In 2023, Amherst completed the first year of work to decarbonize our campus energy system. We updated the heating and cooling systems in 10 buildings, installed 10,000 linear feet of pipe underground and moved 15,000 tons of soil—then moved it all back! In 2024, we’ll be tackling another section of campus.

A Climate Action Plan Update: A Bird's Eye View

Amherst College is decarbonizing our campus energy system from steam to low-temperature hot water powered by geothermal. In 2023, we worked on 10 buildings, installed 10,000 feet of pipe, moved 15,000 tons of soil…and then moved it back.

Here’s where to find more dirt on the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and what comes next:

Construction of the new student center  and dining commons building at Amherst College.

Campus Construction Information and Timelines

Find out where the work is focused in 2024, from The Octagon to Charles Pratt Hall and beyond. [Campus Construction Information & Timelines]

A sign describing renewable energy covers a construction fence.

Climate Action at Amherst

Amherst is one of only a small pool of schools embracing a project of this magnitude. As President Michael A. Elliott says: “Our commitment to the Climate Action Plan is both resolute and tangible.” [Climate Action at Amherst]

On-going construction at Amherst College.

Decarbonization of Amherst’s Energy System

Learn how we are switching to geothermal energy by installing ground-source heat pumps to create low-temperature hot water. [Decarbonization of Our Energy System]