The Arts at Amherst Initiative offers funding for programs that promote cross-disciplinary collaboration and connect artists with the broader Amherst community. The Initiative welcomes proposals for lectures, classroom activities, performances, installations, and other community events, as well as other programs that support the mission of the Arts at Amherst Initiative.

What is the key to a successful application? The AAI Steering Committee loves to see applications that demonstrate significant partnerships with multiple departments/organizations on or off-campus. Examples of such partnerships include, but are not limited to, funding support from other departments, multi-department classroom visits, collaborations with local community centers, inter-disciplinary focused programming, and more. If you have any questions on how to submit a successful application please reach out to the Arts Coordinator, Sienna McCulley, at, or any other member of the AAI Steering Committee.

Mission Statement

The Arts at Amherst Initiative fosters participation in the arts at Amherst College by supporting collaboration across disciplines, facilitating conversations about the arts within the context of the liberal arts mission, and hosting leading artists from around the world.

Apply for Funding

To apply for funding, please provide the information that we have requested below. The priority deadline for events happening in Spring 2023 is November 18, though requests submitted after that date will still be considered.

We can not currently accept funding requests for projects occurring outside of the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

I give permission for Amherst College to use any of this information in the “Description of Event of Lecture” in Arts at Amherst promotional material
Does your event include in-person components

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