Deceased October 3, 1984

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In Memory

Thomas Francis Curley III, 31, died on Oct. 3, 1984, in New York City of pneumonia. He had been appointed assistant professor of classics and comparative literature at the American College of Paris. The appointment was still being held for him at the time of his death, in hopes of his recovery.

Several of his scholarly manuscripts are now in press, including his Ph.D. dissertation, which will be published as a book. Tom was widely read and deeply learned in Greek, Latin, French and English literature. He held the Mellon Fellowship at the Department of Classics at Johns Hopkins University from 1982 to 1984. Prior to that, he taught at Hamilton College in New York.

Tom is survived by his mother, Louise; his father, Tom; his brother Mark; and his sister-in-law Mary Ellen.

A fine scholar and dear companion, Tom Curley was a great joy to his friends. To no one could the epithet urbanus studiosusque be applied more accurately. He is sorely missed.

Alan Greene ’76