Deceased September 11, 2001

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In Memory

I’ve been taking stock of my life over the past year and I have to say, I was a little impressed. I’ve learned to drive. I’ve worked two jobs simultaneously. I’ve seen friends get married and kept up with many of your lives (overtly and covertly). However, in looking at this past year, I was struck by the fact that Maurita Tam would not be able to take stock of hers. I think more importantly than thinking about the circumstances of her death, your feelings about her killers and your feelings about the collective consciousness surrounding September 11, we should think about the seemingly trivial things we have done this past year that have aided in our personal development—be it work, school, friends or even love.

When I first realized she was gone, it was simple to just chalk her loss up to the events of that day. However, as I learn all the amazing things that we are doing individually, I feel cheated for not having known her and what she had planned for her future. Alas, we’ll never know but I think we should not take for granted that tomorrow is promised to no one and it’s important that we look forward to the pursuit of the things that will make us happy. The loss of our first classmate has been traumatic especially given the support from our class at the New York City memorial service as well as donations to the fund started in her honor. It is my hope that her loss causes us to appreciate each other and our collective experiences that much more.

Calvin Alexander ’01