Deceased October 23, 2022

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In Memory

Ted grew up in South Boston and came to Amherst from Williston Academy. As an undergraduate, he joined Phi Psi and was a chemistry-biology major. He participated in cross-country, sailing, skiing and the Glee Club. In our 50th reunion book, Ted related a situation when he was studying at 10 p.m. in the biology building, feet up on a lab table, when Professor Schotte walked in, thinking someone had forgotten to turn off the lights. After a verbal explosion by Schotte, quick-thinking Ted offered to help the professor in his own laboratory! Although our required public speaking course did not fit into Ted’s major, he felt the course was the most valuable course we would have at Amherst.

After graduation, Ted went to Boston University’s medical school, spent two years as a medical officer in the Navy and did a residency in anesthesiology. He spent 26 years as an attending physician for anesthesia at Framingham Union Hospital, retiring in 1993.

In 1994, Ted and wife Diana moved to Florida, where he expanded on his lifelong hobby of flying radio-controlled model airplanes. Some of these planes took as long as a year to construct. Ted said they have unknown “expiration dates,” so he did not get upset when one was “lost.” When his group’s flying field in central Florida was closed during the COVID pandemic, Ted built scenery for his son’s model railroad layout.

Diana described Ted as a “perfect gentleman,” very thoughtful of others. When Ted backed his car into the garage after flying his models, she knew proximity to the trash can was the reason after plane crashes with his models. Diana took care of Ted, at their home, by herself in the last three months of Ted’s life. He died peacefully on Oct. 23, 2022.

Rob Sowersby ’55