123.

Parsons, Rev. David, Presentation of Portrait of. (W. I. Washburn.) X, 363.

Partridge, Frank C.  XXXII, 256.

Passing of the Classics, The. (T. V. Parker.)  XXII, 20.

Patagonian Expedition, The Amherst '96. (F. B. Loomis.) I, 239.

Patch, Ralph S.  XXIX, 61.

Pathway Out, The. (W. J. Boardman.) XIX, 12.

Patrick, Henry B.  XXXVI, 376.

Patterson, Charles H. (Book review by.) XX, 332.

Patton, Cornelius H.  XXII, 230, 336.
      A Commencement Pro Patria. VI, 250.
      More Wordsworthiana.  XXIV, 114.
      XXIX, 45.  Portrait. 22.
      Otis Cary-Missionary Statesman. With portrait.  XXII, 30.
      XIX, 176.

Patton, Robert Logan.  XXIII, 204.

Patton, William Weston. Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 319.

Paul, Randolph E. Legal View of Gifts and Taxes, A.  XXV, 217.

Peace.  (William L. Corbin.)  Poem.  XXXV, 31.

Pease Administration, The. (W. A. Dyer.) XXI, 247.

Pease, Arthur Stanley, Aims of a Liberal College, The. (Inaugural Address.) XVII, 71.
      and Olds, George D. Plate. XVII, 71.
      As a Classical Scholar. (W. A. Oldfather.) XVI, 264.
      Botanist, Explorer and Mountaineer. (M. L. Fernald.) XVI, 267.
      Portrait. XVI, 262.
      XXIII, 25.
      Honorary Degree Conferred. XXII, 315.
      Resignation. XXI, 203.
      Thoughts of a President. With portrait. XXI, 239.
      XXI, 274.
      (W. A. Dyer.) XXI, 247.

Pease, Robert W.  XXIX, 61.

Peck, Annetta W.  Nitchie is the Word for Friend.  XXV, 112.

“Peer Gynt.”  Plates.  XXIX, 332.

Peet, William L.  XXXI, 129.

Peirce, William Foster.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  With portrait. XXIV, 34.
      Colleges Convert For War.  XXXII, 218.

Pelton, Ernest W.  XXXVI, 271.

People's Institute founded by Charles Sprague-Smith, A Quarter Century of. (Spencer Miller.) With portrait. XIII, 91.

Perkins Memorial Stone in A Holyoke Cemetery.  Plate.  XXXVI, 23.

Perkins, Frances. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIII, 310.

Perkins, George G. S.  XXVI, 352.
      Gift of.  XXV, 324.

Perkins, Rev. Justin, 1829.  (Lewis T. Reed.)  XXXVI, 23.

Perkins, Roger Conant. With portrait. VII, 187.

Perry, Bliss.  “And Gladly Teach.” (Editorial.)  XXV, 234.

Perry, Charles F.  XXXII, 407.

Personnel Work and the Liberal College. (J. F. Kane.)  XXVIII, 133.

Phi Beta Kappa, The Housing of. (L. G. Caldwell) II, 189.
      A History of.  XXIV, 119.

Phi Delta Theta House, The. Plate. II, 283.

Phi Gamma Delta House. With plates. XVIII, 237.

Phi Ka Statistics.  XXIV, 221.

Phi Kappa Psi, the New House of. (W. A. Dyer.) With plate. XI, 176.

Philbrick, Frank A.  The Puritans.  Poem. XXXV, 48.
      XXXVII, 128.
      Memorire. Poem. XIII, 310.
      Terras Irradient.  XXIII, 300.

Phillips, “Little Doc.”  XIX, 20.

Phillips, Paul C.  What Age College Entrance?  XXIV, 12.
      George A. Leland. With portrait. XIV, 29.
      XXXI, 134, 239.  Portrait.  122.
      An All-Amherst Football Team. VI, 25.
      Intramural Sports at Amherst. V, 156.
      Truth about Barrett Gymnasium. The. With plate. XXI, 37.

Philologists, Two Amherst. With portraits. (F. W. Stearns.) I, 129.

Philology An Engineer's Hobby. (C. S. Palmer.) With portrait. XXIV, 110.

Phipps, George G.  College Songs. Poem. IV, 199.
      The Deeper Presage. Poem. V, 16.

Phleger.  Fred B., Jr.  Introducing “Daphie,” an Early Texan.  XXIX, 325.

Photographs Taken at 125th Anniversary of the Founding of the College.  XXXV, 402.

Physical Education and the War.  (Allison W. Marsh.)  231.

Physical Education at Amherst. (A. W. Marsh.) With plates. XIX, 18.

Physical Education. Award of Certificate of High Merit. XXII, 224.

Physical Education. XXI, 37.

Physical Plant, Model of. With plates. XX, 259,277.

Physicist and Inventor Who Built Amherst's First Athletic Field, A. (William O. Weeden.) XXVI, 310.

Physics Museum. XX, 103.

Piedmont College.  XXIV, 320.

Pierce, Franklin E.  XXVIII, 171.

Pierce, George E.  XXIII, 88.

Pierce, Jason N.  XXXVII, 232.

Pilat, Oliver.  William H. Hastie.  With portrait.  XXXV, 403. 
      Leland Olds.  With portrait.  XXXIV, 23.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 183.

Pindi, The Himalayan Bear Cub.  Plate.  XXXII, 222.

Place of Student Activities in the College. (Alexander Meiklejohn.) IV, 110.

Plain Living and High Thinking in Amherst.  (W. A. Dyer.)  XXVII, 119.

Planning the College Domain. XIV, 249.

Plattsburg, Amherst Men at Second Camp. Plate. VII, 83.

Plattsburg, Amherst Men at. Plate. VI, 246.

Play of Amherst Men, The.  (Allison W. Marsh.)  XXVIII, 106.

Plimpton Collection of Plays, The. (C. Canfield.) XXI, 198.

Plimpton Collection, The.  XXVIII, 242.
       (J. C. Long.) With plates. XXIV, 1.

Plimpton, George Arthur.  Man of Property.  (George F. Whicher.) With portrait.  XXVI, 1.
      Official Visit to the Doshisha, An.  XXV, 193.
      Portrait.  XXV, 312.
      XXV, 39, 134, 329, 345.
      XXVI, 41.
      Portrait. XVII, 231.
      XX, 273.
      XXI, 198.

Plimpton, J. Edward.  XXVIII, 43.

Plimpton, The Passing of George.  (S. King.)  With portrait.  XXV, 312.

Plough, Harold H.  (Book review by.)  178.
       (Book review by.)  XXXI, 187.
       (Book review by.)  XXXVIII, 21.
      Fred Loomis, Scientist and Teacher in the Great Tradition.  XXVII, 1.
      Natural History of the Assyrian Bas-Reliefs, The.  With plates.  XXIII, 195.
      The Scientific Work of Leslie T. Webster.  XXXIII, 9.
      Amherst's Audubon Collections. With plates.  XXII, 1.
      One Hundred Years of Biology in Amherst College. With plate. XX, 164.

