Deceased December 10, 2013

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In Memory

Another member of the original Zumbyes—H. Lowell “Pop’’ Hall—died Dec. 10, 2013, in Madison, Wisc., from complications of COPD. His wife, Mary Seifert Hall, the mother of their two children, had passed away many years before. Pop was only with us two years, transferring in 1951 to the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where his father, Howard H. Hall, had been a professor of law for some years. Pop earned a B.A. in history there, on his way to an L.L.B. degree from Wisconsin Law School and a 35-year legal career as assistant general counsel for Northwestern Mutual Life in Milwaukee.

Known for his generosity, gentle and kind nature and love of family, Pop Hall was also an avidbirder, his name ever linked with the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, the Milwaukee Audubon Society (past president) and many other organizations, his generous donations helping many nature-conscious groups, from the Scleroderma Foundation to the Milwaukee County Zoo. He always supported Amherst with generous and reliable donations.

Pop is survived by his two children: daughter Beth Vronski and her family, of Scottsdale Ariz., and son H. Lee Hall, of Lyons, Colo.; a brother, Hugh F. Hall; two granddaughters; and three nieces. Beth and Lee always joked that their father’s musical talent skipped a generation. She missed his deep warm voice. But now her teenage daughter Brooke, one of Pop’s granddaughters, is considered the most gifted student of a concert pianist and composer originally from Budapest, Hungary. Thank you, Pop!

Philip W. Ransom, Jr. ’53