50th Reunion

Irving Waltman

After over 35 years as an independent practitioner in general surgery, the thrill of an accurate diagnosis and the successful execution of an operation, as well as the satisfaction of contributing to the physical and emotional needs of patients all persist. Even with the changes in the health care environment that have increased regulations and pressured the physicians to consider the expense of therapy, at the time when quality of care should be the primary requisite, the joys of medical practice are many and the challenge for excellence constant.

So that's why I am still on the job and hope to continue as long as health and technical skills allow. Fighting senescence is the big challenge and a little luck in this battle is necessary, but maintaining hard work habits and an active exercise program of calisthenics and swimming daily may help. At least, I'm giving it a good try.

Our oldest child, Richard, is continuing the medical tradition as a family practitioner in Tacana, Wash. Our daughter, Marjorie Feldman, is married to a cardiologist in Santa Rosa, CA. Our daughter, Phyllis, is a busy entrepreneur in the home show area. Our son, Larry, is an art director at Warner Communications in the Big Apple. Fran, my wife, is active as a docent at the Wadsworth 

Irving Waltman

Atheneum and on the board of the Hartford Jewish Historical Society.

She has been doing research on the immigrant experience in Hartford. She and I established the Edward Lewis Wallant Award over 20 years ago and this award, which is given each year for a book of significance for the American Jew, has attained national recognition.

We have four wonderful grandchildren in the five-and-six-year-old age group and are grateful for good health and the capacity to lead fairly active lives.