      A Ballad of Lord Jeff.  (Bryant Morey French.)  XXX, 198. 
      A Tribute.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXVII, 23.
      Acrostic: William Shakespeare. (E. N. Andrews.) III, 257.
      Aeschylus Died at Gela.  (Emery Pottle.)  XXXIV, 100. 
      After Reading “Recognition of Robert Frost.”  XXVIII, 37.
      After the Show. (George Harris, Jr.) I, 303.
      Amherst (Home of Many Poets) (David Morton.)  XXXIV, 17. 
      Amherst 1821-1946.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXV, 248. 
      Amherst Ascendens.  (George H. Driver.)  XXXV, 380. 
      An Eagle's Aerie. (George P. Eastman.)  XXXV,41. 
      And Now It Is Your Turn, My Son.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXII, 222. 
      Arnold’s Letters.  (George S. Bryan.)  XXVII, 122.
      Arrival by Night.  (John W. Atherton.)  Time. (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXI, 102.
      Ask Dad: He Knows. (W. A. Dyer.) VI, 175.
      At Sea. (W. H. Cobb.) II, 25.
      At Sunset. (L. G. Caldwell.) VI, 100.
      At The West Window.  (Edwin Leonard.)  XXXVIII, 7. 
      Bench. The. (Willard Wattles.) VI, 185.
      Beyond the Golden Story. (David Morton.) XV, 9.
      Beyond. (Stephen Marsh.) IV, 130.
      Brother. (George Harris, Jr.) I, 302.
      Brute. The. (W. L. Corbin.) IV, 275.
      Charles. (In Memory of Charles T. Burnett, ’95) (Robert P. Tristram Coffin.)  XXXV, 259. 
      Cherry-blossom. (John Erksine.) I, 223.
      College Songs. (G. P. Phipps.) IV, 199.
      Commencement. (K. O. Thompson.) III, 94.
      Convocation.  (Grant N. Nickerson.)  XXIX, 324.
      Deacon Stebbins – His Valedictory. (Burges Johnson.) VI, 168.
      Deacon Stebbins at the Rally -November 20, 1920. (Burges Johnson.) X, 90.
      Deacon Stebbins On the Alumni. (Burges Johnson.) IV, 188.
      Deacon Stebbins Pleads for the Ghosts. (Burges Johnson.) III, 184.
      Eternal Christmas.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXVII, 28. 
      Fair Amherst. (Frederick Raymond.) XXXV, 54. 
      Farewell! A Quarterly Quatrain.  (George H. Driver.)  XXXVIII, 103. 
      Freedom.  (Robert B. Osgood.)  XXXIII, 122. 
      Group of Poems, from Down the River. (R. W. Brink.) XII, 13.
      Hackensack Meadows. (H. G. Grover.) III, 252.
      Hard Water.  (James Hayford.)  XXXIII, 25. 
      Home-Thoughts From the New Hebrides.  (John F. Whicher.)  XXXIII, 220.
      Hurricanes.  (Percy H. Boynton.)  XXXII, 8. 
      I Heard Him-J. F. Genung. (W. L. Corbin.) IX, 83.
      In Amherst Town. (F. H. Law.) III, 21.
      In Arcady and After. (W. L. Corbin.) III, 174.
      In Memoriam. (O. A. B., Amherst 1896.) (W. L. Corbin.) VI, 196.
      In the Street-car. (George Harris, Jr.) 1,302.
      Inscription for a House.  (James Hayford.)  XXVII, 220.
      Instrument of God. The. (W. L. Corbin.) IV, 119.
      John Shakespeare’s Little Lad. (W. L. Corbin.) V, 245.
      Kaiser Soliloquizes. (Trumbull White.) VII, 170.
      Keats. (W. L. Corbin.) II, 316.
      Kings. (W. L. Corbin.) VI, 163.
      Landfall at Dawn.  (John W. Atherton.)  XXX, 275. 
      Life’s Paradoxes. (G. W. Thompson.) II, 18.
      Light of the Soul. (To Prof. E. P. Crowell.) V, I64.
      Little Town of Amherst. The. (Willard Wattles.) VI, 239.
      Long Vacation. (G. S. Bryan.)  XXVI, 296.
      Meadows. (David Morton.) XV, 10.
      Memoriæ. (F. A. Philbrick.) XIII, 310.
      Memories. (Stephen Marsh.) V, 245.
      Memory of Seneca Lake, A. (Stephen Marsh.) V, 12.
      Memory Song to Amherst. (J. F. Genung.) II, 74.
      Memory. (H. G. Grover.) III, 105.
      My College. (George Harris, Jr.) III, 302.
      New England Stone Wall. (E. Sibley.) XIII. 296.
      New Horizons. (David Morton.) XV, 9.
      O Country Mine. (W. L. Corbin.) IV, 119.
      Old Chapel Row.  (George P. Eastman.)  XXXVI, 22. 
      “Old Greek.” (F. H. Law.) VI, 91.
      Patience. (Stephen Marsh.) IV, 287.
      Peace. (William L. Corbin.)  XXXV, 31. 
      Poe. (W. L. Corbin.) I, 114.
      Poem. (G. W. Thompson.) II, 140.
      Prayer for the Hungry, A. (H. G. Grover.) II, 222.
      Prayer of a Violin. (H. G. Grover.) VII, 23.
      Purple Hills of Amherst, The. (F. H. Law.) II,209.
      Purpose. (R. B. Osgood.)  XXXIV, 238. 
      Reconversion. (R. B. O.)  XXXV, 11. 
      Reunion Hymn. (W. A. Dyer.) X, 151.
      Reversion. (H. N. Dickinson.) II, 316.
      Richard Watson Gilder. (W. L. Corbin.) I, 114.
      “School of Peace.”  (George S. Bryan.)  XXVII, 356.
      Sonnet to Amherst College. (G. W. Thompson.) II,140.
      Sonnets. (G. W. Thompson.) III, 28.
      Span of Years, The. (W. L. Corbin.) III, 174.
      Spirit of the College. (S. Gibney.) XIII, 9.
      Sunrise at Amherst. (F. H. Law.) IV, 184.
      Sunset Hills of Hampshire. (W. N. Morse.) X,78.
      Test, The. (W. L. Corbin.) IV, 275.
      The Call.  (William L. Corbin.)  XXXIII, 121. 
      The Old College Well, A Lament.  (George H. Driver.)  XXXVII, 276. 
      The Poet to the Reader. (Stephen Marsh.) VII, 7.
      The Puritans. (Frank A. Philbrick.)  XXXV, 48.
      The Teacher. (P. A. Fancher.) VII, 274.
      The Unforgiven Sin.  (R. B. O. ’95.)  XXXII, 121.
      The Watchmaker.  (John W. Atherton.)  XXX, 115.
      These Are Things of the Spirit. (David Morton.)  XXVI, 92.
      Thy September. (To J. F. G.) (Stephen Marsh.) VI, 231.
      Time Never Stays, It Moves.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXX, 11. 
      To a Song Sparrow. (W. L. Corbin.) II, 147.
      To Amherst College. (G. W. Cloak.) V, 163.
      To H. G. G. (Stephen Marsh.) IV, 30.
      To J. F. G. (G. F. Genung.) IX, 77.
      To Liberty. (W. L. Corbin.) VII, 284.
      To Robert Lansing. (W. L. Corbin.) IX, 159.
      Tomorrow. (W. L. Corbin.) V, 78.
      Tout ce que Nous Avons est a Vous. (Jane C. Crowell.) VIII, 44.
      Two Pathways, The. (W. L. Corbin.) IV, 275.
      Vexillum Gloriosum. (J. F. Genung.) VI, 253.
      Voices. (G. S. Bryan.)  XXVI, 198.
      Voyage.  (W. W. Gibson.)  XXXVII, 102.
      What is Amherst?  (Frederick H. Law.)  XXXIV, 225.
      Wildwood. (John Erskine.) I, 24.
      Wordsworth. (W. L. Corbin.) II, 147.
      Written on Thought of Leaving Amherst. (F. J. Pohl.) I, 317.
      Youth Singing. (J. S. Hamilton.) V, 244.

Pohl, Frederick J.  Written on Thought of Leaving Amherst. Poem. I, 317.

Political Liberty and International Policy. (T. Dennett.)  XXIV, 91.

Pollard, William M.  XXVIII, 166.

Pomona College, Amherst's Contribution to. (L. O. Leavitt.) With portraits. XII, 234.

Pond, George G.  Elijah Paddock Harris: Presentation Address. I, 125.

Poole, Silas Frank.  XXVI, 256.

Poor, Edward E. (The Open Forum.)  XXXIV, 133.

Pope, F. Russell.  XXX, 69.

Porter Admission Prize.  XVI, 129. XXV, 34. XXVII, 31. XXX, 27. XXXI, 21.

Porter, C. Scott.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 197.
      XXI, 43.

Portraits.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 370.

Posner, Irving S. Gentleman or Success? XIX, 253.
      Whither Amherst? XX, 26.

Possible Enrichment of the Teaching of History, A. (J. F. Jameson.) XVI, 67.

Postscript, A. (C. Coolidge.) XXI, 17.

Postscript. (H. W. Boynton.) III, 265.

Postwar Amherst.  (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 245. 
      Alumni Committee on.  (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 27.

Potter, Palmer A.  XXV, 262.

Pottle, Emery.  A Message To The Class of ’99.  XXXII, 360.
      XXXV, 176.  Aeschylus Died at Gela. Poem.  XXXIV, 100.
      How the Amherst Spirit Works “Somewhere in France.” V. 172.
      and E. H. Sudbury in France. Plate. V, 172.

Potwine, John.  XXV, 40.

Pouch, Arnold C.  XXV, 382.

Powell, Arthur C. Founding of the Phi Chapter of Chi Phi. XIII, 95.

Powell, Chilton L. Clyde Fitch's Apprenticeship. With plate. XVII, 157.
      (G. F. Whicher.) With portrait. XVII, 239.
      Educational Traditions at Amherst. XIII, 10.
      George Bosworth Churchill. With portrait. XV, 173.
      The Buried Talent. III, 175.
      The Week-End Commencement. With plates. XV, 274.
      War and Intelligence. IV, 178.

Powers, Frederick P. General Amherst as an Epic Hero. XII. 22.

Practical Humanism of Frank L. Babbott, The. (G. F. Whicher.) With portrait. XXIII, 113.

Pratt Collection of American Art.  (C. H. Morgan, II.)  With plates. XXII, 205.
      XXII, 321.

Pratt Collection of Paintings and Sculpture, The. XXI, 269.

Pratt Gym, A Major Operation on.  XXXI, 216.

Pratt Health Cottage. Plate.  XXVI, 188.

Pratt Library, Dedication of.  XXV, 327.

Pratt Paintings, Gift of.  XXVIII, 125.

Pratt Pool, The Harold I.  XXVI, 120. Plate.  XXVII, 130.

Pratt Pool. Interior of.  Plate.  XXVII, 130.

Pratt, Charles Millard, Gift of.  XXV, 127.
      (E. C. Norton.)  XXV, 118.
      XXV, 143.

Pratt, Chester M.  XXXIV, 160.

Pratt, Frank.  XXIX, 149.

Pratt, Frederic B.  XXXIV, 374.

Pratt, George DuPont. (F. D. Edgell.) With portrait.  XXIV, 210.
      XXIII, 216.
      XIX, 174.
      XXI, 269.

Pratt, Gift of Mrs. Charles M.  XXIX, 345.

Pratt, Harold I.  XXVIII, 345, 394. Portrait.  XXVIII, 344.
      Gift of.  XXV, 324.

Pratt, Herbert Lee.  Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIV, 309.
      Gift of.  XXV, 324.
      XXXIV, 269.  (Frederick S. Fales.)  With portrait.  XXXIV, 231.

Pratt, Mrs. Charles M., Gift of.  XXV, 324.

Pratt, William B.  XXX, 55.

Premeteorology Men in Appleton Classroom.  Plate.  XXXIII, 25.

Prentice, Sartell.  XXVII, 168.

Prentice: Breeding Profitable Dairy Cattle. XXIV,  274.

President, The New. With portrait. XVI, 262.

President’s House, The.  (Margaret Pinckney King.)  XXXVII, 1.

President’s House.  Plate. XXXV, 249.

President’s New Office in Johnson Chapel.  XXIII, 123. Plate.  XXIII, 126.

President’s Report, The.  XXVIII, 28. XXIX, 24. XXX, 27.

President’s Trophy.  XXIII, 218.

Presidential Doctrine. (S. King.)  XXII, 12.

President's House, The First.  (Adele Allen.)  With plate.  XXVI, 93.

Presidents. Two More College. (W. E. Fairley.) With portraits.  XXIV, 304.

Pressure Groups.  (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 26.

Prest, William M.  XXXV, 167.

Priceless Heritage, That.  (Harlan F. Stone.)  XXXII, 246.

Prince, Walter E.  (Book review by.)  XXXI, 290.
      (Book review by.) XX, 242.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 73.

Print Collector, Pleasures of an Amateur. (E. G. Draper.) III, 29.

Problem of Education in England Today. The. (J. H. Rose.) X, 309.

Problem of Education in France Today, The. (J. J. Champenois.) X. 319.

Problems of Education at Dartmouth College. (E. M. Hopkins.) XV, 93.

Professor Emerson, The Man. (H. Smith.) With portrait. XXI, 259.

Professor Retools for War, A.  (Charles E. Bennett.)  XXXII, 361.

Professorships, Endowed. XX, 100.

Pro-Fraternity Argument, A.  (George L. Treadwell.)  XXVI, 34.

Progressive Schools.  (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 249.

Prohibition Poll, The. XIX, 183.

Psi U Points the Way.  XXXI, 117.

Psi Upsilon Convention.  XXX, 292.

Psi Upsilon House, The. Plate. II, 193.

Public School Opportunities. (H. C. Ide.)  XXVIII, 252.

Public School Teaching. (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 130.

Pulpit Poet, A. (W. A. Dyer.) With plate. XVII, 22.

Puritans, The.  (Frank A. Philbrick.)  Poem. XXXV, 48.

Purple Star Mothers.  XXII, 222.

Purpose.  (R. B. Osgood.)  Poem.  XXXIV, 238.

Purposes of the Liberal College.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 135.

Putnam, Ralph B.  XXXV, 172.

QUARTERLY’S War Front, The. (J. F. Genung). VIII, 1.

Racing the Germans Across Greece.  With illustrations.  Arthur L. Lanckton.  XXXI, 189.

Radio Station, WIHHR.  XXIII, 126.

Rainey, Henry T.  (A. T. Treadway.)  XXII, 209.
      XXII, 250, 335.
      XXIII, 56.
      Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 268.
      XXI, 124.

