Deceased December 11, 1958

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In Memory

It is truly a shame that a person of the potential of Dave St. Clair should be taken so early in a life which already sparkled brilliantly.

Dave, an Air Force officer, was killed in a plane crash at Presque Isle, Maine, on Dec. 11, 1958.

While at Amherst, Dave was thoroughly respected by all for his mature outlook, quiet sincerity and consistent outstanding performances in all aspect of college life.

Treasurer of Beta fraternity, Dave was a member of FBM, Glee Club, News Bureau, Student, ROTC, and was elected to Sphinx in his junior year. Secretary of the Managerial Society, Dave managed the baseball and cross-country teams. Dave was a fine scholar, being found on the Dean's List consistently and he honored in English.

Dave distinguished himself throughout his military career, having been the number one scholar in his training program.

The whole class assures his widow, Heather, and his son, Dave Jr., that Dave will most certainly be long remembered with fondness and respect.