Marine Reptiles with Caroline Needell '22

During the 2021 - 2022 school year a number of Amherst College students chose to conduct focused research related to one or more of the specimens on display in the museum. This video looks at the evolution and extinction of three important Marine Reptiles; the Phytosaur * Mosasaur * Ichthyosaur.

The Transition From Life in Water to Life on Land: Tetrapods and Tiktaalik

Have you ever wondered: at what point in time did organisms evolve from fish to land-dwelling organisms? What was the transition species? Where and how was it discovered? Hi! My name is Tracy Huang takes un on a deeper dive into tetrapods, Tiktaalik, and the evolution from aquatic to land animals.

From Burial to Beneski - How Living Creatures Become Fossilized

Taphonomy & Type Fossils

Have you ever wondered how we know so much about living creatures that lived so long ago. Fiona Anstey Class of 2024 will help us explore how living creatures can become fossilized.

Mother Nature's Canvas: Colors in Fossils

Taku Mahuru class of 2024 presents of the fossilization process of Permineralization, where minerals like silica fill the empty spaces of shells, is the most common form of fossilization

Dryosaurus altus

Ben Clark-Eden '25 as he talks you through the Dryosaurus altus and the research done on this specimen by alum Matthew Inabinett '18

Meteorites with Ariana Ravitch '24:

Fossils from the Beneski

Ariana Ravitch presents on Meteorites held in the Beneski Museum of Natural History at Amherst College. Charles Upham Shepard has a very well known collection of over 25,000 minerals. But did you know he also had the fifth largest collection of meteorites for his time?

Beneski Student Promo

Join Jesse Pagliuca, Amherst College student, as he interviews Museum Educator Fred Venne about what the Beneski has to offer.

Dryosaurus Construction

Watch the construction of a new dinosaur specimen in the museum.