Deceased April 30, 2021

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In Memory

Howie was one of our youngest, tallest and most talented classmates. He died April 30, just five days after his 90th birthday.

A star student and athlete in high school in Wyomissing, Pa., Howie continued to compete for the Jeffs and graduated with honors as an English major. He pledged Beta, where he was assigned the most coveted residence, concealed in the Beta House basement.

Howie was elected to Student Council and appointed treasurer. A versatile athlete, he lettered in three sports as forward in basketball, catcher in baseball and goalie in soccer. In the band, he played trombone with zest. In recognition of his achievements, Howie was elected to Sphinx, the junior honorary society.

Basketball drew enthusiastic crowds, the stands packed on weekend date nights with students in jackets and ties. Howie’s first big game and win came sophomore year vs. Wesleyan. Senior year was the most successful since 1943, with the Little Three title and wins over UMass and Brown. Howie sparked big wins over Williams and Union and excelled in a riveting last-second loss to Wesleyan.

Howie’s business career began on Madison Avenue with two top agencies, Dancer Fitzgerald and Foote, Cone & Belding. Gillette then became his long-term business focus; he led its strategic marketing initiatives to extend the competitive life of an exceptionally valuable consumer franchise. P&G acquired Gillette in 2005 in what Warren Buffet described as a “dream deal.”

Howie will always be best remembered for his devotion to his family, his kindness and his gentle spirit. Dixie, Howie’s wife of 55 years, and his three daughters were his “girls,” and he was “Poppa” to seven grandchildren.

Nick Evans ’52 and George Guenther ’52