Generative AI Tools - Google Bard - Accessibility, Privacy, & Security

Google Bard logo, two four-pointed colorful stars


  • Publically available resource
  • Use caution and do not share private, sensitive, or personally identifiable information (PII). Do not upload college data or copyrighted materials.
  • Google Bard collects many types of data, and opting out is not always possible or straightforward. Treat this as higher risk for privacy. 
  • Accessible for keyboard use and with screen reader assistive technologies

Content Ownership


Privacy Policy

Digital Accessibility

  • Text-based Bard allows for keyboard-only navigation and use with assistive technology that converts speech-to-text, such as dictation apps, and text-to-speech, such as the Kurzweil and NaturalReader Chrome Web Browser Extensions. 

Response to & Policy for Security Incidents
