Alexei Remizov Albums and Supplementary Materials
Box No. 1
Folder No. Dates Description
1 1929, 1934 Album "Urs"; original plus photos. Text handwritten in Paris in 1929, 3 illustrations and one photo of Remizov from 1934, 11 pages. From a collection of legends of St. Nicholas in Tri Serpa. Includes signature.
2 21 June 1935 Album "Croquemitaine"; original plus photos. Including 13 negatives, Paris. 13 pages of photocopies.
3 1935 Album "Sun and Moon," ("Solntse i mesiats"); original plus photos. Buryatskie i yakutskie sazania. Text + 10 illustrations done by the author, Paris. Includes 19 pages of photocopies of the text and illustrations.
4   Sketchbook for "Buovo d'Antona" (Bova Korolevich), Opleshnik. It includes: 20 negative-plates, Manuscript in hardback, 20 pages of photocopies.
5 1921-1932 Album "Teatr" - negatives and color photos. Calligraphed introduction, self-portrait, 1927 collage "Anna Pavlova," 1931 collage "Chaliapin," 1929 collage "Chaliapin in 'Don Quixote',"  1925 collage "Meyerhold," 1922 collage "Evreinov," 1921 collage "Mikhail Chekhov," 1922 collage "Khmara," 1931 collage "Nikolai Slonimsky," 1921 drawing "Arkhangelsky," 1931 drawing "Nabokov," 1922 drawing "Benois," drawing "Levinson," 1930 collage "Makovsky," collage "Schletzer," 1928 collage "Kashuk," 1926 collage "Korovin," collage "Baliev," 1932 collage "Basil," 1930 collage "Canon des Gobelins," 1931 collage "Teatr M. Chekhova."
6 1937 Book "Trotinette. L'avanture [sic] de deux souris" -original, black/white and color transparencies. 1" album. Small cloth book with drawings on it. 8 drawings, 15 pages of text in French, 52 pages of photos of the text and illustrations.
7 1 July 1940 Scrapbook manuscript "Moi Sny" ("My Dreams"), "Sny Literaturnye iz Knigi 'Bedovaya Dolya'", Text with clippings. Collage back and front covers is framed in gallery. From book Bedovaya Dolya, Paris. 17 pages of newspaper clippings and page of photo of the cover, drawn by the author.
8 1935 Album "Zaiats" from "Tibetskie Skazki" original manuscript. Handwritten 6 pages of text plus 2 pages of illustrations. Paris.
9   Envelope of black/white photos
10   Envelope of unsorted prints and transparencies