Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries I: Biographical Documents and Papers

Box 15


Folder No.                       Contents                                Dates                            Description


1                                        Petro Grigorenko’s                                                     Restricted.



2                                        Petro Grigorenko’s                                                     Restricted.



3                                        Petro Grigorenko’s



4                                        Petro Grigorenko’s

                                          biography in English

                                          and in Ukrainian


5                                        Petro Grigorenko’s

                                          Curriculum Vitae

                                          and list of works


6                                        Various documents                    1945, 1969,            

                                          about Petro Grigorenko             1976, 1978

                                          issued by the Communist

                                          Party and KGB


7                                        Petro Grigorenko’s                     July 9, 1968,

                                          complaints to Moscow              July 18, 1968

                                          City Court                             


8                                        Letters, appeals,                         1970–1975


                                          materials to

                                          Tashkent City Court


9                                        Cherniakhovskii                          1971–1976

                                          City Court materials                  


10                                      Petro Grigorenko’s                     1974, 1981

                                          medical commission



11                                      Petro Grigorenko’s                     1966, 1969, 

                                          letters and addresses                 1970, 1975

                                          to the government,

                                          parties agencies, and

                                          general prosecutor


12                                      Petro Grigorenko’s                     1968–1979

                                          letters to Brezhnev

                                          and Andropov


13                                      Petro Grigorenko’s                     1967–1975                              Typed, photocopied

                                          letters and complaints

                                          concerning his pension


14                                      Petro Grigorenko’s               1978




15–16                               Petro Grigorenko’s               1978–1983,

                                          Correspondence with          1986

                                          US Administration              


17                                      The Grigorenkos’s               1979–1982, 1991

                                          correspondence with

                                          various publishers                    


18                                      Petro Grigorenko’s              

                                          birthday cards, addresses,

                                          cards, poems by various



19                                      Telegrams by

                                          family friends of the



20                                      Congratulatory telegrams   1978–1981

                                          to Petro and Zinaida



21–23                               Birthday and other               1977–1985, 1992,

                                          congratulatory cards           n.d.

                                          to Petro and Zinaida



24                                      Materials on Petro               1990

                                          Grigorenko Foundation      


25                                      Materials on Petro

                                          Grigorenko’s funeral


26                                      Condolences on Petro

                                          Grigorenko’s death


27                                      Documents on Petro            1992–1995




28                                      Materials on                          1991–1994




29                                      Petro Grigorenko’s

                                          pensioner’s ID, certificate

                                          of dismissal from the

                                          military service, trade

                                          union membership book,

                                          personal medical record

                                          book, laber record


30                                      Various medical and

                                          other references for

                                          Petro and Zinaida

                                          Grigorenko, Petro


                                          Diploma (copy)


31                                      Miscellaneous materials


Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries I: Biographical Documents and Papers

Box 16


Folder No.                       Contents                                Dates                            Description


1                                        Biographical data                 [1977], n.d.

                                          on Zinaida Grigorenko

                                          and Andrew Grigorenko


2                                        Zinaida Grigorenko’s           1964–1973

                                          correspondence with the

                                          Supreme Court of the

                                          USSR, with the

                                          procurator’s offices and etc.


3                                        Zinaida Grigorenko’s           1961–1992

                                          appeals and complaints

                                          to the government, Party,

                                          and Military agencies of

                                          the USSR


4                                        Draft of Zinaida                    [1969]                            Handwritten


                                          notes on her visit to

                                          Tashkent hospital


5                                        Zinaida Grigorenko’s           1988, 1992,

                                          correspondence with           1994

                                          various societies and

                                          political organizations


6–8                                   Zinaida Grigorenko’s           1970–1990s

                                          address books


9                                        Andrew Grigorenko’s         

                                          1st grade writing book


Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries II: Photographs

Box 16


Folder No.                       Contents                                Dates                            Description


(Coming soon) 


Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries III: Newspaper and Journal Clippings about the Grigorenkos

Box 17


Folder No.                       Contents                                Dates                            Description


1                                        Newspaper articles              1968–1977

                                          about Petro Grigorenko

                                          and his family, in English


2                                        Articles about the

                                          Grigorenkos in

                                          Norwegian news-



3                                        Articles about the

                                          Grigorenkos in

                                          German news-



4                                        Article “Kronzeug                1978

                                          gegen KGB” in

                                          German magazine



5                                        Articles about Petro            1968–1970, 1978, 

                                          Grigorenko in German          1979, n.d.



6                                        Articles about the

                                          Grigorenkos in Swedish

                                          and Danish newspapers

7                                        Articles about the                                                      Attachment: a poster of Petro

                                          Grigorenkos in Dutch                                                Grigorenko’s talk in Leiden,

                                          newspapers                                                                 the Netherlands


8                                        Articles about the

                                          Grigorenkos in Polish,

                                          Lithuanian, and Hebrew


9                                        Articles about the                1970, 1973,

                                          Grigorenkos in French         1978, 1981


10                                      Articles about the                1980

                                          Grigorenkos in French


11                                      Articles about the                1978, 1980

                                          Grigorenkos in Italian         


12                                      Articles about the                1978, 1980   

                                          Grigorenkos in Spanish


13                                      Articles by Petro                  1977, 1978, n.d.


                                          published in various



14                                      Articles by Petro                  1979


                                          published in various



15                                      Articles by Petro                  1980


                                          published in various



16                                      Articles by Petro                  1981–1987, 1990


                                          published in various



17                                      Newsclippings about         

                                          Soviet dissidents

                                          (assembled by Zinaida

                                          and Andrew Grigorenko)


