How Conservation Pays Off

New research by Associate Professor of Economics Katharine Sims shows that paying communities to conserve natural resources helps the environment and society.

When the Library Book Is Your Own

Amherst’s head librarian is writing a book about the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, and he’s not the only Amherst staffer to publish in recent years. 

“A Culture of Ideas”

Professor Martha Umphrey, founding director of the Center for Humanistic Inquiry at Amherst, is gearing up for her new role: president of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities.

They’re Excited to Move

We invited six professors to visit the new Science Center and reflect on changes the new location will bring—deeper collaboration with colleagues, advanced teaching and research spaces, and more.

Childhood is a Short Season

Four Amherst scholars—Solsiree del Moral, Dominique Hill, Carrie Palmquist and Karen Sánchez-Eppler—share what they’ve learned about children, from the lab to the archives to the classroom.

Just One More Day

This is it! Just one more day to make your gift to the Annual Fund. Donate online or by Venmo (@amherstfund) by 11:59 p.m. PST on June 30. Just over 1,000 to reach our goal, and we receive $100,000 in challenge money. Thank you from all of us—the faculty, the students, and the staff. This campus relies on you, and we’re grateful for all you do.

The Last of the Tiger Parents

In a New York Times op-ed that explores topics around immigration and parenting, Ryan Park ’05 explains why he’ll never be a “tiger father.”