Rainey, Speaker. (W. T. Field.)  With portrait.  XXIV, 22.

Ramey, James T.  Reforms Needed in Eating, Housing, and Rushing Systems.  XXVII, 146.

Rand, Frank Prentice.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 82.
      (Book review by.)  XXX, 261.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 83.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 326.

Ranger, Mr. and Mrs. Casper. Gift of Pulpit Desk. XXIII, 314.

Rare Book Collection Growing.  XXVI, 323.

Rare Books Room, A New.  XXIX, 343.

Rare First Editions Acquired.  XXVI, 213.

Rathbun, Benjamin.  XXXII, 292.

Rathbun, William T., Jr.  Portrait.  XXXII, 190.

Raushenbush. Stephen.  XXIV, 24. Portrait. 31.

Raymond, Charles B.  XXXV, 43.  Fair Amherst.  Poem. XXXV, 54.

Reaction and Progress. (H. A. Garfield.) II, 82.

Reade, Josiah T. Portrait. XVIII, 163.

Reading Lists.  XXV, 133, 236, 336.

Reading Room for Freshmen, New.  (Editorial.)  XXV, 131.

Ready for Emergencies.  XXXI, 116.

Reason Versus Authority. (F. H. Hankins.) XIV, 265.

Rebecca At The Well.  Plate.  XXXII, 231.

Reconversion. (R. B. O.)  Poem. XXXV, 11.

Redfern, Ralph.  XXXII, 50.

Reed, George W.  XXV, 48.

Reed, Lewis T.  Rev. Justin Perkins, 1829.  XXXVI, 23. 
      Religion at Amherst College in the 1890’s and the 1940’s.  XXXVI, 335.
      Fritz Walter Baldwin. XVII, 241.

Reed, Silas D.  XXV, 153.

Reforms Needed in Eating, Housing, and Rushing Systems.  (James T. Ramey.)  XXVII, 146.

Regal, Francis.  Tribute to “Biggy.”  XXV, 9.

Registration.  XXVII, 240.

Relation of Alumni to a College.  (Editorial.)  XXV, 231.

Relationship with Doshisha.  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 150.

Religion at Amherst College in the 1890’s and the 1940’s.  (Lewis T. Reed.)  XXXVI, 335.

Religion at Amherst. (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 357.

Religion in Postwar Amherst.  (Jesse M. Trotter.)  XXXIII, 333.

Religion on Campus in 1942.  (Charles G. McCormick) XXXI, 108.  (Editorials.)  XXXI, 121, 219.

Religion on Campus.  (Ferd. Q. Blanchard.)  XXXI, 222.  (L. M. Horton.)  XXXI, 223.

Religion, Courses in.  XXIII, 41.

Religious Statistics of Amherst College, Mass. Jan. 18, 1856.  XXIII, 203.

Reminiscences of An Auditor.  (Leonard W. Fageant.)  XXXVI, 225.

Reminiscences of an English Professor.  (George C. Clancy.)  XXXIV, 215.

Reminiscences of President Seelye. (F. L. Palmer.) XVIII, 104.

Reports of Dean and Treasurer.  XXXII, 28.

Reports of the President, Dean, and Treasurer.  XXXI, 23.

Reports of Treasurer and Dean.  XXIX, 117.

Reports of Treasurer, Dean, and Librarian.  XXX, 116.

Representative Modern Lyrics. (Selected by David Morton.) XV, 312.

Requiescat in Pace. (Robert O. Boyd.)  XXVI, 337.

Requirements for College Entrance.  XXIII, 320.

Research in the College. (S. R. Williams.) XV, 108.

Residence House, A.  (C. Douglas Sager.)  XXVII, 42.

Reunion Journalism. V, 13.

Reunion Pictures.  332, 333, 346.

Reunion Trophy, The. IV, 201.

Reunions. 1917. VI, 261.
      1918. VII, 309.
      1919. VIII, 131.
      1920. IX, 257.
      1921. XI, 38.
      1922 XI, 274.
      1923. XII, 264.
      1924. XIII, 326.
      1925. XIV, 296.
      1926, XV, 314.
      1927. XVI, 284.
      1927. XVII, 41.
      XIX, 267.

Review of the Year, 1916-1917. VI, 240.

Reynolds, Robert.  XXXVII, 226.

Rhees, Rush, The “Fairy Story” of.  (Edward S. Parsons.)  XXVIII, 226.
      Portrait.  XXVIII, 229.
      XXII, 335.
      XXVIII, 147.
      Amherst's Excellent Choice. II, 132.

Rhodes Scholar.  1 XXV, 35.

Rhodes Scholars, Amherst's Three.  XXVI, 122.

Rice, Robert A.  XXV, 365.

Rice. Victor A. (Book review by.)  XXIV, 274.

Richards, Edward A., A Year with the Masquers. With plate. XI, 245.

Richards, Leonard B.  XXXVI, 255.

Richardson, Ernest C.  XXVIII, 373.

Richardson, Frank B.  XXXII, 255.

Richardson, Henry B. XIX, 16.

Richardson, N. E., Jr.  (Book reviews by.)  XXVII, 209, 322.

Richardson, Walter J.  XXVII, 274.

Ricker, Ralph J.  He Knew Garman. XXVII, 144.

Ricketts, Charles H. Garman at Yale. XVII, 18.
      XXVI, 41.

Riefler. Winfield W.  XXIV, 28. Portrait. 31.

Riggs, James Gilbert.  XXV, 257.

Righter, Walter L.  XXVIII, 394.

Riley, Herbert E.  XXXVII, 224.

Robbins, Wilford L. (C. L. Gomph.) With portrait. XVII, 103.

Robert College. Plate. XIII, 193.

Robert Logan Patton and Amherst Academy. (R. S. Smith.) With plate. XXIII, 204.

Roberts, Chalmers M.  The Armament Maker's Nightmare. With portrait.  XXIV, 24.

Roberts, John.  XXXVIII, 130.

Roberts, Lt. Stuart W.  XXXIV, 202.

Roberts, Walter Orr. The Fraternity Issue.  XXVII, 256.

Robinson and Nugent: Regulation of the Small Load Business.  XXIV, 386.

Robinson, Dr. Edwin Bradford.  (Russell L. Davenport.)  XXXV, 143.

Robinson, Edwin Bradford.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 201.
       (Book review by.)  XXX, 172.
      XXIII, 104.
      Amherst and the Yale Divinity School. XVII, 172.
      An Adventure in Usefulness. With plate. XII. 152.
      Mr. Hoover's Successor. XVIII, 10.
      Coolidge's Secretary of Commerce. With portrait.  XXVI, 21.
      Leaders in Pioneer Education. With portraits. XXI, 111.

Rockefeller Foundation Grant.  XXV, 126.

Rockwell, Loren H.  Albert Weeks Hunt. With portrait.  XXXIV, 239.

Rockwood, Arden M.  Hiking to Amherst.  XXVI, 8.

Rockwood, Elbert W.  XXV, 49.

Rockwood, Letter of Arden M.  XXVI, 55.

Rockwood, Rev. Arden M.  Portrait.  XXVI, 14.

Roelker, Alfred, Jr. Amherst Militant: a Note from Plattsburg. V, 92.

Roelker, Alfred.  (The Open Forum.) XXXIV, 133.

Rogers, Christopher Howe.  XXVII, 61

Rogers, John B.  XXXVIII, 29.

Rolfe, Alfred G.  Bible Study Made Easy.  XXV, 297.
      XXXI, 333.

Rolfe, William J. (F. W. Stearns.) With portrait. I, 129.

Roll of Honor. VII, 187, 363; VIII, 11, 44, 49, 91, 131, 151.
      (Alumni with Sons in 1921.) VII, 47.

Romer, Alfred S.  A Front-Rank Paleontologist.  XXVII, 6.
      An Artist Who Works with Fossil Bones.  XXVII, 338.
      Portrait.  XXIX, 326.
      Size of the College.  XXV, 238.
      (Book review by.)  XXVI, 404.

Roosevelt's Brain Trust, Amherst Section.  XXIII, 32.

Root, E. Merrill.  (Book reviews by.)  XXVIII, 314, 448.

Rose. John Holland. The Problem of Education in England Today. X. 309.

Ross, Douglas M.  XXXII, 164.

Rossiter, W. S. The Horse Age at Amherst. With Plate. XIV. 14.
      Thirty-Year Philosophy. IV, 13.

Rosy Goblet, That.  XXXI, 205.  (Editorial.)  324.

Roughness and Politeness.  (J. H. Neesima.)  XXXV, 149.

Rounds Collection of Etchings. XIX, 175.

Rounds, Ralph S.  XXXVIII, 115.

Roy Sheldon, Sculptor. (W. R. Agard.) With plates. XVIII, 154.

Rozwenc, Edwin C.  (Book review by.)  XXXVIII, 107.

Rudlin, Walter A.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 406.

Ruedemann, Rudolf. John Mason Clarke. With portrait. XV. 15.

Rugg, Arthur Prentice.  XXVII, 356, 388.
      XXVIII, 21, 26.
      Coolidge that I Knew, The.  XXII, 202.
      Memorial To.  XXIX, 257.
      XXII, 334.
      Amherst in the Law. X.238.
      (W. T. Forbes.) I, 37.
      Portrait. I, 95.

Rugg, Charles Belcher.  Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 320.

Rugg, Chief Justice Arthur P.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 21.

Rugg, Coolidge, and Garman.  (A. W. Atwood.)  XXVII, 374.

Rugg, George.  XXII, 338.
      XXVIII, 145.

Rugg, Like Coolidge, Was Inconspicuous in College.  (Edward E. Bancroft.)  XXVIII, 26.

Runnells Scholarship Fund.  XXII, 133, 143.

Rushmore, Stephen.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 323.
      He Knew Garman.  XXVII, 254.
      Matter of Ratio, A.  XXV, 338.

Rushmore, William R.  XXXII, 404.

Russell, Henry B.  XXXI, 17. Portrait. 18.
      XXXV, 160.
      Frederick H. Gillett, American Statesman. With portrait. XXI, 3.
      Righteous Judge, A.  XXII, 126.

Russell, James W.  XXX, 144.

Rylee: Deep Dark River.  XXIV, 387.

S. A. T. C., Demobilization. VIII, 45.
      Members. VIII,166.
      Officers. VIII, 8.
      Plans for. VIII, 4.

S. S. Amherst Victory.  With plate.  XXXIV, 342.

Sabrina Anthem, The Origin of the.  XXV, 206.

Sabrina as She Appears in Amherst.  Plate.  XXV, 17.

Sabrina Comes Home. XXIV, 118.

“Sabrina Fair.”  Plate.  XXV, 13.

Sabrina III.  Plate.  XXXIV, 101.

Sabrina in 1858.  F. W. Adams. XXV, 135.

Sabrina in College Flower Garden.  Plate.  XXV, 17.

