SWAGS Faculty Office Hours (Spring 2024)

Note: If a zoom meeting is not stated, office hours will be held in-person in the faculty member's office shown below. For information on the locations of these buildings, please visit the Amherst campus map.

Amrita Basu

  • Office Hours: ON LEAVE
  • Office Phone: 413-542-2942
  • Office Location: 301 Cooper House
  • Email: abasu@amherst.edu

Riley Caldwell-O'Kefe

Katrina Karkazis

  • Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Also available by phone or Zoom by appointment.
  • Office Phone: n/a
  • Office Location: 111 Morgan Hall
  • Email: kkarkazis@amherst.edu

Jen Manion

Christine Peralta

Khary Polk

  • Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm and by appointment
  • Office Phone: 413-542-5518
  • Office Location: 304 Cooper House
  • Email: kpolk@amherst.edu

Krupa Shandilya