Encourage your tutees to keep up with the course and not fall behind, read the assigned chapters, and work through examples in detail. If they get stuck on a problem, they should write down why they are stuck. Maybe there is a fact they need or are confused about the method to solve the problem. After they have their question firmly in mind, they should go back to the text and see if they can find the answer. If they have tried their best and it still isn’t clear, they should bring their questions to your tutoring session. You should also encourage them to go to faculty office hours, visit the Statistics TAs, or ask questions after class.   

From Your Professor

Learning Statistics is like learning a new language.  There are new ideas, new vocabulary and new rules. Some of it is straightforward and can be learned by rote; some of it requires study, thought and practice. Encourage your tutees to read the assigned chapter, work through the examples in detail, and then complete some of the exercises to check their understanding.

- Professor Horton