Happy Birthday Dean Moss!

At Black Alumni Weekend 2017, on Saturday, March 25 at 4 p.m. we will gather in Drew House to celebrate Black students and alumni at Amherst College, and especially to celebrate the impact that Dean Onawumi Jean Moss has had on generations of alumni and students, and her milestone birthday this fall. As part of this celebration we are collecting video and text remembrances and thanks for Dean Moss.

If you would like to record a brief memory or greeting for Dean Moss, here is how you can have it included in a collection that will be presented to her.

  • Email Carol Allman-Morton for a link to upload your video
    • You will recieve a reply message from callmanmorton with the subject line "Amherst College FileSender: Voucher."
    • Click the link in your email, and send your file to callmanmorton@amherst.edu
  • Please record in landscape (rather that portrait)
  • Messages under one minute are greatly appreciated

If you would prefer to send text, please use the form below to have it included in a gift for Dean Moss (before March 20).


Enter the characters shown in the image or use the speaker icon to get an audio version.