Home School Tuition Information & Policies

Starting with students who entered in the fall of 2018 and later, students who participate in an approved study away program will pay tuition costs associated with their enrollment at Amherst and the College will remit tuition payments due to the program or host university. Fees associated with housing and food, student activities, airfare, and other non-tuition expenses, are the responsibility of the student.

Students will remain eligible for all financial aid while attending approved domestic and foreign study programs. Financial aid will be based on a student’s full-demonstrated need, which is determined by the inclusion of the comprehensive costs of the study away program and specific non-billed expenses, such as associated transportation costs.

Students will receive two invoices for the study away semester or year, a summary of which is below.

  1. Bill from Amherst College

    Unless a student has outstanding charges, students will find the following charges on their Amherst bill:
    • Amherst tuition (financial aid remains portable)
    • Tuition insurance (students may opt out)
    • Amherst Student Health Insurance Plan (students may opt out*)
    • Some students will be automatically charged for enrollment in a supplemental health insurance through GeoBlue, which offers in-network providers in many countries abroad. Students who are billed this charge are attending programs that do not offer similar coverage and, therefore, enrollment is mandatory. For students that receive aid, this fee (approximately $450/semester but is dependent on the dates of the program) is covered by financial aid. Full year students will pay the full year cost at the start of the year abroad.
  2. Bill from Program or Host University

    Amherst only pays the tuition costs associated with the program. If there are non-tuition expenses, these will be billed directly to the student.

    Examples of non-tuition expenses that may be billed to the student:

    • Accommodation
    • Meals
    • Airfare

     Please note: non-tuition expenses vary by program.

*If a student is in residence at Amherst in the fall semester and is enrolled in the Amherst Student Health Insurance Plan at that time, the student may not opt out of the health insurance for the spring semester. Enrollment in SHIP in the fall means enrollment for the full year.

Home School Tuition Policies


Tuition charge
Students who entered in the fall of 2018 and onwards (mostly students in the Class of 2022*) will be charged Amherst tuition for each study away semester on an approved program. (Amherst exchange programs may have different fees according to the agreement with the exchange partners.) The College will pay the tuition fees of the study away program on behalf of the student, which includes payment (or reimbursement of) expenses related to obtaining a transcript, e.g., school of record fees, course fees, course readers. Students are responsible for accommodation, meals, and non-billed expenses, such as textbooks, optional trips, and personal travel expenses. Please note: Study away students are not eligible for the Amherst College Textbook Solution (ACTS) program because they are not in residence at Amherst. Students receiving financial aid will have textbook costs as estimated by their program included in their study away budgets.

Tuition insurance charge
Students will be charged tuition insurance. A.W.G. Dewar Inc. offers optional, independent tuition insurance covering medical withdrawals; subscribers are assured a refund of tuition within the terms of the plan for medical withdrawals. All medical withdrawals under the program are insured at 80% of the insured term tuition less any refund or credit due to you from the college. More detailed information is available at https://www.amherst.edu/offices/controller/student-accounts/tuition-insurance. If you do not wish to participate, an online waiver must be completed before the waiver deadline.

Health Insurance charge

Students will be charged the Amherst Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), which offers comprehensive global coverage. Students will be able to waive this insurance, but only if they confirm to the College that they will have comparable coverage for the duration of their trip, including any pre- or post-program travel and coverage upon return to the U.S.  Single-semester students who study away in the fall semester only will be billed for a single semester and, upon resuming their studies at the College, will be billed the SHIP for their semester back on campus (with the ability to opt-out). Should students want to waive insurance while they are in residence at Amherst, they may do so with the regular opt-out process through Gallagher. Please note: If a student is in residence at Amherst in the fall semester and is enrolled in the Amherst Student Health Insurance Plan at that time, the student may not opt-out of the health insurance for the spring semester. Enrollment in SHIP in the fall means enrollment for the full year.

If the student's study abroad - not domestic study, this is only an international plan - does not offer a similar plan, students have to be enrolled as per our arrangement with GeoBlue through Five College Risk Management. GeoBlue is an international health insurance plan that offers in-network providers, telehealth, and many other services for students traveling abroad. Study abroad students may be automatically enrolled - and charged - for the semester or year if their program does not offer similar coverage. (The semester fee is calculated based on the program dates , but is approximately $450/semester. For students receiving aid, the cost is covered in the study away budget.) Full year students will pay the cost of GeoBlue for the year at the start of the academic year for the full year, as is customary with our other health insurance premiums. Refunds are possible sixty days before the program start date.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is portable and comprehensive for students attending approved study away programs. Students do not need to apply for financial aid or scholarship from the program or host institution; if they do, the family contribution will not be reduced. Family contributions remain the same for study away. More information on financial aid and study away can be found here.

Program enrollment deposits

For program deposits that are billed against tuition, the College will pay these deposits on behalf of students who are confirming their enrollment in a program. Students are responsible for program deposits that are billed against housing and non-tuition expenses. If the student withdraws after the program deposit has been paid by the College, the College will post any non-refundable fees to the student’s account. (Students are responsible for other deposits, e.g., housing deposits.) Students returning to their studies at the College may not enroll in courses with outstanding balances.


For tuition refunds, the College will follow Amherst’s tuition refund policy since students are charged Amherst tuition. For housing, food, and non-tuition expenses, which are charged by the program, the College will follow the program’s refund policy. In the absence of a refund policy, the College will follow Amherst’s refund policy. Students are responsible for all non-refundable fees extended on their behalf, which will be posted to the student’s account. Students and their families should carefully review, and are responsible for knowing, the refund policies of both the program and of Amherst and be aware that students may not resume studies at Amherst until any outstanding balances have been paid.

Credit transfer

Students may not transfer away or take a personal leave of absence to participate in a study away program and transfer the credit retroactively. Students must be enrolled in the Study Away Placeholder course at the start of their approved program to be eligible to transfer credit and financial aid. A full list of academic policies is available here.


In the event there is a fee for the official transcript to be issued to the college, Amherst will pay for one transcript to be sent to the Office of the Registrar. Students are expected to pay for any additional transcripts. This includes transcript fees for study away programs that are not degree-granting institutions, which may have an accredited, degree-granting college or university that charges a fee for the transcript.

Outstanding balances

Students who have outstanding tuition balances on their Amherst account may not resume their studies at the College until the balance is paid. Students should direct inquiries to the Controller’s Office. Students who have outstanding balances with their programs may find that the program will not release transcripts until balances are paid and they need to direct any questions to the program. The College will place holds on students’ course registrations if there is a delay in receiving transcripts from study away.

*Students in classes prior to the class of 2022 who take leave from the college will have a five-year period away from the college, starting in spring 2020, in which their study away semester will follow the former tuition model. After the five-year period, in the spring of 2025, all students regardless of class year will follow the new tuition model.

Voluntary withdrawal

Voluntary withdrawals have serious implications for credit and financial aid. Students are fully responsible for all financial aid funds disbursed on their behalf. Voluntary withdrawals will result in the full cancellation of all Amherst financial aid funds paid on the student's behalf. Federal funds will be subject to federal regulations that might require a student to repay federal aid funds. Cancellation of financial aid funds, both institutional and federal, will result in a charge to the student's Amherst account. The balance of that account must be repaid before a student resumes their studies at Amherst College.

Students who are considering leaving their program early - a voluntary withdrawal - must contact the Director of the Global Education Office immediately to ensure that they understand the likely consequences of the choice they are considering.