Deceased February 24, 2004

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In Memory

Tara Goins Brennan passed away on Feb. 24, 2004. 

Tara spent her freshman year at Amherst in Stearns before transferring to Stanford. Tara was a talented violinist with a soft spot for both jazz and classical music. She had a knack for making friends and loved to stroll through stores, see movies, practice yoga and go out for sushi.

At Stanford, she earned honors in American literature while studying minority authors and writing a play that explored the issues of bi-racial identity in America. She was an editor for the Black Arts Quarterly and interned for the Democratic Leadership Council in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Stanford, she worked as a technical recruiter before entering the University of California-Hastings law school.

She is survived by her mother, Frances Nilson, and her father, James Goins.

Molly Lyons ’97