• RETURN EMAILS PROMPTLY.  Starting peer tutoring quickly is often essential to effectiveness.  You should respond to emails from students seeking a tutor or from their professor within 24 hours, and quickly determine whether you are able to tutor and will be able to agree on a time that will work for both of you. We understand there may be times during the semester when you are unable to tutor, but we ask that you communicate that clearly to tutees and students seeking tutors.
  • LET US KNOW WHOM YOU'RE WORKING WITH. If you agree to be a peer tutor, email Raphaela Moreno rmoreno@amherst.edu in Student Affairs to provide the name and email of the student you will be working with. If you don't hear from your tutee about arranging a time to meet, let us know.
  • CONSULT WITH COURSE INSTRUCTOR. Make sure the tutee's instructor is aware of the pairing, and check to see if they have any specific guidance on tutoring for their course. 
  • YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 2 TUTEES AT A TIME, 3 HOURS PER WEEK FOR EACH STUDENT. In addition, tutoring must be done individually and not in groups.
  • GETTING PAID: To get paid, you must let us know whom you're working with and submit accurate hours worked through Workday (either online or through the Workday app). This helps us keep track of how the tutorial is progressing. 
  • MAINTAIN CONFIDENTIALITY. Discussion of your tutoring sessions, or a student’s performance or progress with anyone other than the professor or deans is inappropriate.