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Liberal Arts Collaborative for Digital Innovation (LACOL) invites all Amherst College students to participate in one or both (non-credit) 8-week summer courses: 

1) Digital Humanities: Social Justice Collections and Liberal Arts  Curricula

The course uses college archives and collections, and curricular data, as a multi-campus corpus to be interrogated as a basis for historically and socially relevant digital research. Students will apply different lenses – history, language, culture, religion, solo/ensemble works of art, “digital making” to formulate and address a research question through digital means. No formal prerequisites are expected. Read more about the course:

2) Applied Machine Learning

This class will probe further into the question “what is machine learning?” and teach you how to investigate data using machine learning models. It will teach you how to extract and identify useful features that best represent your data. You will learn a few of the most important machine learning algorithms (e.g. logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, and random forests) and learn how to evaluate their performance. The course is designed for students in STEM or Social Science fields outside of CS or Statistics. Read more about the course:

Both courses are fully online with synchronous and asynchronous elements and run from June 7 until August 4. One course participation requires a total of 10-15 hours per week.

Limited numbers of spaces are available. Please fill out this form to apply to participate in one or both courses by April 10. If you have any questions, please be in touch with Triin Vallaste, CHI Program Coordinator at