18                                      Articles about

                                          religious life in the



19                                      Articles about

                                          Crimean Tatars

                                          (in Russian and English)


20                                      Articles about

                                          Soviet dissidents,

                                          human rights activists,

                                          Moscow Helsinki Group

                                          (in English)


21                                      Articles about                       1981–1984, n.d.

                                          Soviet dissidents,

                                          human rights activists,

                                          Moscow Helsinki Group

                                          (in Russian and Ukrainian)


22                                      Articles about                       1988–1999

                                          Soviet dissidents,

                                          human rights activists,

                                          Moscow Helsinki Group

                                          (in Russian and Ukrainian)


23                                      Articles about

                                          Soviet dissidents

                                          and human rights

                                          activists (in German,

                                          Swedish, Dutch,

                                          Turkmen, Italian)


24                                      Articles and reviews            1980, 1994,  

                                          on Russian literature           1997–2000

                                          (in Russian)


25                                      Reviews on Petro                 1973–1981




26                                      Reviews on Petro                 1982

                                          Grigorenko’s book


27                                      Reviews on Petro                 January 1983

                                          Grigorenko’s book


28                                      Reviews on Petro                 Feb–Aug 1983

                                          Grigorenko’s book


29                                      Reviews on Petro                 Sept 1983–1991

                                          Grigorenko’s book


30                                      Reviews on Petro                 n.d.                                Attachement: poster of the

                                          Grigorenko’s book                                                     movie about Petro Grigorenko

                                                                                                                                “The Man Who Wouldn’t Keep



Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries III: Newspaper and Journal Clippings about the Grigorenkos

Box 18


Folder No.                       Contents                                Dates                           


1                                        Crimean news-

                                          papers in Russian

                                          and in Ukrainian


2                                        Articles about Soviet          1970, 1975–1980

                                          dissidents, human

                                          rights activists,

                                          Moscow Helsinki

                                          Group, in Russian

                                          and Ukrainian


3                                        Articles about

                                          Andrey Sakharov,

                                          in English, Russian,

                                          and Danish


4                                        A folder with the

                                          materials about

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          (assembled by

                                          Andrew Grigorenko)


5                                        Selected issues

                                          of Ukrainian émigré


                                          “Ukrainski Wisti”,

                                          “Ukrainian Word”,

                                          “Svoboda”, “The Day”


6                                        Selected issues

                                          of Russian émigré


                                          “Russkaya mysl”


7                                        Selected issues

                                          of Russian émigré



                                          New York”,

                                          “Novoye Russkoye



8–10                                 Articles about Russian

                                          history and the life

                                          in the USSR


11                                      Articles by Andrew,

                                          Petro, and Zinaida Grigorenko

                                          published in various newspapers           


12                                      Articles about

                                          Petro Grigorenko’s

                                          death and funeral,

                                          in English, Russian,

                                          and French


13                                      Articles by Zinaida

                                          and Viktor Grigorenko

                                          published in various



14                                      Articles by Petro and

                                          Zinaida Grigorenko

                                          (written cooperatively)


15                                      Articles about                       1978

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in English-language



16                                      Articles about                       1979

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in English-language



17                                      Articles about                       1980–1987

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in English-language



18                                      Articles about                       n.d.

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in English-language



19                                      Articles about

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in Ukrainian

                                          émigré newspapers


20–21                               Articles about

                                          the Grigorenkos

                                          in Russian-language



Series V: Personal Materials (1940s–1990s).

Subseries IV: Audio and video material about the Grigorenkos

Box 19-20                     


Audio cassettes:


  • Tamizdat July–August 1983 [17 tapes]


  • Interview with Petro Grigorenko [2 tapes]


  • Interviews with Zinaida and Andrew Grigorenko about Petro Grigorenko


  • Interview with Zinaida Grigorenko on December 17, 1994 in South Bound Brook, NJ


  • A program about Crimean Tatars in “Svoboda”





·         Harvest of Despair.  [A documentary about the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine].  Produced by the Ukrainian Famine Research Committee.  Yevshan, YV 101. 


·         Frontline: “Back on the USSR”.  


·         Poslednii mir.  [A documentary about the WWII].  1999.  Televizionnaya studiya “Kloto”.  Parts 2–5 and 7.  


Video footage:

·         Moscow – St. Ekaterina  [2 copies – in Pal-Secam, in American Standard]


·         Crimea, May 15–17, 1999  [2 copies – in Pal-Secam, in American Standard]


·         Gathering of the Tatars


·         Interview with Zinaida Grigorenko


·         The news program of NTV (HTB) October 14, 1997.


·         Miscellaneous materials taped by Andrew Grigorenko


·         Material about General Petro Grigorenko


·         75th Birthday of Petro Grigorenko


·         Material about General Petro Grigorenko


·         90th Birthday of Petro Grigorenko


·         A birthday of Petro Grigorenko


·         The Man Who Could Not Keep Silence [A copy of the film about Petro Grigorenko]


·         Material about General Petro Grigorenko




8 microfilms preserving the signatures of Crimean Tatars petitioning about Anti-Social activity