Suggested Syllabus Statements

Many faculty and staff are integrating a statement of accessibility into their syllabi or other materials. Below are suggested statements for this purpose.  Students may read the syllabus with varying levels of attention to detail, so we encourage you to read the statement or discuss with students in the first week of class.

Example 1: Suggested Statement from Accessibility Services

"As the instructor of this course, I endeavor to provide an inclusive learning environment. However, if you experience barriers to learning in this course, let's connect to discuss ways to best support your access. If you have disability-related circumstances and are seeking academic accommodations (e.g. extra-time testing, reduced distraction test area, short breaks as needed, note taking assistance, etc.), Accessibility Services is eager to assist us with identifying reasonable accommodations for the course. They can be contacted at

Example 2:

I strive to support all students so please come meet with me if you have any questions or concerns about your engagement and success in this course.  Students seeking general disability services and/or accommodations should contact Accessibility Services. You can reach them via email at, or via phone at 413-542-2337. Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be glad to meet with you privately during my office hours or at another agreed upon time to discuss the best implementation of your accommodations. For more information, please visit the Accessibility Services website

Example 3:

Accessibility Services

Students seeking general disability services and/or accommodations should contact Accessibility Services. You can reach them via email at, or via phone at 413-542-2337. Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be glad to meet with you privately during my office hours or at another agreed upon time to discuss the best implementation of your accommodations. For more information, please visit the Accessibility Services website

 Student Success

I strive to support all students so please come meet with me if you have any questions or concerns about your engagement and success in this course.  If you need additional support services, there are many available on campus including your Class Dean, the Counseling Center, and student resource centers.