Sabrina in Liverpool.  Plate.  XXV, 13.

Sabrina Irredenta. With plate. IX, 172.

Sabrina Rediviva.  XXVII, 28.

Sabrina Replicas.  XXV, 238.

Sabrina Rules.  XXIII, 215.

Sabrina, Symbol of Chastity.  (W. A. Dyer.)  XXIV, 191.

Sabrina, That Elusive Marble.  XXV, 296.

Sabrina, The Sculpture of.  (W. A. Dyer.) With plates.  XXV, 13.

Sabrina, The Youngest.  Plate.  XXVII, 29.

Sabrina.  XXVI, 133, 836, 364.

Sabrina.  XXX, 290.

Sabrina. The Odds on. XIV. 260.

Sabrina. With plate. XI, 28.

Sabrina. XXI, 202.

Sage Bequest. VIII, 47.

Sager, C. Douglas.  A Residence House.  XXVII, 42.

Salmon, E. Dwight.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 444.
      (Book review by.)  XXX, 263.
      Senior Chapel Address.  XXXVI, 330.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 328.

Salmon, Lt. Col. E. Dwight Receives Legion of Merit Award. Portrait.  XXXV, 28.

Salonika, The City and Harbor of.   Plate.  XXXI, 200.

Salter, Sumner.  XXXIII, 259.

Salvation by History. (L. B. Packard.) XVI, 111.

Sanders, Dr. Joseph A.  Portrait. XXXV, 402.

Sanders, Joseph A.  XXVII, 270.

Sanderson, Benjamin S.  XXXII, 254

Sanderson, C. H. K.  XXIII, 128.

Sapporo Agricultural College. (W. S. Clark.) With plates. XI. 103.

Sawyer, Joseph H.  Amherst in Civil War Time. III, 118.
      Civil War Time.  XXXIII, 109.
      Portrait.  XXXI, 106.

Scandrett, Richard Brown, Jr.  Eminent service medal awarded.  XXV, 320.

Scarab. (Origin of.)  XXIII, 111.

Scenna, A. (Book review by.) XXII, 378.

Schauffler, William Gray.  XXII, 341.

Schell, Arthur B.  XXXVIII, 57.

Schiff, Mortimer L. XX, 281.

Scholar Whom We Knew, The. (John Erskine.) IX, 71.

Scholarship Honors. XVIII, 161.

Scholarship Trophy.  XXIII, 38.

Scholarship, New Jeffery Amherst.  XXVI, 326.

Scholarship, The Duty of. (A. L. Lowell.) II, 79.

Scholarship. Harry deForest Smith.  XXX, 117;

Scholarships for Latin Americans.  (Edward W. Kidder.)  XXX, 206.

Scholarships, Jeffery Amherst.  XXIII, 315. XXIV, 122, 314. XXVII, 365.

Scholarships, Regional.  XXX, 292.

Scholarships.  XX, 38. XXI, 120. XXIV, 219. XXV, 326. XXIX, 344.

School of the Soldier. (W. R Agard.) VII. 275.

“School of Peace.”  (George S. Bryan.)  Poem.  XXVII, 356.

Schoolhouse, The Little Red.  XXVII, 364.

Schotté, Oscar E.  Portrait. XXXIV, 22.

Schreiber, Carl F.  (Book review by.) XXXI,  85.

Schuchert, Charles. John Mason Clarke. With portrait. XV, 15.

Schurr, Burlingham. XXI, 200.

Schwab, George. From the Kamerun – A Letter. VI, 31.

Schweizer, Lt. Frederick O.  Portrait. XXXIV, 17.

Science Club. XVII, 181.

Science Goes Underwater.  (William W. Stifler, Jr.)  XXXVI, 1.

Science, The History of.  R. B. Whitney.  XXV, 336.

Scientific Work of Leslie T. Webster, The.  (Harold H. Plough.)  XXXIII, 9.

Scott, Allan. Fresh Laurels for the Masquers. With plates. XVIII, 18.

Sea and the States, The.  (Samuel W. Bryant.)  XXXVII, 116.

Seabury, Joseph Bartlett. Lucien Ira Blake. With portrait. VI, 35.

Searle, Alonzo T.  XXIX, 138.

Sears, David.  XXIII, 301.

Sears, George G.  XXIX, 363.

Sears, Nathaniel C.  XXIII, 308, 327.

Season’s Athletics, The. (1915-16.) V, 115.

Second Year of Intelligence Tests. (C. H. Toll.) XIV, 184.

Secret Society, A New.  (Editorial.)  XXXIII, 351.

Seelye, Julius H. Portrait. XVII, 2.
      XVIII, 104.
       (William Orr.) With portrait. III, 188.
      Laurens H.  Finding the Modern College Range. III, 106.
      Making Christian Work Effective in the College. I, 155.

Seelye, Kate Chambers. The Lost Portrait of Talcott Williams. XXVI, 132.

Seelye, L. Clark. Portrait. XVII, 6.

Seelye, Laurens Hickok.  Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 120.
      XXIV, 304, 363.  Portrait.  305.
      Amherst in Syria. With plates. XIV, 170.
      Talcott Williams. XVIII, 27.

Seelye, Talcott W.  Army Information and Education.  XXXV, 138.

Selective Service (Editorial)  XXX, 202.

Selling The College in 1855.  (H. G. Delano.)  XXXIV, 237.

Semester System. XVII, 251.

Semple, Oliver Cheever. (E. S. Parsons.)  XXII, 219.

Senior Chapel Address.  (E. Dwight Salmon.)  XXXVI, 330.
      (G. F. Whicher.) XIX, 229.

Senior Chapel, 1922. XI, 249.
      XIII, 267; XIV, 265.

Senior Fence.  (Editorial.)  XXXII, 33.

Senior Fence. Plate. XII. 139.

Sequence in the Humanities, The.  (Reuben A. Brower.)  XXXVI, 8.

Service of Amherst to Columbia, A. (J. B. Clark.) XX, 178.

Seventy-Seven Reunion Members. Plate.  XXVI, 314.

Seventy-Seven, Class of.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 323.  Plate.  313.

Seventy-Two Years an Alumnus. (S. B. King.) XVIII, 163.

Seymour, Alfred M.  XXXIII, 372.

Seymour, George N.  XXIX, 265.

Sforza and Others, Count.  XXV, 124.

Sforza, Count Carlo.  Portrait.  XXV, 114.

Shakespeare Library. With plate. XX, 3.

Sharp, Frank C.  XXXII, 386.

Shea, John F.  XXXI, 242.

Sheldon, Roy. (Book Review by.) XIX, 225.
      With portrait. Plate. XVIII, 145.

Shepard, Charles Upham. Portrait. XIX, 6.
      XXXIV, 253.

Sherman, Charles L.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 194.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 412.
      Book review by.)  XXVIII, 87.
      (Book review by.) XX, 242.

Sherman, Clarence E. The Amherst Memorabilia Collection and its Needs. VI, 92.

Sherman, Maurice S.  Sixty Years a Journalist.  XXXI, 17.

Shifting Emphasis. (W. P. Bigelow.) I, 304.

Shipman, Sherman D., Story of the Amherst Section. VIII. 81.

Shooting, 1927. XVI, 283.

Shumway, Waldo. Teacher in the Old Tradition, A. XVIII, 234.

Shurcliff, Arthur A.  Trees Grow again on the Campus.  XXVIII, 321.

Shute, Kenneth B.  XXX, 334.

Sibley, Elbridge. The New England Stone Wall. Poem. XIII, !l96.

Siegrist, William.  XXXIII, 67.

Sigma Delta Rho Fraternity.  XXII, 37, 134.

Sigma Delta Rho House, The. Plate. III, 1.

Sigma Delta Rho revived. XII. 251.

Simpson, John Woodruff. Presentation of Portrait of (D. W. Morrow.) X,362.
      A Triad of Appreciations. With portrait. X.22.
      XXXIV, 313.

Singing Trophy.  XXIII, 218. XXVII, 366.

Sinologue, Early American, An.  (S. R. Stifler.)  Part I, XXIV, 83.  With portrait.  Part II, 201.

Sixty Years a Journalist. (Maurice S. Sherman.)  XXXI, 17.

Size of the College, The.  (Editorial.)  XXXV, 411.
      (A. S. Romer.)  XXV, 238.  (R. S. Smith.)  XXV, 339.
      (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 127.
      XXIII, 223.
      XXIV, 225.
      (Editorial.)  XXVI, 128, 223.
      J. D. Clark. XXVI, 133.
      XVII, 250.

Skeele, Walter Fisher.  XXVII, 281.

Skiing.  XXV, 223.

Skillings, Henry H.  (Book review by.)  XXXV, 350.

Skipper and His Ship, The.  (F. S. Fales.)  XXII, 107.

Skouras, Thanos D.  XXXII, 312.

Slayton, G. Noyes.  XXXIII, 293.

Sleeper, James T.  XXXII, 60.

Slipping Through Nazi Fingers.  (Thomas O. Greenough.)  With plate.  XXXI, 1.

Slocum, William Frederick. (J. W. Park.) With portrait. II, 239.
      XXIII, 326.

Slocum, William P. With portrait.  XXIII, 308.

Smith Scholarship, Harry deForest.  XXX, 117.

Smith Scholarship, The Harry deForest.  XXXI, 21.

Smith, An Appreciation of the Life of Erastus G.  XXVI, 346.

Smith, Charles G.  XXVI, 52.

Smith, Charles H.  XXVIII, 270.

Smith, Edgar B.  XXXVIII, 35.

Smith, Edmund Munroe. (C. M. Fuess.) With portrait. XVI, 22.

Smith, Edward H.  XXXI, 351.

Smith, Edward.  XXVIII, 15.

Smith, Frank H.  XXVI, 50.

Smith, Fred M. XVII, 184.

Smith, H. A. Hammond.  XXII, 336.
      (W. T. Field.) With portrait. XVII, 27.

Smith, H. O.  As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.

Smith, Harry deForest.  XXXII, 208, 247,  (Editorial.)  244.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 75.
      (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 359.
      Portrait.  XXIX, 1.

Smith, Henry G.  XXX, 40.

Smith, Horatio E.  XXXVI, 68.

Smith, Horatio. Professor Emerson, the Man. With portrait. XXI, 259.

Smith, Howard P, IV.  The Human Element in Industrial Problems.  Labor Relations from a Union Man’s View.  XXXVII, 191.

Smith, James Kellum.  XXXV, 79.

Smith, Luther Ely, Civic Leader.  Alfred E. Stearns. With portrait.  XXXI, 208.
      XXX, 318.
      Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIII, 311.

Smith, Mike and the Freshman River.  (Frederick J. E. Woodbridge.)  XXIX, 7.

Smith, Munroe. Professional Life of Frank Johnson Goodnow. The. IV, 206.

Smith, Philip M.  (Book review by.)  XXXII, 207.

