Textbook Program and Study Away

Study away students are not eligible for the Amherst College Textbook Solution (ACTS) program because they are not in residence at Amherst. Students' accounts will be reflect an ACTS Textbook credit for the semester cost of the textbook program due to their ineligibility. 

Students receiving financial aid will have textbook costs as estimated by their program included in their study away budgets. 

Questions? Contact geo@amherst.edu.

GeoBlue Supplemental International Health Insurance

GeoBlue is an international health insurance plan that offers in-network providers, telehealth, and many other services for students traveling abroad. Study abroad students may be automatically enrolled - and charged - for the semester or year if their program does not offer similar coverage. (The semester fee is approximately $450/semester but is dependent on the dates of the program. Students receiving aid will have the cost covered in their study away budget.)  Students studying abroad for a full year will pay the full year cost at the beginning of the year abroad.

Questions? Contact geo@amherst.edu.

Money Matters for Study Away

Semester or Year on Study Away

Students from the Amherst College Class of 2022

Students who entered in the 2018-2019 academic year will pay tuition costs associated with Amherst and the College will remit tuition payments due to the hosting institution. Students are responsible for paying fees associated with housing and food student activities, airfare, and other non-tuition expenses related to their host location. Students who entered Amherst prior to the 2018-2019 academic year should be in touch with Janna Behrens (jbehrens@amherst.edu). 

Please see our FAQs and Policies pages for home school tuition.

Students receiving Financial Aid

Students will remain eligible for all financial aid while attending approved domestic and foreign study programs. Financial aid will continue to be portable and is based on a student’s full demonstrated need, which is determined by inclusion of the comprehensive costs of the study away program and specific non-billed expenses such as associated transportation costs.

There are provisions, so students receiving aid should visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for information on how to transfer your financial aid package to an approved program. Students do not need to apply for aid or scholarship from the program or host institution since Amherst's aid transfers to approved programs. If a student applies for (and is awarded) financial aid or scholarship from the program or host institution, please note that the family contribution will not be reduced. Family contributions remain the same.

The document below should be read and printed out prior to meeting with Dean Alex Robinson (x2296), the senior financial aid officer who works with students studying away at Amherst. All students will complete the Study Away Budget sheet to calculate how their aid package will transfer to their study away program.

Budgeting for Study Away

Many programs will provide you with estimated expenses particular to the locale. We have drafted a more extensive list of items that you may – or may not – find necessary or useful for your study away budget. You will need to tailor the list to your specific needs, which will be based on what is provided by your program. Some of these items may be covered by financial aid, others may not. By no means is this list meant to capture everything you may possibly need, but it’s a starting point.

A brightly neon-lit street in Tokyo

Where to Find Student Deals

Nearly all study abroad destinations – whether capital city or small town in the countryside – will have establishments that offer discounts to students or are generally more affordable than the tourist traps. The best way to find these places is to ask students who’ve studied abroad before you, but it is even better to ask local students and local staff on your program or at the host university. Cheap eats and hot spots are trendy, so what was popular (and affordable) last semester may not be while you are abroad.

There are few websites that capture all resources for travelers on a budget, but previous students have shared the following with us. Please note that we do not endorse these organizations and it is your responsibility to research which are appropriate for you.

  • ISIC.org (travel and student discounts for cardholders)
  • Local news and culture websites