Nick Torres '25 – Introduction

Hello, My name is Nicholas and I’m a rising Junior here at Amherst College. I am originally from South Orange, New Jersey. I chose Amherst because of the open curriculum, the diversity of the student body, and the accessibility of opportunities to grow as a student and person. My experiences at the Access To Amherst Program solidified my interest in the college and convinced me to apply Early Decision.

Since arriving on campus, Amherst has more than lived up to and even exceeded my expectations. As an Education Studies major, I have found myself taking thought-provoking courses, that have encouraged me to seek out further knowledge in my areas of interest. Outside of the classroom, I have found myself engaging with La Causa, our Latino Affinity Group, and playing on the Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Team. In my free time, I enjoy eating Antonio’s Pizza and simply relaxing with my friends in the Cohan Common Room. If you would like to chat about anything Amherst, feel free to reach out to me via email at Tusks Up !!!

Club Sports

I think club sports are a big deal. In promoting physical fitness, camaraderie, and team spirit among students, Amherst offers a diverse range of club sports offerings for students to engage in and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Among the various club sports available, I think my ultimate frisbee team stands out. The club frisbee team is a force within the college community and in competitions. I think the team operates under a good structure, ensuring members have ample opportunities to participate and develop their skills. Three practices are held weekly, led by the highly skilled and experienced coach Bill. Although the practices are optional, team members must attend regularly to enhance their abilities and maintain peak physical condition.


The sense of camaraderie within the frisbee team is remarkable. The players share a strong bond, which extends beyond the playing field into a tight-knit community. This camaraderie fosters a supportive and encouraging environment where every member feels valued and motivated to contribute their best to the team's success. For example, we have a really big frisbee golf game each semester. Frisbee Golf or FROLF is very fun; it includes throwing the disk at different goalposts. It is hard but fun and an amazing way to do some good team bonding.


We also go to tournaments. The team travels to different cities and campuses, engaging in thrilling and intense matches against other colleges and universities, especially Williams. These tournaments provide an opportunity for us to show our skills and get some dubs. We embrace the excitement of traveling together for these tournaments while staying in hotels. These trips foster team spirit and create lasting memories. Of course, no discussion of these tournaments would be complete without mentioning the tradition of post-tournament celebrations. After a hard-fought match, the team comes together to share a meal, and one of our favorite dining spots is Olive Garden. We feast on limitless breadsticks, and I always get an Eggplant Parm. The camaraderie extends to these post-tournament feasts, where stories of epic plays and bids by my dear teammate Gerardson A.’25E are recounted with laughter and a sense of pride.


Beyond frisbee, Amherst College offers a plethora of other club sports, ensuring that students with diverse interests and athletic abilities can find a perfect fit. From soccer and rugby to swimming and rock climbing with the outing club, the sports clubs cater to a wide range of passions, fostering a culture of inclusivity and encouraging students to explore new activities and excel in their chosen sports.


Sports clubs at Amherst College, with the ultimate frisbee team as a shining example, play a vital role in promoting physical fitness, team spirit, and personal growth among the student community. The dedication and passion of athletes, combined with the support of experienced coaches and a sense of camaraderie, create an environment where students can thrive and build lasting memories while pursuing their athletic interests. Whether competing in tournaments, staying in hotels, or sharing unforgettable meals together, these experiences contribute to Amherst students' unique and enriching college journey.

The Rail Trail

This week I am taking you on an exciting journey along the picturesque Norwottuck Rail Trail, a haven for running enthusiasts like me. Nestled amidst the stunning landscapes of Western Massachusetts, this trail stretches for miles down to Northampton, providing a refreshing and scenic running experience. I run on it a few times every week, and let me tell you, it is quite the sight.  


I wake up around 7 AM for my runs. As I lace up my neon orange running shoes and step outside my dorm, the crisp morning air fills my lungs, energizing my body and mind. After a two-minute walk, I’ll have arrived at the trail. During the summer, the lush greenery surrounding the trail provides some refreshing coolness as you run, and during the fall, the greens give way to a whole rainbow of warm reds, oranges, and golds. I love the fact that we have different seasons.


While our four seasons’ visual variety is a big part of the trail’s visual appeal, part of its visual appeal is thanks to Amherst College.  Since part of the trail cuts through college grounds, our groundskeepers take care to maintain the trail and its surrounding plant life.  This, IMO, is a perfect example of Amherst using its resources to enhance the Valley Experience for everyone:  not just for Amherst College students, but also for local residents. Amherst’s dedication to the community definitely makes a difference in and enhances our experiences both on and off campus. 


As I reach the endpoint of my jog, I feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment—feeling proud that I've pushed my physical boundaries, but also humbly recognizing how fortunate I am to have this natural wonder a two-minute walk away. Whether you're looking for a regular running route on campus or an adventure in the great outdoors, the Norwottuck Rail Trail is an absolute must-visit destination. Embrace the magic of this trail, and let it leave a mark on your heart and mind, just as it has on mine. Happy running!

- Nick


Valentine Hall: Food on Campus

Imagine stepping into Valentine Hall (“Val” for short), the heart and soul of our campus. You feel  a surge of delight, for it’s more than just a dining hall; it's a culinary haven where you can indulge in good meals and tasty treats. But then you start feeling stressed—there are too many enticing options!  Where do you begin?  Which meals and treats should you indulge in first?  The answer is simple:  the ones I recommend for you, of course!  Below is an objectively correct list of Val’s best offerings, complete with descriptions and suggested add-ons that will take each item from top-tier to god-tier.  


Peanut Butter: Get ready for a tantalizing treat with freshly ground peanut butter. It's pure and free from additives or unwanted oils. For an even more exquisite Nick-approved taste, try mixing it with a drizzle of honey and a pinch of salt. The combination creates a symphony of flavors that will transport you to pure bliss.


Pepperoni Pizza: The legendary pepperoni pizza will bring perpetual happiness to your taste buds. Each bite offers a harmonious combination of thin, crispy crust, robust tomato sauce, and delectable pepperoni slices. The consistency of this Val favorite ensures pizza perfection every day.


Lighter Side Vegetables: Valentine Hall also caters to healthier options with their lighter side vegetable dishes. These seasoned vegetable medleys are crisp, vibrant, bursting with flavor, and good for you. You'll appreciate the delightful harmony of wholesome ingredients with every mouthful.


Granola: Start your day on a high note with freshly made granola. This crunchy and nutty delight serves as the perfect base for a breakfast masterpiece, like a parfait. Pair it with a variety of fresh fruits and a dollop of creamy yogurt for a delightful and energizing morning treat.


Soft-Serve Ice Cream: Indulge your sweet tooth with Valentine Hall's soft-serve ice cream. You can choose between classic dairy or oat milk options, allowing everyone to enjoy this frosty delight. Each spoonful of the velvety texture and cool, creamy goodness will transport you to a land of frozen dreams.


That concludes our list.  I hope that if and when you visit Val for the first time—and you learn firsthand why I’m right—you will at least give me some credit for steering you in the right direction.  


Enjoy Val, and bon appétit!