Smith, Preserved.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 292.
      Amherst Memories.  XXVII, 15.
      Darwinian Controversy at Amherst, The.  XXV, 86.
      XXX, 327.

Smith, R. S.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 373.

Smith, R. Stuart. With portrait. XI. 258.

Smith, Robert S.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 450.
      Robert Logan Patton and Amherst Academy.  With plate.  XXIII, 204.
      Size of the College.  XXV, 339.

Smith. James Kellum.  Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIV, 309.

Smith. Roland Cotton.  XXIV, 52.

Smith: A History of Modern Culture.  Vol. II. The Enlightenment, 1687-1776.  XXIV, 275.

Snell Museum of Physics. XXII, 129, 229.

Snell, Bertrand H.  (A. T. Treadway.)  XXII, 209.
      XXI, 124.

Snell, E. S. Portrait. XVII, 6.

Snell, Ebenezer Strong.  XXXVI, 199.
      XXIII, 202.
      Portrait.  XXX, 267.

Snell, Hon. Bertrand H. Portrait. V, 103.

Snell, Sabra C. XXI, 277.

Soccer, 1926. XVI, 131.

Soccer.  XIX, 103. XX, 106. XXI, 119, 273. XXIII, 125. XXIV, 125.XXV, 122.

Social and Economic Institutions. Course in for Freshmen. (J. M. Gaus.) XII. 146.

Social Security, Students Taxed for.  XXVIII, 122.

Some Notes on Amherst College Architecture. (J. F. Genung.) VI, 13.

Some Notes on Amherst Seasons.  (D. Wickenden.)  XXV, 197.

Some Notes on the Commencement Season. (1915.) V, 36.

Songs, Amherst.  XXIII, 222.

Sons of Alumni Entering Amherst.  XXXII, 103.

Sons of Alumni in the Class of 1945.  XXXI, 84.

Sons of Alumni.  XXVII, 91. XXVIII, 86. XXIX, 88. XXX, 34,88.

Sons of Amherst Men in the Class of 1951.  XXXVII, 24.

Sons of Amherst Men in the Class of 1952.  XXXVIII, 15.

Sophomore Rushing.  (The Open Forum.)  (Albert S. Bard.)  XXXVI, 32.
      Eugene S. Wilson, Jr.  XXXV, 265. (Editorial.)  XXXV, 408.

Soul of a College, The. (G. F. Whicher.) XIX, 229.

Soul of Old Amherst. Song. Words by J. F. Genung. Music arr. by W. P. Bigelow.  IV, 42.

Sounding the Key Note: Comment on “The Enterprise of Learning." I, 115.

South American Impressions of a Political Scientist.  With illustrations. Karl Loewenstein.  XXXI, 91.

South Common, Repairs on.  XXVIII, 32.

Spafford, Joseph H.  XXXIV, 256.

Spahr, George T.  XXIX, 41.

Sparrow, Charles A.  XXXIV, 54.

Speaking of Loyalty.  (Robert Frost.)  XXXVII, 271.

Sphinx Club Gains Recognition Abroad.  XXIX, 131.

Sphinx Club.  XXVI, 28.

Spirit of the Year, The. VII, 13.

Spooner, William S.  XXXVI, 263.

Sports – Fall Athletic Schedule 1947.  XXXVI, 346.

Sports Curtailed.  XXII, 319.

Sports, Summary of Fall.  XXIX, 118. XXX, 118.

Sports.  XX, 105, 181, 274. XXI, 119, 271. XXII, 131, 225, 317, 319. XXIII, 125, 213, 311, 315. XXIV, 117, 215, 306, 310. XXV, 32, 123, 223, 320.

Sprague-Smith, Charles. Portrait. XIII, 91.

Sprenger, James A., Letter from. VIII, 10.
      XXVIII, 291.

Spring Brevities.  XXV, 325.

Spring Sports Summary.  XXVIII, 351.

Springfield Regatta of 1873, The. (E. M. Hartwell.) IV, 288.

Sprout, William B.  XXX, 217.

Squash-Racquets Building.  XXII, 316.

St. John’s College.  XXVII, 106.  (Editorial.)  135.

St. Lawrence Experiment, The.  (Editorial).  XXIX, 32.

Stained Glass Windows.  XXIX, 314.

Standing Room Only. (W. J. Newlin.) XXI, 176.

Stapleton, Luke D.  XXXVIII, 55.

Stearns Church in Use Once More.  XXVI, 114.

Stearns Church, The Destiny of.  (F. L. Babbott, Edward W. Kidder, Daniel Bliss.)  XXIX, 239.

Stearns, Alfred E.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 79.
      David Todd.  XXVIII, 341.
      Luther Ely Smith, Civic Leader.  XXXI, 208.
      Headmaster Looks at Teaching, A. XXI, 165.
      Amherst and the New Education. VII, 171.

Stearns, Arthur F.  XXXIV, 261.

Stearns, Charles F.  XXXVI, 43.

Stearns, Foster W. Two Amherst Philologists. I, 129.
      Letters from a Freshman in the 'Forties. XIX, 245.

Stearns, Frank Waterman. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXII, 315.
      Portrait.  XXVIII, 229.
      XXVIII, 232, 263.

Stearns, Frazer.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 336.

Stearns, President. (C. M. Fuess.) XV, 282.

Stearns, William A. Portrait. XVII, 2.

Stebbins, Charles M.  XXVII, 171.

Steele, George Palmer.  XXV, 150.

Stepchildren of Society, The.  (Burgess Meredith.)  XXVIII, 216.

Stevens, Elisha M.  XXXII, 146.

Stevens, Wilbert A.  In Defense of a Smattering.  XXX, 126.

Stifler, Susan Reed.  An Early American Sinologue. Part I, XXIV, 83.  Part II, 201.

Stifler, William W.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 445.
      Science Goes Underwater.  XXXVI, 1.
      (Book review by.)  XXII, 285.
      (Book List.)  XXVI, 225.

Stiger, William D.  Dissenting Opinions.  XXX, 33.

Stiles, Harry H.  XXVIII, 405.

Stiles, Meredith N.  XXVI, 376.

Stilwell, Giles H.  XXVI, 143.

Stilwell, Lewis D.  Checks and Balances in the Amherst Fraternities. V, 250.

Stockholm, America in. (R. F. Nelligan.) II, 19.

Stocking, Jay Thomas.  XXV, 134, 213, 261.
      Portrait.  XXV, 211.
      A House for Georgie Olds. XVI, 259.
      An Integer of Amherst. XVI, 6.
      Amherst Gentleman, An. XXI, 105.
      Ave Atque Vale. VI, 232.
      Letter to Georgie, A. XX, 252.
      Portrait of the Dean. With portrait. IX, 225.

Stoddard, Francis Hovey.  XXV, 249.

Stone, Arthur F.  XXXIV, 35.

Stone, Chief Justice Harlan Fiske.  XXX, 277, 318, 320.  Plate. Aug. cover.

Stone, George W.  XXVIII, 58.

Stone, Harlan Fiske, Tribute To.  (Charles Warren.)  XXXVI, 138.
      That Priceless Heritage.  XXXII, 246.
      XXXV, 428.
      Trustee. (P. Bradley.)  XXII, 124.
      A Tribute by his Classmates, Amherst College, 1894.  XXXVI, 48.
      (G. H. Backus.) With portrait. XIII, 274.
      Coolidge that I Knew, The.  With portrait.  XXII, 193.

Stone, Walter R.  XXVI, 253.
      Calvin Coolidge, Administrator. With portrait. IX, 84.

Stoops, Phillip D.  XXVIII, 264.

Storm King School.  XXXI, 212.

Storrs, George D.  XXX, 50.

Story of the Valley, The  (George W. Bain.)  XXXVIII, 13.

Story, Oliver Judd.  XXXVII, 319.

Stott, Capt. Frederic A.  Ten Days on Iwo Jima.  XXXIV, 327.

Stoudt, James W.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 414.

Straight, D. Arthur.  The Realistic Attitude Needed.  XXVII, 374.

Strong, Clinton A.  XXVIII, 162.

Strunsky, Robert.  Ten Years Out.  XXVII, 224.

Stryker, Perrin.  Robert Ely and New York’s Town Hall.  XXVII, 343.
      ’02 Table, The.  XXIII, 111.

Stuart, Arthur W.  XXXVI, 152.

Student Activities in the S. A. T. C. VIII, 8.

Student Aid at Amherst.  XXV, 120.

Student Council.  XXIV, 315.

Student Life in the Seventies – A Fragment.  (Frederick H. Gillett.)  XXVII, 22.

Student Opinion. XIII, 229, 319; XIV, 123.

Student Survey.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 250.

Student War Service in 1864.  (Charles E. Bolton.)  XXXI, 15.

Students Paint a Mural. SS9.

Students Studying.  Plate.  XXXIII, 221.

Sullivan, Cornelius Joseph. (F. L. Thompson.) With portrait. XXI, 264.

Sully. (F. L. Thompson.) With portrait. XXI, 264.

Summer Excursions. XIX, 27.

Summer News, Other Items of.  XXXI, 319.

Summer Session, The.  XXXI, 317. XXXII, 370.

Summer Theatre in Amherst, A.  XXIX, 339.

Sumner, Albert.  XXX, 137.

Suspended Life on the Border. (F. T. Barton.) VI, 96.

Swalley, John F.  Paintings of.  Plates.  XXVII, 337.
      An Amherst Painter.  XXVII, 337.

Swasey, Henry C. The Season's Athletics. (1915-16.) V, 115.

Sweet, Henry L.  XXX, 333.

Swertfager, George.  XXXVI, 51.

Swett, Harry Preble. Democracy and Culture. III, 86.

Swimming.  XX, 183. XXII, 226. XXIII, 213. XXIV, 215. XXV, 128, 223. XIX, 177.

Swinnerton, Guy F.  XXXV, 180.

Symington, Donald L.  XXXIII, 396.

Synge, John M. With portrait. XIX, 259.

Taft, Ezra F.  XXX, 19.
      Portrait.  XXXII, 119.

Taft, Horace Dutton.  Honorary degree conferred.  XXV, 319.

Taggard, Genevieve. (Book Review by.) XIX, 314.

Talcott Williams. (L. H. Seelye.) XVIII, 27.

Tall Freshmen.  XXVIII, 124.

Tao Fong Shan.  Plate.  XXXII, 105.

Tarr, Frederick H.  XXXIII, 376.

Tasker, Dana. Portrait.  XXXI, 209.

Tax Exemption for Students.  XXIX, 27.

Taylor, Frederick.  XXVIII, 378.

Taylor, George R.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 287.
      (Book review by.)  XXII, 86.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXIII, 279, 382.
      One Hundred Years of Economics at Amherst College.  XXII, 300.

Taylor, Harry E.  Honorary Degree Conferred. XXIII, 310.

Taylor, James D.  XXVIII, 13.

