Teaching Interests

Professor Barbezat’s teaching has focused on economic history, economic thought, subjective well-being and macroeconmic theory. In recent years, he has incorporated contemplative and introspective practices into his courses, helping students discover their own relationships to the material covered.

His courses include: 

The Economic History of the United States: Colonial to the Civil War

The Economic History of the United States: Civil War to WW II

Consumption and the Pursuit of Happiness

Macroeconomic Theory

The History of Economic Thought

Seminar on Economic History

Well-Being and Economic Thought


Professor Barbezat’s early work was on international cooperation and rivalry in inter-war Europe. That work led him to a study of the development and economics of the European Union, resulting in a book published by Oxford University Press and co-written with Larry Neal on The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe. Recently, Professor Barbezat has been interested in the many ways in which contemplative approaches can be used throughout higher education. He is also interested in the relationship between awareness, ethics and economic decision making.

Selected Publications

(with Larry Neal) The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe, Oxford University Press, 1998.

Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Powerful Tools to Transform Education Jossey-Bass, 2013.

“Contemplative Practices and Teaching Scitovsky’s The Joyless Economy,” The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry 3 (1), 2017.

“Contemplative Practices and Artificial Intelligence Systems: Consciousness, Ethics and Bias,” in The Routledge Handbook of Research in Spirituality and Contemplative Studies, 2024.


Mind & Life Fellow, 2014 - Present

Contemplative Practice Fellowship, Contemplative Mind in Society, 2008.

Jonathan T. Hughes Prize for Excellence in Teaching Economic History, Economic History Association, 2004.

Co-Convener (with Ken Snowden) for the Dissertation Session for the Economic History

Association’s Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ, 1997.

German Marshall Fund Research Fellowship, 1992.

Jean Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute, 1991-92.

Best Dissertation Award, International Economic History Association, World Economic History Congress, 1991.