50th Reunion

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Very little has changed in the past five years, except our address. We gave up the hassle of the ferry commute to Seattle and moved to a delightful golf course community 25 miles north of the city. Our home sits high above two ponds and the 15th green, where even my wildest slice can't reach our deck. 

Vicki and I still travel as much as possible, and as I write this we are preparing for a month in Japan and China.

My grandchildren are growing rapidly, the eldest will be entering college next fall.

Vicki's two sons have both graduated; one now in grad school, the other working on his first million.

I have become very active with my fraternity (Chi Psi) and am currently serving as trustee of their Educational Trust.

So life goes on apace, slowing down just a trifle but very content with my lot.