Taylor, James S.  XXIX, 387.

Taylor, William C.  XXXIV, 142.

Teacher in the Old Tradition, A. (W. Shumway.) XVIII, 234.

Teacher, Dean, and President. (T. C. Esty.) XX, 255.

Teachers’ Qualities.  (Editorial.)  XXVIII, 248.

Teaching Methods, More About.  (Charles F. Bragg, II.)  XXX, 206.
      (Editorial.)  XXX, 122, 204.

Teaching of English.  (Editorial.)  XXVII, 252.

Teaching. XXI, 165.

Tead, Ordway.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 446.
      (Book review by.)  XXX, 169.
      Portrait.  XXIX, 294.
      (Book review by.) XX, 146.
      Robert A. Woods. With portrait. XIV, 274.
      Why Liberal Colleges Tomorrow?  XXXIII, 1.
      The Art of Leadership.  XXIV, 278.

Tea-Party, The.  Gilbert Emery  (Emery Pottle, ’99.)  XXXI, 303.

Telephone System.  XXII, 36.

Ten Days on Iwo Jima.  (Capt. Frederic A. Stott, ’40.)  XXXIV, 327.

Ten Years Out.  (Robert Strunsky.)  XXVII, 224.

Tennis, 1927. XVI, 282.

Tennis.  XXI, 272. XXII, 318. XXIII, 312. XXV, 224, 321.

Terras Irradiavit.  (F. Curtis Canfield.)  XXXVII, 279.

Terras Irradient.  (F. A. Philbrick.) XXIII, 300.

Terras lrradient  XXVI, 25.

Terry, Charles A.  XXVIII, 265.
      Gift of.  XXV, 34.

That Disciple Whom Jesus Loved. (A. L. Kinsolving.) XVIII, 225.

That Iron Crown.  (J. P. Ashley.)  XXV, 237.

That Woman Makes Trouble Again.  XXX, 290.

Thatcher, Roscoe Wilfred. Honorary Degree Conferred. XXI, 268.

Thayer, Charles S.  XXXIV, 36.

Thayer, Frederick D.  XXXVIII, 122.

Thayer, William Greenough. XXIV, 144.

Thayer. Clark A.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 309.

Theater, Kirby Memorial. XXVI, 207, 218, 291.

Theobald, John R. (Book review by.) XXI, 158.
       (Book review by.)  XXII, 381.

These are Things of the Spirit. Poem. (David Morton.)  XXVI, 92.

Theta Delta Chi, A New House for. (G. F. Whicher.) With plate. X. 84.

Theta Xi Fraternity. XXII, 87, 134.

Theta Xi House, The New.  (Davis G. Johnson.)  With Plates.  XXX, 12.

Theta Xi, New Home of.  XXIX, 388.  Plate.  340.

They Passed Us on the Campus. (F. H. Law.) XIX, 16.

They’re in the Navy Now.  (John H. Lancaster.)  XXX, 107.

Thirty-five Years from Alma Mater. (H. A. Bridgman.) VII, 271.

Thirty-Year Philosophy. (W. S. Rossiter.) IV, 13.

This and That.  XXV, 134.

This is to Die Young.  (F. Q. Blanchard.)  XXV, 213.

“This Is Your Heritage.”  (Otto Manthey-Zorn.)  XXXV, 249.

Thompson the Teacher.  (R. H. George, J. J. McCloy.)  XXV, 112.

Thompson, Croc.  (R. S. Brooks.)  XXV, 110.

Thompson, D. V. Goin' to the Shinty? III, 258.
      Edmund A. (A. J. Hopkins.) I, 245.
      Garrett W.  College and the Man. II, 306.
      Garrett W. Life's Paradoxes. Poem. II, 18.
      Garrett W. Poems. II, 140.
      Garrett W. Sonnets, III, 28.
      Karl O. Commencement. Poem. III, 94.

Thompson, E. A., An Episode that Made Frank Hosmer Illustrious. With portrait. VII,289.

Thompson, Eastwood P.  XXXVII, 48.

Thompson, Edmund A. Death. X, 182.

Thompson, Everett E. Noah Webster and Amherst College.  With portrait.  XXII, 289.

Thompson, Frederic Lincoln.  Portrait.  XXVII, 105.
      Edwin Duffey: Perfect Alumnus. With portrait. XVIII, 100.
      (Book review by.) XXIII, 175.
      Portrait.  XXV, 114.
      XXV, 152.
      (Book review by.) XXIV, 173.
      Sully. With portrait. XXI, 264.

Thompson, Garrett W.  XXXV, 423.

Thompson, Joseph O. (Book review by.) XX, 332.

Thompson, Karl O.  Three Statues.  XXV, 87.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXII, 83, 378.
      College Conceit and College Spirit. VII, 18.

Thorp, Willard Brown.  He Knew Garman.  XXVII, 254.

Thorp, Willard L.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 96.
      XXIII, 321.
      (Book review by.) XX, 336.
      (Book review by.) XXI, 330.
      Amherst Survey of Unemployment in Holyoke, The. XX, 151
      With portrait. XXIII, 32.

Thoughts of a President. (A. S. Pease.) With portrait. XXI, 239.

Thrall, J. Brainerd.  XXV, 43.

Three Statues.  (K. O. Thompson.)  XXV, 87.

“Till Time Shall Be No More.”  XXVII, 100.

Time Never Stays, It Moves.  Poem.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXX, 11.

Time.  Poem.  (Merrill Bishop.)  XXXI, 102.

Tindell, Samuel W.  XXIX, 359.

Tinker, Harry G.  XXVIII, 278.

Tinker, Wellington H.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 290.

Titsworth, Harry.  XXXII, 396.

Todd, David P.  Portrait.  XXV, 316.
      (Alfred E. Stearns.)  XXVIII, 341.
      XXVIII, 366.

Todd, Davy.  XXV, 316.

Todd, Mabel Loomis, Amherst Historical Society. With plates. VII,175.
      A Touch with Livingstone. II, 221.
      XXIV, 44, 388.
      XXII, 138, 148.

Toll, Charles H. Intelligence Tests for Amherst Freshmen. XIII, 28.
      The Second Year of Intelligence Tests. XIV,184.

Tomblen, Charles L.  XXXI, 231.

Tompkins, Douglas. With portrait. XIX, 107.

Topics in Brief.  XXV, 126; XXVIII, 353.

Touchstone.  XXV, 230, 328; XXVI, 28.

Tower, Walter L.  XXVII, 171.

Track Situation, The. (B. Brown.) XVIII, 157.

Track, 1927. XVI, 282.

Track, Indoor. XX, 182.

Track.  XIX, 263; XX, 275; XXI, 272; XXII, 226, 317; XXIII, 213, 311; XXV, 122, 223, 240, 321

Tracy, William B. M.  XXXV, 188.

Trask, Frederick P.  XXXV, 174.

Trask, Thomas C.  XXXII, 46.

Treadway Interfraternity Scholarship Trophy, The.  X, 32; XI, 33; XII, 104; XIII, 138; XIV, 47; XV, 34; XXIII, 38; XXIV, 38; XXV, 34; XVI, 128; XVIII, 37; XX, 38; XXI, 120; XXVI, 28; XXVII, 31; XXVIII, 32; XXX,26; XXXI, 21; XXXII, 27

Treadway, Allen T.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 83.
      Congressional Leaders-Rainey, '83, and Snell, '94, The. With portraits. XXII, 209.
      Honorary Degree Conferred. XXIII, 310.

Treadwell, George L.  A Pro-Fraternity Argument.  XXVI, 34.

Treasurer, The New.  XXX, 117.

Treasurer’s Report.  XXVIII, 118.

Treatment Room of Alumni Gymnasium. Plate.  XXVI, 188.

Trees Grow again on the Campus. (Arthur A. Shurcliff.)  XXVIII, 321.

Tribute, A.  (Merrill Bishop.)  Poem.  XXVII, 23.

Trophy of Trophies. XVII, 252.

Trophy of Trophies. XXII, 318.

Trotter, Jesse M.  (Book review by.)  108.  Religion in Postwar Amherst.  XXXIII, 333.
      Friends Among The Enemy.  XXXV, 133.
       (Book review by.)  XXIV, 386.

Troy, Frederick S.  (Book review by.)  XXXVIII, 108.

Trustee Election. XXIII, 88.

Trustee of Amherst College, A. (S. King.) With plate. XXI, 101.

Trustee, New.  XXV, 236. XXVI, 327. XXVIII, 126.

Trustees Meet at Folger Library.  XXVII, 131.

Trustees Meet.  XXX, 116.

Trustees, Action by the.  XXX, 291.
      Report for the Board of. (F. J. E. Woodbridge.) XII. 93.
      Revised Regulations for Election of Alumni. XII. 259.
      Resolution of the Board of. June 18, 1927. XVI, 258.
      Spring Meeting of.  XXIV, 220.
      (The Open Forum.)  (Stephen Rushmore.)  XXXVI, 33.

TRUSTEES, The. I, 69, 169, 262, 340; II, 96, 166, 344; III, 57, 133, 206, 281. IV, 64, 144, 301. VII, 281; VIII, 47.

Truth about Barrett Gymnasium, The. (P. C. Phillips.) With plate. XXI, 37.

Tucker, Herbert A.  XXXII, 257.

Tucker, William Jewett. President Harris: A Personal Appreciation. I, 296.

Tuckerman, Edward. Portrait. XVII, 6.

Tuckerman, Frederick. President Edward Hitchcock. With portrait. X, 3.
      XIX, 151.

Tuckerman, Letters of Frederick Goddard.  XXIX, 120.

Tufts, James Hayden.  Amherst College in the ’Eighties.  XXXII, 209.

Tufts, Jimmy.  Portrait.  XXXII, 214.

Tufts, Prof. James Hayden.  XXXII, 43.  Portrait.  21.

Tuition Increased.  XXVIII, 349.

Turgeon, Frederick K.  The Army “Area and Language” Program.  XXXIII, 221.
      (Book Review by.) XIX, 313.

Turner Library. XXIII, 35, 218.

Turner Mezzotints, The. (Charles H. Morgan, II.)  XXIX, 95.  Plates.  98.

Turner, James.  Portrait.  XXVIII, 344.
      XXVIII, 344, 372.
      Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 309.
      XXIII, 35.

Tuttle, Charles A. XXII, 338.

Tuttle, George A.  XXXI, 335.

Tuttle, John Ellery.  XXX, 302.

Tuttle, Miner W.  (Book review by.)  XXXII, 205.

Tuttle, Ruel C. XIX, 174.

’Twas Fifty Years Ago.  1. That High-Wheel Bike.  2. Dick Nelligan.  XXXI, 307.

Twelfth President, The.  (Donald N. Bigelow.)  XXXVI, 214.

Two More College Presidents. (W. E. Fairley.) With portraits.  XXIV, 304.

Tylee, Arthur F. Among the Nhambiquara Indians. XVII, 167.

