Deceased April 16, 2013

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25th Reunion

NOW: We left the best for last. "Retirement" under a tropical sun and surrounded by water (Key West). We are occupied at will and happily so. My delight in tinkering and odd jobbing probably indicates that, assuming another time and place, this would have been my calling. We include in our schedule the teaching of conversational English and about once a year I accept an overseas volunteer consulting assignment. 

LOOKING BACK: My Service life was most fortunate. I acquired the skills of an airport traffic controller, then qualified to study advance languages (Mandarin) and oriental culture. I then was assigned to the China Theatre, combining both specialties learned. This was a great opportunity.

Graduate level schooling in Forestry and Wood Technology set the stage for my professional life. Thereafter, for 36 years, I totally immersed myself in the application of hardwoods in industry. My schooling in the science of wood and associated subjects kept me active in professional societies and industrial associations. My income came from plant administration and production management. Running reasonably large companies in small communities kept me active in community service directly and as a member of service clubs. For many years my wife worked actively with me in my management responsibilities.

My children, David and Mary, have found themselves in their own individual businesses. Dorothy's daughter, Gayle, is a much respected teacher. They each make us very proud. Mary's two children, Tres and Robby, keep Grandpa on the go.

AMHERST: My formative years at home and in my hometown schools stand out for me as the greatest opportunity of my lifetime. What I have done and how I have done it since stems from this background. For me, college was a plateau. If I were asked to score my Amherst experience, I would have to say: Amherst 0 - Pryce 0. We were an educational mismatch. As for the Town of Amherst, its people, my summers there, my walks in the hills, etc., these stand out as happy memories.