Reporting an Incident

What will happen if I “Submit A Report”?

We encourage the reporting of any information regarding incidents of sexual misconduct or identity-based harm. Please note that reporting to the Civil Rights and Title IX Office (CRTIX) is not the same as filing a formal complaint. You can make a report to our office without filing a formal complaint.

If you choose to make a report to the Civil Rights and Title IX Office, we will first send the Complainant (the person who experienced the reported harmful behavior) an outreach email. This might be you or someone else if you are reporting on behalf of another community member. This email will be an offer to meet with a professional staff member of CRTIX to share whatever the Complainant wants and learn about available support resources and reporting and resolution options.

Complainants are not expected to decide whether or not to engage in the Formal Complaint Process when the report is made, as we recognize that choosing to make a report - and deciding how to proceed after making the report - can be a process that unfolds over time. More importantly, we will make every effort to respect an individual’s autonomy in making these important decisions.

Even if you do not want to file a Formal Complaint through the College or file a police report, we encourage you to talk to the Civil Rights and Title IX Office to learn about your options to make an informed decision about your best next steps.  

Supportive measures are available regardless of whether you file a Formal Complaint or pursue a Formal Resolution of your case.

24/7 Response

Student Affairs has someone on call 24/7 who can be helpful for support or provide resources at any time of day or night.  You can be connected with an on-call administrator by calling College Dispatch at  413-542-2291.

Center for Counseling and Mental Health (CCMH)  provides counselors who are available 24/7.  You can contact CCMH at 413-542-2354. 

Health Services can be reached at 413-542-2267

The Amherst College Police Department (ACPD) is also a 24/7 resource available for support. Contact ACPD at College Dispatch:  413-542-2291.

Please don't hesitate to call these resources after hours.

What if I need help but I’m not ready to submit a report

You are encouraged to report any incident of sexual misconduct or identity-based harm to the Civil Rights and Title IX office even if you were not directly involved or you wish to remain anonymous. Please share as much information as you are comfortable sharing while keeping in mind that the more you share, the greater our ability to respond to the incident appropriately. If you remain anonymous, please be aware that you can still access our anonymous resource support, Harrison Blum, who is available to students.

Confidential Support

  • If you remain anonymous, please be aware that you can still access our anonymous resource support, Harrison Blum, who is available to students. Religious & Spiritual Life, and the Counseling Center as well.
  • Staff and Faculty members seeking anonymous support are encouraged to contact the Employee Assistance Program or the Ombudsperson. 

Tell Us What Happened

Campus Reporting Options