Tyler Camp, The. Plate. XVII, 233.

Tyler, Henry M. John Chester Hammond. With portrait. XV, 293.

Tyler, John Mason. Portrait. XVIII, 73, 223.
      XVIII, 223, 225, 231, 234.
      Henry Hill Goodell. With portrait. I, 235.
      Levi Henry Elwell. With portrait. VI, 108.
      William Hayes Ward. With portrait. V, 253.
      A Personal Appreciation. (J. T. Stocking.) With portrait. VI, 232
      William Lyman Cowles. With portrait. XVI, 3.
      John Franklin Genung. With portrait. IX,65.
      Rufus Pratt Lincoln. With portrait. VII, 285.
      The First Hundred Years of Amherst College. X,217.
      President Harris as Administrator. XI. 161.

Tyler, Marshall H.  XXXII, 154.

Tyler, William S.  Portrait.  XXXI, 106.
      XIX, 16.
      (Book Review by.) XIX, 222.

U. S. M. A. Unit.  Plate.  XXXIII, 220.

Ufford, Walter S.  XXIX, 365.
      XXIII, 148.

Ultima Thule (30 South College) in 1939.  Plate.  XXVIII, 336.

Ultima Thule and S. Gunn.  Part I.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXVIII, 335.
      Part II.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXIX, 15.

Undergraduate Activities. XIX, 177.

UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRS. I, 49, 151, 155, 160, 250, 331; II, 117, 189, 278, 357; III, 34, 131, 204, 276. IV, 56, 192; V, 115.

Undergraduate Comment.  (James I. Merrill.)  XXXIII, 128. (Robert J. Howard.)  347.

Undergraduate Morale.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 119.

Undergraduates Interests. With plate. XVIII, 157.

Unforgiven Sin, The.  Poem.  R. B. O.  XXXII, 121.

Urfa, At the Siege of. (C. F. Weeden, Jr.) X. 14.

Uriel in Amherst. (G. F. Whicher.)  XXIII, 281.

Utley, Edward R.  XXXIII, 265.

Utter, Robert Palfrey.  (W. K. Belknap.)  XXV, 242.
      Democracy and Learning. I, 304.
      The College Year. VII, 297.

Valens, Red.  “Haven on the Starry Hill.”  XXX, 273.

Valentine Cafeteria.  Plate.  XXXIII, 221.

Valentine Hall Goes G.I.  (Gordon R. Bridges.)  XXXIII, 344.

Valentine Hall Soda Bar.  XXXII, 239.

Valentine Hall.  (Robert L. Farwell.)  XXXI, 19.  Plates.  20, 24.

Valentine Hall.  XXX, 21, 288.

Valentine, Alan. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 309.

Valentine, Mrs. Eliza W.  Bequest.  XXIII, 180.

Van Etten, Edwin Jan.  Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.

Van Nostrand, A. C.  (Global Mail.)  XXXIV, 349.

van Siclen, Matthew.  XXX, 233.

Van Woert, Lee D.  XXVI, 384.

Victor, Thomas Frederick. XXIII, 150.

Victorian Ribaldry. (W. A. Dyer.) XX, 161.

View from Aloft, A.  XXVI, 120.

Vignettes of the 'Nineties. (H. A. Jump.) XXI, 183.

Vinton, Lindley.  XXXIII, 258.

Visit to a Coal Mine, A.  (Bruce R. Morris.)  With Plate.  XXXVII, 277.

Vital Force, The Quest of the. (H. L. Clark.) II, 294.

Voices.  Poem. (G. S. Bryan.)  XXVI, 198.

Vollmer, William A.  XXXV, 170.

vom Baur, F. Trowbridge.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 309.
       (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 447.

Vondell, John H. (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 448.

Votaw, Clyde W.  XXXV, 423.

Voyage.  (W. W Gibson.)  Poem.  XXXVII, 102.

Wade, Frank E.  XXXVI, 59.

Walker Hall, The First. Plate. V, 24.

Walker, John B.  XXII, 337; XXXI, 333.

Walker, Williston. (A. P. Fitch.) With portrait. XI. 184.
      President Harris's Administration. I, 291.
      XXII, 335.

War Aims.  (Editorial.)  XXXI, 321.

War and Intelligence. (Chilton L. Powell.) IV, 178.

War Attitudes.  (Editorial.)  XXX, 203.

War Correspondent Reports, A.  (Fred B. Barton.)  XXXIV, 123.

War Front of THE QUARTERLY. (J. F. Genung.) VIII, 1

War Memorial Fund.  (Editorial.)  XXXIV, 245.

War Records. VII, 84.

Ward, Edwin St. John. The modern Crusader in Palestine. V,169.
      (Book review by.)  XXII, [no page listed].

Ward, William Hayes. George Washburn, Amherst 1855. With portrait. IV, 293.
      (J. M. Tyler.) With portrait. V, 253.

Warne, Colston E.  (Book review by.)  XXIX, 200.
      Portrait. XXXIV, 121.
       (Book review by.)  XXIII, 86.
       (Book review by.) XXI, 78.

Warner, Albert L.  Another Amherst Star Rises in Washington.  XXVII, 352.

Warner, Joseph. Amherst Ideals in Politics. XXVI, 16.

Warren, Arthur Fiske.  XXIII, 219.

Warren, Charles.  Tribute to Harlan Fiske Stone.  XXXVI, 138.

Warren, Clifford P.  XXVIII, 399.
      Joseph Bartlett Eastman: Interstate Commerce Commissioner. With portrait. XII, 238.

Warriner, Samuel D.  XXXI, 238.

War-Time, Amherst in.  (Editorial.)  XXIX, 347.

Was Action Undemocratic?  (Spencer Miller, Jr.)  XXIX, 352.

Was Union Godfather to Amherst? (B. Johnson.)  XXVI, 336.

Washburn, Albert D.  XXX, 40.

Washburn, Alfred H. On a Liberal Education. XX, 110.

Washburn, George, Amherst 1855. (W. H. Ward.) With portrait. IV, 293.
      The Late Dr. (Viscount Bryce.) IV, 299.
      Portrait. VI, 3.
      American Influence in Bulgaria. II, 203.
      Portrait. XIII,190.

Washburn, William Ives.  XXXVI, 279.
      Presentation of Portrait of Rev. David Parsons. X.363.

Watchmaker, The.  Poem.  (John W. Atherton.)  XXX, 115.

Wattles, Willard. The Bench. Poem. VI, 185.
      The Little Town of Amherst. Poem. VI, 239.

Ways from Amherst. (J. P. Wood.) XXIII, 194.

“We Shall Not See His Like Again.”  (A. W. Atwood.)  XXVII, 230.

Weathers, Paul D.  XXX, 117.  Portrait.  193.

Webb: Forty Brothers.  XXIV, 180.

Webster Bible, The.  Plate.  XXVII, 219.

Webster Memorial Statue, The. Plate. III, 233.
      (Editorial.)  XXIX, 350.
      Plate. IV, 125.

Webster Oration, Title Page of.  Plate.  XXVII, 219.

Webster Spelling Book.  Title Page of.  Plate.  XXVII, 219.

Webster, Leslie Tillotson. Honorary Degree Conferred.  XXIV, 308.
      XXXIII, 70.
      The Scientific Work of.  (Harold H. Plough.)  With portrait.  XXXIII, 9.

Webster, Noah, Further Glimpses of.  (Clair F. Luther.)  XXVII, 375.
      His Faith. (Richard Billings.) IV, 124.
      in Person and in Memorial (John F. Genung.) IV, 125.
      in 1834. Portrait. XXVII, 211.
      Origin of Amherst College in Massachusetts.  Part I.  With plate.  XXXV, 237. Part II.  391.
      Origin of Amherst College in Massachusetts.  Part III.  XXXVI, 12.
      Unfamiliar Glances of.  (George S. Bryan.)  XXVII, 211.
       (E. E. Thompson.) With portrait.  XXII, 289.
      XXIII, 299.

Weeden, Charles F., Jr. At the Siege of Urfa. X. 14.

Weeden, William O.  A Physicist and Inventor Who Built Amherst's First Athletic Field.  XXVI, 310.

Week-End Commencement, The. (C. L. Powell.) With plates. XV, 274.

Wei, Wen Pin, of China. (H. E. Woodward.) With portrait.  XXIV, 26.

Weight of Tradition, The.  (S. P. Lamprecht.)  XXV, 18.

Wellman, Arthur Holbrook.  XXXVIII, 26.

Wells, H. L. The Connecticut River. XIII, 211.

Wells, J. Van Kirk.  XXXVII, 43.

Wesleyan, A Decade At.  (Fred B. Millett.)  XXXVII, 103.

Weston, Robert S.  XXXIII, 42.

Wetting Down an Incendiary Bomb.  Plate.  XXXII, 236.

What Age College Entrance?  (P. C. Phillips.)  XXIV, 12.

What Amherst Sang in 1849.  (Margaret R. Hitchcock.)  XXVII, 448.

What are We Fighting For? (W. A. Dyer.) VII, 184.

What Becomes of a Summer Vacation? XX, 33.

What Besides the Landscape? (William Haller.) II, 211.

What does the College hope to be during the Next Hundred Years? (Alexander Meiklejohn.) X, 327.

What is Amherst?  (Frederick Houk Law.)  Poem.  XXXIV, 225.

What Is Expected of a College? (F. J. E. Woodbridge.) XIX, 78.

What We Memorialize in the Clyde Fitch Room. (Virginia Gerson.) VII, 80.

What! Walk to Class?  XXXI, 21.

When Sons of Sabrina Got in the Crops.  Plate.  XXXII, l.

When We Were Very Young.  (E. M. Whitcomb.)  XXV, 337.

Whicher, George .F., Amherst and the War. VII, 84.
      The Victory Commencement. VIII, Ul.
      Creative Writing in the Amherst Curriculum. XII, 8.
      New House of Theta Delta Chi. With plate. X.84.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 202.
      (Book review by.)  XXX, 170.
      (Book review by.)  XXXII, 443.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXIX, 201, 308.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXV, 189, 294, 412.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXVI, 283, 402.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXXI, 188, 412.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXXIV, 446.  XXXV, 116. 
      Why Gentlemen. XXXIV, 93.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXXVI, 29.  XXXVII, 204, 206, 296.
      A Book Page.  XXVI, 334
      A Book Page.  XXVII, 38, 142.
      Amherst and the War.  XXXIII, 111. 
      (Book review by.)  106.
      George Arthur Plimpton. XXVI, 1.
      (Book review by.) XXIII, 176.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXIV, 176, 277, 388.
      (Book Reviews by.) XIX, 147, 225.
      (Book reviews by.) XX, 146,335.
      (Book reviews by.) XXI, 76, 77, 78, 158, 161, 162, 234, 235, 236.
      A Book List on Medieval Literature. XV, 217.
      Amherst Masquers Storm Vienna, The. With plate. XXIII, 1.
      An Amherst Collector with plate. XVI, 189.
      Chilton Latham Powell. With portrait. XVII, 239.
      Emily Dickinson, Centennial Afterthoughts. XX, 94.
      Father and Son. XVIII, 169.
      Henry Clay Folger and the Shakespeare Library. With portrait. Plate. XX, 3.
      Portrait. XXI, 264.
      Practical Humanism of Frank L. Babbott. With portrait. XXIII, 113.
      President Hitchcock's Play. V, 240.
      Soul of a College, The. XIX, 229.
      Uriel in Amherst. XXIII, 281.
      XXI, 276.
      (Book reviews by.)  XXII, 191, 380.

