Deceased August 26, 2012

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In the course of our search for lost classmates, I told Bill Weaver ’74 that my letter to Steve Anspacher was returned undeliverable. Within an hour of finishing our meeting, Bill sent me Steve’s memorial piece from the New School. He passed away some time ago, Aug. 26, 2012, in my hometown of Pittsburgh. His obituary in the local paper was very brief, citing a surviving spouse and son.

The New School piece was laudatory. Steve became involved with the New School while pursuing a doctorate in education at Columbia University. His dissertation explored online education. His actual efforts extend much further, into developing the software that made remote education possible. He launched the New School’s program and perhaps many others.

Steve occupied the single directly below me in James. I remember him most for his beautifully furnished room—I was especially jealous of his overstuffed leather chair. He typified the stereotype of the Amherst student that most terrified me: a wealthy preppy. The door to his room was often open, and when I passed by, he cheerfully asked that I stop by for a drink. Eventually, I did. Our conversation was entertaining and pleasant; completely absent the expected disdain for my coal-mining background.

Steve left us after one semester at Amherst, and absent the words cited above, I know nothing of his life. I find myself somewhat surprisingly saddened by the loss of a classmate I barely knew. I do know he was a part of us, a part of that “only to be spoken of in superlatives” time of our first semester. I am sad that I will never hear his story. 

David Werner ’74