Deceased January 21, 2013

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In Memory

Bill entered Amherst via Deerfield Academy in the fall of 1939. The gang all called him Minsky. Why? Bill’s hometown was his mom’s apartment near midtown Manhattan. Friends would visit and catch the afternoon show at Minsky’s—thus the nickname, Minsky.

At Amherst, Bill joined AD and was the class expert on good jazz and good jazz musicians.

When WWII broke out, Bill took advantage of the Navy V-7 program, attended Amherst summer session and graduated Jan. 31, 1943. He entered midshipman training at Columbia University in March, graduating as an ensign in the U.S.N.R. in June 1943. He reported for duty on LST 222 as communications officer.

Between commissioning and assignment to the Pacific, he wed Margaret Hull. I attended their wedding at the Hull home, located outside of Troy, N.Y. The union, ending in divorce, produced three daughters.

After the navy, Minsky joined J. Water Thompson Advertising as a messenger. He had a great career at JWT, becoming manager of their Montreal office, then president of JWT Canada and then transferred to Australia as vice president.

In 1968, Bill returned to JWT’s New York office. In 1971, he left JWT and returned to Canada as vice president of marketing for Labatt Breweries.

In 1972, Bill married Nancy—a huge success. Nancy was well received by Bill’s three children. They had seven more wonderful years in Canada.

In 1979, Bill and Nancy returned to the U.S. and bought a home in Chatham, Mass. In 1982 he set up International Beverages, Inc., importing and distributing specialty beers. Nancy joined him in 1985, and they enjoyed another 10 years in the world of good beer.

In Chatham, Bill was heavily involved with Habitat for Humanity, serving on its board.

Bill and Nancy were a great couple to be around, very witty, full of energy, with a great sense of humor.

Complication from kidney failure was the cause of death on Jan. 21, 2013.

Monty Hankin ’43