Whicher, George Meason. (Book review by.)  XXII, 82.

Whicher, Harriet Fox.  (Book review by.)  XXV, 407.

Whicher, John F.  Home-Thoughts from the New Hebrides.  Poem.  XXXIII, 220.

Whipple, George N.  XXIX, 361.

Whitaker, Hobart K. XXVI, 362.

Whitbread, Thomas F.  (Book review by.)  XXXVII, 116.

Whitcomb, Ernest M.  When We Were Very Young.  XXV, 337.

Whitcomb, Ernest. (Book review by.)  XXIV, 82.

Whitcomb, George Henry. With portrait. V, 176.

White, Alden P. XXIII, 52.

White, Clarence H.  XXXV, 285.

White, Owen S.  Paintings of.  XXIX, 211. Plates.  212.  Portrait. 294.

White, Trumbull, The Kaiser Soliloquizes. Poem. VII, 170.

Whither Amherst? (I. S. Posner) XX, 26.

Whiting, Elbridge C.  XXVIII, 151.

Whiting, James T.  XXXIII, 264.

Whiting, William F.  Portrait. XXVI, 21.
      XXVI, 46.
      Portrait. XVIII, 2.
      XVIII, 10.

Whitman, Charles Seymour.  XXXVI, 258.  (Claude M. Fuess.) 
      With portrait.  XXXVI, 351. 
      (Editorial Comment.)  XXXVI, 231.
      (Edwin Duffey.) IV, 131.
      Plate. V, 3.
      Portrait. IV, 95.
      William Constable Breed. With portrait. XVII, 155.

Whitman, Frank Ellsworth.  XXXVI, 39.

Whitney, Edward Samuel.  Eminent service medal awarded.  XXV, 320.

Whitney, Harold E.  XXIX, 63.

Whitney, Henry M.  XXV, 252.

Whitney, Robert B.  History of Science, The.  XXV, 336.

Whitney, William B.  XXVI, 148.

Whittemore, Luther D.  XXXIII, 262.

Whitten, Philip F.  XXXVI, 287.

Whitten, Sumner H.  XXIV, 110.  Portrait. 111.
      XXIX, 254.

Who Drove Paige's Horse. (Reprint from Springfield Union.) XIV, 20.

Who Knows of Other Replicas of Sabrina? (Richard M. Hemenway.)  XXVI, 133.

Who Was This Man Thayer? (S. R. Williams.) XXIII, 44.

“Who’s Who,” Amherst Graduates in.  XXIX, 113, 221.

“Who’s Who” Again, Amherst in. XX, 103.

Why Boys Go To College.  Plate.  XXXI, 24.

Why Gentlemen.  (George F. Whicher.)  XXXIV, 93.

Why Liberal Colleges Tomorrow?  (Ordway Tead.)  XXXIII, 1.

Why the Marks Brothers Came to Amherst.  XXIV, 32.

Why We Come Back. (c. A. Andrews.) XV, 23.

Wickenden, Dan.  Portrait.  XXIX, 294.
      Some Notes on Amherst Seasons.  XXV, 197.

Wickenden, L. D.  XXIV, 223.

Wiggins, Elmer W.  XXXIV, 162.  (Willard W. Everett.)  With portrait. XXXIV, 343.

Wilcox, Sanford P.  XXXV, 197.

Wilcox, Walter F. Amherst Alumni as Leaders. XI,18.
      The New England College in Leadership. I, 224.

Wild Life Sanctuary, The.  XXV, 34.
      XXVI, 27, 325.

Wilde, Allan H.  XXVI, 155.

Wilder, Harris H. (F. B. Loomis.) With portrait. XVII, 175.
      XVII, 184.

Wild-Life Sanctuary, Our.  XXIV, l20.

Wilkins of Oberlin.  (Walter A. Dyer.)  XXVII, 349.

Wilkins, Ernest H.  Education Is Defense.  XXXI, 100
      Portrait.  XXVII, 351.
      XXIII, 193.
      The Poetry of Carducci. II, 317.

Wilkins: Verse Translations from the Italian.  XXIV, 385.

Willcox, Walter F.  A Message from ’Eighty-Four.  XXXII, 114.
      XXXI, 337.

William Arthur. XXVI, 141

Williams Alumni Review.  XXV, 130.

Williams, Corilla B.  (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 90.

Williams, Greetings to.  XXVII, 26.

Williams, Portrait of Talcott. XXVI, 36, 39.

Williams, Professor Samuel R.  Portrait.  XXXIII, 227.

Williams, Richard S.  XXXIV, 164.

Williams, S. R.  Who Was This Man Thayer? XXIII, 44.
       (Book review by.)  XXI, 326.
       (Book review by.) XX, 72.
      Research in the College. XV, 108.
      A Word for Doshisha.  XXIX, 130.

Williams, Samuel R.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 443.
      More about That Old Bell.  XXVII, 44.
      XXIV, 312.
      Wanted: Engineering Magazines. XXIV, 277.

Williams, Talcott. (J. F. Genung.) I, 231.
      Portrait. I, 197.
      The President-elect. I, 321.
      Presentation of Mementoes of Henry Ward Beecher. X. 368.
      XVII, 184.
      XVIII, 27.

Williams, The Lost Portrait of Talcott.  (Kate Chambers Seelye.) XXVI, 132.

Williston Academy.  XXXI, 103.

Williston, Mr. Samuel and Mrs.  (Annette Esty.)  With Portraits.  XXX, 175.

Williston, Robert L.  XXIII, 151.

Wilson, Charles F.  XXXIV, 258.

Wilson, Eugene S.  Admission to Amherst.  XXXVIII, 5. 
      The Problem of Admission to College.  XXXVII, 10. 
      (Book review by.)  XXXVIII, 20.
      Eminent Service Medal Awarded.  XXIII, 311.
      XXVII, 180.  Portrait.  123.

Wilson, Eugene S., Jr.  Alexander F. Farrar.  XXXIV, 32. 
      (Book reviews by.)  XXXIV, 91, XXXV, 350. 
      Sophomore Rushing.  XXXV, 265.

Wilson, Tug.  Further Reflections.  (Charles H. Dayton.)  XXVII, 233.
      XXVII, 126.

Winslow, Park T.  XXVIII, 60.

Winter Athletics. XVIII, 159.

Winter Brevities.  XXXII, 127.

Winter Color.  Geoffroy Atkinson.  XXXI, 101.

Winter Life in Springfield 1826-1827.  (Joseph Lathrop.)  XXXV, 147.

Winter Miscellany.  XXIX, 231.
      XXX, 120.

Wise, M. J., Jr. (Book review by.) XX, 147.

Wood, Charles Gilbert.  XXXVI, 260.

Wood, Harlan N.  XXXIV, 266.

Wood, James Playstead. Ways from Amherst. XXIII, 194.
      (Book review by.)  XXVIII, 447.

Wood, Lee B.  With portrait.  XXIII, 115.

Wood, Roland A. (Book review by.)  XXII, 284.

Wood, Willard Hubert.  XXXV, 49.

Woodbridge, Donald B.  (Book review by.)  XXVII, 203.

Woodbridge, Frederick J. (Book review by.)  XXV, 190.
      Commissioner of Church Architecture. With portrait. Plates. XIX, 240.

Woodbridge, Frederick J. E.  Atoms and People.  XXXV, 142.
      Mike Smith and the Freshman River.  XXIX, 7.
      XXIX, 372. 
      Portrait.  315.  (Book review by.)  424. 
      Administrator, Teacher, Philosopher.  (Sterling P. Lamprecht.)  319. 
      As Columbia Saw Him.  (Irwin Edman.)  316. 
      Trustee of Amherst College.  (Stanley King.)  315.
      Amherst in Education. X. 253.
      Report for the Board of Trustees. XII. 93.
      Omens and Auguries. XXII, 103.
      Portrait. XIX, 64.
      The Enterprise of Learning. I, 12.
      The Olds Administration. XVI, 249.
      What Is Expected of a College? XIX, 78.

Woodin, Herbert P.  XXXVII, 305.

Woodruff, James Parsons. (S. H. Fisher.) With portraits.  XXII, 32.

Woods, Robert A. (Ordway Tead.) With portrait. XIV, 274.
      Amherst in Missions. Old and New. X. 299.
      Letter on Alumni Reading and Study. XI, 109.

Woods, Robert Archey. Portrait. V, 198.

Woodward, Harold E.  Wen Pin Wei of China. With portrait.  XXIV, 26.

Woodworth, Arthur Vyne.  XXXVII, 221.

Wordsworth Collection, The.  XXIV, 37.
      XIX, 176.

Wordsworthiana, More. (C. H. Patton.)  XXIV, 114.

Workers' Classes, Two Years of. (F. S. May.) XII, 139.
      X, 32; XII, 30.
      XIV, 286; XV, 128.

World on Trial, The. (W. A. Dyer.) III, 254.

World's Foremost Echinodermist, The. (R. S. Brooks.) With portraits. XXIII, 26.

Wrestling.  XX, 184; XXII, 226; XXIII, 213; XXIV, 215.

Wright, William H.  How Amherst Students Became Dirt Farmers.  With illustrations.  XXXII, l.

Wright, William K.  (Book review by.)  XXXII, 206.

Wright. Leavitt O. Amherst's Contribution to Pomona College. With portraits. XII. 234.

Yesterday and today in the Curriculum. I, 39.

Yesterday's Child – An Interview. VI, 86.

Young American Poet at Amherst, A.  (Theodore Baird.)  XXXVIII, 8.

Young Mr. Olds Comes to Amherst. (Sketch from 1895 Olio.) With portrait. XIV, 1.

Young, D. B., of Amherst Equalling Intercollegiate Record in 440-yard Dash, 1911.  Plate. I, 58.

Young, Donnell B.  As I Remember Him.  (Re Richard F. Nelligan.)  XXXIV, 233.

Young, Henry N.  XXXVII, 145.

Zam-Zam, Sinking of the.  XXX, 354, 357.

Ziegler, Benjamin Munn.  (Book review by.)  XXX, 92.
      (Book review by.)  XXXI, 86
      (Book review by.)  XXIX, 198.

Zug, George B.  XXXII, 266.